Childbirth's Scream: Birth of Flame (A+): A self-immolation technique associated with Kagutsuchi. Unlike the Saint's blade, this does not kill, but the agony is exquisite. As the first fire, only those born of the sun itself can withstand the heat without being vaporized. Even those within a close distance are stripped of all moisture and air as all fuel in the immediate vicinity is consumed. Shotaro can use it more than once, but never repeatedly due to the simultaneous pain of dismemberment and being burned alive. The Divine Core he holds prevents loss of sanity, but it the agony is exquisite enough that it falls under a last resort.

Such as Tamamo and her tails, no doubt. And Karna, Gawain, Ozymandias, Quetzalcoatl, etc.
Touko's Briefcase Familiar is cat-shaped, though?.. Wouldn't it be a better vessel to be conflated with Figaro? And thus free Lugh to be the chain-summoned Pinoccio's base?

I didn't want to add a third Servant in the group, so I made Lugh the cat. Even if I didn't list it, Touko also doubles as Pinocchio herself, given this is yet another puppet body.

Given I have Okita and Nobu to toy with along with Shotaro and Touko, I figure that's enough Servants for a chapter or two. Not to mention there's a whole Asako to go around.
Please say that Alter (Bers Cú) will also enter Matt's harem, it would be so cute to see his interaction (Alter) with the little prince (Matt).
Especially if he is as passionate as his normal counterpart.
Cu Alter is Medb's Oc fanfic boyfriend whom she managed to make in a way that he is way too edgy to do essentially anything at all. All of E pluribus unum is Medb pining after him and him not giving a single fuck. (at least from what I remember, E Pluribus Unum was a long time ago)
I didn't want to add a third Servant in the group, so I made Lugh the cat. Even if I didn't list it, Touko also doubles as Pinocchio herself, given this is yet another puppet body.

He could've been used in a later Singularity/event, though? Like, forcibly summoned or smth. Like Minotaur was displaced from LB5 to LB1.

Still, that's fair. Touko is sorta a High Servant herself in here, but from a singular myth/story... She's a Servant of the story of Pinoccio? Sorta kinda like Nurcery Rhyme is.
I don't know if you answered this already, but the Artoria that appears here, is she the one from the Fate Route, where she and Shirou fell in love?

That's my intent, yes. She and EMIYA are a couple on my shipping chart/web.'s starting to look like that one meme of the dude with wild eyes and the strings and pins on a wall.
I'm more focused on Morgan and Manaka's game of 4th Dimensional Chess, cheating mode. Or is it 5th Dimensional?

But the game... there's only one reason both of them would be doing this in the first place. And Camelot is the only logical answer.

Morgan appears to seek the betterment of mankind, but knows firsthand that too much prosperity is bad, because she likely pruned her own timeline.

And considering Manaka... yeah, Alt!Morgan is the better choice.
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So for the cheating on both sides.

  1. Nascent Beasts to replace canon ones that can't/won't happen
  2. Phantom Fusions
  3. False Authorities
  4. Goetia and other full Beasts, most likely
  5. Something Particularly Bad in Babylonia
  6. Servants not in canon
  1. Eight Goddesses for her council
  2. Several servants not in canon
  3. An attempt to drop in Grand Servants
  4. Good Crypters (minus Beryl)
  5. Matthew In General
  6. Tohsaka Family Shenanigans
Cu Alter is Medb's Oc fanfic boyfriend whom she managed to make in a way that he is way too edgy to do essentially anything at all. All of E pluribus unum is Medb pining after him and him not giving a single fuck. (at least from what I remember, E Pluribus Unum was a long time ago)
Seriously, wasn't he her general or something? moreover Meb had to have something to control him to prevent him from turning on her.
Ps: I don't play F / GO because I haven't found a reliable server yet to download the game here in my country.
Ps1: These research assumptions (Wikis) and Debates here at SV.
That's my intent, yes. She and EMIYA are a couple on my shipping chart/web.'s starting to look like that one meme of the dude with wild eyes and the strings and pins on a wall.

There is a simple way to settle the problem:

*Prepares an altar with carvings of an impossibly complex chart with countless names on it, a cinnamon roll burnt in a fire made of Deadpool comics, after being doused with scotch*


Come forth, Endbringer of Shipping!
Seriously, wasn't he her general or something? moreover Meb had to have something to control him to prevent him from turning on her.
Ps: I don't play F / GO because I haven't found a reliable server yet to download the game here in my country.
Ps1: These research assumptions (Wikis) and Debates here at SV.

So Medb pretty much cut Cuzerker loose and followed his lead. Also as the main supplier of his army she was important enough to keep around, horny on main or no.

She did have the Grail for America, so that might have helped.
Seriously, wasn't he her general or something? moreover Meb had to have something to control him to prevent him from turning on her.
Ps: I don't play F / GO because I haven't found a reliable server yet to download the game here in my country.
Ps1: These research assumptions (Wikis) and Debates here at SV.
Well she made him by making a wish on a Holy Grail, and Cu repeatedly rejected her while they were alive.
Fun fact :the phrase " Cu Alter is Medb's Oc fanfic boyfriend in fate grand order " is a line that my phone suggests after typing in "Cu Alter is" idk where the italicization came from.
and she has fucking Monstro as her personal living fortress? Overkill.
Morgan isn't really interested in the concept of 'fair' for this conflict anymore. She is going to be constantly stacking the deck so heavily in her/the good guy's favor; it will start exerting a gravitational pull.
I'm more focused on Morgan and Manaka's game of 4th Dimensional Chess, cheating mode. Or is it 5th Dimensional?
Well they were playing chess until Manaka cheated more than Morgan could accept. At which point Morgan flips the board, sets it on fire and kicks Manaka between the goalposts while she grabs the prize.
Assuming Morgan mentioned her Grand candidates in the order they appear...

Septem, 'already secured'--> Romulus
Okeanos, 'needed a bit of tweaking'--> Changed Artemis Orion into Superhuman Orion
London, 'out of reach'--> Fran's a living hero, so maybe that? Or zerker Mordred.
America, 'fun'---> My main guess is Rama, and Morgan thinks it's fun because of possibly reuniting him with Sita... or maybe she tossed in Altria. Perhaps another knight of the round? Nero Bride because she's a Saberface?
Camelot--> Saber class, one of the knights of the round? Or Merlin.
Caster and Assassin, 'already in play'--> Roman gets his corpse back, maybe? As for Assassin...

The six Morgan saved are Touko, 'Shotaro', Asako, Rin, Sakura, and 'Kirito'. Three are psuedoservants (two of which are accounted for), two are intermediaries for the council, and one is Asako. It stands to reason that Kirito's the final pseudoservant as Grand Assassin.

Unless Grand Caster or Assassin are either Rin or Sakura? Kama IS summoned under Assassin, and both of them are mages. However, you did say that we should be able to guess Kiritsugu, and Assassin's the obvious choice for him.

Is Morgan trying to go back to the Age of Faeries and do something there?
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Morgan isn't really interested in the concept of 'fair' for this conflict anymore. She is going to be constantly stacking the deck so heavily in her/the good guy's favor; it will start exerting a gravitational pull.

Euh, going by the list Blink posted, and the way that 'cheating' is mentioned in-story, I've got the impression it's not that simple. Looks like more she cheated with Matthew, 'allowing' some cheating back to keep the things in some sort of balance. Except the other side cheated back too far, so she gets to cheat more to balance the scales back.
Euh, going by the list Blink posted, and the way that 'cheating' is mentioned in-story, I've got the impression it's not that simple. Looks like more she cheated with Matthew, 'allowing' some cheating back to keep the things in some sort of balance. Except the other side cheated back too far, so she gets to cheat more to balance the scales back.
And now it will be nothing but serial escalation on both sides.
Grand Assassin is still Gramps Hassan.

Kirito is going to be Assassin!Kiritsugu in the Zero/Accel event once I get there.

Morgan is not trying to restart the Age of Fairies, but her goal and how it will shape the timeline is in creating a Council of Avalon and having it serve as Gaia's Champion(s).
Grand Assassin is still Gramps Hassan.

Kirito is going to be Assassin!Kiritsugu in the Zero/Accel event once I get there.

Morgan is not trying to restart the Age of Fairies, but her goal and how it will shape the timeline is in creating a Council of Avalon and having it serve as Gaia's Champion(s).

Which leaves Rin and Sakura as the intermediaries? Is this through possession?
Touko makes puppets. Geppetto makes puppets. Geppetto has a cat named Figaro. Touko has an Elemental named Lugh. It all fits!
Wait....oh shit and here i was wondering why Geppetto's cat was golden, poor Lugh
Cu Alter is Medb's Oc fanfic boyfriend whom she managed to make in a way that he is way too edgy to do essentially anything at all. All of E pluribus unum is Medb pining after him and him not giving a single fuck. (at least from what I remember, E Pluribus Unum was a long time ago)
More like her vision of a perfect king.......ok, as much as i love to shit on Medb i also kinda like her in a i want to see her develop and become a bit better, like how it happened in Fragments of Chaldea.
Kirito is going to be Assassin!Kiritsugu in the Zero/Accel event once I get there.
I fucking called it! Give us Grail Iri too!'s starting to look like that one meme of the dude with wild eyes and the strings and pins on a wall.
So, when is Artoria going to hear the dreaded "Ara,ara" combined with the ribbing from her sister?
I'm more focused on Morgan and Manaka's game of 4th Dimensional Chess, cheating mode. Or is it 5th Dimensional?
Lets be real, they are playing "Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker" but with overpowered cards. The little bitch should not play at being a Fae with the fucking Queen.
Something Particularly Bad in Babylonia
Please dont hurt Tiamom.....better yet how about you get her in a random summon? I mean she is an ally in your other works, how about a more proactive role in this one?
Good Crypters (minus Beryl)
Gotta say i really want Kirsch to talk to matthew and set the foundations of a friendship. Blondie is not bad, on the contrary he is someone good who saw, and happened to be a victim of, one of the good things in humanity.
I mean, is this one really cheating if all you're doing is assisting the security system?
Eh, 50/50, the world chooses when to deploy a Grand, coaxing Gaia to do so is a bit of cheating.
There is a simple way to settle the problem:

*Prepares an altar with carvings of an impossibly complex chart with countless names on it, a cinnamon roll burnt in a fire made of Deadpool comics, after being doused with scotch*


Come forth, Endbringer of Shipping!
Allow me, there is something missing.
*I proceed to pour several gallons of Scotch in the fire*
There! Now, who is going to sing the Giggle of his people? I really want that troll here reacting to this story and the shipping, it will be glorious.
Changed Artemis Orion into Superhuman Orion
+ 1 Artemis. Lets keep the couple together, they deserve it.
Unless Grand Caster or Assassin are either Rin or Sakura? Kama IS summoned under Assassin, and both of them are mages. However, you did say that we should be able to guess Kiritsugu, and Assassin's the obvious choice for him.
Im pretty sure Kama can also qualify for the Alter-Ego position and she definitely has archer qualifications. Also, Kama made herself be summoned in the Assasin class just like Nero can be summoned as a Saber instead of just Caster.
And now it will be nothing but serial escalation on both sides.
Oh greeeeeeaaaat! I always wanted to see a skitter vs skitter escalation match!
Yes, and kind of. More like channelers, really. Think kind of like how Tamamo is a Bunrei for Amaterasu.
So, we going to get Sakura with Parvati powers and Rin with Astoreth powers? I kinda like the idea of Rin using Astoreth instead of Isthar, waaaaaaay more terrifying