OK. So, this could be a problem. Between the low light and your own less-than-perfect mental state you can't be sure of how many Lion samurai are present, but you're going to go out on a limb and say a lot. And while the Lion Clan have a great many flaws and weaknesses, no one has ever denied they are good in a fight. If this lot mean you harm... you're in a fairly considerable amount of trouble.
So, choices. Run? You're already lost, and this is their home besides. The chances of evading detection or outrunning them are fairly slim, and while you might have better luck finding safety within the line of sight of a convenient witness, you have no idea where exactly you'd find one of those and how likely they are to actually, well, help.
So! Time to follow your lord's example and brazen your way through this. Alternately, bluff like your life depends on it, for it very well might.
"Lion-sama!" You proclaim loudly, putting as much false cheer into your voice as you can manage. And a fair bit of volume as well, because you never know when there might be someone more friendly within earshot. "Lost? Yes, just a bit. The Banquet, you see - Crabs and sake. Not my best idea."
You step towards the nearest wall, as though looking for support. That it restricts the number of people who can come at you at once is of course pure coincidence. "You have good sake, Lion-sama."
You pause here for a moment, throwing in a slight sway that is only halfway theatrical. And since you might as well be optimistic, you decide to throw in another request. "Could you spare a guide? I'm trying to get back. But it just keeps moving."
The shadowy forms of the Lion close in around you, and one of them laughs. It is not a very nice laugh.
"A guide, Scorpion? But of course, I'd be happy to." One of them, a woman, says slyly. "A guide to the infirmary, perhaps? Or to the side of your ancestors..."
There is a faint scrape of metal against metal, and suddenly the laughter stops. For a moment there is nothing but silence in the snow-filled street, before the speaker manages to find their voice again.
"What are you doing, Ginwei?" She says, all humour gone from her tone.
"Preventing you from disgracing us all." The cold voice of Matsu Ginwei says. "He is our guest, and I will not stand idly by while you spit on our lord's honour like this."
"You... glurk... you dare." The woman says again, cutting off in the middle with a sound remarkably reminiscent of someone finding a blade pressing against their throat. "He is a Scorpion. His very presence here is an insult to us all."
"Then respond to it on the dueling fields, like I did." Ginwei replies, a certain tension in his voice. "Or are you such a coward you can only face your enemy when he is drunk and outnumbered?"
There is a low rumble of discontent at that, but no reply. After a moment, Ginwei speaks again. "All of you. Leave, now, and I will pretend I never saw your faces. Go."
For one horrible, extended moment you aren't sure if the demand will be obeyed. And then the silhouettes begin fading away, back into the streets of Shiro Matsu. Once they are gone, the large and muscular form of Matsu Ginwei looms out of the darkness and approaches you.
"Scorpion. I would have thought you had more sense than this." He says darkly, returning a small blade to its sheathe. "Come on. Let's get you back to your quarters."
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