Buddha could probably wreck her shit with Amita Amitābha, but that doesn't really say much as the number of beings that can take Buddha in a fair fight are very few and mostly rely on conceptual bullshit to dodge Buddha's own conceptual bullshit.

Yeah, Kirei wouldn't stand any chance at all against the Sealed Box. That thing holds a Demon from the Age of Gods, for those who forgot.
Specifically, it holds this:

That is a goddamn Shoggoth!

She carries around a Shoggoth!


Wait, no shit? They knew him while they were alive? Zolgen was already alive during the Renaissance? I wonder why Da Vinci didn't try to talk to him during the Singularity in london.
Zolgen was over 300 years old when the Holy Grail War ritual was first designed, which happened over 200 years prior to Fate\Stay Night, putting Zolgen's birth at some point in the 15th century, or thereabouts.

So yes, he was probably alive when Da Vinci was, whether or not he met them is impossible to say though.

I mean, would it have killed him to at least train her in dreams slowly and observe her progress giving her power steadily as she grew and proved worthy of earning more power through the Singularities until she showed the virtues of Knighthood during Camelot? And then we get the fucking Galahad is not willing to help her during lostbelts anymore...well guess what Mr "Perfect Knight" she doesnt need you holding her hand anymore, now Lord Chaldeas (Camelot) can Go Brrrr and kill gods!
What part of 'Galahad is the Camelot fun police' did you not understand? :V
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Hey blink, can you give us some insight into how roman is taking the whole 'I screwed up in making Goetia and now its running around using my corpse as a prom suit' thing?

He's handling it. Mostly. He doesn't have a chance to process it normally because, you know, only real admin in the staff, but he's... working through it. It helps that Morgan gave a PLN. All it needs is an 'A' and then they have a plan.

Does anyone even think they can force him to do that? At most he'll say fine, end up targeting Pepe then say he got it wrong.

Even so, it may not be such a bad thing, as Kirsch not too bad of a guy after all, but like Mash said, Matthew is still not fully house-broken.

If he brought Pepe back instead of Wodime at this point, assuming it wasn't a case of the mission requiring one before the other, it would drop morale in the toilet. People need happiness and confidence to be productive, otherwise output drops and they break down which jeopardizes the mission, and more importantly, the world.

With the assumption that Pepe will eventually be back, he won't shoot himself in the foot for short-term gain.

Also we as the readers are very aware of one thing: Kirsch holds Marisbilly's ideals in that he wants all humans to be equal. And he can be a little... extreme... with his methods. But that's in the context of the Lostbelts. In the context of the Singularities?

Let us assume a few things. First, his goofiness is a fundamental part of him, as is his kindness and goodwill. Second, that a major part of his desperation is his own power slowly killing him thanks to the murder attempt when he was a kid. Third, the Alien God played a huge part in his actions. Fourth, in the absence of the latter two, the first comes to the forefront.

...in short? If Kirsch and Ritsuka play their cards right, Caspan (the guy from multiple chapters ago) may have shot himself in the dick by giving Matthew one of his greatest champions to date, especially since he would consider himself in the guy's debt for healing his terminal magic condition.

All Kirsch has to do is get past the 'FUCK ANIMUSPHERE' and he's gold.
Also it would be hilarious to see her react to her father's new beloved and to watch Matthew go Papa Fae as in "I have only known her for an hour but if anything happened to her, i would kill everyone who harmed her and curse their family lines and those related to said family lines". With how delightfully bullshit your characters and settings are this should not be an issue. Its only an idea, you do you.
I think it would be cute, in addition to making Matthew look more "human" to the staff of the Chaldea, especially if Connla was summoned as a servant Lily.
He's handling it. Mostly. He doesn't have a chance to process it normally because, you know, only real admin in the staff, but he's... working through it. It helps that Morgan gave a PLN. All it needs is an 'A' and then they have a plan.
Damned tricky things, vowels, never around when you need one.
Touko also might have the assorted stuff she looted from Franceska Prelati('s workshop) after killing her/him around a dozen times.

Summer Geppetto (Foreigner) when, Blinktwice13? :V
Wait, no shit? They knew him while they were alive? Zolgen was already alive during the Renaissance? I wonder why Da Vinci didn't try to talk to him during the Singularity in london.

When it comes to the Paracelsus and Zolgen friendship I go with the idea that Zolgen was involved with the arrest and regretted it afterwords
I stand by my wish to have Kirsch deal with all the Halloween Singularities.

As Kadoc gets GUDAGUDA, now we need to decide the rest of annual Event-Crypter pairings: Christmas(Pepe? Might make JASL happen), Valentines (Ophelia? Her motif of love; also, deal with White Day), Nerofest(Daybit? For OP shenanigans), Summer(Hinako? Just a funny mental image).

Edit: Asako for Saber Wars!
I stand by my wish to have Kirsch deal with all the Halloween Singularities.

As Kadoc gets GUDAGUDA, now we need to decide the rest of annual Event-Crypter pairings: Christmas(Pepe? Might make JASL happen), Valentines (Ophelia? Her motif of love; also, deal with White Day), Nerofest(Daybit? For OP shenanigans), Summer(Hinako? Just a funny mental image).

Edit: Asako for Saber Wars!

Hmm maybe switch the last two around I can see Saber Wars pushing Hinako out of her shell, and Asako would probably love the Summer stuff
I like that! Making the semi-immortal serious True Ancestor deal with the semi-immortal wacky people of Servant Universe would be fun!

And Asako bemoaning the lack of Swimsuit male Servants?
What I want to see is archers reaction to meeting 'chief red' lol, that and ritsuka meetong Space Ishtar. "Seeing Mum flying around in a bikini is one thing but now she's a freaking darth vader expy!!!"
I think it would be cute, in addition to making Matthew look more "human" to the staff of the Chaldea, especially if Connla was summoned as a servant Lily.
Technically Connla is already a Lily servant by default, its implied he or she was very young when Cu and them fought.
Summer Geppetto (Foreigner) when, Blinktwice13? :V
I think i just peed my pants in fear......
I stand by my wish to have Kirsch deal with all the Halloween Singularities.

As Kadoc gets GUDAGUDA, now we need to decide the rest of annual Event-Crypter pairings: Christmas(Pepe? Might make JASL happen), Valentines (Ophelia? Her motif of love; also, deal with White Day), Nerofest(Daybit? For OP shenanigans), Summer(Hinako? Just a funny mental image).

Edit: Asako for Saber Wars!
Kirsch wouldn't even complain about Lizbeth's singing

I really hope Hinako and her lord/husband get reunited....with a more humane form, gotta dust the old equipment if you catch my drift.
Well it is a Fae saying this so........yes?
Though any sort of relationship runs into that little issue of Mash having an expiry date that is rapidly approaching (couple of years at most); and said end speeds up the more she uses her powers from what I understand.

While the end of that life was appropriately dramatic, I can't see Matthew just siting back and letting his sister die of 'old age' so quickly without trying to do something.* After all, he needs to record Ritsuka's expression when he tricks Mash into that Medea-designed dress and gets the two to go on a surprise date.

*Said something will probably involve copious amounts of Glorious Faerie Bullshit(tm).
Well, I mean... we do have that miracle cure that Matt's been using on the A-Team. Could it do something?

The Shroud of Avalon is, strictly speaking, a reset button. Mash's short lifespan isn't a bug, it's a feature. So it won't work.

Oh. :ninja:

That said, I do have a bit of a storyline post-Septem concerning it that I think most if not all the readers will enjoy.

I have one more chapter's worth of material for downtime, then a lighthearted event. After that is the next Shrouding and Septem, where I set things fully off the rails. Yes, even in comparison to what I've thrown in already.
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