Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Fortunately, Voice doesn't seem to be one of the Outsiders who will replace the ponies surrounding their victims with eerie puppets and/or additional extensions of themselves.

Seem to be.
:o It all fits! That's why Celestia is acting so strange. And Cadance! It explains Twilight's existence too! Wait, is anypony real? Is that tree real? Is the ground real? That's it! It's all just a dream run by Voice of Interesting Dreams!

...Yeah, let's not give Sunset's delusions anymore footholds.
:o It all fits! That's why Celestia is acting so strange. And Cadance! It explains Twilight's existence too! Wait, is anypony real? Is that tree real? Is the ground real? That's it! It's all just a dream run by Voice of Interesting Dreams!

...Yeah, let's not give Sunset's delusions anymore footholds.

*Glances at the thread, the author and the fact this is all a written fiction thing*

I mean, this isn't quite wrong- But this doesn't seem to be the kind of story that plays and leans against the 4th wall that much. Seeing a character go through existential crisis as they realize everything is made up including them is interesting, but... It's a very different story from this.
Voice scanned my expression, and I tried to keep any dismay from my features. It was Her form; She was allowed to look however She wanted. Still, I suspected She might have used my eyes as a mirror or something, because flesh soon rippled and much of the lost muscle was restored. Apparently I wasn't the only being to decide that upper-class unicorn softness didn't look quite right
Random thought: the only preferences Sunset seems to have regarding how a pony looks is being fit. In terms of mental preferences, obviously she massively prefers ponies that are dedicated and make full use of their special talent.

So I wonder if when she meets Shining Armor she will be attracted to him (and not realize it), and promptly make Cadance "territorial" :V
*Glances at the thread, the author and the fact this is all a written fiction thing*

I mean, this isn't quite wrong- But this doesn't seem to be the kind of story that plays and leans against the 4th wall that much. Seeing a character go through existential crisis as they realize everything is made up including them is interesting, but... It's a very different story from this.
"Wait! You mean everything before I performed Dirge of Dreams was fake too!?"

Oh dear. I think in this alternate reality Sunset attracted one of the mind breaking trespassers instead.
Random thought: the only preferences Sunset seems to have regarding how a pony looks is being fit. In terms of mental preferences, obviously she massively prefers ponies that are dedicated and make full use of their special talent.

So I wonder if when she meets Shining Armor she will be attracted to him (and not realize it), and promptly make Cadance "territorial" :V
I think that depends on what flaws he has in this take on things, considering that as shown in the shown neither he nor the guards he's in command of are objectively all that competent.
I think that depends on what flaws he has in this take on things, considering that as shown in the shown neither he nor the guards he's in command of are objectively all that competent.
To be fair, I don't see how someone could handle an army of infiltrating shapeshifters without knowing those shapeshifters exist. Defensive plans would be ineffective if the attackers have replaced key commanders and know exactly what the plans are
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To be fair, I don't see how someone could handle an army of infiltrating shapeshifters without knowing those shapeshifters exist. Defensive plans would be ineffective if the attackers have replaced key commanders and know exactly what the plans are
It's not just the changelings, though. Look at every other instance where the guards are completely useless, starting with pointlessly charging at Nightmare Moon and going all the way through the mess that is everything about the movie and then later things with Cozy Glow. It may be for the Doylist reason that the main characters have to save the day, but it's still canonical, and with this fic's tone so far I suspect it will probably come up in some form or another.
It's not just the changelings, though. Look at every other instance where the guards are completely useless, starting with pointlessly charging at Nightmare Moon and going all the way through the mess that is everything about the movie and then later things with Cozy Glow. It may be for the Doylist reason that the main characters have to save the day, but it's still canonical, and with this fic's tone so far I suspect it will probably come up in some form or another.
I disagree that they are completely incompetent in this story, in chapter 15 Corporal Needle noted that the royal guard dealt with a "multi-species containment breach" from the everfree forest. So in this story they were able to capture stuff like Timberwolves and manticores presumably.
Her School said I'm surely wrong,
My tribe would make me stall.
School staff: It's "School for Gifted Unicorns", of course we can't accept her.
Sunset: "School for Gifted Unicorns", yes, and yet here you are.
There's one right there, driven, competent, held back by the system, misunderstood and unappreciated, similar enough to each other to really strike up a real friendship. Also coincidentally familiar with how to utilize earth magic and how to create enchanted jewelry. It's too perfect. If Celestia or voice did not arrange this intentionally then it is evidence for the existence of harmony as an active fundamental force.
Pretty sure Celestia set this up, as a direct followup of
"I cannot believe I tried to set you up with outgoing students instead of the fanatics," groaned the ruler of Equestria. "How could I have missed something so obvious?"
"Plus, I'm the Voice of Inadvisable Dreams," Voice added mischievously. "If I don't feature in at least a few dreams, I'm clearly not trying hard enough."

Cadance choked, rapidly turning red with embarrassment, and even Celestia looked taken aback.
I'm disturbed, yet impressed. She got Cadance with that one!
"Not all the names are accurate, of course. It's not as though I'm actually a demon. You don't have anything to worry about."

Oh, Harmony, She's going to be following me and acting like this the whole time, isn't She?

I quietly whimpered and stifled the irrational urge to flee. This was fine.
Being Sunset is Suffering.
Now now Shimmer, I know it's hard to grasp that the entity with power is acting submissive to you, since you think power should be plain about it and dominating with presence and deed instead of 'hiding behind a mask', but really, sometimes the most powerful position one can have is that of the submissive, just ask Cadance about it, I'm sure she'd be happy to explain.
...And somehow I didn't expect where that was going to go. Well done. :rofl:
I'm certainly not going to be founding a subversive cult with the intention of eventually overthrowing Celestia and instating myself as goddess-empress.
Suspiciously Specific Denial?
A cult wasn't quite what I'd imagined when Voice mentioned previously overthrowing a tyrannical dynasty, I would admit. The way She talked about it, I'd assumed she was just helping other ponies in their preexisting rebellion
...The fact that she trolls people makes these reveals slightly less worrying. But only slightly.
"Oh, if my known presence would cause issues around her, I'll certainly be happy to let you forget about me during those times," She said quickly.
Translation: Twilight gets to giggle at the strange maid that only she can see, that's making funny faces at Sunset. :rofl:
My attempt didn't work immediately and did require a few minutes of tweaking, but sure enough, I did manage to find the rune in question:

Is that Celestia projecting on Sunset or something? I get that it's either representing or actually from an Element, but that sounds like a mind control spell the way it's used here without that information...
Admittedly, that was for smaller and lesser spells rather than a grand working like this, and she had been the one to teach me that forced emotions could consume the caster if they let even a trace of doubt bleed into their work…

Maybe forced love was an exception?
Cadance: I have a sudden urge to slap a... horse. And I don't know why.
I glanced back at her to idly note that Inkwell was a unicorn today. Rumor had it that there were actually two twins masquerading as a single Raven Inkwell, thus explaining both her differences in appearance and how she got so much done. I knew better. She just happened to be very good at self-transformation spells. I wasn't sure that I'd ever seen her as a pegasus, though, just as an earth pony and unicorn.

...Actually, I'd never seen her transforming, either. She was definitely the same pony instead of twins, right? Right?
I vaguely recall something about this. Aren't there actually two of them or something?
I instinctually turned to see Voice's reply, and instantly regretted it. She remained in maid mode.
This is still funny in context.
Regardless of the reason, a prolonged, excited "eeeeeeeeee–" soon transformed into phantom notes filling the room without a source.
How do the Princess(es) deal with this? Do they just sit calmly at the table sipping tea and ignoring the singing conga line of whatever tripped the local harmony meter?
I was immediately forced to wonder: Why and how does this pony have measurements of Cadance and Celestia?
Probably best not to know.
You can bet Dreams is snickering into a wing, though. This is getting fun.
"Her School said I'm surely wrong,
My tribe would make me stall.
I thought I must stay strong
And could still show them all!
Alivaril did that Mad Science quest a while back, which also had singing while inventing crimes against physics. I wonder if this is a shoutout to that, or if it's foreshadowing instead?
I stared at the giddy, vibrating young mare before me and couldn't quite decide if employing Flighty was the best choice ever, or one that was going to end so catastrophically badly that we would accidentally make the castle explode.

More seriously, I do suspect both will happen at some point.
I could see it going either way, especially since I was already close to finding whatever ponies had rejected her from Celestia's School and setting them on fire. The foals there didn't wish they had Flighty's drive, and that was the problem!
At this rate I think she has a divine (ascension pending) right...
Eldritch God Empowered Mare Versus Modern Educational System
...The school system would win. I had the misfortune to see "instructions" for how to solve some math problem and pretty much had a Sunset trying to figure out how, let alone why.

That leaves alone the stuff that's actually complicated, like the chain rule, use of trig functions when integrating, or various uses of partial derivatives. This was how to multiply or something equally banal, and it was incomprehensible.

That said, there's also a "joke" about how to solve the problem 15-8, and it shows you how to properly do the carry so you can reduce the problem to 15-8. I will readily admit that this hits close to the mark when I was learning to subtract.
Pretty sure Celestia set this up, as a direct followup of
If that's true, it really shows how good she's gotten over her millennia of rule. That is some amazingly subtle subterfuge going on there.
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I braced for grease, but instead, the feedback from Flighty was something new: a jolt akin to walking into a storm cloud right before it would have discharged a lightning bolt, but without the pain. It was actually quite pleasant even if I felt the sudden urge to run laps around the castle to discharge excess energy.

This empathy feedback is Worship, isn't it?
I'm wondering what Discord and Voice might make of each other.

I kind of expect Voice to be on the one hand fascinated by all of the big bads, but on the other hand, she's apparently fascinated with corporeal beings just being.

I expect Discord will find Voice both delightful and utterly frustrating. There's unlikely anything that Discord could do to Voice that would upset her... on the other hand, there's unlikely to be anything that Discord could do to Voice that receives any more or less interest than a sleeping Sunset merely existing.

I wonder if there's going to be some higher-dimensional enchanting, so the final enchantment looks way less powerful than it is unless you have enough insight... Sunset's new friend isn't going to end up with extra eyeballs inside her head at the end of this, I hope?
"I wanted to impress you by finding a security flaw," I told her with false cheer, "and judging by how you don't remember my telling you this, you didn't even notice."

Celestia winced. Rather than just ignore my passive-aggressive comment or grow defensive like she normally would, however, she outright stood up from her seat and began trotting toward me.


I wasn't at all sure why she was approaching me until after she'd already reached forward to pull me into a hug, her wings braced against the table and my chair to prevent her from toppling forward. I went from confused and slightly concerned, to even more confused.

Man contextualizing this as coming right after Cadence tells Cel that Sunset's tutors convinced Sunset she'd have to earn Celestia's time and affection...

"What possible reason did you have for learning a second method of casting that is useless outside this singular specific scenario?" Celestia asked incredulously.

It's such an oof.
Sort of took the Honesty rune as Celestia enchanting for longevity and to prevent the item being distorted. She mentioned as much to Sunset, and the elements of Harmony as a concept are probably very strong runes when backed by intent and purpose that reflect that element.

Sort of hard to be a deceptive Nightmare if you have to be Honest in form and intentions. Also could mean the jewelry might literally brick itself if used non-harmonically.