[X] Dealing with the Count
-[X] [Martial] Arresting the Count
-[X] [Diplo] Going Loud
-[X] [Intrigue] Mapping the Network
--[X] Add free action to Mapping the Network
-[X] [Learning] Magical Mapping
-[X] [Stew] Refining the Case I
-[X] [Piety] Spirit of the Ships
Yes. Do note, though, that loads of people promise things to the national spirits; it is far more effective to actually sacrifice something big to them.
Oh no, I was planning on going at this from the exact OPPOSITE tact. Not "Doing this will get you resources" but instead "You have been STOLEN FROM. Your project's budget suffered because of this embezzlement."

Instead of asking for aid from the spirits, doing them a favor by letting them know of how someone was screwing them over.
[X] Dealing with the Count
Obtained Merchant Testimony!
Obtained Residual Analysis (Chai)!
And that number was...staggering.

Obtained Agueda's estimate for back taxes owed to the Crown!
So with regards to the evidences gathered, @huhYeahGoodPoint, how confident is Agueda to the not-so-hypothetical court case? Is this now a matter of 'keep the Count pinned and his supporters crippled' or is this still a 'we need a more solid case to get the guilty verdict without exorbitant bribe'?
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So with regards to the evidences gathered, @huhYeahGoodPoint, how confident is Agueda to the not-so-hypothetical court case? Is this now a matter of 'keep the Count pinned and his supporters crippled' or is this still a 'we need a more solid case to get the guilty verdict without exorbitant bribe'?
Against the Count and the Port Authority, all that honestly remains is making sure they don't escape. You have them buried in a fair court case, acknowledging, of course, that no court case is really fair here.*

Against Besim, you have jack and shit.

*Edit: Well, okay, strictly speaking a lot of your evidence would probably be hilariously inadmissible in a modern court due to the prosecution literally being the same guys who the court's relying on for analysis; in a more fair system you'd be sending these results off to neutral independent experts to seperately inform the court on matters of their own expertise, instead of having the plaintiff do the analysis themselves. However, given the situation as it is, you've got one of the more solid cases you could possibly have.
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Unfortunate but this means we have a recurring antagonist if all goes 'well' so I am fine with that.

I presume we will still have some time to deal with Besim considering there will be some time between the arrest and the trial. Not to mention with his benefactor behind bars I am counting on Besim becoming more careless as whatever he's planning is going to have to happen sooner rather than later. Not to mention with the count behind bars and the Port Authority openly under scrutiny he wont be able to ask them for assistance quite so easily anymore.
I presume we will still have some time to deal with Besim considering there will be some time between the arrest and the trial. Not to mention with his benefactor behind bars I am counting on Besim becoming more careless as whatever he's planning is going to have to happen sooner rather than later. Not to mention with the count behind bars and the Port Authority openly under scrutiny he wont be able to ask them for assistance quite so easily anymore.
That is an eminently good point. However, I am more or less unsure how well things might go. He might decide to just cut loose because we are ahead of our Prudence-picked schedule- which in itself is silly because the in-universe norm is that nailing something this big would normally take years.

He is exhausted and continually messed up by us though, so we have eminently good opening to hit him with the Double Down again and again. That said I am wary that we decided to not bribe people to look the other way as we make our arrests. Certainly, we have +5 Martial right now to do so along with the mountain of evidence and indeed, the latter helps a lot. But at the same time, hYGP warned us about the matter that there would be Martial issues with being open about this all.

We'll see come rolling time.
On which note, time to go!

Dealing with the Count wins unanimously. Pray that you get >40 on your Arrest roll.

Roll me 7d100s.

Martial: DC: 25. Base Stat: 16 + 1 + 2 + 2.
Diplomacy: DC: 10. Base Stat: 17 + 1.
Intrigue: DC: 27. Base Stat: 22 + 3.
Learning: DC: 23. Base Stat: 20.
Stewardship: DC: 22. Base Stat: 22.
Piety: DC: 25. Base Stat: 20 + 2.
Burning bad luck time!

Rolling for intrigued?

Edit: oh wait, diplomacy was next

Edited 2 Electric boogaloo: so it was actually intrigued! Just didn't hit refresh, lol
Blonddude42 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Roll Total: 49
49 49
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Well, hopefully stewardship can't get sabotaged. I don't think it can, although I could see the "sabotage" being them already having the proper judge in their pocket.

Do we need more rolls?
I will take the RER because I like RERs.

Post-Roll 1: Ignore that accidental misclick.
Post-Roll 2: That sounds a bit bad for us.
Vocalend threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Random Total: 5
5 5
Vocalend threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Random Event Roll Total: 34
34 34
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All things considered, all that mattered was that the important thing succeeded. I think we can write the other failures off.
I wonder how failure on the ships will work? Did we offend a ship spirit, did we take too long, or did someone leg it before we could get paid?