Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
"Oh, Harmony," Celestia said strangely. "I might as well make a to-do list of my past mistakes at this point. I suspect I would already be more than halfway through."
...has Celestia ever stopped to process the baggage from what happened with her sister? Preferably with the support of professional mental healthcare? I feel like that could be, uh, important.
...has Celestia ever stopped to process the baggage from what happened with her sister? Preferably with the support of professional mental healthcare? I feel like that could be, uh, important.
Both Sunset and Celestia could do with some serious family therapy yes.

I doubt it. For one thing mental healthcare probably wasn't a thing back when she banished her sister using the elements of mildly disproportional retribution and for another I'm having trouble imagining any therapist in existence that could meaningfully deal with her due to a nasty combo of state secrets, power dynamics (both social and physical), and also depending on the therapist - religious awe. Combine that with Celestia's not inconsiderable ability to hide her emotions from herself and others and I can't absolutely see her overworking herself into believing that everything is fine.

While Celestia could probably use therapy what she really needs (and I mean this in the most sincere unironic way possible) is a friend. Someone to talk to, preferably an equal, who can understand certain problems like being immortal, ruling over a nation for hundreds of years, and also maybe someone who has experience with children to give her some perspective on the whole Sunset and Cadence thing.

Unfortunately the only people who isn't banished or turned to stone that fits all of these qualifications is Chrysalis. And when your best option is Chrysalis you have a problem. Although the changeling queen becoming Celestia's new bestie as they both try to figure out what the actual hell is up with voice is a dynamic I could get behind. Just saying.
I was half tempted to throw a party outside Court hours just to test her latest claim, too, but wouldn't push quite that hard. Not yet. Or, actually, not at all. Parties were awful and it wasn't worth going that far just to prove that Celestia didn't mean it.
1. Sunset
2. Cadance
3. Twilight
4. Flighty
(5. Corporal Needle )

Four/five people qualify as a party, I think? More hanging out with friends, but it's still do-able to test the waters on Celesita's offer.
Isn't a definition of party hanging out with friends with snacks and music?


In a room across the hall from the castle kitchen for maximum snack availability.

An enchanting party to build a music box that produces the optimal background music for learning more things?

Clearly Sunset and Twilight have no problems with focus in complete silence, but mere mortals tend to work better with some background noise.
I voted for this story is the users choice thing that popped up, hope you win
Thanks! I'm quite pleased to have made it past nominations, and am actually cautiously optimistic about my odds after all.

Oops, easy assumption to make I guess, are we the commenters unreliable narrators ourselves!? :V
Always have been. 🧑‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀

Celestia: In time, you will know the tragic extent of my failings.
Sunset: "The task ahead is terrible, and weakness cannot be tolerated."
Cadance: "Please tell me the names of your tutors? I just want to talk."
"Still?" Celestia sighed, her mask repairing itself by the moment. "I would have expected them to adapt centuries ago."

I think Celestia has too much faith in other people being reasonable, if not kind.

Yeah it'd certainly make sense for them to have gotten over it at some point, but instead they just hide their offense from her and turn their petty grudges into tradition.

It likely never even occurred to her that Sunset's tutors would treat her like shit- both from the perspective of not thinking these people are that terrible and from the perspective of treating Celestia's hand picked student poorly being a a really dumb thing to do.
I wonder just how many nobles are going to suffer a reality check when their attitude runs face-first into any of the Alicorns who are somewhat upset and would like them to have stopped centuries ago.
A small, throughly humiliating squeak escaped me as Celestia squeezed harder, apparently deciding that the solution to hugs not working as intended was to apply more hugs. I hated that it was working.

If she was trying to ensure that I physically could not get mad at her, it was unfortunately working quite well. I huffed anyway and forced myself to continue as though she was still on the other side of a table rather than imitating the world's most comfortable blanket nest.



Voice also fits all criteria.
Yeah but she's too busy enjoying the story.
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Just read all of this. I have no idea of anything regarding MLP, but this was great.

I identify as the eldritch outsider so hard - feasting on all the delicious misunderstanding, conflict and angst. Please feed me more.
Chapter 28 (Bonus): A night to remember
Special thanks to @saganatsu, @DB_Explorer, @fictionfan, @Adephagia, @Wordsmith, @Taut_Templar, Jamie Wahls, @Elfalpha, @BunnyLord, @Drcatspaw, @tinkerware, @Lonelywolf999, D'awwctor, @magicdownunder, @Mordred, @Nuew, @Greydrone, and my 18 other patrons not mentioned here. An extremely enthusiastic "Thank you" to @Torgamous for her patronage as well. Also, if you're not on here, you fit the tier, and you want to be added, please tell me.

Author's Note: Beta-read by @ensou. Voting is now ongoing for the SV's Choice Winterfest! The competition is fierce and I was sorely tempted to give up, but that would be against the themes of this story. I would appreciate a quick vote; winning either category would mean a lot to me! It's a poll instead of needing to make a post with votes like the nomination, and there's a tab set beneath the thread image to easily swap between threads, so it's much less effort-intensive than nominations were.
(Best Ongoing Fic) || (Best New Work)

Similarly, A Little Vice has been entered for "Best Original Work," and since that's not a category I'm competing in, I'm not afraid to let @Shadell have that one. :V

Sunset Shimmer

Even while cuddled up to Celestia and surrounded by the lingering aftereffects of a second awe-inspiring display of magical might in as many nights, I was still having trouble sleeping. It had been one thing when the adoption was still a distant affair that Celestia certainly didn't seem to care much about. Now that it was impending, she'd made much more of a point to treat physical proximity as though it was something to be maintained at all costs; she'd remained by my side in the halls, at dinner, and of course, during my second short enchantment lesson. That last one had escalated to full-fledged nuzzling, actually, but I didn't let myself be surprised this time.

The sudden shift in behavior made the entire affair feel much more real. Tomorrow, the goddess-princess of the most powerful nation on the planet — power maintained because she led it — would tell the world that she would be adopting me. Celestia would be able, and if this evening was any indication, willing to dedicate more time and attention toward teaching me. All the different ways that she'd shown favor to Cadance while ignoring me — the birthday parties, the extra lessons, the genuine care — might all be available to me. Might. I still couldn't be certain how much of this was simply because I'd summoned a dangerous Outsider and therefore needed to be kept under control, but frankly, I could live with insincerity if the results remained this enjoyable.

Ponies that once spat at my hooves would be compelled to treat me with something vaguely resembling respect, begrudging though it might be. Many passerby would know who I was rather than treating me as another face out in the crowd. Sure, I would need to deal with more ponies trying to exploit me, and I might need to don illusions to wander Canterlot without issues, but I usually only left the castle for magical supplies. Plus, I could ignore attempts at currying favor and veiled loathing much more easily than the outward kind. With veiled loathing, their attention was usually split as they at least pretended not to be focusing on me; with outward loathing, I needed to deal with ponies focusing vitriol on me while often being unable to defend myself against it without risking Celestia's disapproval.

As the only non-alicorn of the royal family, I would make a prime target for assassination by those wishing to avoid Equestria growing even more unreasonably powerful; however, given my undying status, I wasn't too worried about violent backlash. It wouldn't stick, and should anybeing 'succeed,' it would only deter them from trying again with the presumably-even-more-immortal Cadance and Celestia. The more annoying part would likely be needing to bother heeding ambassadors and other visitors from foreign nations. Mostly due to keeping my mouth shut about many of their dumber policies. I already made a point of attending those meetings whenever I was allowed to do so; I'd wanted to show off how well I'd learned even their version of manners and etiquette, but Celestia never noticed.

I wouldn't need to worry about no longer living in the castle as I got older, or of needing to work out some way of making a living if I infuriated Celestia to the point of being repudiated. Not with Cadance apparently willing to vehemently speak in my favor should the subject of disownment be raised. Multi-generational servants might start grudgingly reassessing their view of me; their loyalty was one of their few redeeming values, and if Celestia accepted me, so should they.

In a few years, I could show Cadance what a princess was supposed to be like, and she wouldn't have her age as an excuse anymore because I was even younger than her. I could tutor Twilight and Flighty and have my favor actually mean something to ponies — not that it should need to, but ponies were always more willing to heed authority more than their own observations.

Even when Celestia's efforts to forge an artifact using feigned love inevitably failed, I was sure that she would make or give me something else as a distraction. For that matter, I might finally be allowed to look at the preexisting artifacts in Equestria's vaults. Some of them were reportedly quite unstable or dangerous for ponies to be in mere proximity to, sure, but what were they going to do? Kill me?

Most importantly of all, I might actually be able to get Celestia to sincerely love me rather than her needing to pretend. In sight meant in mind, and embarrassing it might be, but Celestia hadn't shown any signs of wanting to kick me back to my own room. Oh, part of that was simply that my doors hadn't been properly replaced just yet, but it was still a good omen. I wasn't afraid to follow her around if it meant ensuring that she wouldn't forget about me.

The one odd element was Voice's absence throughout all this. I noticed somewhere in the middle that I was still able to think of Voice, but She wasn't present for Her maidservant act. I didn't yet have confirmation, but that made me suspect that She had wandered off and decided to watch somepony else for a while — which, of course, raised a whole new set of terrors. I knew that Voice would hate to miss something as important as Celestia drastically changing the timetable and her own behavior. So was it just a case of watching remotely, or was this not a particularly important part of my life?

Flighty Flame

Flighty Flame laid in bed and sightlessly stared at a candle she lacked the willpower to extinguish. She should be beyond happy! A royal commission, a budding friendship with the Princess's daughter, an escape from her horrible job, newfound access to the resources needed to make almost whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted...

Instead, all she could feel was guilt of her own making. Flighty had thought herself pious, but now knew that she was truly a terrible pony. The Devourer had made a show of reluctance at the time, but now that Flighty was looking back on their negotiations, she could realize that They had been far too willing to make concessions. Indeed, all that effort and Flighty really only made off with three of the classics: health, wealth, and power. In exchange, Flighty had given a terrifying entity a hoofhold in Equestria and the ability to use Flighty as a reluctant spy, knowing all the while that she might be making a mistake.

One of the concessions Flighty had demanded was a guarantee that Devourer would not magically attack the minds of the royal family or Flighty herself, directly or via getting some other entity to do it. Another, the ability for Flighty to revoke their agreement and stop acting as an "anchor" if Flighty felt they had broken the agreement or become an enemy to Equestria. But breaking the contract required that Flighty have evidence instead of judging based on appearances, which had seemed reasonable at the time but Flighty was no longer so sure about. How much damage could Devourer deal from the shadows? The third clause, one that would let Flighty simply revoke the agreement upon her twentieth birthday if she didn't feel as though she would be betraying Devourer in doing so, was an unimportant afterthought.

The idea that other ponies might not place as many restrictions upon Devourer should she divert targets was likely accurate, but Devourer apparently hadn't decided to approach any of them. For whatever reason, Devourer had taken an interest in Flighty, and Flighty had served herself up on a silver platter.

Flighty would need to confess her crimes in the morning. She wasn't sure that there were any written laws regarding dealing with demons, but she had undeniably committed a crime against Equestria. Such a mistake encouraged by another entity made in the heat of the moment likely wouldn't lead to punishment beyond revocation of privileges, including the commission, and that much would be beyond painful. But Flighty had brought it upon herself. It was better to confess than to be used as a spy against Equestria.

The necessity of a confession didn't make smothering her own dreams any less agonizing. That might even be the whole point: the Devourer of Decadent Dreams had given Flighty what she physically needed to fulfill her dreams with one hoof, and with the other, ate Flighty's eligibility. It hurt.

An Empty Garden

"There it is. I thought I felt something foul. Why are you able to leak in the first place? Harmony should be much too powerful to allow that."

Nothing present was capable of responding. Still, the speaker soon continued as though they had.

"'Everything deserves a second chance,' is it? No. Not this time. Not for the likes of you. I've seen what your kind does with second chances, and I refuse to let your story eat all the others."
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Aww, but Discord is fun!

Unlike the big bads after him at least.

Unless I'm misreading or eating a red herring?
Nah, pretty sure that has to be Discord. It's a kids' show, but even what little they showed Discord doing when he first got out was pretty bad from an in-world perspective. Not sure how many people got physically hurt but just the trauma for things like kids would be pretty awful.

...And of course there were a few times after he was 'reformed' that he kinda screwed up and caused problems. Did he ever actually solve a serious problem that he wasn't invovled in causing? Trying to remember.

But yes, Voice is racially profiling here!
Don't worry so much about consorting with demons, Flighty, all the cool kids are doing it!

She's also going to be consorting with the far more eldritch powers of proper communication and honesty.
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On one hand, Discord can be redeemed. On the other hand, even "redeemed" he was kind of an asshole, and even his attempts to "help" created more problems than they solved.
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Tbh, i am happy discord won't be a thing in this story. There is enough powerful threats for Sunset to beat and all possible "dealing with overwhelmingly powerful entity who isn't hostile" plot points are already served by Voice.

So yeah, fuck discord. And reaction from Celestia when she realises Discord is gone is going to be hilarious. Hopefully voice explains that it was him, because otherwise Celestia is most likely going to spend a lot of time trying to look for him without telling anyone. And that time would be much better spent with her daughter