Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I'm very glad! It was fun, but a lot of work. Songs are hard. I felt it was absolutely necessary for Flighty, though, so t'was time well spent.
Songs are incredibly hard, but you did an amazing job with this one!
She really, really needs that lecture from Cadance.
I can't believe I didn't realize she was (at least somewhat) attracted to Voice. Part of me wants to make the obvious jokes about maid fetishes, but I suspect it's that the maid outfit is being worn by an eldritch being. A cross between arousal and fear, along the lines of gap moe. I think the word is Scarousal.
The thing's smile widened to the point of being impossible for any real pony.

"And perhaps a little insurance, just in case."
Is Void going to show up to all of Sunset's friends like this? This is awesome. I wonder if Void wants her to ascend eventually.

Very Interesting.

Flighty is 100% a bearer, but though she generally seems the Rarity replacement, I don't think it will be Generosity she carries. Given her honest assessment of her worth at the shop, how the conversation with Shimmer went, and the foreshadowing of the rune Celestia carved, I think it might be Honesty. I would also note that she recognized what Voice was without a lot of background into the wider and harsher world beyond Equestia/her native plane. Which feels more in the domain of Honesty than anything else.
Flighty is pretty much exactly what Sunset needs right now. A peer her age with similar interests and a similar degree of work ethic and motivation. She's also completely absent the baggage that everyone else in Sunset's life has- namely, she has never had anything to do with Celestia or even Cadance, even tangentially.

Sunset's probably not thinking in those terms yet, but Flighty is someone who could just be her friend.
Celestia is constantly sending this undercover agency letters pleading subtly with them to be less pointlessly extra and being ignored, I'm guessing? :p
Not anymore. It's the little things, like having her letters self-destruct, that show S.M.I.L.E. how Princess Celestia cares.

(So, yes, she tried, gave up, and now confines herself to the occasional letter when they get especially egregious.)
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Already fixed, but thanks for pointing it out!

EDIT: Fixed a few other things, and added a tiny bit of content to the end of Flighty's departure scene that was supposed to make it in but didn't. (The second paragraph of the following; only the first sentence of said paragraph originally made it in, somehow. Oops.)

In Canterlot, Flighty mentally added. Certain parts of Manehattan would be delighted should Flighty become persona non grata in Canterlot. Even if Miss Accord had refused to provide any of the references that were supposed to be a benefit of her employment, Flighty had still paid close attention.

It wouldn't come to that, though. The royal family took good care of those who served them. Just look at Sunset providing funding to Flighty for a personal protective item: that kind of concern for the well-being of subordinate ponies wasn't at all normal. Not in Canterlot.
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Hmm is Sunset going to meet a few more ponies inspired by that same day, all at a glance seeming like they would fit into the shoes of one of the show's cast but upon closer inspection actually being a better fit for other roles? Cause I'm down for that. lol

Also gotta love that Sunset's response to making a friend is to swear vengeance on those who prevented them from being friends sooner. This is how you maintain your position as the pony one bad mane day away from going pure supervillain while also being a lovable protagonist.
Can you add a spoiler at the end of the section or the chapter with those mouseovers explained? Mouseover doesn't work on mobile.
Does tapping not work? If you're not on a touchscreen I can see why that would be an issue, but I think tapping should work otherwise.

Either way, I added all the abbreviations to a spoiler at the end of that scene. Hope it helps!
Still, She did look unusually shifty when mentioning without imposing additional costs. It sounded like She was finally considering acting like a 'normal' Outsider and demanding further services in exchange for such a boon? If so, that made it even more important that I check what we already had to work with. Unlike the prices set by a greedy merchant, I expected Voice's demands would be higher if I didn't need Her help, but still asked for it.
Sunset, grudgingly: "Alright, Voice, we really can't do this without your help. What is your price?"
Voice: "Oh, don't you worry, it has already been paid."
sunset and friends decided to make their own school that accepted all tribes or species that entered all you had to have is the drive and hopefully the brains for it.
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Very Interesting.

Flighty is 100% a bearer, but though she generally seems the Rarity replacement, I don't think it will be Generosity she carries. Given her honest assessment of her worth at the shop, how the conversation with Shimmer went, and the foreshadowing of the rune Celestia carved, I think it might be Honesty. I would also note that she recognized what Voice was without a lot of background into the wider and harsher world beyond Equestia/her native plane. Which feels more in the domain of Honesty than anything else.

I don't think Flighty recognized Voice as an Outsider, though she accurately pegged Voice as an occult power broker of some sort. What else could the being that wears your skin but with everything you ever dreamed of be?

Her composure in the face of such a being is nonetheless impressive.
Right. What if Flighty is the Bearer of the Element of Magic? Sunset probably doesn't need an element dedicated to magic to be the very best at it, so she could easily be another element.

Very Interesting.

Flighty is 100% a bearer, but though she generally seems the Rarity replacement, I don't think it will be Generosity she carries. Given her honest assessment of her worth at the shop, how the conversation with Shimmer went, and the foreshadowing of the rune Celestia carved, I think it might be Honesty. I would also note that she recognized what Voice was without a lot of background into the wider and harsher world beyond Equestia/her native plane. Which feels more in the domain of Honesty than anything else.
Generosity yes, but a fundamentally different sort of generosity than Rarity. Just as Sunset is a different expression of Magic than Twilight Flighty is a different representation of Generosity.

To give of herself. To devote herself freely, not to a person, but to an ideal, to her art. That is generosity.
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I can't believe I didn't realize she was (at least somewhat) attracted to Voice. Part of me wants to make the obvious jokes about maid fetishes, but I suspect it's that the maid outfit is being worn by an eldritch being. A cross between arousal and fear, along the lines of gap moe. I think the word is Scarousal.
Didn't start there. For example, Sunset was disappointed when Voice turned into a Unicorn because she like some muscle on a mare, which Voice then added back on to Sunset's approval. Sunset doesn't realize of course, but Voice totally does.
Does tapping not work? If you're not on a touchscreen I can see why that would be an issue, but I think tapping should work otherwise.

Either way, I added all the abbreviations to a spoiler at the end of that scene. Hope it helps!
...I know that didn't work in the past. I now wonder if that works on SB as well. It used to be I'd have to quote the section and view the expanded bbcode to see the extra text.