Gramps isn't AWOL! He's in the Temple of Azrael, waiting patiently for Chaldea to show up and ask him to help with Evil!Gawain!
"Get the hell out of my garden. Sing the song of creation, Ea! ENUMA! ELISH!" Gil swung it down.
This was when I noticed something.

So, stop me if you've heard this one before. The master of Chaldea, Mash, Rin, a magus of Avalon, an assassin, and Gilgamesh are fending off the mud of something divine in an underground cavern to save the world. People are getting good hits in, but it's not enough until Gilgamesh pulls out Ea (which he should not be able to do in that form) and destroys the foe. Tearful goodbyes are said, life advice is dispensed, and then it's back to Chaldea.

Don't get me wrong - this isn't something I dislike. I just wish the mood had been right for Babylonia to be referenced more directly. :D
...What did Kadoc do THIS time?

Other than that, the chapter was suitably awesome and heartwarming to bring a tear to my eye... that or my screen is set too bright again.
Poor Kadoc had to deal with the GudaGuda event :rofl:

Props to KoGil for pulling a literal heroic sacrifice.

I think Beryl Gut isn't long for this world, good riddance.

Original FGO certainly had a lot of characters showing up as psuedo-servants, but this universe is getting everyone and their moms (dads) as servants.
The Council of Nine will convene with eight new members, we'll use Goetia's little plan to evade quantum time-lock, go back in time to that most crucial moment…"
...Wait what.
The Council of Nine will convene with eight new members,
Wait what?
What the hell how'd they even-
"And together, the Nine Goddesses of Avalon, both foreign and domestic, will prove!"

...Never mind then.

On a side note, Blink, while I doubt it'd be canon, is it okay to write an Omake starring Pluto!Tokiomi? I just thought he should get more of a spotlight, and if he were a Psuedo-Servant like his daughter...
...Wait what.

Wait what?

What the hell how'd they even-


...Never mind then.

On a side note, Blink, while I doubt it'd be canon, is it okay to write an Omake starring Pluto!Tokiomi? I just thought he should get more of a spotlight, and if he were a Psuedo-Servant like his daughter...

Okay, so the old, old legends about Morgan as Queen of Avalon had her be as one of nine sorceresses/goddesses that ruled there. Basically what she was up to was recruiting Goddesses from other pantheons to stand in for her sisters so that she could reform it, go back in time, and connect with Gaia to be its collective 'champion'. Now there's a few more details to it than that, but a decently long look at Nasu Lore should reveal what her full endgame is.

And sure, omakes are fun.
Hey now I thought here with my buttons how Matthew will react when he finds out that a part of the soul of the Cú, in my understanding the soul of the servants is still on the throne and what we call for are simple fragments, was distorted, it became a slave for Meb e is one of the reasons for creating the singularity Pluribus Unum?
we'll use Goetia's little plan to evade quantum time-lock, go back in time to that most crucial moment
So is what she's trying to do with this is use the fact that the quantum time lock system is currently broken into a million pieces to go back and time and "re-lock" her new council?

Also Morgan's from a pruned timeline? Did she weasel out of it by the quantum slide method?
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Name: Geppetto [Fairy] (Touko Aozaki)
Class: Caster
Alias: Turquoise Orange Fairy, Puppetmaker
Alignment: True Neutral
Basis: Fairy Tales
Origin: Earth

The old puppetmaker who crafted Pinnochio in hopes of having a child... or so the original did. The fairy with turquoise hair who gave the puppet life and tried to provide conscience to the nascent life-form... or so the original did. The scorned sister who raised a magus that in a multitude of timelines became a hive for worms of depravity, and taught her to be the one pulling the strings, never forcing her to reject the ones who let her go once the possibility of family rekindled... that is her.

Geppetto's myth revolves around the concept of 'puppet' while the Fairy is required for 'life'. The Grand Magus provides the bulk of the power, while the legend 'colors' her existence. That is not to say she does not receive benefit, but that she has much more to offer the conglomeration than her counterparts.

A Touko that never crossed blades with her sister, yet still resents her. A Touko who grew to care for her 'apprentice' as her own child, and found the slightest spark of human joy in calling that estranged family her own. ...she gave Aozaki Sakura life. She helped 'make' that family possible during that war. Perhaps there's a greater connection than first thought?


NP: A++


Territory Creation (C+)

Item Construction (A+)

Mystic Eyes of Enchantment (Reflected) (A): Touko's nested Mystic Eyes. A powerful binding spell.

Runic Magecraft (Fairy) (C+): Not quite truly codified as a 'Fairy' outside of the story, the Turquoise Fairy still grants Touko usage of this skill.

Primeval Rune (A): As she did not conflict with her sister, these mighty runes remain intact. They have the ability to amplify the use of other runes several hundred times over. However, for some reason this does not include Fairy Runes...

Runic Magecraft (B)

Puppetmastery (A): Geppetto's own skills meshing with Touko's ability to endlessly create new bodies at need. While most often done for herself, it can also be done for others, should she see them as worthy of escaping their fate. Or if she simply forms enough of an attachment- such is not entirely unheard of.

Familiar (EX): Touko's trump cards. At least one is colored by the legend, but the others... She has the Sealed Box. She has the Projection Machine. But why is the not-wolf a cat!? Perhaps it is the influence of an American Cartoonist, who put forth the most famous adaptation of the story...

Noble Phantasm:

In the Belly of the Beast: A Light in the Dark (A++): Symbolizing the great whale that came to be known as 'Monstro', the three Familiars combine with the golden one - that with the strongest sense of 'self' - at the forefront. Their size and shape is not unlike another 'superweapon' of the sea, though it can also change form due to its more adaptable components. The whale is merely a base. The sole drawback is that Touko must be inside the Familiar and command it from within. The drawback to that is that it is smelly and uncomfortable, so toying with her prey is no longer desirable. An Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm.
So is what she's trying to do with this is use the fact that the quantum time lock system is currently broken into a million pieces to go back and time and "re-lock" her new council?

Also Morgan's from a pruned timeline? Did she weasel out of it by the quantum slide method?

Basically, yes. That's not the entirety of her plan, because there is Nasu jargon for it that would spoil a couple more turns I have planned, but yes.

Morgan's status as a Lostbelt Refugee has been canon from the earliest chapters - she comes from a timeline where she raised 'Altria' instead of Artoria, and Merlin had little to no influence.

Camelot and Avalon happened as intended. In the face of such peace, the timeline was pruned due to possible stagnancy. 'Perfect is the enemy of Good' is the lesson learned.

Hey now I thought here with my buttons how Matthew will react when he finds out that a part of the soul of the Cú, in my understanding the soul of the servants is still on the throne and what we call for are simple fragments, was distorted, it became a slave for Meb e is one of the reasons for creating the singularity Pluribus Unum?

Well, America will be a fun ride for everyone, I'm sure., Matthew will not be a fan of the Medb Chaldea meets.
Well, America will be a fun ride for everyone, I'm sure., Matthew will not be a fan of the Medb Chaldea meets.
Please say that Alter (Bers Cú) will also enter Matt's harem, it would be so cute to see his interaction (Alter) with the little prince (Matt).
Especially if he is as passionate as his normal counterpart.
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Kagutsuchi [Hephaestus] [Wayland the Smith] (Shotaro Tohsaka)
Class: Alter-Ego
Alias: Emiya Shirou, God of the Forge, The Smith, God of Fire
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Basis: Shintoism, Hellenic Worship, Norse Myth
Origin: Sky

An infant deity, sliced into eight and transformed into volcanoes. A dutiful son, cast to the bottom of a mountain for daring to intervene in a quarrel between parents. A vicious captive, exacting his revenge at length before escaping his brutal captors. All three have the forge in common, and all three have unjust injuries. To a degree, all three also share fire.

Shotaro Tohsaka, husband to Rin and adopted son of Emiya Kiritsugu Amamiya Kirito, father of Ritsuka and Asako. Defined by the maiming of his leg, his gentle disposition, and the loss of his birth family to fire. Formerly blinded to the Moonlit World by an associate of Einzbern as a last jab to the Magus Killer, leaving him insensate whenever mention of it was brought up. As his children grew and their ability to hide things from him lessened, his mind would grow ever more distant, leaving him little better than a vegetable at times.

With the power of Divinity flowing through him, the curse was broken, only for him to face the reality of his condition and the effect it had on his children. His daughter, more closely cared for by her mother, is forgiving. It will be up to him what becomes of his ties to his son. All that can be hoped for is that the fragile bond that remains can be strengthened, and that Shotaro can act as parent and guardian during the waning years of his children's childhood.




High Servant (A)

Divine Core of the Fire God (EX): Grants immunity to all forms of heat, flame, and smoke. Increases damage dealt with fire-based spells and techniques by two ranks. Increases the rank of any Mystic Code created via Forging by one rank. Burns away all mental influences, from enchantment to illusion.

Magic Resistance (A+)

Item Construction (EX)

Territory Creation (A+)

Avenger (E--): Reduced drastically due to poor compatibility and the interference of Hephaestus. Oblivion Correction is completely sealed, though both skills fit Kagutsuchi and Wayland. However, it still exists, and can be activated under duress.

Mana Burst (Flame) (A)

Weak Constitution (Leg) (C): A curse-type skill. Nothing can revert the laming of Shotaro's leg, due to the importance of said maiming in at least two of his component gods' tales.

Eye for Art (A)

Noble Phantasms:

Heart of Aetna: Roar of the Forge (EX): A Reality Marble within which every weapon and miracle forged by Hephaestus resides. It can be tapped to withdraw the miracles created, even those gifted to heroes in the past. A full manifestation reveals the god's volcanic workshop, a place utterly inhospitable to mankind not only for the absolute purity of mana, but the overwhelming heat and soot. Servants may persist for a time, but even they are weakened.

Childbirth's Scream: Birth of Flame (A+): A self-immolation technique associated with Kagutsuchi. Unlike the Saint's blade, this does not kill, but the agony is exquisite. As the first fire, only those born of the sun itself can withstand the heat without being vaporized. Even those within a close distance are stripped of all moisture and air as all fuel in the immediate vicinity is consumed. Shotaro can use it more than once, but never repeatedly due to the simultaneous pain of dismemberment and being burned alive. The Divine Core he holds prevents loss of sanity, but the pain is violent enough that it falls under a last resort.

Hammer of Vengeance: Weird and Malicious Craftsman (A): The hammer of the famed smith Wayland. There are multiple versions of the tale, but the general consensus is that Wayland was captured and hamstrung, then forced to forge for the king who stole him. This ended with his sons dead, his daughter pregnant, and his captive winging away on one of his mystic codes. Malicious is an interesting word, given he was first enslaved, but at least in the tale he's known for Wayland was not the first aggressor. His hammer channels his crafting ability that made such marvels as his own wings, armor worn by Beowulf, and a blade gifted to Merlin himself. It also channels his blinding rage, releasing the flames of the forge as an attack. is a Saber-Beam from a hammer as long as its wielder and a head the size of a man's chest, which grows in power with the more injuries Shotaro sustains from the target. Given it can also release fire, it has much in common with the Saber Mordred's use of Clarent.
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Oh, I understand alright. It's not 'humanity' you're here to save. It's not a fight for 'everyone's sake'. It's a fight for your sake." Matthew snorted, and planted his feet on the ground and a fist on his hip. "Start to finish, this was a promise from you, to you. All for the sake of some myopic
Fucking finally! I always wanted to see that, that damm priest always gets on my nerves with his "noble and selfless" intentions. About time someone threw the truth to his face

And when a Fae says this you start running for the cold iron bomb shelters
Queen wait, wrong universe, i meaaaaan. ...... Morgan, stop halping so much woman, you may end up lostbelting another timeline!
"Hm." He gave a lazy smile as he rested his cheek on his fist, the ring pressing into his flesh. "Interesting. Very interesting… Prince of Avalon
Aaaaw Gil, you precious asshole know he can do worse than what isthar did right? She threw a tantrum, Matthew would go for the throat instead of letting an all powerful, divine, bull remain stationary near uruk raining lightning as an army of another country approaches the city from the other side.
Not quite. Similar design, very different spirits. Shotaro has Kagutsuchi (Shinto god of fire and blacksmithing), Hephaestus (who most folks know), and Wayland the Smith (a nasty character known for making things, having a bum leg courtesy of his captor, and raising holy hell on his captor before bailing while leaving his sons dead and daughter pregnant). So a High Servant Alter Ego.
Yes, did he also come with a complementary Sitonai? Because lets face it, that is Sitonai's Alter-Ego recipe.....but with Blacksmiths
The redheaded man wore an open robe with a large belt. It was thick, almost certainly fireproof. One foot showed a brace, while the other was clad in a sandal. "Kagutsuchi, Hephaestus, and Wayland," he said softly. His gaze was sorrowful.
Waaaaaaait, wasn't Kagutsuchi killed almost immediately after his birth for the crime of burning his mother, Izanami to a crisp, by his own father Izanagi?.
In the Belly of the Beast: A Light in the Dark (A++): Symbolizing the great whale that came to be known as 'Monstro', the three Familiars combine with the golden one - that with the strongest sense of 'self' - at the forefront. Their size and shape is not unlike another 'superweapon' of the sea, though it can also change form due to its more adaptable components. The whale is merely a base. The sole drawback is that Touko must be inside the Familiar and command it from within. The drawback to that is that it is smelly and uncomfortable, so toying with her prey is no longer desirable. An Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm.
So, Touko as Geppetto? I can say i never expected that, and she has fucking Monstro as her personal living fortress? Overkill.
Yes, did he also come with a complementary Sitonai? Because lets face it, that is Sitonai's Alter-Ego recipe.....but with Blacksmiths

Waaaaaaait, wasn't Kagutsuchi killed almost immediately after his birth for the crime of burning his mother, Izanami to a crisp, by his own father Izanagi?.

So, Touko as Geppetto? I can say i never expected that, and she has fucking Monstro as her personal living fortress? Overkill.

To cover the other stuff... Morgan's been watching enough to know what will and won't trigger a Lostbelt, so don't worry. She hasn't hit that threshold yet.

Behold step one in the Taming of the Gilgamesh, such as it is. Also KoGil is kind of still in there, surprise!

So Sitonai will come along sooner than later. Not right now, but soon enough.

Kagutsuchi did get killed. Then he was chopped into eight pieces and turned into a pack of volcanoes, and still prayed to for smithing. I'm letting him count because god-death is weird.

Touko makes puppets. Geppetto makes puppets. Geppetto has a cat named Figaro. Touko has an Elemental named Lugh. It all fits!
Touko's Briefcase Familiar is cat-shaped, though?.. Wouldn't it be a better vessel to be conflated with Figaro? And thus free Lugh to be the chain-summoned Pinoccio's base?

Edit: the one she used against Cornellius Alba in Kara no Kyoukai, I mean.
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