Rider Caesar
Gaius Julius Caesar
Class: Rider
Alias: Julius Caesar
Alignment: True Neutral
Basis: Historical Fact
Origin: Man




Magic Resistance (D)

Riding (A)

Divinity (D)

Military Tactics (B)

Charisma (C+)

Incitement (EX)

Dictator's Insight (B): A talent for politicking. Navigating the pitfalls of social interaction while setting up downfalls in both public opinion and through manipulation of circumstance. The ability and insight which defined Caesar. The talent necessary to navigate the vortex of cruelty that was Rome. This skill is not present in his Saber form, as though he retains his intelligence he does not apply it due to tiring of political schemes.

Noble Phantasms

Crocea Mors (B+)

Veni! Vidi! Vici!: Legion of Rome (A): The legion that Julius lead in conquering Gaul. A mighty chariot is provided, along with an army of phantom soldiers, each with the strength of a low-ranking Servant. He can summon a few at a time for tactical strikes, or the entire army. They bear all manner of weaponry from the time Caesar fought.

Affection of the Fairy (C): A constantly active, passive Noble Phantasm. A blessing from one of his former lovers, it grants him a sharp increase in mana from his Saber incarnation. This increase is noted in his parameters. It also functions as a low-ranking equivalent of Natural Body. In practice, it allows him more staying power on the battlefield and the ability to invoke his Noble Phantasms somewhat more often.
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So you went with Rider Caesar in the end. Not much of a difference overall except for a few upgrades here and there. But normally, things like Affection of the Fairy are more fitting as a Personal Skill rather than a NP.
River what are you doing? You're not supposed to be here River. No, you know as well as I do what happens if you try to mess with fixed points in time River!

Now there's a terrifying thought, the Doctor as a servent.
Everything would be fucked. He can't get out of the TARDIS without getting into some sort of disaster.
Everything would be fucked. He can't get out of the TARDIS without getting into some sort of disaster.
Sometime trouble doesn't wait that long. He has once had his outer door sitting in the console room forward about 30-40 seconds. Upside, his NP probably is either the TARDIS its self, or his companions. The only difference is Rider or Caster to figure out which. You want Caster more often.
Sometime trouble doesn't wait that long. He has once had his outer door sitting in the console room forward about 30-40 seconds. Upside, his NP probably is either the TARDIS its self, or his companions. The only difference is Rider or Caster to figure out which. You want Caster more often.

Rider - The swashbuckling, adventurer-type Doctor, the kind who tricks you into defeat with panache. NP is the TARDIS as a vehicle

Caster - The Oncoming Storm, Fury of the Time Lord-type Doctor, already has a speech prepared. NP is the TARDIS as a crystallization of hope, as well as the Doctor's experiences.
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I feel at times like you might add a bit more of the prose Nasu used in regards to the utilization of Noble Phantasms, make them something...more. Excalibur's first use was almost an after note compared to the grandeur that befits it, and there have been similar showings to other Noble Phantasms--one of your works, the Worm/Nasu one, that most prominently showed that was Enuma Elish-Enkidu version, which was pretty boring.

Prose is the name of the game in a TYPE-MOON story, making something more because there is something more. This is not to say it's entirely absent. It was there when Gilgamesh was summoned, and Arturia, for example. Excalibur was just so sad in its simplicity.

A barrier of crystal erupted, blocking the flame, and Hakuno stepped out of thin air. "And that is enough of that."
These arbitrarily overpowered magic users who come and go from the scene as if they can do whatever they want, is getting a bit much. Merlin, Morgan, Scathach, BB, Hakuno, Lev, Matthew himself with his random powers, and Baba Yaga, this is a world where Casters get defeated all the time, where "magic" is not an I win button because they're higher entity beings while everyone else is stuck hitting each other with sharp objects. I realize there's this Council of Avalon thing, but when every scene of them in action is treating the current conflict like a game or an irritant, it becomes an issue because it keeps happening. They feel less like people and more like the laziest walking, spectating cheat codes.

I'm not saying they should be all grim-faced fellows, but their ability to fuck around like this implies a lot,
I want to joke about Minotaur but I can't do that to my boy. Asterios is a good bean and deserves friendship.
I dislike Asterios as a concept, but not as a person. The Minotaur should not be physically stronger than Herakles, or, in his case, equal (based on Realta Nua showing that Mad Enhancement wasn't on). But as a person, he's a likable child.
I kind of went with the bit of canon that said the inside of GoB is a mess from flinging the weapons around (a bad habit, as the wiki states). So it takes time to pull out specific things (that aren't Enkidu or Ea), which Lev didn't give him. He had the shields and the healing potion queued up because he was more than happy to let Nobunaga and the rest deal with Boudica; he didn't expect to need specific weapons because he couldn't see Lev (due to not focusing but what else is new). The other stuff he had because he was setting up to babysit Ritsuka just in case.
Herakles vs Gilgamesh proves that isn't the case. He specifically switched to higher rank weapons once he realized God Hand's power, and limits.

A few other things to note are a female Artoria, as well as Morgan's plan somehow changing the world. I am very concerned.

Am I missing something?
Gaius Julius Caesar
Class: Rider
Alias: Julius Caesar
Alignment: True Neutral
Basis: Historical Fact
Origin: Man




Magic Resistance (D)

Riding (A)

Divinity (D)

Military Tactics (B)

Charisma (C+)

Incitement (EX)

Dictator's Insight (B): A talent for politicking. Navigating the pitfalls of social interaction while setting up downfalls in both public opinion and through manipulation of circumstance. The ability and insight which defined Caesar. The talent necessary to navigate the vortex of cruelty that was Rome. This skill is not present in his Saber form, as though he retains his intelligence he does not apply it due to tiring of political schemes.

Noble Phantasms

Crocea Mors (B+)

Veni! Vidi! Vici!: Legion of Rome (A): The legion that Julius lead in conquering Gaul. A mighty chariot is provided, along with an army of phantom soldiers, each with the strength of a low-ranking Servant. He can summon a few at a time for tactical strikes, or the entire army. They bear all manner of weaponry from the time Caesar fought.

Affection of the Fairy (C): A constantly active, passive Noble Phantasm. A blessing from one of his former lovers, it grants him a sharp increase in mana from his Saber incarnation. This increase is noted in his parameters. It also functions as a low-ranking equivalent of Natural Body. In practice, it allows him more staying power on the battlefield and the ability to invoke his Noble Phantasms somewhat more often.
Aside from Riding A, which we have an example of, what do the ones that have no description of their affects do?

I always found it bizarre, and probably a mistake made from TYPE MOON still being relatively new, that Alexander the Great of all people only had B in Military Tactics. Caesar too...I guess. The former is perhaps the greatest military mind to ever exist, the latter one of the greatest of the ancient ages who in a more modern lifetime might have been one of the greatest of all time.
Rider - The swashbuckling, adventurer-type Doctor, the kind who tricks you into defeat with panache. NP is the TARDIS as a vehicle

Caster - The Oncoming Storm, Fury of the Time Lord-type Doctor, already has a speech prepared. NP is the TARDIS as a crystallization of hope, as well as the Doctor's experiences.
Also there's a Grand Shielder Doctor with his Noble Phantasms being a TARDIS shield and I Don't Wanna Go
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Also there's a Grand Shielder Doctor with his Noble Phantasms being a TARDIS shield and I Don't Wanna Go
You guys keep forgetting, the most humanizing part of the Doctor and the only reason he isn't a foreigner is his companions. Without them, he is either on his way to being the Valeyard or is literally a mad man in a box with no set time period to call home. He literally exists outside time as humanity understands it, killing him requires two lethal blows one after another, but if you only hit him lethally once he just changes his face and tweaks his personality, and he literally has two full hearts, he is the last active child of Gallifrey in the Kasterborous constellation. He couldn't be a better Foreigner if he tried. Plus, he doesn't age sometimes. 2 billion years of punching his way through time locked diamond in the confession dial, still looks the same.
I feel at times like you might add a bit more of the prose Nasu used in regards to the utilization of Noble Phantasms, make them something...more. Excalibur's first use was almost an after note compared to the grandeur that befits it, and there have been similar showings to other Noble Phantasms--one of your works, the Worm/Nasu one, that most prominently showed that was Enuma Elish-Enkidu version, which was pretty boring.

Prose is the name of the game in a TYPE-MOON story, making something more because there is something more. This is not to say it's entirely absent. It was there when Gilgamesh was summoned, and Arturia, for example. Excalibur was just so sad in its simplicity.

These arbitrarily overpowered magic users who come and go from the scene as if they can do whatever they want, is getting a bit much. Merlin, Morgan, Scathach, BB, Hakuno, Lev, Matthew himself with his random powers, and Baba Yaga, this is a world where Casters get defeated all the time, where "magic" is not an I win button because they're higher entity beings while everyone else is stuck hitting each other with sharp objects. I realize there's this Council of Avalon thing, but when every scene of them in action is treating the current conflict like a game or an irritant, it becomes an issue because it keeps happening. They feel less like people and more like the laziest walking, spectating cheat codes.

I'm not saying they should be all grim-faced fellows, but their ability to fuck around like this implies a lot,

I dislike Asterios as a concept, but not as a person. The Minotaur should not be physically stronger than Herakles, or, in his case, equal (based on Realta Nua showing that Mad Enhancement wasn't on). But as a person, he's a likable child.

Herakles vs Gilgamesh proves that isn't the case. He specifically switched to higher rank weapons once he realized God Hand's power, and limits.

Am I missing something?

That's a lot to take in, but I'll address each point as best I can.

First: Fight scenes are my absolute weakest part as a writer. I like them, they go really well in my head, but then I write them and... sometimes they're 'okay' and sometimes I get a hit. That isn't to say I'm uninterested in improving, just that they're really hard for me to write. By extension of that, Noble Phantasms: some are really hard for me to describe while keeping the pace of the fight going. I know they are the Big Thing for each Servant, and I try to treat them as such. I can't promise I will improve to a point where everyone will find it satisfactory, but this is a thing I am aware of and trying to work on.

Second: I didn't realize I was doing that, and I apologize. There are some extenuating circumstances, however. (This is going to be the meaty part.)

For Merlin, he's trapped in Avalon. He isn't summoned, and now he doesn't even have Fou as an anchor. For all his great power, he's stuck contacting people through dreams. His nature isn't to be grim in the first place, and he hasn't rolled over anyone because aside from the odd pep talk or background convo... he hasn't done much. He kind of can't.

Morgan is similar. She's the voice in the head, and can maybe project an illusion. She is both stronger and weaker than I've implied in text - she isn't fully real yet. Something big would have to happen for that to occur. What can she do right now? Alter and act through her anchor, and astral project a little. Every major thing she's done in present-day text has been by hijacking Matthew's body because he's seen and acknowledged. She is a Fairy Goddess, but something in the vein of Aradia from SMT Nocturne - assuming she had a host who was sufficiently malleable and not a schoolteacher. Not a 1=1 example, but the best I got. In terms of personality, she's bubbly until she gets vicious, so... yeah.

Scathach's big show of power was in an arena she really didn't care about, and was primarily Gate of Skye abuse. She can't just hop into The Singularities willy-nilly and she's not going to roll over on Events for a giggle. Right now, she's not deploying for anyone or anything, and is focusing on getting the Servants up to par for the bigger, worse fights. She falls into the first group, which is 'mentor figures' getting the rest up to par for the challenges ahead.

Lev is clearly different than canon. I basically turned him into Ars Goetia Flauros on top of Demon Pillar. He's edging in on a Demon, which should say a lot about what Goetia is right now. Not True Demon because that's hax, but he's a guy whose whole thing is fire at a high level. People wanted him to be a threat, and this was the best way I could figure out how. He wasn't really threatened by Hakuno at that point in time, but between her and Gilgamesh he cut his losses. In terms of character, Lev was always a smug bastard until he got stomped in Septem. Also note that he wasn't willing to tangle with Remus while buffed with Fenrir, so he's clearly not omnipotent.

BB is a meme because she always has been. She's not Moon Cell level strong, but popping in and out and (mostly) not giving a crap past her Senpai is kind of her calling card, at least in my works. She needs access to data to be a real threat, which Morgan gives her when she's making High Servants in the background. She's got the kind of power her FGO incarnation has, which is to say way less than actual CCC.

Hakuno. So for reference, Hakuno's show of power is because she bound herself to the manifestation of Per Aspera Ad Astra and made it a Territory. The entire city answers to Romulus first, her second. The crystals aren't a spell, they're a manifestation of her real power as a Ruler. The reason she bitchslapped Lev off the parapet was because he was right on the outer edge of her Zone of Power. This isn't to say she's not really strong, she is- I've hinted more than once that the fusion is more Hakuno than Lovelace with all consequences entailed. Hakuno is also a former protagonist, and while her personality is somewhat up to the player, I tend to see her fall on the side of plucky optimism.

Baba Yaga's role is to look after Brynhildr, be funny, and be part of the Council. Also to dispense plot wisdom. She is strong, yes, but there's wonky rules for interference concerning Divine Spirits. For further information, please see Ereshkigal and her entire deal in Babylonia. Again, not a 1=1 match, but best short-form explanation. The entire Council will be kind of quirky but also fairly hands-off unless something directly involves them.

Finally (for this part), Matthew. He's good, but not that good. Magic Resistance of A or higher will ruin his day, but he hasn't fought something with that yet (off the top of my head). When he has prep time, he can dominate (see the first night in Orleans). However, he still got laid out by Daji. On his own against Amakusa, he would have died either to the sword or the black hole. He had backup in KoGil and Musashi. He couldn't have soloed Prelati with his kit at the time (and probably not now either), and if he had tried his thing with Lancelot alone and it didn't take, he would have gotten the bad end of Arondight, regardless of his loadout. I've looked at the 'he could take Heracles' bit I wrote earlier, and in retrospect no, that's wrong. If Heracles starts beating him, he can't focus enough for any of that to matter, and it's just a long prolonged death in a solo match. A lot of his power is tied to his Codes and Phantasms, and it shows. His Universal Language is more often used to dig up information than to command people because the backlash from ordering Servants is still too high. His Noble Phantasms are mana sinks that the slightest bit of overuse is far more likely to kill him than any of his enemies. Runes are basically High Speed Divine Words but make it Marble Phantasm with extras at this point, which still runs into issues Medea showed us in FSN. And his illusions are still getting up to where they're supposed to be. Further abilities he gains after this point will only be usable if he seals others, and everything I've given him I've tried to foreshadow in one way or another.

He has a fairly high success rate because he has backup, but it's definitely not 100% perfect all the time.

Just putting a border to separate that. At this point with the Gate of Babylon, Gilgamesh has undergone a lot of evolution in terms of not just character but skill from the original FSN. What he can and can't do has changed some. For example, the key to GoB can sometimes be used against him to shut it or it can be a pokeball for Ea itself. For the sake of drama, I went with a different interpretation (also because I need Lev alive for the catharsis of Team Ritsuka-Core being there to fight him). I could also say that what he needed against Herakles was considerably less specialized than 'put out actual hellfire'; he just needed big enough punch. Conceptual stuff is bread and butter of Nasuverse too.

EDIT: Realized I forgot Asterios. He definitely won't be on par with Herc in Okeanos, though the landscape's changed enough that it may not even be relevant.

The absolute last bit from LadyOnion was that this is a universe where Artoria is a woman. Manaka is interested in Saber Proto, a man, so there had to be a reason for Manaka to choose this timeline.

Aside from Riding A, which we have an example of, what do the ones that have no description of their affects do?

I always found it bizarre, and probably a mistake made from TYPE MOON still being relatively new, that Alexander the Great of all people only had B in Military Tactics. Caesar too...I guess. The former is perhaps the greatest military mind to ever exist, the latter one of the greatest of the ancient ages who in a more modern lifetime might have been one of the greatest of all time.

If I don't write down what a skill does in a Servant Profile, it's because that particular skill at or around that rank exists in the wiki and can be easily found for a description. Same with Noble Phantasms I reuse for new class containers.
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Well, FUCK.

...poor Boudica. Her historical self might have been a bit of a bitch, but no one deserves to die like that. And all her people too.
I'm seeing more and more evidence that 'normal' servants are going to become increasingly irrelevant, as has been stated prior. With that said, I wonder how Matthew is going to fix that deficit?
Also, can I have a ticket to the Chicken Hut? I kinda want to visit.
Matt can use the grail he collected to turn the servants into grad servants .....
Dibs in Cú like Grand Caster.
You can stay with the Lancer.
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Matt can use the grail he collected to turn the servants into grad servants .....
Dibs in Cú like Grand Caster.
You can stay with the Lancer.

Not really? I'm not sure where that idea came from. A grail can make servants stronger, and let normal humans act as servants. Hence why I arranged Nero getting one. It's not Septem if I don't have her bust the big theater out at least once.

Making a Grand is something only the World can do, and only if they have preexisting qualifications.
Not really? I'm not sure where that idea came from. A grail can make servants stronger, and let normal humans act as servants. Hence why I arranged Nero getting one. It's not Septem if I don't have her bust the big theater out at least once.

I read about it in a crossover history of the Grand Order with Overlord.
Where Da Vinci wanted to use Cú to test this theory, it would seem that if you have a higher level craftsman and have complete knowledge of the servants' bodies you can change their Saint Graph.

It would be like a much more powerful Ascension.

Unfortunately, I can't remember the chapter of that specific scene.

Making a Grand is something only the World can do, and only if they have preexisting qualifications.
Doesn't it have universal language?
Like can't he tell the world that he's allowed to do that?
Of course it can be limited so as not to spoil the whole story but it would be very memorable if he could do it, like it would prove why Manaka wishes his death.
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It sounds like something that was author fiat, to be honest. While I'll happily tweak some things, I'm not going to have man made Grands in my fic at least. The canon ones and the ones I'm thinking on ought to be fine.
I read about it in a crossover history of the Grand Order with Overlord.
Where Da Vinci wanted to use Cú to test this theory, it would seem that if you have a higher level craftsman and have complete knowledge of the servants' bodies you can change their Saint Graph.

It would be like a much more powerful Ascension.

Unfortunately, I can't remember the chapter of that specific scene.

Doesn't it have universal language?
Like can't he tell the world that he's allowed to do that?
Of course it can be limited so as not to spoil the whole story but it would be very memorable if he could do it, like it would prove why Manaka wishes his death.
It sounds like something that was author fiat, to be honest. While I'll happily tweak some things, I'm not going to have man made Grands in my fic at least. The canon ones and the ones I'm thinking on ought to be fine.
I'm gonna add to what the author says by saying I recommend getting into the actual source as opposed to taking what a fanfic author says as canon, at least if it's in the story itself. That's where fanon comes in. A person writing a fanfic can write whatever they want, and it's impossible to tell for certain what is their creation and what is the original creator's without looking at the original source of the fanfic.

FSN is sadly full of a lot of really particularly virulent bits of fanon. And while there is the issue of perpetuating fanon if you take it as gospel, you also run the risk of the more vehement fans getting angry at what they see as stupidity in taking fanon as fact without clarifying it.
Realized I forgot Asterios. He definitely won't be on par with Herc in Okeanos, though the landscape's changed enough that it may not even be relevant.
I'd probably handle it by giving Herc A+(EX) strength - If you're a monster he's just stronger than you, but stuff like Divine Spirits should be able to overpower him with pure strength, though with obvious difficulty.
I'd probably handle it by giving Herc A+(EX) strength - If you're a monster he's just stronger than you, but stuff like Divine Spirits should be able to overpower him with pure strength, though with obvious difficulty.
That could work. A high baseline, A+ or A++ that rises in proportion to the humanity of the target, with increasingly lower boosts the further diverged from the Common Sense of Man, such as Divinity, divine traits, bestial traits and heritage, alien, etc, to the point of no increase at all. With the bestial opponents having a non-stat malus of his greatest legend (the Labors) being based off of defeating and subjugating beasts so he knows how to fight them. The latter possibly tied to his sanity and Bravery.

As a Heroic Spirit he is as much legend as entity.
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Fantastic Chapter.

I don't know what I was expecting for our resident Fae Prince's fave Granny, but this blew them all out of the water.

And the revelation that he knew Fou's true nature the whole time was great too! Didn't realise that he could hear the voice of the world when he was that young.

Looking forward to what happens next!