
Regarding Okeanos...

You guys do realize that Barti would've Surtr'd for Ophelia because she has the hair, right? Not to mention Mashu and Ana...

likely won't happen because of the stated increase in greek servants and the amount of coffins Chaldea has available but i'll write an omake or something just you wait

On that note, Napoleon. Is he gonna show up anytime soon?
Two questions:

-One: Well latest Summer Event in JP had Bryn having for NP a sword supposed to be a copy of Tyr's own, that only her can summon, but only Sigurd can wield... How is that giant wedding cake slicer affected by Nega-Weapon?

-Two: Something pretty WMG, buuuuut...
Manaka is taking inspiration from Morgan. They have a very similar goal with wildly different outcomes. The instability of the timeline and one event in very early on made the plot possible. That event will be clarified in the Septem climax.

So, Matt is a male saberface, and while they're the Fate ones, he has some... level of relationship, shall we say, with Cu Chulainn and Gilgamesh... Would there happen to be any link between Matt and Proto arthur by chance? And who is the lady who will take Ayaka's place and make all three of them her harem?

Regarding Okeanos...

You guys do realize that Barti would've Surtr'd for Ophelia because she has the hair, right? Not to mention Mashu and Ana...

likely won't happen because of the stated increase in greek servants and the amount of coffins Chaldea has available but i'll write an omake or something just you wait

On that note, Napoleon. Is he gonna show up anytime soon?

I am looking at pirates and sailors too, but Okeanos is the Ritsuka and Wodime show. If Bart shows, he won't go gaga for Ophelia until he hits Chaldea.

Napoleon will probably star in a mini-event like Halloween was alongside other Servants.

Two questions:

-One: Well latest Summer Event in JP had Bryn having for NP a sword supposed to be a copy of Tyr's own, that only her can summon, but only Sigurd can wield... How is that giant wedding cake slicer affected by Nega-Weapon?

-Two: Something pretty WMG, buuuuut...

So, Matt is a male saberface, and while they're the Fate ones, he has some... level of relationship, shall we say, with Cu Chulainn and Gilgamesh... Would there happen to be any link between Matt and Proto arthur by chance? And who is the lady who will take Ayaka's place and make all three of them her harem?

I'd say that it would make Nega-Weapon apply as Resistance instead of Immunity, but that isn't what I have in store for the moment.

Matthew looks like Proto Arthur Lily, but there is no direct link. I honestly haven't thought on Ayaka very much because while Manaka is awe-inspiring as an antagonist, I have a bad habit of forgetting Ayaka existed.

I just want Napoleon to be in Mat(t)s harem

Despite whatever doujins might say, I am pretty sure that Napoleon is written as straight. Given I can't remember off the top of my head if he had any male lovers in history (which means he probably didn't) I won't be including him. As a rule of thumb, if a character was non-heterosexual either in Fate or in their source material, I will gleefully make use of it. Otherwise, I don't go messing with it for shipping's sake.
DW is insane. Especially considering that Rama isn't in Arcade yet... sigh.
And he won't be, we can also kiss any chance of seeing Sita in FGO mobile due to Curse of Separation.

You guys do realize that Barti would've Surtr'd for Ophelia because she has the hair, right? Not to mention Mashu and Ana...
Ah, the Gentlemanly pirate is a man of cul.....wait, Ana? Lolidusa doesnt have one eye covered by her hair, last i checked.

-One: Well latest Summer Event in JP had Bryn having for NP a sword supposed to be a copy of Tyr's own, that only her can summon, but only Sigurd can wield... How is that giant wedding cake slicer affected by Nega-Weapon?
I'd say that it would make Nega-Weapon apply as Resistance instead of Immunity, but that isn't what I have in store for the moment.
Ok is it for the fact that it is a replica? Because divine weapons normally don't have counters, even if they are replicas.
Also "Nega Weapon" worked similarly to a class advantage against Hominidae Servants and creatures. Meaning she is like a discount Primate Murder in lore.
The skill that makes possible to resist Noble Phantasms is her second Passive Skill "Eternal Darkness Gradiation". And even so its just a resistance to damage, not outright immunity. Wait wouldn't Matthew count as a non Hominidae servant? Seeing as his partial Saint Graph is that of a Fae?

Despite whatever doujins might say, I am pretty sure that Napoleon is written as straight. Given I can't remember off the top of my head if he had any male lovers in history (which means he probably didn't) I won't be including him. As a rule of thumb, if a character was non-heterosexual either in Fate or in their source material, I will gleefully make use of it. Otherwise, I don't go messing with it for shipping's sake.
Im pretty sure that if it was Iskandar to ask him if he is curious he would accept to experiment
I am looking at pirates and sailors too, but Okeanos is the Ritsuka and Wodime show. If Bart shows, he won't go gaga for Ophelia until he hits Chaldea.

Napoleon will probably star in a mini-event like Halloween was alongside other Servants.

plenty of tme for that to happen.
Given all the Geeks some guys might go Gaga over Wodomine first.

how about Valenstine or White Day? a hot-Blooded frensh man would fit those thematically.

And he won't be, we can also kiss any chance of seeing Sita in FGO mobile due to Curse of Separation.

maybe DW can make it an Event with Sita as a Wellfare Servant, in order to get her we have to break the Curse or something like that.
Fighting the OP Demons that the OP Indian Servants faced in their legends
maybe DW can make it an Event with Sita as a Wellfare Servant, in order to get her we have to break the Curse or something like that.
Fighting the OP Demons that the OP Indian Servants faced in their legends
Make her a 5 stars whose copies you can only get in Ultra High Difficulty quests.

Also i dont know if Vitch's second passive has to do with her concealing her form so the chaldeans dont know where to attack her or not
Ok is it for the fact that it is a replica? Because divine weapons normally don't have counters, even if they are replicas.
Also "Nega Weapon" worked similarly to a class advantage against Hominidae Servants and creatures. Meaning she is like a discount Primate Murder in lore.
The skill that makes possible to resist Noble Phantasms is her second Passive Skill "Eternal Darkness Gradiation". And even so its just a resistance to damage, not outright immunity. Wait wouldn't Matthew count as a non Hominidae servant? Seeing as his partial Saint Graph is that of a Fae?

Keep in mind that this is a more 'completed' TamaVitch, even if she is still a discount Beast. Nega-Weapon sounds like if it was made by a human or used by a human, then she has a conceptual resistance to it so that's what I went with. See Reforged Gram. To that end, it would be because Sigurd still reads as human even with his Divinity skill (which considering he is multiple generations away from Odin should be lower than B, thank you very much).

Matthew's attacks did do damage thanks to his fae blood, and Aegis Titania would have put the hurt on Daji at the cost of his life. There wasn't anything around to deal the death blow, and she would have overcome his defenses faster than he could bull through the failed-beast endurance. If it wasn't for Cu grabbing him and using Disengage followed by the Fou Interrupt, Matthew would have ended up dying as a delaying action.
To that end, it would be because Sigurd still reads as human even with his Divinity skill (which considering he is multiple generations away from Odin should be lower than B, thank you very much).

Don't forget, he's the one who reforged Gram, a Divine Construct, and did so to the extent that it's even stronger than it was before, if only slightly.
I am looking at pirates and sailors too, but Okeanos is the Ritsuka and Wodime show. If Bart shows, he won't go gaga for Ophelia until he hits Chaldea.

And now I'm thinking of another question: For now, Chaldea has two coffins for Rayshifting. How long will they need to get more of them (Once Golden Boy is back for Okeanos, they'll be reaching 5 Masters for two of them. I guess they'll want to begin to work about getting more boots on the gorund now they have the Masters numbers to do so)?
And now I'm thinking of another question: For now, Chaldea has two coffins for Rayshifting. How long will they need to get more of them (Once Golden Boy is back for Okeanos, they'll be reaching 5 Masters for two of them. I guess they'll want to begin to work about getting more boots on the gorund now they have the Masters numbers to do so)?

I'll probably wait until Babylonia to field all the Masters at once merely because of how much trouble it'll be to work with all the characters that entails. The plan is as follows:

Orleans: Kadoc
Septem: Ophelia
Okeanos: Kirschtaria
London: Hinako
America: Pepe
Camelot/Jerusalem: Daybit
Babylonia: All/Asako

Asako will deploy on major events pertaining to Touko and/or the Tohsakas (for example KnK or Fate/Zero). Other events will be whoever I feel like writing at the time.

Events I don't feel like covering will be alluded to and have two Masters picked at random from the cast herd while I do downtime fluff/plot pieces for the main cast (i.e. Mash, Ritsuka, and Matthew).

The structure should indicate why I'm leaving ones in the future more loosely defined - we still have no info on Daybit or his Grand, but up through America I can have a decently concrete plot. While my absolute endgame is set, how we get there is still fluid.
Are any of the covered events going to follow the Crypters?
Are any of the covered events going to follow the Crypters?

Not on their own, but they'll show up with Ritsuka and co. I currently have two minor events in mind and will use Crypters for those once I plot them more thoroughly. The next two major events will be Extra (between Septem and Okeanos) and Fate/Zero (Between Okeanos and London). I haven't decided who the other Master for Extra will be, if any. Zero will have Asako.
Not on their own, but they'll show up with Ritsuka and co. I currently have two minor events in mind and will use Crypters for those once I plot them more thoroughly. The next two major events will be Extra (between Septem and Okeanos) and Fate/Zero (Between Okeanos and London). I haven't decided who the other Master for Extra will be, if any. Zero will have Asako.

Extra, this early? Wow. SERAPH is the site of some of Chaldea's darker secrets, so I would assume that you would bring Wodime, but for that he'd have to be rezzed earlier than usual. Since that likely isn't happening, I'd at least like one of the Crypters to tag along, so that they can get more development (the singularities seem to mostly be focusing on their relationships with the main cast, so a section on them individually would be nice). :V

Zero is a toss-up between OG F/Z, the Accelverse, and this universe's HGW (the one that Marisbury won). Asako is a reasonable choice.
Not on their own, but they'll show up with Ritsuka and co. I currently have two minor events in mind and will use Crypters for those once I plot them more thoroughly. The next two major events will be Extra (between Septem and Okeanos) and Fate/Zero (Between Okeanos and London). I haven't decided who the other Master for Extra will be, if any. Zero will have Asako.

If you're going Accel Zero, don't forget to bring Arturia and Lancelot along, just to see the look on Zero!Arturia's face. Or Sigurd; he enjoys fighting others with holy or demonic swords, and he'd relish the chance to clash with Excalibur. And for the love of god, salvage and purify that Greater Grail instead of smashing it, okay?

And steal the Kaleidostick from Tohsaka Manor. Magical Girl Ophelia-chan~
Just an idea that got stuck in my head after Servfest, Blink will the summer and the christmas events have effects on matthews personality due to fairy summer court and winter court shenanigans?
Just an idea that got stuck in my head after Servfest, Blink will the summer and the christmas events have effects on matthews personality due to fairy summer court and winter court shenanigans?

They will not. He does have an Unseelie side, but the nature of it is still a bit of a spoiler. I'm gradually building up to that reveal, which will be after Okeanos most likely. It could be a little earlier, but will definitely be after Extra. It depends on where it fits best.
I like the english version of the jewel eye better why did you change it to German and what other fae courts can Mattie call upon you have sellie and unsellie but what others