SO, Ive been re-reading the comments since last chapter and I noticed something. Nobody is speculating about Hakuno and what she's gonna be able to do. She, by right of Conquest, is the rightfull administrator of the Moon Cell Automaton by winning a Holy Grail style Tournament and surviving the final Instant Death Round at the end (even if she ended up deleted later), Spanking BB's ass like she was a naughty child and whatever happened in the other game. Then she got the Pseudo Servant treatment with a Hero whose Legend is related to the creation of Computer. I dunno why but I believe she'll be able to Unleash some serious bullshit.
SO, Ive been re-reading the comments since last chapter and I noticed something. Nobody is speculating about Hakuno and what she's gonna be able to do. She, by right of Conquest, is the rightfull administrator of the Moon Cell Automaton by winning a Holy Grail style Tournament and surviving the final Instant Death Round at the end (even if she ended up deleted later), Spanking BB's ass like she was a naughty child and whatever happened in the other game. Then she got the Pseudo Servant treatment with a Hero whose Legend is related to the creation of Computer. I dunno why but I believe she'll be able to Unleash some serious bullshit.

Put plainly? There's a reason her class is Ruler, as Romulus=Quirinus addressed her.

Writing is slow, but I have a week off so hopefully I'll knock out a chapter or two this week.
SO, Ive been re-reading the comments since last chapter and I noticed something. Nobody is speculating about Hakuno and what she's gonna be able to do. She, by right of Conquest, is the rightfull administrator of the Moon Cell Automaton by winning a Holy Grail style Tournament and surviving the final Instant Death Round at the end (even if she ended up deleted later), Spanking BB's ass like she was a naughty child and whatever happened in the other game. Then she got the Pseudo Servant treatment with a Hero whose Legend is related to the creation of Computer. I dunno why but I believe she'll be able to Unleash some serious bullshit.

I however fear she will be very busy with the wards of Roma before the Singularity, and after the Singularity it will be harem management with two very possessive wives not really keen on sharing their Praetor/Goshujin-sama. All necessary nerfs to stop her from breaking the story on her knee, of course.
Speaking of best Goddess Eresh leads to Babylonia, and that leads to the elephant in the room I didn't see addressed, if it was I likely missed it. Tiamat's Sin does not appear on the list of Beast's sins. From the original lineup, only Goetia, Fou and 666 remain. So what happened to her?
Who knows. Maybe Morgan has done some wheeling and dealing behind the scenes and resulted in Tiamat becoming well, sane. I've seen multiple notes that the multiple restraints etc of her 'femme fatale' form (the sorta-human sized one*) are self-inflicted. That at some level, she knows that her actions of genocide-for-rebirth against humanity is wrong but she can't fully stop herself. So maybe here the Council of Nine managed some shenanigans/essence splitting etc s when the crew enters the Babylonia singularity they will run into two Tiamats: a sane one with relative dredges of her power (though is still goddess-tier) and an animalistic one with the majority.**

*I say sorta because she's about as tall as Heracles or Lu Bu.
**Which would still be a win for Chaldea since Tiamat in canon even as a Titan or Dragon never fought mindlessly. One that takes longer/can't figure out intelligent counters? Potentially easier to slow down etc.
Why do I get the feeling Hakunon was tied as Pseudo-Servant Ada of Lovelace not because of what Ada's legend brings to the table, but rather because Ada's legend was the most compatible médium by which to bring Hakunon, Ruler of the Moon Cell into the game.
Why do I get the feeling Hakunon was tied as Pseudo-Servant Ada of Lovelace not because of what Ada's legend brings to the table, but rather because Ada's legend was the most compatible médium by which to bring Hakunon, Ruler of the Moon Cell into the game.

Because Older Is Better in Nasuverse, and while Hakunon is an AI not existing yet compared to first informatic programmer of mankind, ruling an Alien Supercomputer's systems, an Alien Supercomputer older than mankind mind you, gives her actual seniority. And thus gives Lovelace the occasion to learn from Hakunon-senpai.
Well, Charlie is going to be overjoyed to see her.

EDIT: 12 Hours Later.

I've come from the future, where the Anniversary SSR was revealed as a Lostbelt Caster Artoria. Tamamo has been dethroned as Queen of Arts.
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I've come from the future, where the Anniversary SSR was revealed as a Lostbelt Caster Artoria. Tamamo has been dethroned as Queen of Arts.

Oooookay, looking at what can be seen of her profile for now... While some details are different (training by Merlin rather than OldVersion!Morgan), I'm getting the feeling you more or less predicted what Lostbelt 6 was about before a certain Beryl Guts (and maybe Manaka) ruined it all, @Blinktwice13. Or at least I can see this version of Artoria as becoming the one of your own Lostbelt.

So, in the spirit of only using what's look like your precognition powers wisely and with all the restraint needed... Any pronostics on the Knights of the Round Table and their Heroic Classes?
Oooookay, looking at what can be seen of her profile for now... While some details are different (training by Merlin rather than OldVersion!Morgan), I'm getting the feeling you more or less predicted what Lostbelt 6 was about before a certain Beryl Guts (and maybe Manaka) ruined it all, @Blinktwice13. Or at least I can see this version of Artoria as becoming the one of your own Lostbelt.

So, in the spirit of only using what's look like your precognition powers wisely and with all the restraint needed... Any pronostics on the Knights of the Round Table and their Heroic Classes?

I am so bad at guessing classes. I assumed Gareth would be a Saber or Rider and we got a Lancer.

...that said, Agravain is a safe bet for Assassin, and I'm going to assume Kay is a Saber or Lancer. Possibly a Rider with a Lance.

Let's admit it, DW is as DW does and we will likely find out when they release them.
I am so bad at guessing classes. I assumed Gareth would be a Saber or Rider and we got a Lancer.

...that said, Agravain is a safe bet for Assassin, and I'm going to assume Kay is a Saber or Lancer. Possibly a Rider with a Lance.

Let's admit it, DW is as DW does and we will likely find out when they release them.
That reminds me, how are you planning to handle the alternate Class forms of the various servants? Jeanne and Joan were easy since the latter was an artifical creation by a Grail but with Cu you had the Lancer remember what the Caster did as if they were the same person wearing a different 'skin'.
That reminds me, how are you planning to handle the alternate Class forms of the various servants? Jeanne and Joan were easy since the latter was an artifical creation by a Grail but with Cu you had the Lancer remember what the Caster did as if they were the same person wearing a different 'skin'.

Well, I won't summon everyone just because that's a lot to keep track of. But for in the Singularities, it would be a 'point of divergence' in most cases - lives following different paths, like for the Lion King and Medea Lily (yes I know she's just a past version, but that's how I'm treating her here).

For simple class changes like Berserker to Rider Kintoki, it'll be like with Cu Chulainn where it's fundamentally the same person with a different kit. There won't be two of the same in the same space.

I don't think I'll use Alexander in this fic, because I can't see him fitting in my Septem rewrite and there's no real need for him due to the absence of gacha mechanics. This might apply to some others, which I'll decide on a case-by-case basis.
For simple class changes like Berserker to Rider Kintoki, it'll be like with Cu Chulainn where it's fundamentally the same person with a different kit. There won't be two of the same in the same space.
Heck it could even be a potential powerup for some of the Servants later on. Where instead of summoning a class changed version of XYZ servant, the already existing servant can switch between classes as needed.

Though it certainly wouldn't just be any old artifact. For instance for Lancer Artoria, Rhongomyniad would be the needed catalyst.
I don't think I'll use Alexander in this fic, because I can't see him fitting in my Septem rewrite and there's no real need for him due to the absence of gacha mechanics. This might apply to some others, which I'll decide on a case-by-case basis.

Don't forget about that Potion of Youth that Gilgamesh has in his treasury.

Heck it could even be a potential powerup for some of the Servants later on. Where instead of summoning a class changed version of XYZ servant, the already existing servant can switch between classes as needed.

Though it certainly wouldn't just be any old artifact. For instance for Lancer Artoria, Rhongomyniad would be the needed catalyst.

Nah, go with the Memorial Essence system from Fragments of Chaldea. They even came up with a method to get duplicate Servants, such as both Saber and Saber Lily being in Chaldea at the same time.
In Which We Better Bundle Up
A/N: No major content warnings I think. There's some fluff, but nothing worth noting for avoidance on the romance front. Sorry it took so long!

There are some days when the better option is to go back to bed. Now, I have had many of those days and soldiered on through regardless, much to my regularly occurring regret.

It was starting to look like one of those days, and once again the option of hiding under the covers was unavailable.

"Run that by me one more time?" I leaned against the wall outside of my room, hands in the pockets of my pajamas.

"Septem, 60 AD, is covered in a blanket of snow that our sensors can barely penetrate. We were given glimpses by a power currently residing there, but we don't have a regular flow of information." Archaman folded his arms. "What we do know is multiple Divine Spirit Origins were detected, and to be honest… Ophelia's eye and the most likely Servant for her to summon are going to be our best bet. Hinako's Rider and her botanical skills won't help much. Fighting ice with ice isn't going to work, and Kadoc's magecraft…" He grimaced. "He doesn't offer anything that would decisively sway things. Peperoncino-"

"I get it. Phamrsolone's skillset makes her the best suited to help with the goings-on in Septem." I frowned. "What about Wodime?"

"As I said, Ophelia is the best suited for this." Archaman rubbed his elbow thoughtfully. "He's talented and strong, but in the absence of a usable sky, the viability of his astromancy is greatly decreased. Ophelia's talents won't wane in the environment detected." He paused. "Also, she's less likely to generate friction among team members without time to acclimate."

"Meaning me." I couldn't help the dry tone I used. Honestly, Marisbilly wouldn't take on a one-trick pony as an apprentice. This was a roundabout way to not bring him back, it seemed.

"Mash would be torn, whatever Servant he summoned would be loyal to him, any combination of Servants would push and question his authority save for two or three off the top of my head, and Ritsuka would be stuck playing peacemaker." Archaman's eyes were intense. "I have faith that things could work out, but as things stand it's an unconscionable risk. Tell me you wouldn't look for a reason to push him around at this juncture."

"Push him around?" I jerked back. "The hell? I'm not some kind of bully, Archaman."

"And neither is he." Archaman's eyes gleamed. "Kirschtaria Wodime is a good man. He holds the best of Marisbilly Animusphere's philosophies without his tendencies to excess."

I opened my mouth, blood boiling-

"When Olga Marie found out what her father had done, she had a nervous breakdown and devolved into a state of anorexia-bulimia. For months. She had every intention of freeing you and Mash when this was over, with as much medical aid as she could supply."

My jaw slammed shut with a click.

Archaman crossed his arms. "Magi hide weaknesses, it's what they train to do. Their society is cankerous and corrupt, but not all of them are pure evil. You're doing much better in looking at people before fighting them," Archaman continued, voice gentling, "but your own scars still pain you. It's understandable, but please understand me and why I'm hesitant to take risks regarding you."

I didn't say anything.

"Matthew, I care about you. I really do. But I also have to run this entire enterprise, and that means I need to balance what I can do to help you, and what I need to do to ensure Chaldea keeps going."

With a deep sigh, I rubbed my face. "I'm not ready for this conversation."

"That's fine." Archaman closed his eyes. "...please understand. I'm not saying that what was done to you was in any way justified. Marisbilly…" He swallowed. "What he allowed to be done to you was monstrous. Whatever his intentions for the rest of the world, he did wrong by you. And even that is an understatement." His eyes opened. "But Kirschtaria didn't know. Nobody still living fully knows what was done, and they didn't have a part in it."

"Lainur knew." I stared Archaman down. "Morgan… she said that he goaded Marisbilly on."

"It's possible," Archaman murmured. "I don't know what changed him, but I didn't notice when it did. It could have been at any time, and…"

"So much unseen. If I…"

I decided to change the subject. "So this Solomon guy. He made the Magic Circuit system?"

"H-huh? Well, yes." Archaman blinked. "He laid the foundations of modern magecraft as we know it."

"Did he make anything else?" I crossed my arms.

"...why do you ask?"

"Because I think I heard his voice. He entrusted the fate of humanity to someone." I frowned. "It sounded like he intended them to outlive him."

"It's… possible. Solomon was said to be served by seventy-two demon gods," Archaman said slowly. "Who knows what the true nature of such things were?"

Ask him about the 'Human Order Correction System', Morgan offered.

"What's the Human Order Correction System?"

Archaman didn't move. His already pale skin went white.

"Archaman?" I stood up. "What's wrong?"

"Th-that's… it was a mistake. Something he shouldn't have made." Archaman's expression shut down. "It can be assumed that the Demon Gods were tied into bloodlines, Crests in particular. The unified form was the Human Order Correction System, Goetia. It wasn't accounted for that it might have free will - no, he wanted it to have free will, and love humanity in a way he couldn't. But someone who didn't understand that kind of love couldn't teach it, and something he created couldn't truly learn."

My, my. I never thought I'd hear the day Archaman would badmouth Solomon. Dark amusement filled Morgan's voice.

What, were they friends when Solomon was summoned?

Ufufufu! That's not for me to tell.

Fine. Be that way.

"I… if that's all, I have work I need to do." Archaman's voice was tight, strained.

I shifted uncomfortably. "Right. Uh…" I looked away. "Sorry."

He blinked at me.

"That topic obviously upset you. Solomon… he was the first Servant summoned here, right?" I scratched the back of my head. "If you and Marisbilly met around that time, you and he must have been friends. Him having something to do with all this must be painful." I paused. "Kind of like how you must have felt when you found out what Marisbilly did. You still loved him, but were disappointed and hurt. If Ritsuka did something like that - he wouldn't, I don't think - I'd probably feel the same."

Archaman looked away. "I… do you think he's behind this?"


His gaze snapped back to me, and his jaw dropped.

"I think these Demon Gods are doing something in his name, but what little I heard… he cared about humanity. If you love someone, imperfections and all, you try to help them be better. You don't destroy them or force them into a shape that's not theirs. Whatever this fire's meant to do, it's not his will." I didn't look away. "He might not have been a normal human, but there was still love there. That much I know for sure."

"Love can hurt. It can twist and change both the one who feels it and the object of it." Archaman's words were bitter and tired.

"Then that isn't love at all. That kind of love is obsession, delusion." I stood firm. "Love is kind. Love protects. Love makes people better. If someone said that this catastrophe was born of love, I'd laugh at them."

Archaman looked at me for a few moments longer, then smiled. "I hope that it stays that way for you."

I smiled back. "With all of these people to care for, and them caring about me- I feel like it's a safe bet."

"So I hope." Archaman's voice was gentle as he turned to go. "Sorry, but I do need to get more work done." There was a note of regret in his voice.

"Try not to overwork yourself… Roman."

The sputter as I slipped back into my room was worth it.

As the door shut behind me, I planted my fists on my hips. "And how much of that did you overhear?"

Medusa turned a page as she leaned against the backboard, book in her hands. Cu sprawled off the edge of the bed, and Musashi kept trying to peek at what Medusa was reading.

Cu looked up at me. "Nothing you didn't want me to," he replied with an earnest smile.

"Good answer," Medusa praised in a dry tone.

"I'm trying to figure out when she's going to figure out the werewolf's in love with her," Musashi shot back. "I don't have time to eavesdrop!"

Medusa smirked.

I shook my head with a soft laugh. "You guys."

Mash's shield spun, using the elongated lower flange as something like a broadsword while she kept it close to her side.

"Some might say it's less effective than a blade, but it's still a sizable length of metal moving at high speeds. It might not cut, but crushing is still something it's capable of," Scathach noted aloud.

"Right." Mash smiled. "Thank you for taking the extra time with me."

Scathach shook her head. "You're diligent and willing to put in the work. It's a use of my talents and a way to kill time. I don't begrudge it."


She perked up, lowering her shield. "Senpai," she greeted as he stepped forward.

"Hm. I'll leave you two to it." Scathach paused. "Has your brother been working on his runes?"

"From what I heard, he made a modulator for Elizabeth last night without his wand," Ritsuka offered.

Scathach's eyebrow rose. "Did he?"

Mash shrugged. "I think so. Elizabeth didn't give much information about it, just that he did it."

Ritsuka rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sure of it."

"Hm. I'll accept that. Though, this is only the second day of tutelage - I don't expect miracles." Scathach crossed her arms. "I'd expected Setanta about now. What news do you have?"

Ritsuka straightened his shoulders. "Right. I actually came here for Mash. Doctor Roman and Da Vinci have found the next Singularity, and we're going to wake up the next member of A-Team today."

"Kirschtaria Wodime…" Mash murmured. She didn't have a strong opinion one way or the other on the man. Ophelia was fond of him, as much as she tried to hide it. After…

"Actually, we're reviving Ophelia Phamrsolone."

Mash's head snapped upward. "Eh?"

Ritsuka nodded. "Doctor Roman believes - and Da Vinci agrees - that her powers will be of the most help. I remembered that you said she was 'kind' to you, so wanted to know what we could expect."

Mash set her shield down, dismissing it. "Well… at first she was distant. I noticed her watching me, but for a long time nothing came of it. One day, there was a meeting, and I noticed Pepe talking to her." Mash folded her hands in front of her. "He looked so… serious. I never heard their conversation, but Ophelia looked a little frightened, only for something like resolve to appear. No, it was resolve. I'm sure, because that must have been the meeting Lord Animusphere held to try and bury what Beryl did to Matthew." Mash frowned. "In retrospect, she might not have made a move to befriend me if Pepe hadn't pushed her. And along with that… I think Akuta must have told him, which made him take Matthew under his wing. I don't know if Kadoc knows, even now."

"I might have heard a thing or two."

Mash jolted as Kadoc sauntered in, a dark look in his eyes. "It wasn't widely spread, but I figured out enough. When Pepe got me to hang out with Matthew, he laid down ground rules- where not to touch him, to let him initiate contact. Let's be real, with directions like that? It didn't take clairvoyance to put it together." Kadoc made a sharp 'tsk'. "Beryl was like an overbearing older brother, but whatever he did to Matthew… he was a kid. Still is, in a lot of ways. I might be a magus, but there's things I can't look away from."

"How long were you listening?" Ritsuka asked.

Kadoc rolled his eyes. "Long enough to figure it's a conversation I ought to be part of. Ophelia's not androphobic or misandric, but she doesn't trust men easily. I think Pepe's more of a 'they' than a 'he' or 'she', but Pepe never corrected anyone or made a fuss. Though he did refer to himself as a 'maiden' more than once…" Kadoc mused. "Anyways, Ophelia. She's quiet, and if you didn't look for it you'd think she's a secretary-bot or something. She can be pretty hardcore, but she seems to do better with direction. You'll probably be taking a lot of the initiative in the field, and she'll follow."

"She likes cake and tea," Mash remembered. "And she loves Norse legends. She told me a lot about the Volsunga Saga in our talks, especially the tale of Sigurd and Brynhildr."

"She's got a powerful Mystic Eye. I only saw it in simulation, but it's good for slowing down and stopping Mysteries." Kadoc sighed. "Just be aware, she needs breaks too - as much as she hates 'em."

Mash giggled. "She always did hate Sundays, so I started to invite her to tea. It made her happy to sit and talk, because it was something to do while on her day of rest."

"I see… so what else do you know of her? There must have been some reason she was so cautious of others." Ritsuka inclined his head.

"Um. Maybe? She was hesitant to call me a 'friend'. She liked talking about other things, but her past…" Mash shifted a little. It was a personal subject, and she probably shouldn't bring it up.

"Ritsuka, buddy. Each of us had some baggage. Even Beryl, probably." Kadoc slung an arm around his shoulders, making Ritsuka's eyes widen a little.

"Even you?" Ritsuka blinked.

"Eh. I'll admit, hearing you came from the family blessed by the Wizard Marshal pricked me a bit, but it doesn't seem to have done you a lot of favors. And anyway…" Kadoc blushed a little. "It's not like it changed anything. You still relied on me in Orleans, and other times. I dunno. It's hard to be jealous of you when you're counting on me so much." He smirked. "Even if I'm not an amazing magus, if someone like you is depending on me like that… how am I supposed to let you down?"

Mash smiled.

"Very touching, but you might want to take this elsewhere." Scathach jerked her head at the door. "My next appointment is here."

"Yo, Teacher!" Cu Chulainn poked his head in. "Oh, you guys. I dunno when the whole revival is happening, but keep an eye on Matty for me, yeah?"

Mash tilted her head. "In case you're not there?"

"Right in one, little lady." Cu strolled in, nodding at the Masters. "He doesn't seem too broken up about the change of plans, but I'm allowed to worry."

'Matty?' she mouthed at Ritsuka. He shrugged.

Kadoc shook his head. "At least you have your priorities," he joked.

Cu sighed. "I could probably get to him if I needed to from here, distance or no. But…"

"Matthew needs polish, but he can hold his own," Scathach said firmly. "You, at least, I can bring up to speed with relative ease."

"Yeah. I'll be his shoulder to lean on if he needs me, but coddling won't help him." Cu's eyes glinted in the light.

Mash turned to Ritsuka. "Senpai, do you know when we're waking Ophelia up?" Now that she knew, she actually felt somewhat eager. In the years that Ophelia had established herself in her life, Mash had grown fond of the older woman. Despite their mutual hesitance, they did end up becoming friends.

"Soon." Ritsuka jerked his head at the doorway. "If we get a move on, we might beat Matthew there."

"That soon?" Cu blinked a couple of times. "Uh, Teach-"

The point of a spear leveled at his face. "What was that about not coddling him?" Scathach sounded… unimpressed.

Cu Chulainn gave a gusty sigh. "Well Mash, he's in your hands."

Mash ducked her head before following Ritsuka and Kadoc out of the room, departing to the sound of clashing metal.

Mash watched as Matthew strode in, armor gleaming slightly in the low light of the preservation chamber. The silvery threads of the Shroud of Avalon shone under his arm, illuminating the determined look on his face.

"We're all here," Doctor Romani said, Da Vinci at his side.

Ritsuka and Kadoc stood in the center, Anastasia flanking Kadoc and Mash to Ritsuka's side.

Matthew's eyes flicked to the side for a quick moment, a frown flickering across his face. Morgan or 'whispers'? So much went on inside his head, it was worrying. Mash didn't know how he coped with all the interference.

Either the crown or the influence of the foreign goddess.

Mash managed not to jerk in surprise.




"Mash?" Ritsuka gently nudged her shoulder.

"N-nothing! I'm fine!" she squeaked. She looked back at Matthew, who was watching her with visible concern. "We should get started."

Matthew shrugged. "Alright." He shook the Shroud out to its full length, draping it over his arm as he walked by the coffins. His lips moved silently as his index finger bobbed from one to the next, until he came to a sudden stop.

Mash turned her head as Ritsuka placed his hand on her shoulder, a reassuring smile on his face. Kadoc crossed his arms with a glint in his eye.

"Memoria." Matthew let go of the Shroud, the cloth seeping through reality to filter through the lid of the coffin.

After the soft hiss of moving fabric, the gale's roar she remembered from Kadoc's revival echoed. A blur of silver light erupted from the coffin and collected in the air above. The air currents were made visible as they circled, painted with the radiance of the ritual. Runes circled rapidly, and through it all Mash could see Ophelia's body cocooned in the Shroud.

Caked-on blood flaked away, and the magus' hair fluttered in the gale. The whispers of the grand ritual echoed inside Mash's skull over a light growl.

Why would Galahad be angry at this? Someone was being healed, someone to help save the world. It didn't make sense to her.

You take things at their face value. The refugee of a forgotten timeline that clings to your brother will not bring salvation. It would have been better if I had succeeded in my assault, misguided as it was.

Mash drew a sharp breath as the voice went silent once more.


Ophelia's form began to sink through the air, snapping her out of her reverie. Mash stepped forward, arms outstretched as her friend finally settled in her grasp. Ophelia's uniform was lightly scorched, but her eyepatch was firmly in place.

After the briefest of moments, Ophelia's eye slid open. "Where…?" Her eye widened. "Mash? Wh-" She struggled, the Shroud wound around her limbs.

"Easy there." With a gesture, the Shroud of Avalon slid off of her body and back into Matthew's arms. Matthew gave Mash a scrutinizing glance before winding the mystic code around his arm.

Ophelia slowly got to her feet, Mash setting her down.

"Hey. What's the last thing you remember?" Kadoc asked.

"The coffin… and then…" Ophelia shook her head. "Apologies. It seems I'm still somewhat groggy."

"Unlike Kadoc, you sustained a severe head injury. It should be repaired, but you'll likely want to go to medical for an exam," Matthew said in a clipped tone.

Mash steadied Ophelia as she stood a little taller. "How do you feel?"

"Like I've woken up from a too-long nap. My head feels a little fuzzy, but otherwise… I feel rested enough." Ophelia looked around. "Mash? Why are you wearing armor?"

"Ah, right. She was meant to be a Master, huh…" Roman mused.

"The spirit woke up, and now I'm a Shielder-type Servant," Mash explained. "This is se- Ritsuka Tohsaka, the Master I'm contracted to."

Ophelia's eye sharpened. "I remember you. You're the one who was falling asleep during the Director's speech."

Ritsuka chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah…"

"So Kadoc survived too. Did anyone else…?" Despair dawned on Ophelia's face.

"Well, it's slow going but I'm reviving A-Team at the least. The worst of the damage was to them, after all." Matthew gave an imperious sniff. "As of now, there are four active Masters and two functional Rayshift coffins. Kadoc was the first I brought back. Ritsuka is the lead Master and the one keyed directly into the FATE system. His sister, Asako, was brought to us by an external ally - which given the state of the world is a minor miracle."

As though summoned, Asako dashed in with Shotaro and Touko following behind her. "Sorry I'm late!"

Ophelia blinked a couple of times, staring. "She's so young," she murmured.

"Asako Tohsaka, reporting!" She gave a sharp salute. "Servants - Caster Geppetto and Alter-Ego Kagutsuchi!"

Ophelia's eyebrow rose. "I see." She looked around the room. "...why is that coffin destroyed?"

Mash looked downwards.

"Gilgamesh took exception to someone besides him laying hands on me for some reason. So Gut was… dealt with. Or that was the plan; apparently whoever decided human history made good kindling decided to recruit him as an agent." Matthew placed his free hand on his hip. "So Team A is down to six, including Kadoc and yourself."

Ophelia inclined her head. "In all honesty, that is one of the less surprising developments." She frowned. "Gilgamesh?"

"...there's been a lot of developments," Mash admitted sheepishly.

"Matthew's being… 'wooed' by Gilgamesh, if we're being generous," Da Vinci began.

"I'm not," Matthew said bluntly.

Da Vinci continued, undeterred. "Morgan - the foreign one connected to him - is playing some form of fourth-dimensional chess with our adversary, and one of their collaborators is the one behind the incineration of human history."

"Considering she took Ritsuka's father and crammed a trio of forge gods in his skull, I think it's more like Calvinball at this point," Kadoc added darkly.

"Ritsuka's mother is the Wizard Marshal's apprentice, and is still working on something for Morgan alongside her sister. The Magus Killer is also being employed by her. Morgan is in league with Merlin, and we're host to Scathach herself, to say nothing of the numerous Servants we've contracted." Roman sighed. "We've solved Singularity F, which went… well. Then there was one in Orleans which concerned Prelati enshrouding France in eternal darkness."

"I'm not sure why I needed to know about Matthew's love life, but the rest seems… relevant." Ophelia finally stood on her own, frowning slightly.

"Why, because of all the scandalous gossip, of course!" Da Vinci beamed.

Matthew rolled his eyes. "I'm going to put this back by the furnace to start charging again. Then, I'm going to go find Cu Chulainn. The rest of you can do as you like." He strode out the door with barely a look at anyone besides Ritsuka or Mash.

Ophelia flexed her hand. "He's different."

Mash blinked.

"He didn't snap at anyone, even when Da Vinci teased him." Ophelia's gaze was steady. "He was still uncomfortable, but…"

"I see." Mash smiled a little. "Feeling better?"

Ophelia nodded. "Much." Her gaze went around the room. "Tohsaka, was it?" Her eye narrowed. "If you've managed two Singularities already, that speaks to your competence."

"Ah- yes." Ritsuka stood a little taller. "I'm doing my best."

For a long moment, there was silence.

"I'll look at the reports to see what's transpired while I slept," Ophelia said finally. "Mash, would you care to join me? And Tohsaka," she added belatedly.

"Aww. No room for me?" Kadoc teased.

Ophelia flushed slightly. "I assumed you'd want to corral Matthew."

"Pff. He's going to spend time with Cu Chulainn. If he says that, or Musashi or Medusa, then it's pretty safe to assume he's busy." Kadoc waggled his eyebrows. "The kid works fast."

Ophelia processed that. Her eye widened. "What?"

"In the words of the person in question: 'oh, you sweet summer child'." Anastasia's deadpan delivery contrasted with the glimmer of amusement in her eyes.

Mash let out a long sigh. "It's… a story. Let's bother Emiya and see if he has cake."

"...whom?" occurred to Mash that there may be a bit more to catch Ophelia up on than she first thought.


"Fascinating. Do tell." Cu Chulainn gently stroked the back of my head as I let my forehead rest on the outside of his thigh. He sat upright at one end of the couch in 'my' lounge, while I laid flat across the rest.

"Empathy suuuucks."

"Does it, though?" Musashi dangled over the back of the couch. "I mean, concerning allies. Though I tended to travel alone pretty often. And kill people in duels. As you do." She paused. "I'm going off of assumptions here, okay?"

Medusa turned a page in her book, sitting in a chair and wisely keeping out of it.

"Okay, but like. This Universal Language thing is getting out of hand." I sat up onto my knees, only for Cu to take hold of my arm and tug me closer. "Phamrsolone and I definitely weren't close, and anyone with eyes could tell she had a 'thing' for Wodime."

"So what tipped you off that she might, in fact, be a person with her own thoughts and feelings?"

I scowled at Cu as he gave me an innocent look. "You're being entirely too smug about this."

"I am allowed to take pride and joy in your personal growth." He smiled.

"And my suffering, apparently," I grumbled.

"Pbbt. I know suffering, and this is grumpy discomfort at worst," Musashi said dismissively.

I flopped back down, this time leaning my head against Cu's side.

"So what is it that has you all tied up in a knot?" Cu reached down and began to rub my hair again.

"I heard Phamrsolone's last thoughts before the bomb went off."

"Okay. And?" Musashi leaned her chin on the back of the couch.

"Her biggest regret was never holding Wodime's hand."

"I'm going to need context," Cu said after a moment.

"So… I never really tried to get close to her, but I never saw her go anywhere near Wodime. She didn't even go near Mash until later. Or maybe she did, but wasn't persistent." I sighed. "Anyways, she tended not to engage with others unless it was for a specific task."

"Perhaps she just liked being alone?" Medusa offered, finally speaking up.

"I don't think so." I frowned. "Something's up there. Kadoc had his inferiority complex, Pepe and Hinako had their secrets… what's her story?"

"The fate of our family rests upon you - you and your eye."

"Do you know their secrets?" Musashi asked.

"...I could."

"But you won't," Cu stated in a firm tone. "If whatever else you heard has made you that curious, then talk to them. Don't disrespect these people by using your powers to pull up their pasts."

I squinted at him. "Duh. Like you needed to remind me."

He smirked. "Just making sure."

"So now for the important part: who do you think's gonna go on the mission?" Musashi asked.

"Me, Mash, and whoever Phamrsolone summons." I rolled over so my head and upper back covered Cu's lap. "Dunno who else. I might make suggestions based on who gets picked, but it'll be at least one more for Ritsuka and two more for Phamrsolone."

"Me," Cu chimed in. His tone wasn't heavy, but I could tell the 'not up for discussion' bit right off the bat.

"Somehow I don't know if the powers that be will let you deploy to every major singularity," I drawled.

He laid his hand over my forehead. "We'll see."

Musashi huffed. "Well what am I supposed to do, then?"

I could hear the smirk in Medusa's voice when she said: "Well, I'm most likely staying behind."

Musashi choked on her spit at the implication. Coughing aside, she didn't look upset.

"Really?" I leaned into Cu's hand, and his palm moved to cover the bridge of my nose.

"I heard 'snow'. And the current gossip is that the temperature is well below the freeze-point." There was a moment of pointed silence. "I have a few… reptilian attributes that would make deploying me unfavorable."

"You never struck me as cold-blooded," I muttered.

That earned a chuckle. "You would be among the few to hold that opinion."

I opened my mouth to protest, only for Cu to cover it by moving his hand lower. He caught my eye and shook his head.


The four of us lounged in silence for a solid minute or two, until-

"Mrgph!" I flailed my arms, causing Cu to lift his hand up. "Shit! I've gotta go make mystic codes for Ritsuka and Phamrsolone!"

" did we get to that?" Musashi asked slowly.

"If it's colder than cold, then- well, Ritsuka might be okay because of Mash, but we don't know if-" I babbled.

Cu gently scooped me upright. "You'd better get to it, then." He smirked. "Do I get anything to keep me warm?"

"I mean your bodysuit is already a mass of runes, me adding one or two more won't hurt," I replied absentmindedly as I rolled to my feet.

"...that one went right over your head, didn't it?" Musashi drawled.

"Enough, you two. He's hit crafting mode," Medusa chided them as I wandered towards the door.

"Yeah, it's not fair to pick on him right now. Later." Cu sounded amused, but I was more focused on which clothes and what sealants I would need. Maybe I'd drop by Medea's little fashion corner for tips.

I wandered past someone who tried to get my attention, but I was on a mission.

No time for niceties!

Ophelia wasn't entirely sure what to make of the new Masters. Her experiences with the rest managed to neatly categorize the other six, for better or worse. Pepe was friendly with everyone, Hinako kept herself apart (except for those who didn't have ulterior motives apparently), Daybit had no interest in understanding or being understood, and Kadoc was diligent if a little self-flagellating. Kirschtaria… for all he outwardly appeared stern, there was kindness there, and more beneath the surface.

Beryl Gut's true nature was revealed, and she would not permit him anywhere near Mash. Not so long as she drew breath. It was hearsay from Hinako to Pepe to her, but the look on Pepe's face…

"That girl has even less to defend herself with than her brother. If she's left to her own devices, it'll take more than the good doctor to ward Beryl away, friend of the Director or not." Pepe pursed his lips. "It's not like you didn't want to be her friend in the first place, no?"


She flicked her eye up from the report in front of her. She sat with the other Masters and their primary Servants in the library at one of the larger tables.

Mash gave her a concerned look.

"I'm well. Just… thinking." She managed a small smile.

Beryl Gut was a problem for later. It was time to focus on the 'now'.

The Tohsaka siblings were easily the youngest Masters out of the group. Even in comparison to Kadoc. However, the reports from Orleans and Singularity F painted a picture of Ritsuka as someone who could think on their feet and possessed necessary resolve. Asako was outgoing enough, and from what she could gather seemed competent.

Both were far more open and welcoming than most magi Ophelia had encountered. Such would make them competent Masters, though Ophelia couldn't say whether Ritsuka would be a better leader than Kirschtaria.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kadoc asked, leaning his chair back on two legs.

"You'll fall over and crack your head." Ophelia plucked her teacup and sipped it daintily.

Ritsuka chuckled. "She has a point, you know."

Kadoc rolled his eyes as Anastasia stood his chair upright with a brush of her pointer finger. "Yes, Mother," he drawled.

"Hey, is there a reason you haven't summoned your primary Servant yet?" Asako asked, tilting her head.

Touko idly drank her tea as her golden kitten prowled near the cake. It was interrupted by a blur of white impacting its side and sending it flying through the library, leaving Fou sitting peacefully where it had stood.

Fou was the privileged animal of Chaldea. A privilege he had earned when some magus attempted to run tests on him, and promptly found his workshop savaged beyond repair. If anything, he'd only become more violent since Matthew had taken him in.

Though, no, that wasn't quite it. The level of violence hadn't changed, but the level of decisiveness. Reciprocity, maybe.

"Anastasia pretty much showed up on her own as soon as I left cryostasis," Kadoc pointed out. "Also, what kind of cake is that?"

"Bienenstich," Ophelia replied. "I admit to some surprise that we had the ingredients."

"Ah yeah, I thought it looked familiar. Surprised that Emiya knew the recipe, though."

Ophelia smiled. "He doesn't." After her stint in medical, she decided making some sweets would be fun.

"Ophelia's really talented in the kitchen," Ritsuka chimed in with a smile. "She found everything very quickly."

She blushed a little. "I'm best with sweets, and I wanted a nice cake while I looked over things. Though, I appreciate the praise."

"It's deserved! I really enjoyed having tea with you before, and I'm glad we'll be able to do it again." Mash smiled.

Ophelia's heart warmed. Even if it took time, she didn't regret befriending Mash.

The golden kitten clambered into Ritsuka's lap, ears flattened as it glowered at Fou. Ritsuka scratched its neck, and it gradually relaxed.

"Hm. He still has a soft spot for you," Touko mused with a small, fond smirk.

"Lugh's not bad," Ritsuka protested. "He's always been friendly to me."

"To you," Touko agreed.

"It's probably because Ritsuka saw him as a wolf first and the first thing he did was give him a hug," Asako stage-whispered to Ophelia.

"I was eight!" Ritsuka protested.

"Sure. 'Puppy!' fits a werewolf taller than Dad so well," Asako snarked.

"A werewolf? Senpai!?" Mash stared at Ritsuka.

Ritsuka hunched over, grumbling as Lugh licked his cheek.

"...and now so much becomes clearer," Kadoc muttered. all honesty, it didn't matter who would make the better leader. Ritsuka inherited the title when no one else was left. When Kirschtaria awoke - and it would only be a matter of time - Ophelia could see him and Ritsuka becoming the best of friends.

The only lingering question was… how would Mash's brother react?

"He's a bitter little fellow, I suppose. But once you've earned his trust, it's not hard to keep- and he's sweet in his way as well." Pepe smiled. "The more time I spend, the more I wonder for whose sake it is that Lord Animusphere keeps him seperate from Kirschtaria."

As Ritsuka grumpily stabbed his cake with a fork, only to brighten upon putting it in his mouth… Ophelia wondered too.

After all, this boy had managed to win the loyalty and affection of the Dread Fairy of Chaldea. Who was to say that Kirschtaria couldn't have won him over too? Though as she watched, Ophelia had the strangest feeling that the reason for their friendship was fairly visible in itself.

She was all too aware of the effects genuine kindness could have upon one who had been through hell.

"Thank you for inviting me." Mash smiled slightly. "It was nice… almost like we're friends."

"...can we be friends?"

Mash's eyes widened a little.

Sometimes, a little acceptance and loyalty could change everything.

"I- yes!"

I stopped for a moment, juggling the enchanted coats I made and trying to keep them both folded. "Grgh! Darn it, stop-!"

A pale hand gently grasped one, took it from me, and it vanished into a gleaming hole in the air. Seconds later, it reemerged, perfectly creased and folded. "Now the other."

Blinking, I handed it over. Only then did I figure out who had decided to help me.

Gilgamesh smirked as he handed the other garment back, eyes glittering with amusement. "You're welcome."

"Uh. Thanks." I squinted at him. "...Shotaro's still breathing, right?"

"Hmph. Using Hephaestus' net upon me was… interesting. I didn't think I would fit the criterion to be restrained, but apparently so. We've reached an understanding: I would overlook his discretion and withhold my form from his children's eyes until they come of age, and he would offer me the first selection of his arms and armory that he crafts here." Gilgamesh radiated smugness.

"Y'know, that's probably one of the more equitable bargains I've heard of, especially with a god involved," I muttered.

"Hm?" Gilgamesh raised his eyebrows.

"Well, you don't waste your time on most people, so averting a vendetta is good. Also it keeps his kids safe, and from what I know about how fathers are supposed to be that's a high priority," I rattled off. "In exchange, you get new toys. Regardless of physical value, you both get what you want most."

He paused, thinking. "Hm. I suppose that is one way to look at it." He smirked. "That aside, I wished to offer praise to you."

Aaand the moment of not being creeped out was over. "Really."

"Naturally. The way you ignored that magus when he tried to bait you, utterly dismissing him as the insignificant mongrel he was…" Gilgamesh leaned against the wall. "It was quite entertaining."

"...wait, someone did what?" I tilted my head.

" truly did not notice." Gilgamesh stared.

"I mean, I had things to do. If I didn't get these coats done, Ritsuka could freeze to death in the next Singularity!" My voice pitched up at the thought. "I don't want that! He's my friend!"

"So it wasn't a dismissal. He genuinely did not register as worthy of notice."

"...I guess?" I shrugged sheepishly. "Like I said. I had higher priorities."

There was a moment of silence.

"Fu- fuahahaha!" Gilgamesh's eyes scrunched shut as he threw his head back, bellowing out a laugh from his belly.

Outside of his armor, and being… less aggressive… it was hard not to notice how attractive he was.

No! No! Bad thoughts! Naught lies past that but wrath and weeping!

Excellent use of Djuna Barnes, dear. Mind his Charisma, it is literally a force of nature.

Gilgamesh took a few deep breaths as he composed himself, wiping imaginary tears from his eye. "Ah. It's been some time since I've had such a cause to laugh." He smirked. "Most of the time it is due to mongrels aspiring to the titles of hero or king, and the realization that they measure up to neither. You, however…" Gilgamesh shifted his weight, and although his arms were crossed his body language was more inviting.

"Me?" I tilted my head again, but didn't move closer.

"You are uninterested in being a hero. Even your claim to the title of 'prince' is as the son of a queen - more to claim your mother than any throne." Gilgamesh's eyes seemed to gleam. "Your interests are solely in seeking pleasure, staving off pain, and preserving those who earn your favor."

"I mean, yeah. I do what makes me happy. Sometimes I have to sacrifice my own wants in the moment, but it gets me more of what I want later. Because priorities." I frowned. "And sometimes I want to help people because I can. It's fun."

Gilgamesh gave an indulgent smile. "For a being whose power lies in illusion, you are very forthright. It's charming."

"Illusions don't have to be lies. They can be dreams and desires too," I pointed out.

"Perhaps," he allowed. "But, all of that aside - I did have a reason to approach you."

And here we go.

My, my. Well, no need to fear. I'm sure-

"I wished to inform you that I will accompany our 'Master' to the next Singularity. I have no desire to look over my shoulder and wonder if a stray knife will end my treasury from misplaced anger, so came to assure you that there is no trap in place." Gilgamesh smiled. curse could do that, to be sure. But hitting him while he had his full power would be a gamble at absolute best.

"I've seen what you're capable of as a ten-year-old. I doubt I could keep up with you now, sealed or otherwise." I fixed my eyes on a spot to the side of his head.

"Perhaps I merely wished not to frighten you." Gilgamesh shrugged languidly. "Cu Chulainn has your trust."

"He wouldn't hurt me," I replied confidently.

"Would he? Would Medusa?" Gilgamesh's mouth twitched. "I can't speak for the swordswoman, but at least two of your lovers have a history of violence against those they care for."

"Cu told me." I straightened my shoulders. "He trusts me, so the least I can do is trust him."

"And Medusa?"

"She'll tell me when she's ready."

Gilgamesh's gaze was heavy. "As you say. I will say this: I would not seek to harm you, were you mine."

"Did you love Artoria?"

He paused.

"Because she was pretty certain you meant her nothing but pain." I glared at him. "I don't know what changed between when you were a kid and now, but I've been around enough people to know when someone doesn't have my best interests at heart."

"If I wished you ill, you would be suffering right now," Gilgamesh replied in a stiff tone, narrowing his eyes.

"Great. What you define as ill intent and my definition probably differ. So even if you think you're being kind to me, it comes across as yet another threat." I scowled. "Thanks for helping fold the Codes. I need to get them to Ritsuka and Phamrsolone."

I made to step away, but froze as Gilgamesh caught my elbow.


The runes flickered wildly overhead, and a sharp scent hit my nose that made it hurt with cold.

"Tell me. Why would you prefer the company of mongrels over mine?" Gilgamesh didn't sound upset. His tone was cool and even.

"Because not once did I ever feel threatened by them. Confused, sure. Intimidated, maybe. But they never tried to hurt me." I grit my teeth as I forced myself to breathe. "They don't scare me. You do."

Gilgamesh arched an eyebrow.

"My whole life, I've been frightened. The only contrast to that fear was a voice in my head, and it took years for a scant few people to show me that I didn't have to be afraid." I glared directly at Gilgamesh. "My situation is fucked enough that the first time I felt totally free, the first time I felt I had nothing to fear- was after the majority of the Chaldea Organization was wiped off the face of the earth. And here you are, trying to put me in chains; to own, control, and hurt me again."

The king frowned, opening his mouth-

"I'm so tired of being scared."

The temperature in the hall continued to plummet, and flecks of frost gathered on Gilgamesh's eyelashes.

He let go. There wasn't so much as a mark where he grabbed me.

Slowly, the temperature began to rise.

"I'm taking everything back. Every good thing I find, I'm keeping. I'm not falling back in that hole. You understand me?" I stared him down. "My friends, my family, my loved ones- they're mine. And I won't let anyone take them from me, or the other way around."

A heartbeat. Maybe two.

"People are transient." Gilgamesh's voice was too-gentle. "Treasures will last longer, and with proper care they will not fade."

"What good will a treasure do me? Can it give me comfort? Make me laugh? How am I supposed to care about something static? I want people to live alongside me and grow with me." I turned on my heel. "Even if… even if I do lose it all someday. At least I had it to begin with."

That time, he didn't stop me as I walked away.

Gilgamesh rolled the encounter over in his head.

He hadn't lied. Not once. Matthew had been forthright with him from the start to the end of their conversation.

But why? Why would he admit his weakness? Even if he were to throw himself upon the mercy of the King, to do so to someone he feared…

And there it was. He wanted to trust Gilgamesh. To believe that the gentler side from his childhood still lived on in him.

Gilgamesh was, first and foremost, a hedonist and tyrant. He indulged in his own pleasures at the expense of his people, trampling them and making them weep in gratitude when they were beneath his notice. Women, men, anyone who caught his eye was his to take for as long as he desired.

Humanity was his to love to the point of hatred, and he was the wedge that sundered the Age of Gods. His role was to observe the ends of the World, and everything else passed beneath his gaze. When he could measure the worth and length of a life from untold angles with a single glimpse, what was the point of holding it longer than it had value to him?

Gilgamesh had embraced his solitude, and only one had intruded against his will. He would treasure that precious bond until the Throne of Heroes itself ceased to be.

It wasn't that Matthew saw him as an equal. The young man acknowledged his power, and after a fashion, his wisdom. To that end… it wasn't submission he feared, but abuse.

Though perhaps he equated the two. In which case, permitting him his freedom and enticing him to stay by his side…

Gilgamesh was one to pursue treasures. It might have been a sign of softening in his advanced age to permit one he'd claimed to be pawed at by mongrels. And yet… the joy he'd observed as they interacted with him was sweet in its own right.

The boy had been conditioned not to expect kindness. His reaction to it stirred emotions the King had thought long since abandoned. Were he an ordinary human, Gilgamesh doubted he'd be swayed in the slightest.

But this was the first Fairy he'd met- and not a True Ancestor or other great Elemental, but a hybrid. He could not recall another instance of such a being of any standing.

Gilgamesh smiled.

It would be an unconventional pursuit, to be sure. But unlike his chase of Artoria, he rather liked the idea of what lay at the end. Numerous gifts to line his treasury, a vibrant tumult of emotion and pleasure. And then, if he were so inclined, he could spoil the prince himself. After all, his treasury was home to many exotic materials in their unshaped form.

...and perhaps he could make use of the mongrels. After all, it was not as though any of them were particularly unsightly, at least in strictly physical terms. And he had to admit, the prince had drawn out sides he hadn't expected to see without scrutiny.

"Hoh. He really does make things interesting."

I crossed my arms as everyone filed into the summoning chamber. Enough time had passed to be certain of Phamrsolone's recovery, so it was time for the final preparations.

Kadoc, Ritsuka, and Asako hung back as Phamrsolone strode forward to the circle, her command seals glowing brightly.

She held her hand up, a look of determination in her eye. "I'm ready."

The rings of light coalesced over the circle, contacting into a pillar of pale light.

"Heed my call! FATE System - activate!"

The room shuddered with the sheer power that answered Phamrsolone. A mighty shape clad in armor faded into being. Silver and black hair peeked out from behind a rugged black mask, and his attire was… spiky. The eye sockets of the mask gleamed blue. After a moment, the mask retracted-

Into a pair of glasses?


"Uh?" I blinked a few times. I glanced at Mash, and she shrugged.

Shotaro frowned in confusion, and Touko smirked. Anastasia remained stoic, though bewilderment rolled off of her like an aura.

"Was the mask supposed to do that?" Asako asked aloud.

The Servant bowed deeply at the waist, his icy blue eyes giving off a surprisingly kind impression. "Servant, Saber. My True Name is Sigurd." He raised his head, standing tall. "So you are my Master. Please, give me your orders. I promise to promptly execute them."

Oh, okay. He's kind of hot. Like, in an attractive butler way. But with armor.

My, my. He's a married man, you know? He has a wife.

Think she'd be up for a third party?

Do you want to be stabbed?

Well. That's not a no?

Morgan's titters in my mind faded gradually.

Well, at least I know why Phamrsolone wanted him so badly. Woof.

"Welcome to Chaldea, Sigurd." Phamrsolone inclined her head. "We set out shortly for the land of Rome. It has fallen under an assault of ice and snow, and the foes are said to be fierce."

"Ah, yes. The snow we can tell comes from a Divine Spirit, and there's something else of equivalent power working with it. Lev Lainur has been spotted, and we have reason to believe the goddess Baba Yaga is active in the area. Rome itself is under attack by the combined forces of the Divine Spirit and the Iceni." Roman's voice echoed over the comms.

"Indeed. We're fortunate that one of our Casters had the foresight to prepare Mystic Codes to allow the Masters to resist the cold." Ophelia touched the coat I'd prepared with a nod at me.

I put my hands behind my head. "It wasn't too hard. Just a few runes and a bit of sealant to keep them in place."

Mash shook her head, sighing.

"What sort of runes?" Sigurd approached Phamrsolone, his glasses glinting in the light.

"Faerie Runes," Ritsuka explained. "But we should introduce ourselves first. I'm Ritsuka Tohsaka, lead Master of Chaldea."

Ophelia flushed slightly. "Ophelia Phamrsolone. Apologies, I got ahead of myself."

Sigurd's lips quirked, barely. "Understandable. The task at hand is momentous enough that such eagerness is expected."

"Asako Tohsaka! These are Touko and my father - or Geppetto and Kagutsuchi." Asako flashed a peace sign and a grin.

"Kadoc Zemlupus. This is my Caster, Anastasia Romanov."

Anastasia curtsied. "A pleasure."

"Mash Kyrielight, Shielder Servant." Mash nodded. She motioned to the newly appeared fuzzball on her shoulder. "This is Fou."

"And you would be the one capable of using these runes?" Sigurd addressed me.

"Matthew Kyrielight, Servant Caster." I winked. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, big guy."

Mash pinched the bridge of her nose as Fou's ears drooped.

"Anyways," Ritsuka said hurriedly, "we need to set out as soon as possible." He turned to Phamrsolone. "Ophelia, have you chosen who you want to bring?"

She opened her mouth, only for the door to open.

"Good news! With the remains of Elizabeth's Grail, we've managed to activate a new feature of the FATE system!" Da Vinci swanned into the room. "Ritsuka!"

Ritsuka sighed. "Yes?"

"I'm sure you're aware of the limitations on the number of Servants you can field at a time. Well, we've circumvented that- a little." Da Vinci planted her hands on her hips with a wide smile. "As of today, Ritsuka can field six Servants! So long as one is contracted from those available locally."

" an extra spot to be filled by an ally without a Master?" Phamrsolone asked.

"Indeed! And only that. Unlike the other slots, we have just enough extra energy to kickstart the contract. Summoning or sending in one of our own is too much." Da Vinci shrugged. "That's that, I suppose."

Ritsuka nodded with a small smile. "Thank you, Da Vinci. That will help with logistics. I'll start taking four Servants initially from here on in."

"Youuu got it!" Da Vinci strode away, humming cheerfully.

There was a brief moment of silence.

"So that happened," I remarked. "Anyways. Who's getting drafted?"

Phamrsolone cleared her throat. "Clearly Sigurd, Mash, and yourself are going. That gives us a powerful attacker, a strong defense, and versatile support. We should build our teams accordingly with that in mind."

Ritsuka coughed. "Well, one of the Servants volunteered already. Gilgamesh."

Mash twitched. "Is that so, Senpai."

He nodded with an abashed look. "And I don't think he'll listen to any Master but me. So…"

She stared at him for a long moment, then turned to me. "You're not leaving my sight."

"Will he be disruptive on the mission?" Phamrsolone frowned slightly.

"...I don't know. We've never fielded him before," Ritsuka confessed. "All I know is that he's strong, and he was pretty insistent that he accompany us."

I don't think he's going to prove an issue. Not after yesterday.


The King of Heroes is not the only one who possesses that level of insight. It's as you said, sometimes you prioritize your desires. Well, he seems to have decided to prioritize his own.

...that sounds ominous.

I'd say 'don't worry about it', but for all that I can see his intentions, I still can't parse them. I'm sorry.

Hey, it's something at least. Thanks.

"Morgan says that he'll… help. I won't say 'behave' or 'be good' because that implies a level of influence that none of us has. But he won't mess things up." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Morgan?" Sigurd frowned thoughtfully.

"We're- well, Mash is a Demi-Servant. I'm something. At this point, I don't know." I shrugged. "I've been raised and shaped by the Goddess of Avalon."

"I see. And your Spirit?" Sigurd addressed Mash.

"Galahad, or so King Arthur claims." Mash looked downwards. "He's been… somewhat terse."

A chill ran down my spine.

Communication does not imply control. With your link to Ritsuka, and Mash's link to Ritsuka, I can exert some influence.

Wait. Don't I have Avalon in me? The scabbard?

Yes? Oh, yes. I forgot you figured that out. Ta-da! It's not a Noble Phantasm, but the genuine article. I do hope you enjoy the effects it has on you and yours.

What does it mean for the connection I have to Ritsuka and Mash?

...don't worry about it!


"Matthew. Maaaatthew." Ritsuka waved his hand in my face.

"Crap, sorry." I ducked my head.

"We wanted your thoughts on who might work well with us." Phamrsolone inclined her head. "The only missing part of Ritsuka's team is a strong direct combatant. A knight or Berserker would fit that nicely. For myself, I would prefer a ranged combatant and support. Assassins or Casters would do nicely."

"Well, we have two Assassins that immediately come to mind. One is a samurai and should probably be a Saber, and the other…"

"Kuzuki is unavailable. However, Medea has a full suite of potions to offer the Masters at this time," Roman noted.

"Good to know, thanks!" I called back.

He made a garbled noise and the intercom shut off.

Ritsuka raised his eyebrows.

"Being mad at him is more energy than it's worth. Also, every time I'm civil with him his brain melts out his ears. It's funny." I grinned widely.

Kadoc snickered, only for Asako to elbow his arm with a sedate look on her face.

"Matthew," Mash said warningly.

"Right! Teammates. So for Ritsuka- well, you probably know my preference." I shrugged.

Ritsuka snorted. "So I assumed."

"For those of us who don't know, could you elaborate?" Touko crossed her arms with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Cu Chulainn," he said, as if it explained everything.

Kadoc smirked. "Yeah, I figured."

"What, so he wants to bring his boyfriend along?" Asako grimaced. "Seriously?"

"His boyfriend is the Irish equivalent of Heracles," Ritsuka pointed out. "He's more than worth the trouble."

"Aaand I retract my complaint." Asako held her hands up.

"So for Casters, Medea has already recused herself. Do we know what Lord El-Melloi II can do?" I asked.

"...not really?" Ritsuka grinned sheepishly.

I groaned. "Great. So that leaves… hrm. We have Nobunaga and Emiya for distance… I wouldn't pick Mozart for much. He can fight, but he's not amazing at it. Marie's better, but that was in France. Sieg or Joan, maybe? But they're direct powerhouses too…" I bit my lip. "Ugh."

"What about Medusa?" Anastasia asked coyly.

I waved a hand. "She already said she doesn't want to go."

Ophelia placed her hand on her chin. "Are there any Servants who excel at maneuverability?"

"Astolfo? Maybe?" I tilted my head.

"I see. I'll take Nobunaga. Her strength against Mystery will be invaluable." Phamrsolone nodded slowly. "From the other records I perused…"

"Take El-Melloi II and hope for the best," Kadoc suggested. "He's not a weak Servant, and the man was sharp as a tack to begin with. At worst he'll have strategic insight; anything beyond that is a bonus."

"He is fused with Zhuge Liang, who was a master tactician," Ritsuka noted.

"Then we're set." Phamrsolone gave a small smile.

The coffin closed over Ritsuka's head, leaving only the Servants outside. Mash stood at the head, Cu Chulainn at the foot, and Gilgamesh and I were at the right and left respectively. For Phamrsolone, Sigurd stood at the head, with El-Melloi II and Nobunaga at the sides.

"Beginning Rayshift in three… two… wait." Roman's voice crackled at the end. "What-?"

"Anomaly detected!" one of the other magi shouted, nerves audible in their voice. "Something- the data is fluctuating! There's some kind of virus-!"

...sounds like someone forgot to use Webroot.

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they ran McAfee.

Since when do you know about computers?

Excuse you! I pay attention!

There was a stretch of silence.

"Hm." Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed. "Why does this seem familiar, somehow…?"

"Alright… whatever it was, it's gone." Wariness filled Roman's voice. "That said, perhaps we should wait to double check the syst-"

The lights in the Rayshift chamber began to flash, and the automated voice rang out: "Beginning Rayshift. Spiritron conversion complete. Transmitting in three. Two. One."

"Wh- wait! Stop! Da Vinci!"

"There's some kind of override!" And that's the first time I've heard her scared oh this isn't good is it.

Morgan? Mooorgan?


"Transmitting now."

"No!" Absolute terror filled Roman's voice as the world blended together in light.

It was as though we'd been engulfed in a vortex, and I could only make out the shapes of the other Servants. Mash and Cu Chulainn were both reaching towards me, but no matter how I stretched I couldn't reach back. Over the roar of the botched Rayshift, I could hear Nobunaga's offended yelling.

"Hm, hm, hm~! Let's see. Eeney, meeny, miny…"

A hand wrapped around my wrist.


I turned to see glowing red eyes, a mischievous smile, and-

"...Sakura? Why is your hair purple again?"

The girl blinked once. "Huh. Interesting." She grinned wider. "Anyways, off we go~! Don't fret, the best guide available will show you to your destination!"

And with a savage tug from the black-clad not-Sakura, everything faded to white.

Mash whirled in the massive snowfield, turning on Gilgamesh. "Where is he!?"

The king looked at her for a long moment. "I will permit your outburst, but do not think to demand anything of me."

Cu Chulainn stood apart, head tilted back and his eyes closed. He slowly breathed in and out as his fingers absently traced runes in the air.

"Ritsuka." Ophelia turned to him.

He flexed his hand, frowning. "Our contract is still there. I can feel him, but I can't pinpoint a direction in this snow."

"Jeez. What was that? Seriously, if there was a bug, shouldn't there have been a failsafe?" Nobunaga planted a fist on her hip.

"It would stand to reason that would be the case," El-Melloi II mused. "However, there was a presence in the Rayshift. It's not outside the realm of possibility that the 'bug' was that presence."

Sigurd kept a silent vigil as Mash's blood boiled.

"Cu Chulainn, please tell me we have a heading." She grit her teeth.

"Somewhat." A single rune hung in the air, Cu staring at it with a slight frown. "I have a direction, but distance is choppy. Like Master said, the snow's interfering." He glanced at Ritsuka. "Master, this isn't normal snow. How are your Codes holding up?"

Mash saw the gleam of runes patterning the winter coats on Ritsuka and Ophelia.

"They're doing pretty well, actually," Ritsuka noted. "I barely feel the cold, and the snow doesn't seem to stick."

"It's true. They're actively repelling the water," Ophelia added.

"The snow is from an Authority, but is inefficient due to being stolen. If it was used by its true owner the Masters, the tactician, and the Ulsterman would all be frozen solid." Gilgamesh's eyes gleamed darkly. "I believe the name of it is 'Fimbulvetr.'"

"Fenrir," Sigurd uttered in a low voice, his glasses occluding his eyes. "Someone has usurped Fenrir?"

Ophelia exhaled, her breath steaming the air. "We need to find Matthew and search out allies. All we got from Doctor Romani was the existence of Baba Yaga and multiple divinities in play. More information is needed."

Cu Chulainn nodded in a direction. "He's that way. Could be a few meters, could be kilometers. It's not too far; otherwise my runes wouldn't work at all."

"I would offer to supplement your runes with my own, but it might disrupt the spell." Sigurd placed his hand on the hilt of a combat knife at his waist. Mash noticed the set of four, and the absence of a 'sword'.

"So we have a heading. ...where's Fou?" Ritsuka frowned.

"Hopefully with Matthew." Mash sighed. "Poor Fou. He must be so scared."

Ophelia gave her a flat look, to Mash's confusion.


"Fou is much like your brother. Outwardly harmless, unlikely to fight unless disturbed, and totally lethal when provoked." Ophelia shook her head in fond exasperation. "If those two have joined forces, we should be prepared to find some sort of chaos of their making."

"We should depart." Gilgamesh's voice was low and cold. When Mash looked at him, she saw tension around his eyes.

"You know what caused this." Cu Chulainn didn't phrase it as a question.

"We've met. I don't know why she would be here, but if she means us harm then our options are limited - assuming her power translates into the physical world. If it doesn't, then she will make herself of use or be destroyed." Gilgamesh's tone was clipped.

Mash balked at the cold anger of the King of Heroes.

Ritsuka gave a firm nod. "Alright. We ready to head out?"

Nobunaga punched the air. "Gimme a target and I'll light the bastards up!" she cheered.

El-Melloi sighed, producing a small fan from a burst of light. "I'll open a path so we can see ahead. Cu Chulainn?"

"Aye, I'll take point to keep the heading." Cu glanced at Gilgamesh. "When we get there… I'll look after Matthew-"

"And I will dispose of the enemy." Gilgamesh's lips quirked slightly. "We have an accord, Ulsterman."

"Heh. It's better than the alternative!" Cu grinned fiercely.

Mash scooped Ritsuka into a bridal carry as she dashed behind Cu Chulainn, noting Sigurd doing the same for Ophelia out of the corner of her eye. El-Melloi II's limbs glowed as he reinforced them to keep up, a gale of wind opening the curtain of snowflakes as they charged.

As they ran with only Nobunaga's whoops of fervor disturbing the silence, Mash kept Gilgamesh in her sight.

The focus in his eyes, at least, was familiar. Perhaps… there was still something there of the child they met in Fuyuki.

"...huh." I squinted at the billowing snow. "Yeah, this sucks. No thanks."

Fou's ears popped out of the powder on the ground, followed shortly by his head. I picked him up absentmindedly, clearing the clinging frost with a single sweep of my hand as my hairpin lit up.

With a click of my fingers, the frozen water was shunted away in a sphere that grew to the point even the clouds overhead thinned. The bigger the area, the less control I had- but it was still the power of an A-ranked Mystic Code. My hairpin shone blue and white light as the area around me cleared.

"Oh shit."

Multiple bodies lay on the ground, shivering. One… two… ten… fuck.

"Okay. Alright. Multiple… restore… warmth…" I bit my lip. "Ideas, Fou?"


"Yeah," I agreed as I kept flicking my wand through the air. I couldn't afford to waste time or mana, given I didn't see or hear any sign of the rest of the group. "Enshroud's a good one. It'll last for a little bit, hopefully until I can establish a home base."

The sentence hung in midair for a moment, my plea reaching out to the World itself. Then it bent into a ring, spinning and golden. It shot towards the epicenter of the space I desired, then erupted in an expanding halo.

The brilliant light soaked into the prone bodies, causing ice and frost to slough off of them. Slowly, they started to stand.

Fuck. They're kids. There's not a single adult here. Morgan?

Dammit all.

"Uh, hello?" I stepped forward slowly, making no sudden moves.

They weren't dressed for the weather. Their clothes were lighter fabric, though they adequately covered them.

"Who're you?" one of the larger ones asked - a boy. His hair was trimmed short, and he tried to keep a brave face as some of the little ones hid behind him.

"Matthew Kyrielight. I'm… new." Yeesh. That's reassuring. "And you guys?"

He looked around and shook his head. "Titus. What do you mean, 'new'?"

I shrugged. "I mean I just appeared and have no idea what's going on."

"Titus," a girl hissed. "Do you think he's an answer to our prayers? The gods might have sent him! The wind whispered that Quirinus made a refuge for us all, it's why we-"

Titus hushed her with a look. Then he turned back to me. "How do we know you're what you say you are?"

"Well, I don't have anything to do with any gods," I confessed. I held up Fou. "I have a fluffy animal companion, though!"


Titus, the girl, and the other children exchanged looks. "What does that have to do with anything?" Titus asked.

"'s a distraction from uncomfortable topics because I really don't think I'm holy. I mean I'm not unholy, I'm just… here." I grinned awkwardly. Crap. I am not good with normal humans.

Titus took a deep breath. "Lord Spirit, please grace us with your protection as we seek the refuge of our god Quirinus. He has established a city of golden light and extends his protection to all his children. Should you do this, you will certainly be rewarded for your kindness."

I blinked a couple of times. "I mean, if I meant to let you guys freeze I would have… let you freeze. I don't really need a reward, but maybe this Quirinus guy can explain what the crap is with this weather."

Titus slumped. "So you won't…?"

I squinted. "I just said that I'd get you there. All I meant was that I didn't need a bribe to do it. I already wanted to."

The girl elbowed him. "Titus, it's alright. The spirit-"

"Matthew," I corrected her.

"Matthew said he'll watch over us until we're safe. If something like him exists, then the golden city has to, too!" She smiled, though it was shaky.

"So… where is it, exactly?" I asked, trying to move things along. Fou squirmed until I set him on my shoulder.

"It calls to all children of Rome," Titus replied, his dark eyes growing serious.

...well that's not ominous at all.

In the near distance, a howl split the air.

"No…" The girl went pale.

"Lucia, we need to move," Titus whispered harshly. He looked at me. "Please, don't let them take us. No matter what."

"I won't?" I frowned. "Who are they?"

"The wolves- they kidnap men and women, and take them to the Courtesan. And she…" Titus swallowed. "I've only heard stories."

"Which you don't need to worry about. Let's get you guys to this 'golden city'." Yeah, that 'Courtesan' sounded like bad news. Just the title made my neck prickle.

Titus lowered his head in gratitude. "Thank you."

I saw movement in the snow, and raised my hand. Red light bloomed from my hairpin, and a bolt of flame lashed out from my palm, carving the ice away with a hissing roar.

There was the outline of a wolf for a brief moment before it melted away like water.


That was water.

For a moment, the air was still, the children huddled together and shivering - from fear, now.

"Get moving." I started to walk towards them. "I'll cover your escape."

"But-" Titus frowned.

"Look, I'm going to assume you can't fight these things. If you stay, I'll just get distracted." I could feel the movement in the air from the direction I faced; behind me was clear. "If I can, I'll catch up to you. Just… do your best to stay alive, okay?"

Titus nodded once. "Thank you. C'mon!" The kids followed his lead, picking up speed as I wrapped a quick charm around their feet to enable their trek through the snow.

After they left the sphere of open air, I let it collapse. No point in wasting mana. With a twirl of my wand, I placed my free hand on Fou. "Do we have a count?"


"What do you mean, 'six are now one'!?"

Through the quiet snowscape, a low rumble echoed. Then a howling roar blasted across my body, forcing me back several feet.

"Fuck," I grit out. "What is-"

A wolf of carved ice, large as one of Prelati's tentacles, lunged at me from above. With a quick duck, I rolled under its feet as it landed, jaws closing on empty air.

"Burn!" I flung my hand upward, funneling mana through my hairpin and streaming flame across its underbelly.

It roared again, droplets of water falling.

I plunged my hand downward, preparing to open a pit of lava, but a sheet of ice shot up from the ground and wrapped around my legs and the arm I had used to brace myself.

"Uh. Uh oh." I looked up.

The wolf leapt upward, and a huge icicle formed under its stomach. Then it splayed its paws and began to fall.

...even if that doesn't break through my armor, that's gonna suck.

"Hm, hm, hm! Not too bad. A little overconfident, but… workable." The girl in black tapped her cheek. "He'll do for my purposes. And his Master is already proving to fit what I need too. Loyal and compassionate, his first course of action to find his wayward Servant." A slow smile spread across her face. "They'll be amenable to my proposal, yes they will!"

The wolf continued to fall.

"Well, I'd better go bail him out. I did say I'd act as a-" She paused as another roar split the air. But this time, it was a shout of joy.

Slowly, she blinked as a giant mass of muscle knocked the elemental familiar off course.


The wolf rolled into the snow, tumbling to its feet as it gave a cavernous growl.

"Hahahaha! Down with the oppressors!" The giant grinned, his blond hair flapping in the wind.

"Rk! Hey, this ice is oppressing me! Can you break me out!?" I snapped.

Faster than my eyes could follow, a massive hand tore me out of the frozen prison, shattering it.

I stared the giant clad in leather straps face to face, clutched in his grip. Fou sat atop my head. "Hello."

"Rejoice, for you are free!" he boomed, eyes feverish with glee. "I saw your noble deed from afar! Preserving the innocent from the oppression of this false winter!"

"Well, yeah. It's just what's done, isn't it?" I tilted my head. Fou kept his footing.

"Yes! It has been decided!"

The wolf growled, regaining its footing.

"Uh, what exactly?" I frowned.

"You will be my comrade in overthrowing the oppressors! More than Rome itself, this winter, these rulers! Even the Iceni are oppressed! We shall uproot them all!"

"Oh!" I smiled. "Sure thing."

"Haha! Excellent!" The giant grinned, setting me on his shoulders. Fou hunkered down on mine, ears twitching. "Now we take the fight to the oppressors!"

The wolf lunged with a howl.

"Let's hit it!" I yelled.

The giant leapt with a bellowing laugh, and with a gesture from me his massive sword ignited before slamming into the wolf's jaw, shattering the lower half and sending steaming chunks into the snow below.

The beast rocked back, crystalline tongue lolling free. Its sightless eyes glared as the sound of crumbling ice echoed, unable to even emulate the sound of a living creature.

I spread my hands apart, golden letters etching themselves into the air. "Alright, big fella! Let's crush this mangy mutt!"

He raised his blade high, grinning madly. The runes wrapped around it, coating it in brilliant golden light. "Nuooooh!" With a mighty heave, the blade came down, cleaving the air itself.

Flame and wind sheared the constructed elemental in two, scattering water to the sky. The ice crumbled with a dull roar as it collapsed into chunks on the ground.

"That's teamwork," I said smugly. "Nice work, big fella! So, uh. What's your name?"

Fou scampered down as he picked me up in one hand once more. "I am Spartacus, Berserker class! Sorry to ask this, but are you a tyrant?"

"Well, I spent my formative years being subjected to inhumane experimentation, then lived under the heel of a man with a savior complex for more. As much power as I have, I can't say I'm too used to having control over my own life," I mused.

Spartacus slowly blinked, still smiling.

"Can't be a tyrant if you're the one always being oppressed," I snarked.

"Wonderful!" Spartacus boomed. He set me on my feet with surprising gentleness. "Now, how shall we depose the oppressors?"

I rubbed my chin. "Well, I work best when I know what I'm getting into. And I want to make sure those kids are okay."

Spartacus just smiled.

Oookay then.

I opened my mouth to explain further-


I turned and caught Mash in my arms as she tackled me in a hug.

"Fou, fou!" Fou leapt around our feet, hopping in the snow.

"You're okay," Ritsuka breathed in relief, coming to a halt.

"Thanks to Spartacus, yeah." I nodded at the smiling giant. "He seems a little… fixated. But otherwise he's fine!"

"And here we- HUGE." Nobunaga stared at the massive man.

El-Melloi II let out a long sigh, wind swirling and keeping the snow at bay. "This is going to set the tone for this mission, isn't it."

Phamrsolone frowned slightly, Sigurd flanking her. "What exactly happened here?"

I squeaked as Cu scooped me into a hug, making me let go of Mash.

"Oppression!?" Spartacus boomed, raising his sword.

"Nope! It's fine!" I grinned, leaning into Cu.

"I see!"

"I'm glad you're alright," Cu murmured. He squeezed me a little tighter, tucking my face into his neck.

"Which leaves one question unanswered: where is the one responsible?" Gilgamesh's silky voice belied his palpable anger. "I will not permit this insult to pass."

"Well, whatever I expected, it wasn't a Servant coming out of the blue to the rescue before I could."

That voice-! She sounds just like Sakura, but… cheerful and energetic?

Fou growled, ears flattened back.

With a spin on her heel, the black-clad girl appeared in a whirl of snow. "So! A solid seven for the rescue, four for the initial encounter, and a eight-and-a-half for the teamwork for the finale! In short, a passing grade!" She planted her fists on her hips, one hand clutching a short staff of some kind.

Gilgamesh's eyes blazed with fury.

"But enough about you! Let's talk about me. I am the ineffable, adorable, ultimate kouhai! You can call me BB." She smiled sunnily. "And with the only introduction worth making out of the way - because I know each and every one of you - permit me to establish our relationship. So long as you work for the betterment of my dear senpai, I'll just sit and watch, maybe pitch in if sufficiently compensated. If at any point I think they'll be better off without you…" Her eyes glowed red. "You get the picture."

A hail of weapons crashed down on her, shining brightly in the glow of Gilgamesh's portals.

"You missed~!"

I watched as BB appeared, grinning as she leaned around Gilgamesh.

"Try not to waste your energy. After all, you're in the badlands now- and there's a real Evil of Humanity loose." She giggled. "Welcome to Septem!"

And with that, she vanished.

For a moment, there was silence.

"I retract my earlier statement. That set the tone for this mission," El-Melloi II droned.

Honestly? I couldn't disagree.
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So on the one hand it's BB. Heads or Tails on if she actually will get along with Matthew. And she's ...neutral on a normal day.

Thankfully one of like a handful of people who actually can keep her on a leash are here, so it should in theory be fine.

Although, considering BB is hax plus everyone else already here doesn't paint a good sign of everything that's happening, even discounting Fenrir.
Is BB following/idolizing the Ada Lovelace expy for being creator of the first computer? From what little I know from the recent event I didn't think BB would work for anything other than her own entertainment.
"I'm not sure why I needed to know about Matthew's love life, but the rest seems… relevant." Ophelia finally stood on her own, frowning slightly.

"Why, because of all the scandalous gossip, of course!" Da Vinci beamed.

Matthew rolled his eyes. "I'm going to put this back by the furnace to start charging again. Then, I'm going to go find Cu Chulainn. The rest of you can do as you like." He strode out the door with barely a look at anyone besides Ritsuka or Mash.

Ophelia flexed her hand. "He's different."

Mash blinked.

"He didn't snap at anyone, even when Da Vinci teased him." Ophelia's gaze was steady. "He was still uncomfortable, but…"
Reasonable and not melodramatic? I like her already.
I keep imagining BB...bouncing whenever she moves, and doing that arm waving thing with her pointer stick. Probably from seeing some amv of FGO.

Also, definitely aim Spartacus at whoever's causing the winter. Letting him let loose on the Romans or Iceni does not sound good.
Why is it that Matthew is apparently the only Caster making shit in Chaldea? We have Medea, and Da Vinci, though the latter may be limited as I understand it. In Chaldea I'd call Casters the most important with melee guards to allow them to work, the ability to find and handle the broader metaphysical issues without pure violence, and the ability to equip and empower the team in the field and at home with crafting.
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Why is it that Matthew is apparently the only Caster making shit in Chaldea? We have Medea, and Da Vinci, though the latter may be limited as I understand it.
Da Vinci's probably working on the background work, getting Chaldea up and running. Medea's most likely running around doing her own thing, probably with Medical since I think she's better than Matthew at general healing.