Well, America will be a fun ride for everyone, I'm sure. ...no, Matthew will not be a fan of the Medb Chaldea meets.
I realize that most modern "heroes" are very rare, I really want to see, just once something like Ruler or Rider Eisenhower. Part of this is out of a desire to see a Feast of Kings 2.0 Electric Boogaloo for the clash of modern rulers vs classical rulers, but also because the only canon servants from the Americas are either Meso American or Edison and Tesla.
Tohsaka Family Shenanigans
Suprise Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family crossover? Sweet!!

Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

A/N: This fic was inspired by a series of fan comics here. They deserve the credit for the...
I realize that most modern "heroes" are very rare, I really want to see, just once something like Ruler or Rider Eisenhower. Part of this is out of a desire to see a Feast of Kings 2.0 Electric Boogaloo for the clash of modern rulers vs classical rulers, but also because the only canon servants from the Americas are either Meso American or Edison and Tesla.

Each Singularity is going to have at least one new allied Servant (and I'm going to streamline who does and doesn't show up at a given point in time). This is outside the shenanigans Manaka and Morgan are doing. Unfortunately, as I have been reminded, Eisenhower got absorbed by Edison. That said, I do intend to have at least two more Native figures and one US figure in America. Not to mention a bit more Celtic and maybe another Indian.
Each Singularity is going to have at least one new allied Servant (and I'm going to streamline who does and doesn't show up at a given point in time). This is outside the shenanigans Manaka and Morgan are doing. Unfortunately, as I have been reminded, Eisenhower got absorbed by Edison. That said, I do intend to have at least two more Native figures and one US figure in America. Not to mention a bit more Celtic and maybe another Indian.

I'd like to think that some Presidents (Rushmore guys, maybe FDR, Kennedy, and Grant) have enough historical reverence to have some persistence in the Throne after being absorbed by Edison.
I'm unfamiliar with this person. Currently I'm thinking of Pecos Bill and an amalgam of Coyote from various traditions. The other Native figure is a spoiler.
Canadian first nations soldier in the First World War where he acted as a sniper and scout. Credited with 378 kills (highest in WWI from a quick check) and 300 captures. He also had a rep as a very steathly individual as he was said to "go behind enemy lines, rub shoulders with the enemy forces and never get caught."
Just an additional comment on everyone meddling

"There are reasons heroes don't generally encounter more than one master of dark magic at a time, and it has nothing to do with any inherent sense of fair play in the universe. More like the old adage of too many cooks spoiling the brew; only in this case, the brew melts the floor, the devil's food frosting drags down the cake and any unwary mammoths quicker than the La Brea tar pits, and the meatloaf devours hapless diners toe by toe.

Not that meatloaf really needs an excuse. It's over-spiced, it knows it, and as far as it's concerned, it's All Your Fault." - Ethan Rayne's Very Bad Day By Vathara

Right now, there are way to many cooks in the kitchen. I really want to see what happens in a Gambit Pileup when everyone's plans combine. Also now that Manaka and Morgana have both made moves on the board, isn't it Goetia's turn?
Surprise Worm crossover, everyone take cover.
All jokes aside, I suspect things are going to get nuts as time goes on.

Wild Ass Guess: By the time the Babylonia Singularity rolls around, the heroes need to strike a deal with Tiamat (craft her an avatar so she can interact with her children without killing all of humanity etc) in order to have enough firepower to carry the day.
All jokes aside, I suspect things are going to get nuts as time goes on.

Wild Ass Guess: By the time the Babylonia Singularity rolls around, the heroes need to strike a deal with Tiamat (craft her an avatar so she can interact with her children without killing all of humanity etc) in order to have enough firepower to carry the day.

You know, it wouldn't surprise me at all if you're right. I'm kinda expecting Sefar/Velber-02 or U-Olga Marie to be in there at this point.
You know, it wouldn't surprise me at all if you're right. I'm kinda expecting Sefar/Velber-02 or U-Olga Marie to be in there at this point.
At which point Mash will have to more or less retire from the main battleline (except to serve as Ritsuka's shield) beucase unless she gets some counter-damage capabilities or offensive tricks (like from that sword she has as a 'stage 3' servant) she's not going to be able to do much more then harm the basic minions sent against the party.
At which point Mash will have to more or less retire from the main battleline (except to serve as Ritsuka's shield) beucase unless she gets some counter-damage capabilities or offensive tricks (like from that sword she has as a 'stage 3' servant) she's not going to be able to do much more then harm the basic minions sent against the party.
But Rin gave her permission to date her son!
Rin didn't notice her son is a Harem Protagonist.
No but the 'permission' does give Mash that proverbial shot of courage in order to start 'establishing the pecking order' as Matthew put it. It also helps that she has Fou/Cath Palug (AKA the cutest Beast of Destruction around) to help. Of course said fluffy destroyer is probably more interested in introducing Merlin to it's newly acquired switchblade....the hard way.

I say 'shot of courage' because in canon at least, it's mentioned that she considers herself rather plain compared to the Servants and is confused as to why people would find her attractive. Fou is potentially at least one source of this opinion based on the text from the 'Dangerous Beast' craft essence. Though it's less that Fou says anything and more the results of Fou's actions.
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Just found this and finished it. I am loving it. I only followed Blink in SB so I got suprised to see this but it was a good suprise.
You know, thinking more about how Rin (more specifically the Rin that is Ritsuka and Asako's mother) is going to enter the story (potentially as a High Servant) Istar simply isn't a proper match as it were.

This Rin has no doubt changed a good deal from her teenage counterpart (devoted mother of two, successful magical researcher etc etc).
My bet? Aphrodite Areia+Tamamo no Mae.:D

Good news: She's reunited with her family, gets to put boot-to-ass of the morons that set the world on fire and gets to be in on the ground floor for whatever Mrgan and co are plotting.
Annoying news: She has to deal with the ears and nine fluffy tails. They were a deal breaker for Mae; no fluffy = no help.
(for her kids) Mind breaking news: After her vigorous, extensive and passionate reunion with Shotaro, it seems that Ritsuka and Asako are going to have a little brother or sister...that is going to be a demi-god at the very least.