Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
The 'royal canterlot voice' was used in olden days to be heard before voice amplifying magics were made to ease the burdens of public speaking ponies

night court was never visited during those times because hearing the princess of the night bellow half the town of Everfree awake was a quick way to become a social pariah amongst the ponies that just wanted to catch some shuteye after a hard days work

Acoustic Resonance released Voice amplifying magics and sound-canceling magics around three days after the Nightmare Moon debacle
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"Heartsongs" are a popular fanon explanation/term for it, with the exact in-universe mechanics thereof varying by author (or not addressed at all aside from the term).

Not gonna lie, I said it before but I really haven't interacted with MLP at all before this fic, but I am loving the way the magic system is being presented here. I'm guessing that the magics mostly emotion based, to the point of emotion being a tangible thing that can be measured?
Do we want to know how Sunset already knows about the royal canterlot voice? I sense a story. lol

Clearly Cadance just needs to walk into court and declare Celestia is taking maternity leave. Let everyone freak out for a while when she fails to explain further.
Emotion Magic: How Equestria Was Made
(Spoilers for MLP's Hearth's Warming Eve episode.)

Not gonna lie, I said it before but I really haven't interacted with MLP at all before this fic, but I am loving the way the magic system is being presented here. I'm guessing that the magics mostly emotion based, to the point of emotion being a tangible thing that can be measured?
Emotion is notoriously resistant to precise measurement, but it is known to be magically potent, yes. Indeed, Equestria was explicitly founded thanks to emotion-based magic that fought off the Windigos, which can be summarized as "hatred-powered blizzard horse spirits that came close to completely wiping out ponykind."

When faced with their certain and impending demise, a trio of ponies, one from each of the fighting three tribes, spent what they thought would be their last moments declaring their affection for each other as fellow ponies right next to the frozen bodies of their once-quarreling leaders. The Windigos Did Not Like that, to say the least. They liked it much, much less when Clover the Clever somehow accidentally ignited these feelings into a giant heart-shaped Windigo-repelling bonfire.

(Many unicorns like to brandish the fact that Clover the Clever's accidental spell was what ignited the first Fire of Friendship as evidence of unicorn superiority, of course. Sunset thinks they rather missed the point there.)
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And this is Sunset's opinion before being blasted by the elements of harmony and then being taught empathy by the human version of Twilight's friends.
Not even Sunset is so emotionally stupid as to take "Their lives were saved as a result of putting their differences aside and accidentally tapping into the Power of Love" as "Their lives were saved because unicorns are awesome and the lesser ponies were there too I guess".
If you can directly prove the existence of the bonds of love (in all of its various forms) then you arguably should be able to detect a Heartsong too.

This suggests that you might be able to trigger a Heartsong on demand, though perhaps not be able to direct one.

I might suspect that Heartsongs are deliberately resistant to study, tbh.

We know that Pinkie Pie's ... shenanigans ... are like that.

And that's an entirely plausible thing for various kinds of magic - after all, if the magic is 'smart', and a lot of the MLP magic is, it'll know if it's being studied. You might not be able to fake a Heartsong, because it might actively require sincerity.

(Although I suppose researchers into the matter might eventually figure something out anyway, if only out of utter frustrating triggering its own Heartsong...)
I also eagerly await the reveal of what Sunset's Aspect will be, can't be Magic since that's Friendship quite literally in Equestria and Twilight feels kinda Fated to get that what with her cutie mark being the symbol of the Element of Magic.
Best part of this updoot. Cadance might actially get through to Celestia that if she wants the adoption to matter to anyone else she needs to actually act like it matters to HER.
I was very worried about Sunset after last chapter's disastrous thing with Celestia. However, I'm very, very pleased Sunset now believes she has a peer to confide in! That by itself should help with her emotional health.

I also like how the second Sunset gets defensive about Voice's (very accurate) read on her, Voice immediately deflects by reinforcing her Outsider status and 'clarifying' that she totally means poisonous as in inedible rather than anything else lol.
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Honestly, even with that amenity, I was continually amazed by how some ponies could stand to — well, stand. And do nothing. All day. It wasn't like they still had the silent-speaking luxury when Celestia visited other cities!

Meant to call out this line here and the hilarity that she is completely missing that this is exactly what Mommy was trying to spare her, hours of standing (or granted more likely sitting) and doing nothing while ponies are idiots right in front of her. Actually there's an idea. Celestia could offer to let her sit in on court if she runs through some training with the guards on keeping a straight face through stupidity. Although maybe talk with the guards about using kid gloves first, don't want to traumatize the poor thing any more with sudden guard bootcamp.
... Please please please tell me that Voice knows Hymnnos/has been to Ar Tonelico.

Granted, that tangent might be a bit too uninvolved unless teaching Sunset Song Magic is actually its own sub-plot now.
I will say that Voice won't be introducing any more crossovers. Any worlds she pulls from will either be original for this fic, or already exist in MLP.
What would training to avoid reacting to the absurd look like?

Randomly scheduled funny walks passing through the guard barracks?

The sergeant turning up to morning inspection out of uniform in various amusing ways?

The occasional guest sergeant? A Gryphon, seapony, changeling, discord, ...

And somehow we end up with "We at the Equestrian Royal Guard have no sense of humour that we're aware of, ma'am"
Twilight feels kinda Fated to get that what with her cutie mark being the symbol of the Element of Magic.
I would generally think it's more likely that the elements simply are represented by the symbol of their current bearer. Particularly as all of them match the cutie marks of their current bearers, even when they make little sense without the contexts of the characters (why is Honesty an apple for instance, or loyalty a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt). Also I don't think we ever see the elements represented with individual symbols from periods prior to the current bearers taking up their mantles.

Well, the Ministry Of Funny Walks has to justify its existence somehow.
According to the University of Virginia,

Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks (Full Sketch) on Make ...

"The study showed that physical activity recommendations for adults can be met by exchanging a mere 11 minutes a day of regular walking with Mr. Teabag's silly walk".

... probably shouldn't rely on it for daily exercise though. :V
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What would training to avoid reacting to the absurd look like?

When I was a kid I was in marching band, a drummer to be specific. One day during practice we decided it would be funny if we replaced the usual response for being called to attention with "screw you sir!" Our drum leader said he'd go along with it if we could actually go to attention and keep a straight face after doing so. Thus we practiced being called to attention, saying "screw you sir!" and then trying to keep a straight face while he proceeded to do everything he could to make us laugh. Crack the tiniest smile and you had to do pushups. Didn't take up too much of one afternoon and we were able to do so successfully. Long story semi-short we proceeded to do so in the middle of he next full band practice, the drum major stalked around us in bafflement as we stood at perfect attention for a bit until the band director yelled at everyone else who was staring at us for not being at attention and we carried on like nothing had happened.

So basically... yeah you just practice not reacting while someone purposefully does things that would make you react. In Sunset's case probably someone reading transcripts from previous court sessions. Possibly acting them out.