The 13,575,872,324 Incubator gestalts in charge of maintaining local harvesting operations simultaneously established communications, temporarily leaving their charges unguarded. The meeting began immediately; there was no need for social niceties. They all knew why the Kyubey gestalt had organized an assembly, even if the more detailed data packets were still in transit.
"Subject #1: Jade Agni. Suffers from depression, mild paranoia, demophobia, iophobia, mild atychiphobia, and the phenomenon known as 'loneliness.' Jade's father, an entertainer, was collateral damage from Hanna Fukui's wish. Jade's mother, a cook, subsequently committed suicide, attempting to bring Jade with her. Minimal effort was required to turn Jade into a magical girl candidate.
"Intended as an expendable asset, Jade defied expectations by immediately turning to Jeanne Lorelle, a nearby magical girl. Attempts to dissuade her were unsuccessful. After Jade joined her on a witch hunt, Jeanne was easily misled into believing Jade had been kissed and was likely to spontaneously die if Bellatrix was not defeated in short order. Arranging for multiple incidents to delay Jeanne's allies required an unusually large amount of energy, but were still successful.
"As expected, Jade was mortally wounded shortly after. The familiar responsible also elected to curse her prior to its elimination. 173 seconds later, Jade somehow managed to throw off the curse. Seven seconds after that, she and the surrounding area spontaneously burst into flame, eliminating four of my bodies.
"Immediately thereafter, Jade displayed a massive personality shift and began to rampage through Bellatrix's barrier, leaving an inferno in her wake. Said flames were not natural and somehow managed to destroy all grief they touched. Jade fell unconscious shortly after defeating Bellatrix. Scans determined that the entirety of her body had sustained severe damage save for her brain.
"Upon awakening, Jade was easily convinced to contract. She also agreed to a scan of her soul in exchange for a 20% increase in power.
"Understanding her soul proved to be surprisingly difficult. Several 'empty' areas were discovered early on, but it took significantly longer to establish a reliable means of detecting what was actually there. A complete copy of my findings has been distributed and is currently in transit. Suffice to say that her soul contained a source of power violating the rule of conservation. While I believe I could have determined a way to manipulate the 'Red' energy given enough time, an unknown structure overlaying her entire soul activated and began to actively interfere with my scans. Said structure greatly increased the amount of Red energy her soul was producing, but it forced me to conclude the process early.
"After she had become a magical girl, instead of immediately accumulating enough grief to become a witch, Jade's soul remained completely clear of grief. Unfortunately, any attempts to approach her for an explanation were met with hostility and immediate termination of the avatar contacting her. Jade vanished the day after.
"Immediately following her transformation into a magical girl, I attempted to recreate the circumstances responsible for the appearance of the secondary overlay. Most attempts failed. Subject #1781 was my first success, demonstrating the appearance of another 'empty' space similar to Jade's own. This one produced a similar, but different, type of energy I am labeling 'Black'. While Subject #1781 immediately turned into a witch, her ability to generate and control Black energy remained. Said ability interacted with her nature as a witch and produced a continual and massive amount of conservation-violating energy.
"Subject #1781 has since been assimilated into the Walpurgisnacht of Earth-103, empowering it and producing a massive source of continual power. I estimate that it alone has increased Earth-103's yearly output by over five times. I have already determined a method for controlling Black energy, and although it seems actively harmful to all kinds of life, it can still be used to make magical girls continually produce conservation-violating energy. I have tested it on 100 subjects thus far. Every attempt was successful.
"Unfortunately, I have yet to discern the location of Jade Agni and no further Red candidates have been found. As Earth-103 will cease to be a sustainable testing area if I continue to investigate, I am temporarily ceasing my attempts to find another candidate."