Ensuring the Right Outcome:
DC: 12. Roll: 18 + 8.3 = 26.3

Defense in Depth:
DC: 15. Roll: 22 + 3 + 0.9 = 25.9

Justice, Inherent and Inevitable
DC: 25. Roll: 20 + 3 + 6.2 = 29.2

The Trial of Agueda and his Conspirators

The first thing you have on your agenda: bribing the judge, and making sure the judge doesn't receive any payments from your rivals - provided they didn't already secure the judge. You kick back, confident that Kerrie would manage to flawlessly pull off the job; when a guard passes by your cells four days later, flashing success at you, you quietly applaud her work.

Fantastic as always.

The next day, surprising even the prosecution, the judge has you all hauled before court. You and Cormag barely have enough time to complete your prayer to the Spirit of Justice; with your combined knowledge and instinct, you realize that this prison must be a conduit for a particular kind of justice. You need the kind that will help you in the courtroom, so you choose to instead wait to begin your prayer.

You wait for the beginning of the trial proceedings. The prosecution, off-balance, attempts to regain control - but you interject first, requesting that a prayer be led to the Spirit of Justice hanging over the court. There's no way the prosecution can object, not with the mob outside and the paid judge inside - and so begrudgingly, the prosecution agrees. On one condition, however: that this court trial accept that the prosecution would also be willing to offer a prayer to Justice.

You accept.

The prosecutors begin with a prayer to Justice, demanding that as it had weighed the indiscretions of criminals and scum in the past, that Justice be meted out to those who had disrupted the peace and bring those who had wronged the ancient order of things that undergirded the whole world to heel.

It is good oratory, you admit, but both you and Cormag knowingly look at each other.

No spiritual entity had answered them, no matter how well they concealed it.

In response, you begin your own prayer to Justice. You pray that Justice delivers the even hand of its judgement and leniency, that it may guide the mortal framework to ensure that wrongs are set right and the innocent are divided from the guilty. You pray that Justice, in its great even-handedness, may assist the judge in reviewing the evidence with an unbiased eye.

A power descends upon the courtroom, and in that instant only the prosecution does not know that it is coming. Immediately afterwards, they realize just how badly they have been outmaneuvered, but by then the court case is inexorable. Justice, after all, was overseeing the trial.

From there the case rapidly falls apart. The prosecution is unable to provide any evidence that you and your cohort triggered the July Days; all they have is circumstancial evidence from the month of August, and when they gesture to the September Days, the judge quickly cuts them off before the listening mob can cut the prosecution off - If they had intended to arrest the defendants on these charges, they should have charged that, before ushering the prosecution back to their original position.

You simply take one moment to point out that their only evidence is hearsay at best that points to you doing their jobs in August. Unless they are presuming that you have a heretofore unknown ability to literally travel backwards in time, their evidence is on the face of it nonsensical. Honestly, you don't know why they thought they could try to get their friends in the Gorlin Conspiracy out of this in one piece, you say, casually waving an official looking letter of summons from the Port Authority. Bullshit, you knew, but if you were gauging the mob's reaction right...

The mob explodes in noise, and the confusion on the prosecution's face turns white when they suddenly realize just how angry the mob is.

That was a little bit of a nasty piece of work, but hopefully by giving the other nobles a way to pretend that the prosecution was simply paid off by the Gorlin conspirators, the rest of the nobility would decide to take the offered branch and not pursue. Certainly, the prosecution withdrew their case in haste and quickly got out of there, and with that, you were free to go.

Random Event Roll: 24

Except then, as you take a few days to categorize what you had and what was confisticated, two things happened.

One, the harvest turned out to go badly. Rotten spirits had apparently swept across the farms, and left the amount of grain coming into the city sharply limited. Grain prices spiked, and then spiked again, and suddenly you realized you were seeing what you had previously seen during the July Days. Rising prices in grain caused people to run out and buy grain while they could still afford it, driving grain prices up even higher.

To make a bad situation worse, however, the idiots in the Royal Village had decided that now was a great time to mobilize an armed force into the city to "quell the riots" - and make just about everything a million times worse, because those officers had got it into their heads that since Antonin Perrier had been able to threaten the mobs, clearly the nobility would be able to drive away the leaderless rabble.

Leaving aside how that pretty much ignored everything Antonin Perrier had done to persuade the mob, and how it ultimately had not come down to a show of force because that would ludicrously stupid and counterproductive, of course.

As for the result?

The streets positively exploded. If they had hoped to make sure that the July Days wouldn't repeat, they had only ensured that the July Days would be dwarfed by the blood in the coming days.

Other Revenue: 20 Budget.
Mercenary Expense: 6 Budget.
Salaries and Wage Expense: 4 Budget.
Lodging: 2 Budget.
Other Expense: 15 Budget.
Net Loss: 1 Budget.
Remaining Budget: 73 Budget.

Right. This was going to be an extremely tricky affair: balancing between properly bringing the case to it's conclusion in the Sejm and not immediately dying to a city on the brink of revolt because some damn fool in the army had made everything worse. Fortunately, it was at least possible to reach the Royal Village from the city; unfortunately, that also meant that if you wanted to finish this case, you had to stay near the city, which was about one thrown stone from literally erupting in flames and rock.

You sigh.

Let it be said that you never had the easy jobs.

This turn, you may spend up to 40 Budget.

You have one [Free] Action that you may spend on an action in any category.

You can cooperate with your teammates to add +3 base stat to an action that you are cooperating on. It is represented by using your [Free] Action on one of your already-selected Actions.

Martial (Choose 1) {Kerrie/Agueda Action}
[] [Martial] Safety in Numbers

Right, with the city as much a powderkeg as it was, it was time to pull the Ainsworth and Yarognev Companies back to defend your group. DC: 10. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Martial] Eyes on the Prize

You still needed the companies to keep an eye out for the conspirators, so you weren't going to pull both of them back; but you still needed to keep yourself safe, so it's time to pull one group back.
DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.

Diplomacy (Choose 1) {Cormag Action}
[] [Diplomacy] Military Matters

You need to convince the military to step down before they do something incredibly stupid that everyone's going to regret. DC: 25. Cost: 4 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The High Nobility

You also need to convince the Sejm to actually follow through with stripping the Count and his conspirators of their titles at some point, so that's a thing. DC: 27. Cost: 8 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] Bread and Peace

Alternatively, you could just pay a shitton of money for what little bread remains and distribute it pretty much at will to the streets - this might go well, or extremely badly. Hard to tell. DC: 25. Cost: 15 Budget.

Intrigue (Choose 1) {Kerrie/Agueda Action}
[] [Intrigue] Making a Point

Right, the officer in charge of the military needs to be made to understand that cracking down by force is going to be exactly the wrong move. Kerrie's going to have to be the one to do it. DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Noble Blackmail

Time to see what else you can dig up on potentially recalcitrant nobility. Let's see if we can't persuade them, one way or another. DC: 30. Cost: 8 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Countering the Count

Don't forget that the Count still has his options; even though he's been taken away from his primary powerbase, you still need to keep a lid on his activities. DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.

Learning (Choose 1) {Tekla Action}
[] [Learning] Magical Mapping

Okay, this is long overdue. You need to figure out the spiritual landscape of this city so you can figure out how to maneuver around them deciding to make their voices heard. DC: Scaling. Cost: 2 Budget.

Stewardship (Choose 1) {Agueda Action}
[] [Stewardship] Advancing the Case V

You're so close, all you have to do is convince the Sejm that the Count has shirked his duties and should be stripped of his lands - but that's going to be the rub, isn't it? DC: 30. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Stewardship] Slowing the Case

Given the...everything going down in the Capital right now, might it not be a good idea to temporarily postpone the trial for next month, or at least until the rioting is over? DC: 20. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Stewardship] City Organizer II

Well, better to be leading the crowd from in front than getting trampled underneath it. Also, you can probably keep people from starving, so that's always a plus. The only slight downside is that this is probably going to feed rumors about you, but you can deal with that. DC: 25. Cost: 10 Budget.
[] [Stewardship] Product Sales

Hey, you're sitting on a veritable trove of good ideas and products. Time to package them all up and sell them - at least, if you can figure out how to do it in this powderkeg...DC: 20. Gain: 16 Budget.

Piety (Choose 1) {Agueda Action}
[] [Piety] Calling All Spirits

Fortunately, the spirits still think they made a fantastic deal last time, so they're plenty amenable to hearing out how the current situation might be prevented from exploding entirely. That would be fantastic. DC: 22. Cost: 2 Budget.
[] [Piety] The Impositions of Order

You're fairly certain that the army and the nobility are going to be trying to appeal to the spirit of Order; maybe you can preempt them, and turn Order's ears towards your ends. DC: 27. Cost: 4 Budget.
Diplomacy (Choose 1) {Cormag Action}
[] [Diplomacy] Military Matters

You need to convince the military to step down before they do something incredibly stupid that everyone's going to regret. DC: 25. Cost: 4 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] The High Nobility

You also need to convince the Sejm to actually follow through with stripping the Count and his conspirators of their titles at some point, so that's a thing. DC: 27. Cost: 8 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] Bread and Peace

Alternatively, you could just pay a shitton of money for what little bread remains and distribute it pretty much at will to the streets - this might go well, or extremely badly. Hard to tell. DC: 25. Cost: 15 Budget.
Okay, what bonuses do we have to Diplomacy, because Cormag's 17 isn't going to cut it.
This country is amazingly fucked, like what the hell.

It's a great story so far but hahahaaha oh boy teetering on the brink of a populist revolt that'll get put down because unlike reality there are fundamental power imbalances inherent in some people just being superhumans.
This country is amazingly fucked, like what the hell.

It's a great story so far but hahahaaha oh boy teetering on the brink of a populist revolt that'll get put down because unlike reality there are fundamental power imbalances inherent in some people just being superhumans.
I suspect it would be worse than that. After all, plenty of spirits would side with/empower the masses. This does not mean they would win, of course. It would just mean it would be a hugely bloody slog.
Okay, what bonuses do we have to Diplomacy, because Cormag's 17 isn't going to cut it.

+3 from using our Free Action to boost whatever Diplo action we choose.

I also hope we can avoid having to take the military Diplo option if we deal with the responsible officer using out Intrigue action.
Advancing the case will has an incredibly high DC at the moment. We need to calm down the masses to get anything done.
I selected Product sales because I hope to compensate for the extra expenditures.

[X] Bread for the hungry masses
-[X] [Martial] Eyes on the Prize
-[X] [Diplomacy] Bread and Peace

--[X] +Free action
-[X] [Intrigue] Making a Point
-[X] [Learning] Magical Mapping
-[X] [Stewardship] Product Sales
-[X] [Piety] Calling All Spirits
[X] Plan Accidental Sans-Culotte Leader?
-[X] [Martial] Eyes on the Prize
-[X] [Diplomacy] Bread and Peace
-[X] [Intrigue] Making a Point
-[X] [Learning] Magical Mapping
-[X] [Stewardship] Slowing the Case
-[X] [Free] City Organizer II
-[X] [Piety] Calling All Spirits

Bread and Peace seems like.... the least bad of the Diplo options to fail. Probably. Failing Military Matters would be disastrous (and unnecessary with Making a Point anyway) and The High Nobility is just too hard. Kinda hoping that even failing Bread and Peace will score us points with the people for atleast trying and that syncing it with City Organizer II might negate most of the negatives, but who knows what the dice give us...

Slowing the Case is basically a requirement. I'd also love to Counter the Count, but can't fit it in. And now's not the time for Product Sales!
Okay, what bonuses do we have to Diplomacy, because Cormag's 17 isn't going to cut it.
The logical corollary to actions you cannot possibly fail are the actions that you cannot possibly succeed, but need to take anyway because holy fuck we have to do something.

The situation has not quite deteriorated that far, but, well...a bad harvest and a bad reaction is an explosive situation.

Making the situation easier to resolve than it should be does no one any favors.
This country is amazingly fucked, like what the hell.
Yeah, I was always expecting at least a little bit of weakness in the central government and some corruption in order for there to be cases to solve at all - but holy fuck, those rolls were something else.

It's a great story so far but hahahaaha oh boy teetering on the brink of a populist revolt that'll get put down because unlike reality there are fundamental power imbalances inherent in some people just being superhumans.
As opposed to all those populist revolts in reality which failed because reality has fundamental power imbalances inherent in some people being able to grow up rich :V

In some senses, though, you're right; there is a huge fundamental imbalance of power between somebody with the ability to literally fight against entire armies and a poor peasant. A complicating factor is how being an adventurer isn't an inheritable trait - marriages between adventurers, while common, do not often produce adventurers. Add to that a calcifying political structure and the growing lethality of weaponry despite the Compact's best attempts to slow the advance, and well.

The situation is tensed too far. Something must give way, soon.
I suspect it would be worse than that. After all, plenty of spirits would side with/empower the masses. This does not mean they would win, of course. It would just mean it would be a hugely bloody slog.
That too.
[X] Bread so nobody hopefully dies
-[X] [Martial] Eyes on the Prize
-[X] [Diplomacy] Bread and Peace

--[X] +Free action
-[X] [Intrigue] Making a Point
-[X] [Learning] Magical Mapping
-[X] [Stewardship] Slowing the Case
-[X] [Piety] Calling All Spirits

God I am torn here. I really wish we had the ability to use our free action but we really need to get a plus 3 if we want even a 50/50 chance to succeed on the riots. Plus we really need to slow the close so our stewardship action is basically locked. I want to finish the case but their is so much going on even if we are so close!

I hope that this will at least give us a good start to investigating the grain conspiracy once we have finished this.
You know I thought this quest was about catching tax evaders, not preventing large scale popular revolts! On the plus side we are hopefully popular enough with King Mob that we may be able to pull a Talleyrand and stick around for the next administration, or at least keep our head if things go really bad.
As opposed to all those populist revolts in reality which failed because reality has fundamental power imbalances inherent in some people being able to grow up rich :V

In some senses, though, you're right; there is a huge fundamental imbalance of power between somebody with the ability to literally fight against entire armies and a poor peasant. A complicating factor is how being an adventurer isn't an inheritable trait - marriages between adventurers, while common, do not often produce adventurers. Add to that a calcifying political structure and the growing lethality of weaponry despite the Compact's best attempts to slow the advance, and well.
Yeah. It bears remembering that in a situation like this, the adventurer-class superheroic types aren't necessarily all going to be on the side of the nobility. The nobility pays better, but not all adventurers are going to be fully mercenary.

You know I thought this quest was about catching tax evaders, not preventing large scale popular revolts!
Our country is so fucked that our attempts to do the former are constantly disrupted by the latter.
[X] Bread so nobody hopefully dies

Changed my mind.
Maybe this isn't the time to worry about the budget.
Putting the Free Action on Bread and Peace still means that it has a 50% chance of failure. Better to put it on City Organizer II, which only has a 30% chance of failure and is likely to mitigate a failure on Bread and Peace.
Putting the Free Action on Bread and Peace still means that it has a 50% chance of failure. Better to put it on City Organizer II, which only has a 30% chance of failure and is likely to mitigate a failure on Bread and Peace.
But if we don't use the free action it has an 80% chance of failure going from risky but possible to nearly impossible. We even try if you are not planning to succeed on the action? Why not forget about Bread and Peace and just do City Organizer with the +3 to guarantee it? Or just use the Free action somewhere else?
But if we don't use the free action it has an 80% chance of failure going from risky but possible to nearly impossible. We even try if you are not planning to succeed on the action? Why not forget about Bread and Peace and just do City Organizer with the +3 to guarantee it? Or just use the Free action somewhere else?
Because we HAVE to take a Diplomacy action. Better to take the one that can be mitigated by taking another action than one of the other two. The High Nobility simply can't be done and Military Matters is pointless with Making a Point.

And Slowing the Case needs to be taken, so it already takes up our Stewardship action, meaning we need to spend the Free Action on City Organizer in order to mitigate Bread and Peace.
[X] Plan Accidental Sans-Culotte Leader?

There are some places where you're just gonna loose, but you need to bite the bullet and take the shot anyways

This is one of them. I feel like we're gonna crit fail the random event roll, and the nobles are gonna try to have us killed. And in doing so trigger the mob into outright revolt to free us.