Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Does tapping not work? If you're not on a touchscreen I can see why that would be an issue, but I think tapping should work otherwise.

Either way, I added all the abbreviations to a spoiler at the end of that scene. Hope it helps!
In Firefox for Android, it'll show up for a fraction of a second and then the text is selected, the cut/copy menu pops up, and the popup vanishes.
There are absolutely 4 other ponies out there, who were also inspired by that Summer Sun celebration to find their special talent.
Is Void going to show up to all of Sunset's friends like this? This is awesome. I wonder if Void wants her to ascend eventually.
Wild guessing here, but what would happen to Void if she ends up anchored to six ascended element bearers? That doesn't seem like the kind of thing that would leave her unaffected.
Putting aside the topic of the Elements etc for the moment, I'm just going to express my gratitude to Voice for stepping in and officially making Flighty Flame a viewpoint character from here on out ^_^
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Where's the history of Earth pony artificers/enchanters/alchemists/runecrafters? If Earth ponies have always been able to achieve results equal to Unicorn magic, then there should certainly be stories of Starswirl the Earth pony from the days of the tribes being separate at the very least. If Flighty Flame's Special Talent is the first of it's kind (though I'd eat Applejack's hat if she's the first Earth pony to be interested in magic), then she would've been picked as Celestia's student or picked by some other high-influence magic-science type.

I hate narratives from IRL being forced into world building that doesn't hold up to Watsonian reasoning.
If Sunset properly sat down and discussed with Celestia all the flaws she has found and continues to find with CSfGU, and I mean properly discuss them, I would not be surprised to find that said institution were to lose its patronage. Possibly with a brand-new and much more hoofs-on and unforgiving patron included.
Oh no V.O.I.D has been corrupted by the poni. Once you have 1 prospective character it's so hard to not grab another.

Quick some kindly Eldritch entity needs to step in or she'll go down a torrid descent. If nothing is done, she might even .... Write fanfiction ..
I hate narratives from IRL being forced into world building that doesn't hold up to Watsonian reasoning.
🤨 You might want to review your own kneejerk reactions there, mate. Cross-tribal magical use wasn't exactly left unforeshadowed, and is based on (admittedly liberal interpretations of but fite me) examples from the show — to say nothing of whatever the heck is going on with Pinkie Pie.

Maybe picking Flighty out would have worked in the days when Equestria was smaller and lower population, but as it stands, she's just another face out in the crowd.


EDIT: But also, I'm writing fanfic over here. We had something that displayed exactly what the show did, and only what it did. It's called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic."
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Things are happening like always but what I didn't expect is for VOID to get a new SL (Social Link) other than DOT. This story is getting bigger but is still so consistent. I freaking love it.

PS : I am stealing those acronyms to use for myself.
Noticed some things on a reread.

Choreographed Assault on Planetary Security Uncaring of Life in Equestria
S.I.N. = Sunset's Inexcusable Nightmare
Celestia's shoestring budget SCP Foundation has opinions about Sunset summoning an eldritch horror, and are Very Much not happy with her. They actually seem more positive about V.O.I.D. than they are approving of Sunset.

Flighty would never obtain either, and had made her peace with that fact years ago.
Now this is interesting. Flighty wanted to be an Alicorn. On one hand, "wanting to be immortal and incredibly powerful and incredibly famous and outright royalty" should be incredibly common in Equestria, especially given that it's known that it's actually possible, and recently Cadance proved it wasn't a unique occurrence. On the other hand, Flighty already:
  • Is around Sunset's age
  • Shares Sunset's obsession with magic
  • Was inspired by the same formative event
And now:
  • Wanted (wants) to become an Alicorn
It could just be a statistical coincidence, but I wouldn't be surprised if all of Sunset's eventual friends share the same ambition.
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This story continues to be a wonderful treat. I'm very interested in what the outcome of Voice's deal with Flighty Flame will be. Also shipping goggles if she has permission from Flighty does that override the exception that the princesses argued for on Sunset's behalf?
Wouldn't that be Thaumatologists?
"I'm still not willing to betray Equestria in any way, shape, or form," Flighty stressed firmly. "You wouldn't be showing up like this if you meant well."

The thing wearing her form raised one hoof before pausing.

"...You're right, I could have handled this better," it admitted, and lowered the hoof.
Things might go smoother for V.O.I.D. if she cited Sunset and Celestia as character witnesses.
Would likely make the spooks less twitchy too, which may be an extra benefit or a drawback from V.O.I.D.'s point of view.

Very Interesting.

Flighty is 100% a bearer, but though she generally seems the Rarity replacement, I don't think it will be Generosity she carries. Given her honest assessment of her worth at the shop, how the conversation with Shimmer went, and the foreshadowing of the rune Celestia carved, I think it might be Honesty. I would also note that she recognized what Voice was without a lot of background into the wider and harsher world beyond Equestia/her native plane. Which feels more in the domain of Honesty than anything else.
Generosity yes, but a fundamentally different sort of generosity than Rarity. Just as Sunset is a different expression of Magic than Twilight Flighty is a different representation of Generosity.

To give of herself. To devote herself freely, not to a person, but to an ideal, to her art. That is generosity.
You could argue that devotion to an ideal would be Loyalty? Especially given the above-average reverence Flighty seems to be holding for Celestia.
On the other hand, though, these are the Elements of Friendship, not of Abstract Ideals, so what makes Flightly suitable would almost have to focus on interpersonal relationships instead.
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Void has demonstrated atemporal abilities and likely is at least somewhat atemporal in nature. What's to say she hasn't already been affected?
When Void expressed her atemporal nature to Sunset and co, she also stated that she doesn't like to use it beyond figuring out what caused her summoning.
"I usually try to stay in the present because otherwise I'll miss stories of the here and now," Voice obliviously added, "but I make an exception for checking the origins of whatever inspired my summonings. Having a willing anchor makes banishment far more difficult, but attempts are still annoying to fend off."
Based on how she describes it, it seems that while she can travel through time, she can't exist in two places simultaneously. Otherwise she wouldn't have to worry about "miss{ing} stories of the here and now". So I sincerely doubt she has or even would go to the future to establish anchors to protect herself from banishment. The time and effort necessary to convince potential anchors to agree to her terms would result in her missing out on key parts of Sunset's story.

As we see in the latest update, it's much more effective to piggy back off of the connections Sunset makes to gather more anchors to protect herself.
That chapter was every bit as fun as I hoped it would be. I am so glad we got another high quality character to interact with sunset on the regular. I already liked flighty before the encounter with voice, but that scene would have totally sold me on them even if I were hostile going in. What perfect responses to such an absurd situation.

I'm looking forward to the eventual educational reforms that brings all races of ponies together to appreciate magic together, even if some ponies need to get slightly immolated to make it happen. It seems like a thing that will happen one day with all the focus on it and I am totally on board for it when it does.

It could just be a statistical coincidence, but I wouldn't be surprised if all of Sunset's eventual friends share the same ambition.

It's probably harmonic convergence constantly offering the path to greater harmony and few ponies ever being in the right time, place, and head space to carry it out to fruition. Harmony might be looking for alicorns or element bearers or both to balance out the looming disharmony of nightmare moon.