Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
It almost sounds like Voice is going to eat him or something, but it wouldn't surprise me if instead his prison is made more complete, or he gets banished/shunted to some other world or timeline, or is otherwise rendered a nonfactor.

Voice claims to be very much against personally "extinguishing stories", and she just acknowledged that he does in fact have his own story, if one she doesn't value much.

Voice is also "a grazer" so eating him seems like it would be a departure from her usual habits.

One way or another, Discord seems dealt with, I just am uncertain about what the method was and how Harmony may react to her actions.
@Alivaril what happened to Cel's promise to talk about Luna? Did it get forgotten by her? I was expecting a scene about that...
Sunset released Celestia from that promise shortly after it was made:

"Actually, you don't have to tell us if it's that uncomfortable of a subject for you?" I offered. "Seriously, you're overworked enough as it is. Anything that adds more stress should be put off at this point."

Celestia's gave me a weak smile, unable to even muster the full strength of her usual approving mask. 'Luna' was obviously a touchy subject.

"I… will think on it," she allowed.
Yeah, I wouldn't think Discord deserves death, but I expect Voice just took a look at the spell on him weakening because Harmony is big on second chances and said "Haha NO". My guess is she just ensured the stoning spell stuck but good.
She could also maybe have kindnaped Discord and dropped him of somewhere where he wouldn't harm other stories, or just shoot him out of the escape hatch at the next thing that wants to eat her.
Oh, no, they took my brother in spirit away from the story! No chaos for us! :V
He was a menace that caused untold chaos and trauma for countless beings across Equestria. How doesn't he deserve death?

The issue is that Voice isn't doing this out of a sense of Justice, she is doing it explicitly because in her previous experience entities like Discord don't play well not being the only story, which she doesn't like.

This, and her actions with Flighty, show that Voice is absolutely a threat equal if not worse than Discord himself. All it will take for things to go wrong is a particular story that she likes more than Sunsets.
Am I the only one who thought that the way the text changed at the end there kinda hinted that Voice was beginning to be influenced by Discord, and that this might be the beginning of him breaking out early, not being destroyed?
The problem is that Discord's improsenment isn't about punishment, it's about keeping everyone else safe from him.

They have no reason to believe he wouldn't just go right back to doing what he was doing, and no guarantee that they could defeat him a second time.
I'm not saying he should just be set free with all his powers and on the honor system. We know it's possible to remove his powers, it happened at least twice in canon. Even if he's earned his freedom, he hasn't earned his reality-warping powers back.
All it will take for things to go wrong is a particular story that she likes more than Sunsets.
I mean, all it takes for the apocalypse to happen in this setting is Celestia being put into a coma for a while and nopony else being able to figure out how to raise the sun without her.

There are a lot of threats around that could end the world, but just don't.

Harmony seems to do a pretty good job of threading the needle, and in extremis seems to be enough of a big stick itself that most things that could force the issue know not to try.

That "disproportionate retribution" strategy might be the thing keeping the world safe from those hostile Outsiders that have self-preservation instincts/pattern recognition.

Voice will probably be tolerated up until she crosses some line, and then really won't be.
I wonder how Voice just got rid of Discord, did he just die, did the spell trapping him get a boost from void, or did voice Isekai Discord elsewhere.
Not sure how many people got physically hurt but just the trauma for things like kids would be pretty awful.
Not that many most likely. He likes his audience so he won't allow them to get hurt. Not on purpose at least. Maybe later, when he got his first proper meal and calms down a little, his attention will start to wander but from what we have seen in the show he was making sure that everyone gets to "enjoy" his chaos to the fullest. Some really did enjoy it.

But, I think it was pointed out in the show, the problem is not that he is a spirit of Chaos, the problem is that he doesn't know when to stop. Or want to.
I mean, back when I tried watching MLP:FIM, the two-hit of Discord and then Lesson Zero made me stop watching due to finding Discord arbitrary and Twilight in Lesson Zero just... what. So it ate that story.

My tastes in media have shifted significantly since so... *shrug*
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Am I the only one who thought that the way the text changed at the end there kinda hinted that Voice was beginning to be influenced by Discord, and that this might be the beginning of him breaking out early, not being destroyed?

I interpreted it as her going a bit multidimensional, presumably in order to impose whatever she was going to impose on Discord.

... so how many misunderstandings is Flighty's confession going to lead to before it gets resolved, I wonder...
(Obviously it depends on who she confesses to and how. I think if she goes to Sunset it might actually get resolved before anyone else significantly misunderstands??)