Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Sunset really comes across as rather emotionally intelligent. I can totally see what Celestia might have been thinking in kicking her out. Time spent in a non-canterlot environment would likely do her a lot of good.

... to keep from tripping those landmines though, Celestia would have to join her incognito, and in the meantime the government would have... problems.
Twilight will be very good for Sunset's mental health. And vice-versa, Sunset, huh, probably can't be worse than where Twilight ended up in canon?
If Celestia doesn't have the time to properly teach/parent Sunset, she most certainly doesn't have the time to go on a roadtrip with her.
Alternate crack fic where Celestia does go on a life altering field trip and leaves Cadence in charge. Amazingly Equestria runs even better than usual partly because Cadence is amazing but mostly because every politician and noble is absolutely fucking terrified of being the reason Celestia has to come back
"How well does 'reclaiming' love work out for anypony involved?" I asked rhetorically.

Cadance winced.

"Not well," she admitted. "So, what, trying might produce a corrupted Fire?"

"This is one of those situations where there is no practical benefit to finding out, and the possible consequences are dire," I told her. "In the absence of conflict or hatred, my assumption is that it would just turn into normal flame. In the middle of Twilight's living room."

?! Pyromania !?

This chapter was adorable, causal discussion of necromancy, and everything.
"What?" I asked as evenly as I could.

"I'm starting to realize that magic is much more conceptual than I'd thought," Cadance admitted.

I definitely needed to declare war on Equestria's educational system. Every pony should know this much; unicorn magic was the most obvious and versatile, but all ponies possessed their own. Our bodies couldn't even function properly without it.

With her affinity for fire, I suspect a lot of said education system is going to go up in blaze the moment she is in course proximity to it and feels she can do it.

And love to see Sunset go "Well, make Twilight not NEED to defend herself (with fire)". Which can imply not having her in proximity to those ponies, or at least interacting with. Or it can imply her having social skills to actually deal with them! She left it open ended and basically provided the only advice she knew worked for her. Are there better options? Well, yes, but none that she can reliably talk about, or use, nevermind teach.

Though I guess "using social skills" is still defending herself. But Sunset probably won't mind it as long as Twilight isn't just walked all over thanks to it.
Sunset doesn't have the cultural background (or self-assuredness) necessary for, "In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!"

Time for Sunset to find a certain mirror and for the resulting parallel world to have a legally distinct copy of a certain show...

And now I can't help but imagine an unlikely theoretical Sailor Moon fan Sunset, going "squee" over Luna existing. Bonus point for it being while in presence of Luna.
Looks like she channeled a bit of Luna for this.
Speaking of Luna, sweet mother mary that is going to be a clusterfuck. Sunset had enough attitude problems when she thought that Celestia was replacing her with Cadance, but Luna? She is going to implode with resentment towards Sunset, Celestia and herself because to 2 of the 3 ponies in this equation, Celestia seemingly never really cared in the first place and only wanted to use one pony to replace the other. ie. Replacing the useless princess with a better one.

Que Canterlot burning to the ground.
Speaking of Luna, sweet mother mary that is going to be a clusterfuck. Sunset had enough attitude problems when she thought that Celestia was replacing her with Cadance, but Luna? She is going to implode with resentment towards Sunset, Celestia and herself because to 2 of the 3 ponies in this equation, Celestia seemingly never really cared in the first place and only wanted to use one pony to replace the other. ie. Replacing the useless princess with a better one.

Que Canterlot burning to the ground.
Nightmare moon is 12 years away from being released. Sunset would probably have gotten over her current blindspots by then, and I would guess that Celestia would also not be as terrible at personal relationship by then.

Honestly, if I had to predict how things would go, I would guess that Sunset would end up fighting Nightmare Moon, and be slowly losing, before Twilight shows up with the elements of harmony and friends and saves the day in dramatic fashion.
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Viewer Omake: Reading Ahead
Reading Ahead

Day Court was boring.

That was a true statement! "Was" means different things in different tenses. But it might be better if I said instead that Day Court had been boring until Phellip Lovehoof walked in wearing a straw-brained attempt at a spell formula made out of little stylized suns and started trying to convince Pr-- Celestia, that he had only been carrying out Her explicit will when he roped half a community into the construction of a temple to Her with the entirety of their winter squirrel-fund.

This was obviously ridiculous. Not only was Celestia actively against being viewed as a Goddess, but she was also competent. Sure, she might've ordered something like this as a test -- but Celestia's tests were generally reserved for somepony, not a backwater farmer.

No, what made Lovehoof interesting was the spell formula. It was completely misshapen -- you'd never get anything done with it -- but something about it just clopped at my brain, and it wasn't anything coming out of the Colt's mouth...

"You can't just hang us out to dry like this, Princess! We've even gotten the rubies in yesterday, and we'll be finished with the circle just like you said by tomorrow!"

... What.

My eyes bugged out. The resonance frequency of rubies would, in fact, make something of the solar spell formula Lovehoof was wearing. I quickly ran some numbers in my head, and I did not like where they went.

It sounded like Celestia was moving towards throwing the Colt out of Day Court, and that simply would not do. So --

Mmm. I rearranged the magic, shuffled the illusion ward off to the side so I wouldn't set off the sensors, and...

"Excuse me," I called out, "but I have a question. Is this temple you've been building shaped like a dodecahedron?"

Everypony fell silent. You could hear a pin drop -- and Lovehoof's eyes had gone as big as apples as he stared at me incredulously.

Celestia, meanwhile, blinked -- and read the Colt's expression like the open book it was. She turned to me. "Sunset. I assume this is important somehow?"

I smiled. Nopony else in all Equestria might have been able to piece this together, and victorious adrenaline surged through me at the realization. "This pony," I grinned at Celestia, "is being deceived into carrying out a dark ritual by somebeing pretending to be you, your Highness."
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