jwolfe's right, Morgan told Matthew a ways back. She was freaking out in the flashback, but since it was Fou's POV, we don't hear any of it. I want to say it was touched on in the initial firepit Fuyuki, but I'm not looking directly at it at the moment.

Chaldea (minus Mash because Fou tended to 'behave' around her) was aware of him definitely being... unique. If it weren't for Daji mucking up communications, they'd have video footage of him going above and beyond prior projections.

That said, Ophelia will definitely have... thoughts... on Fou being able to dropkick something that tanked no less than three Noble Phantasms and one of the more powerful Mystic Codes in-setting without flinching. Given her established friendship with Mash and burgeoning friendship/friendly acquaintance-ship with Matthew, she won't go behind their backs but will heavily suggest someone tell the people in charge that Fou is 'special' so they're forewarned.

Also Galahad went and tattled so now Mash has that dilemma for herself. Even when helpful: still the fun police. Though as pointed out, he is starting to soften slightly. Given the level of batshit in Septem alone, even he had to acknowledge that holding out was a Bad Idea.
Also Galahad went and tattled so now Mash has that dilemma for herself. Even when helpful: still the fun police. Though as pointed out, he is starting to soften slightly. Given the level of batshit in Septem alone, even he had to acknowledge that holding out was a Bad Idea.

He still deserves a beatdown. Perhaps Merlin could be of use with his dream projection?
Given the level of batshit in Septem alone, even he had to acknowledge that holding out was a Bad Idea.

Considering how insane these singularities are ramping up in difficulty it is less a 'notice me Soloman' that the pillars kinda had and going full insane in difficulty.

An fake Beast is enough to wipe out the deployed teams directly as she has shown. Dangerous enough so that even if not fully realized it could still cripple Chaldea's ability to attack future Singularities.

Morgan has something planned and either her interference when being attached at the very start drew the attention of Manaka or else Manaka's planned screwing with this instance of FGO allowed Morgan to try and interfere.

This whole timeline is more screwed then normal unless they thread the needle, especially with a major antagonist working much earlier and cheating much harder.
What spurred Fou to act directly here where before he was content to be a lantern and an emotional support pet?

Because they were straight up Going To Die. There was no Romulus or Gilgamesh, they were up against a Beast, partial or no.

Even before she goes Advent Beast she still has Nega-Weapon, and none of the Servants (or Ophelia) had a counter. She handed them their collective heads, and only Fou showing up prevented her from murdering them all.
Because they were straight up Going To Die. There was no Romulus or Gilgamesh, they were up against a Beast, partial or no.

Even before she goes Advent Beast she still has Nega-Weapon, and none of the Servants (or Ophelia) had a counter. She handed them their collective heads, and only Fou showing up prevented her from murdering them all.

Yes, Nega-Weapon gonna continue being fun. Current Non-Hominidae Squad is Romulus, Tamamo, and Bryn. Maybe Matt? BB looks like she doesn't count despite being an AI, unless she's playing host for Nyarly, so Hakunon is a Non too. That's quite the short roster to tackle a Beast.
Yes, Nega-Weapon gonna continue being fun. Current Non-Hominidae Squad is Romulus, Tamamo, and Bryn. Maybe Matt? BB looks like she doesn't count despite being an AI, unless she's playing host for Nyarly, so Hakunon is a Non too. That's quite the short roster to tackle a Beast.

You're forgetting that Tamamo is likely channeling Amaterasu to some extent. Daji!Vitch stands absolutely no chance whatsoever against Amaterasu, no matter what modifications Manaka did to her.

So, after a couple of re reads, I must say I enjoy the fic immensely.

I was honestly worried when the topic of rape popped up, considering most works of literature handle that issue with all the subtlety and understanding of a pneumatic drill hammer on an echo chamber (they don't handle it well is what I am saying).

Matthew hits the very difficult balance of "asshole" and "desperately wants to connect to other people, but can't really connect because Magi are god awful people and Beryl fucked him something fierce and then Marisbilly drop kicked those issues and made them worse. ".

The alternate singularities are awesome and are praise worthy LaVoisin was someone I had to look up and fit to a T to the kind of insane horror you wanted to convey an you did it well.

Minor problem here, Marie and Co felt like they had too little screen time, even in the Halloween event, for some of the most important figures of french history they felt overshadowed by Charlie and the Apoc Gang.

I personally would go back at some point and perhaps write in a chapter or two from their PoV, because Marie, D'eon and Mozart felt like they should had a bigger spotlight, more so considering we have Sanson as an enemy.

The characterization is well done and I honestly like Ritsuka as a character, as well not Shirou and the pics, specially the naked ape bit after gilgamesh went AUO on the cast and well it comes out as the right kind of Papa Wolf trope, not overbearing, but also paying enough attention to help his kids if the situation is out of his hands.

Speaking of Shirou... I have a couple of quibbles with your characterization of him during the FGO x FSN arc, mostly centered about "but she's a girl."

The original Japanese VN (I believe mirrormoon took this out by accident... along a chunk of the plot and information), whenever the situation is Saber Combat Death Killing, or anything that involves something close to that combination Shirou has a PTSD flashback to Saber bleeding out, only standing up with her sword and her looking in immense pain. Like "OH GOD MAKE IT STOP" tiers of pain. However, Shirou is not a master wordsmith and thus can't generate an entire speech on the spot that explains he feels its wrong to make Saber fight because he can't stand the thought of her dying or at least, or being injured so terribly... because it triggers his other PTSD.

So, yeah, its not that Shirou is against women fighting, is specifically Saber due to the circumstances I just described, he wouldn't have any problem letting Musashi duke it out if she wanted to.

This is a problem also created by the DEEN anime that refused to show this rather important piece of info, so instead of a nuanced thought on the trauma that has begun to pile on poor Shirou... he comes as sexist at best, misogynistic at worst.

As for how i would improve it, I'd honestly take that scene out, given its nature derived of false representations, that's my suggestion, take it out and edit the chapters around the arc to accommodate.

I am also a bit iffy on the whole "Merlin and Morgan decided to accelerate Shirou and EMIYA's memory synchronization to speed things up". It feels somewhat like it was done to please Matthew and keep him from trying to murder Shirou (which at that point had become in my opinion, a moot point, as the Dream Cycle had shown Matt how Shirou was and became what he is via the fire. Which put things in context), and I have mixed feelings on it:

On one hand, its good because it avoids the UBW drama of EMIYA hating his past self.

On the other hand I feel its bad because it avoids the UBW drama of EMIYA hating his past self. Even if previously you had mentioned he's made peace, this could've been a golden opportunity to explore things a bit more in depth for EMIYA, has he truly made peace with his choices? Or is this yet another facet of his madness? (A thing mirrormoon butchered, EMIYA quite readily admits he's bugfuck nuts, the "My core is twisted in madness" is not Caladbolg's II trigger, but rather its EMIYA musing to himself the sad reality he's crazy).

Its one of those odd bumps in the fic, and thus, I come back to the mixed feelings.

I would honestly rewrite it a bit, perhaps even have EMIYA and Shirou discuss their points, in the VN EMIYA is desperate, he's sure he won't achieve anything if he kills Shirou, but on the other hand, he's still thinking that he needs to get out somehow, because the experience has broken him.

Everything else is perfect, Matthew doubly dunking on BB is just perfect, I had to put a pillow over my head since it was 3AM when I hit that section for the first time and I wouldn't stop laughing my ass off. Really, BB getting dunked is one of the few things in life that cannot be supplanted. Good against avenger she might be, it doesn't means she's not lacking, severely in the WIS stat... as shown in the manga with Kazuradrop.

Honestly I hope to see more of this work because its genuinely difficult to find good Fate material to read, with most being barely passable.

Those are my two cents, hope you like 'em!
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Thank you very much!

At this point, I'm more focused on trying to keep the story moving, but if I can ever find the time and motivation (because life is kind of a draining mess) I will definitely take the critique in mind and go back and do some major editing to the Fuyuki arc.

I have a bad habit of focusing on my favorite characters even to the detriment of ones that should be major; it's something I'm working on.

And if you love BB getting the piss taken out of her, just wait for the CCC event! (She's going to have to earn those Good Kouhai points.)
Without massive spoilers, she's FGO!verse therapist, and not a threat.

That role is going to someone else.
Shame. I was rather excited to see her.

That being said, the Extraverse has no shortage of terrifying enemies that could likely supplant her, as the Beast of Pleasure or not. There's also the possibility of her showing up somewhere else. If she's no longer Beast III, then I'm really excited to see what you come up with instead!

So, all in all, one word; hype.
Shame. I was rather excited to see her.

That being said, the Extraverse has no shortage of terrifying enemies that could likely supplant her, as the Beast of Pleasure or not. There's also the possibility of her showing up somewhere else. If she's no longer Beast III, then I'm really excited to see what you come up with instead!

So, all in all, one word; hype.

And it's not like there is a lack of choices: Twice Pierceman, OG!Kiara (just because Therapist!Kiara is fine doesn't mean anything here), Archimedes, Velber/Sefar, Karl der Grösse...
To clarify: FGO!Verse Kiara is in the event, a major character, and not an enemy. Her role will become clearer over time, but she'll definitely be on the hero side.

The enemy themselves I'm pretty excited for, along with what they've done to the Moon Cell in Hakunon's absence.

Actually I should call it the Extra Event rather than solely CCC, given all I've got in mind.
I'd also like to clarify something; Is Heaven's Hole Kiara going to appear in this fic?
I'd also like to clarify something; Is Heaven's Hole Kiara going to appear in this fic?

She'll be referenced, but will not directly appear. Like I said, Beast III will be someone else entirely, and who they are will be revealed in Okeanos.

That said, the role of 'terrifying horny evil' will not go unfilled. One of the new antagonists I have for London will fill that spot. Though one could say the new Beast III could also count, the London character will be a recurring threat as opposed to a Singularity Boss.