In Thunder's Echo (Legend of the Five Rings Quest)

[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you.
-[x] Bow out before you get too drunk regardless.

[x] Start with a few poems about food. Easy to fit in seasonal references and sensations, fits into the theme of conversation, and generally unobjectionable.
[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you.
-[x] Bow out before you get too drunk regardless.

[x] Start with a few poems about food. Easy to fit in seasonal references and sensations, fits into the theme of conversation, and generally unobjectionable.
@Maugan Ra : Is the character sheet right? It says we have 11XP, and I could have sworn we spent that. Or did we get more later and I missed it?

@Sirrocco: What do you think about the Strike At the Tail thing? Our boss is from the Bitter Lies Dojo and it is a Tier 3 as well.

EDIT: Also, I think it is 162 Insight, not 161. I might be wrong.
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@Maugan Ra : Is the character sheet right? It says we have 11XP, and I could have sworn we spent that. Or did we get more later and I missed it?

@Sirrocco: What do you think about the Strike At the Tail thing? Our boss is from the Bitter Lies Dojo and it is a Tier 3 as well.

EDIT: Also, I think it is 162 Insight, not 161. I might be wrong.

You are correct when it comes to both experience and insight. The character sheet has been updated accordingly. Good catch!

I feel obligated to point out that Bayushi Kimoko has been getting a lot of use out of her Bitter Lies training here. The technique allows you to spend a Void point to re-roll any single roll. Not any combat roll - any roll.
I feel obligated to point out that Bayushi Kimoko has been getting a lot of use out of her Bitter Lies training here. The technique allows you to spend a Void point to re-roll any single roll. Not any combat roll - any roll.
What the hell has she been doing behind the scenes?
Or did you just want to point out how good that technique is?
What the hell has she been doing behind the scenes?
Or did you just want to point out how good that technique is?
Mostly schmoozing up the Matsu and terrifying people, I'd think.

@Maugan Ra : Is the character sheet right? It says we have 11XP, and I could have sworn we spent that. Or did we get more later and I missed it?

@Sirrocco: What do you think about the Strike At the Tail thing? Our boss is from the Bitter Lies Dojo and it is a Tier 3 as well.

EDIT: Also, I think it is 162 Insight, not 161. I might be wrong.
The ability to arbitrarily fatigue your enemies is nice... but I'll agree that the Bitter Lies replacement is nicer, given the noncombat applications. The ability to call a reroll after the fact, and then pick which one you like is... strong. Lets you reliably crank on a raise or two more than you could otherwise really afford, for one thing. That's pretty big.
If we go for Bitter Lies, we may also want to invest in the Luck Advantage if possible. The two stack nicely and a lot of Bitter Lies Swordsmen also have it.
[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you.
-[x] Bow out before you get too drunk regardless.

[x] Start with a few poems about food. Easy to fit in seasonal references and sensations, fits into the theme of conversation, and generally unobjectionable.
OK, quickly popping in here while I have a minute. Can someone please count up the final results, so I can get to writing the next update?

Bonus points/Free Raises to anyone who helps me devise poems for the winning entry. Which might be Mulan-inspired...
Vote tally:
[x] Go until you are too drunk to continue
[x] Poems about the Moon try to work in an allusion for our Ikoma friend to pick up what we know.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you.
No. of votes: 1[/b]

[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you.
-[x] Bow out before you get too drunk regardless.
[x] Start with a few poems about food. Easy to fit in seasonal references and sensations, fits into the theme of conversation, and generally unobjectionable.
No. of votes: 12

Sirrocco, EtchedSteel, Dark as Silver, Bastur2, Bommelom, Kelenas, Hydroplatypus, The Laurent, noliar, Seventeen, Broken25, veekie

[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you, but do not be afraid end in the lead.
-[x]Pace yourself. Try and give a good showing, however be careful. You do not want to get fully drunk.
[x] Write in - Poems about a young maiden bringing honour to her family, her reflections on who she is meant to be, about what it means to be a warrior in a macho culture, and then what kind of a girl is really worth fighting for.
No. of votes: 8
Droman, Hello, primemountain, A Nation's Virtue, The king Chad, nairit, kanemi, Reklaw

[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you.
-[x] Bow out before you get too drunk regardless.
No. of votes: 1

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[x] Aim to keep pace with those directly around you, but do not be afraid end in the lead.
-[x]Pace yourself. Try and give a good showing, however be careful. You do not want to get fully drunk.
[x] Write in - Poems about a young maiden bringing honour to her family, her reflections on who she is meant to be, about what it means to be a warrior in a macho culture, and then what kind of a girl is really worth fighting for.
Sorry mate vote closed about sixteen minutes before your post.
I have no idea how haiku work, but hey:

Red Sauce on Rice,
Splashed like Blood on fresh Snow,
Revel Life, rest in Death.

Would that work? For a Haiku, or did I make some horrid mistake?
I have no idea how haiku work, but hey:

Red Sauce on Rice,
Splashed like Blood on fresh Snow,
Revel Life, rest in Death.

Would that work? For a Haiku, or did I make some horrid mistake?


It needs to be 5/7/5.

Red Sauce on Rice splashed,
like Blood upon the new Snow,
Love life, accept death.

How about this? It's a little grim, but it fits the sort of fatalistic Samurai ethos.

New snow because that implies youth. You're born in blood and death, even upon the white purity of life.

Edit: Fixed for Haiku. There, that should be better.

You should love life for its rice and sauce (the good things), but accept that you will die.
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Or maybe:

Liquid fire flows free,
Warms us in Shiro Matsu.
Cleanse us from all sin.

I am not sure I am really getting it.

Liq-quid fire flows free (5)
Warms us in Shi-ro Mat-su (7)
Cleanse us from all sin (5)

Wait, I got it wrong. That's actually a fine one!

But, I would say...use cleanses.

Edit: How about this one?

Liquid fire flows,
Warms us in Shi-ro Mat-su (7)
Cleanses us from all sin (5)
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Maybe I am just not getting it, but are not the Syllables like this:

Red /Sa/uce /on/ Rice, 5
Splash/ed/ like/ Blood /on/ fresh/ Snow, 7
Rev/el /Life, rest/ in/ Death. 5


Liq/uid/ fire/ flows/ free, 5
Warms/ us/ in/ Sh/iro Mat/su. 7
Cleanse/ us /from/ all/ sin. 5

Or is this thing lieing to me?
Syllable Counter, Word Count -
Maybe I am just not getting it, but are not the Syllables like this:

Red /Sa/uce /on/ Rice, 5
Splash/ed/ like/ Blood /on/ fresh/ Snow, 7
Rev/el /Life, rest/ in/ Death. 5


Liq/uid/ fire/ flows/ free, 5
Warms/ us/ in/ Sh/iro Mat/su. 7
Cleanse/ us /from/ all/ sin. 5

Or is this thing lieing to me?
Syllable Counter, Word Count -

Sauce doesn't have two syllables. Neither does splashed. And the very syllable counter comes up with 6 on the last line.

rev-el Life, rest in death

However, I was wrong. Your second Haiku actually works, and I edited my post to note that. The first, not so much.
Maybe I am just not getting it, but are not the Syllables like this:

Red /Sa/uce /on/ Rice, 5
Splash/ed/ like/ Blood /on/ fresh/ Snow, 7
Rev/el /Life, rest/ in/ Death. 5


Liq/uid/ fire/ flows/ free, 5
Warms/ us/ in/ Sh/iro Mat/su. 7
Cleanse/ us /from/ all/ sin. 5

Or is this thing lieing to me?
Syllable Counter, Word Count -
It's lying to you for some of the words, since syllables are based on how it sounds, so sauce and splashed is said as just one sound, while fire is said as fie-ehr so two syllables
So then, something like:

Red /Sauce / on/white/ Rice, 5
Splashed/ like/ hot/ Blood /on/ fresh/ Snow, 7
Rev/el /Life, rest/ Death. 5


Liq/uid/ fi/re/ flows, 5
Warms/ us/ in/ Sh/iro Mat/su. 7
Cleanse/ us /from/ all/ sin. 5

So we end with:

Red Sauce on white Rice
Splashed like hot Blood on fresh Snow,
Revel Life, rest Death.


Liquid fire flows,
Warms us in Shiro Matsu.
Cleanse us from all sin.

Would that be correct?