Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
So, when you say in the first chapter AN that there isn't a message in the bolded text... is that actually seriously genuinely factual and true? Or is that just a teasing way to tell readers to look for one? Because I did some javascript fuckery and grabbed all of the bolded text that isn't the outsider's speech or the "Sunset Shimmer" header at the start, then snipped out a couple of full words spoken by others, but I'm not sure if there's any actual meaning in what I found:
>my love is not conditional, and will not be impaired by anything. You already have it, and shall not lose it.
Considering what happened to everyone she loved (except for her pet and her butler), this seems more like a threat.
So, when you say in the first chapter AN that there isn't a message in the bolded text... is that actually seriously genuinely factual and true? Or is that just a teasing way to tell readers to look for one? Because I did some javascript fuckery and grabbed all of the bolded text that isn't the outsider's speech or the "Sunset Shimmer" header at the start, then snipped out a couple of full words spoken by others, but I'm not sure if there's any actual meaning in what I found:
I do spy an "ohno" in there!
Even with the innate pressuring from Harmony's presence, it was a mistake for Voice to think that she could ever fit in.
Poor Voice. So afraid of knocking over the applecart, of eroding the essentiality of a story that's already non-canon just because she's a character in it now. So quick to forget that Harmony, the central grace of the Equestrian cosmos, is so sturdy that fulfilling Sunset's wish would've been impossible without bowing to it. So afraid of being like Discord, oblivious that, had she not intervened, even he and his chaos would have, before long, been snared in Harmony's web, finding himself playing its tune. And so she foalishly thinks herself unworthy – unworthy! – of that of which no-one is unworthy nor exempt.
now listen to me young lady, i am talking directly into your ear now.
If it'll be hard work to repair her relationships, all the more reason to get cracking on that work sooner rather than later! And if she needs a diegetic reason to limit herself, she can hash it out with Celestia, who's certainly got enough practice at judging how much mojo is too much for this world to take. These are problems with solutions. Win-win ones! All she needs to do, is lean back into Harmony, and pursue them.
This fic threw me down a MLP rabbit hole... caused me to read a bunch of MLP fanfic I probably wouldn't have touched before...

… You can tell I have preferences lol.

Dont Bug Me : A human summer camp is Isekai'd into MLP as Changelings, MC's brother is the only Reformed changeling for some reason.

Change : First of a series of fics, with the premise that Twilight is a changeling.

To Be a Changeling : Human is re-incarnated as Crysalis's daughter.

Princess Celestia the Changeling Queen : Celestia is a Changeling, really well written.

Three Gems and A Scooter : Rarity Adopts Scootaloo, there are a lot of Scootaloo adoption fics, in my opinion this one is the most well written.

Past Sins : A summoning ritual goes bad, and a Filly version of Nightmare Moon pops into existence.

Hold It Together : Dude is Isekai'd at the start of the series, and tries his best not to be noticed, fails horribly.

Twin Twilight Tales : Somewhat similar to Illuminating Invitation honestly except the Sunset redemption is speedrun though, Twilight is 'cloned' and Sunset takes the clone in; instead of going to the human world.

Veil of Thoughts : Twilight and Rainbow Dash merge into one being…
I'm somewhat disappointed the dysfunction in the sunset/celestia relationship looks to be the result of actual failures of communication on celestia's part instead of celestia treating sunset like a build-a-unicorn project and then being pleasantly surprised when she tore a hole into the outer dark and summoned a friend in pursuit of apotheosis.

the nice-hugs-cuddels-heartwarming-I-always-loved-you-but-didn't-express-it-right-until-(inciting incident) subgenre is cool too, don't get me wrong.

I just have a bit of a soft spot for ancient powerhouses raising a child, expecting the child to prove themselves/show their worth, and said child actually proving themselves and earning Powerhouse's parental validation and respect. it is a very niche subgenre
I'm somewhat disappointed the dysfunction in the sunset/celestia relationship looks to be the result of actual failures of communication on celestia's part instead of celestia treating sunset like a build-a-unicorn project and then being pleasantly surprised when she tore a hole into the outer dark and summoned a friend in pursuit of apotheosis.

the nice-hugs-cuddels-heartwarming-I-always-loved-you-but-didn't-express-it-right-until-(inciting incident) subgenre is cool too, don't get me wrong.

I just have a bit of a soft spot for ancient powerhouses raising a child, expecting the child to prove themselves/show their worth, and said child actually proving themselves and earning Powerhouse's parental validation and respect. it is a very niche subgenre

One of the things I like about Celestia is that she actually is as benevolent as she appears to be, so I disagree on that front.

(Also, it must be said, the 'failures of communication' are not solely on Celestia's part.)
One of the things I like about Celestia is that she actually is as benevolent as she appears to be, so I disagree on that front.
The combination of 'can hurt you(if you annoy them)' and 'can help you(if you please them)' is what makes respect. That is what encourages etiquette. Stepping lightly and cultivating good feeings is what society is built upon. People who inspire that behavior are what societies are build around. 'Cares for you either way, but treats you better when you impress them' is a good and realistic personality, especially for an immortal and benevolent ruler such as Celestia is.

again, I-can't-believe-you-thought-I-didn't-love-you-let-me-make-it-up-to-you-repressed-guilt-what-guilt!Celestia is good too, it just feels disingenuous, and not just bc Sunset be an unreliable narrator
(Also, it must be said, the 'failures of communication' are not solely on Celestia's part.)
No. The failure of communication is entirely on Celestia, because if Celestia wanted to let Sunset know that she loves her unconditionally, it was as simple as saying so and letting her know she is available at any time. That she did not put Sunset first means that Sunset was not her first priority, and that is entirely OK.
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it was as simple as saying so
But... Celestia has?

Even within the actual content of the story, she's out and out said that her love is unconditional.

It's just Sunset is *deeply fucked up* from her childhood and the fact that numerous individuals who were responsible for her actual upbringing emotionally tormented her.

Sunset simply *cannot conceive* that Celestia is genuinely able to make mistakes, even when confronted with concrete evidence to the contrary, (such as the railroad fiasco,) she will justify and mitigate Celestia's position.

Kinda comes with the territory of Celestia being Unironically A Living God.
She knows Celestia makes mistakes, its more complicated than that.
She *intellectually* knows Celestia makes mistakes, but she still hasn't *emotionally* gotten that Celestia can make mistakes.

Either way, I don't understand why someone would come into a story just to complain that the story isn't some random different thing.

It's like going into a McDonalds and being upset they don't serve Whoppers, IMO.
Either way, I don't understand why someone would come into a story just to complain that the story isn't some random different thing.

It's like going into a McDonalds and being upset they don't serve Whoppers, IMO.
I didn't mean for it to read as complaining, more as a 'I like Y. This is X. I thought this was Y because Z, but I like X too. conversation?'

if you read it as complaining about the story instead of an attempt to spark conversation about trends regarding the showcasing of 'tough(paternal) love' vs 'soft(maternal) love' in fiction and how that relates to the author and what they want to tell us with this story, I suppose I might have worded it poorly
I don't know if it was mentioned, but in the comic "Written by Spike" all the inconsistencies are explained (in a rather bad way) by the fact that Spike wrote all the comics.
I just realized that canon Sunset's plan to brainwash schoolchildren and attack Equestria could have worked, or at least wasn't bad.
Ordinary schoolchildren, after passing through the portal, will become magical ponies, dogs will become adult dragons, and directors will become alicorns. This is a more impressive army than the Storm King's army.
I just realized that canon Sunset's plan to brainwash schoolchildren and attack Equestria could have worked, or at least wasn't bad.
Ordinary schoolchildren, after passing through the portal, will become magical ponies, dogs will become adult dragons, and directors will become alicorns. This is a more impressive army than the Storm King's army.
But would they know how to use their new bodies and abilities?