Hybrid Hive: Eat Shard? (Worm/MGLN) (Complete)

A few things occur to me...

If Bakuda's tricks were all about creating instabilities, can you turn that on its head and learn how to create entire new realities? Or, at least, pocket realities/universes where you get to control things/define the physics?

I'm guessing Hive is now in a position to make some major steps forward in the understanding of higher dimensions. Could she start to define the likely characteristics of manipulation systems (psionics, might be one example, or ki/chi) that can handle dimensions mana and shards can't?

Seeing as what distinguishes shard function is shard software, how would Hive get access to a shard-net? Attack a shard, on its own Earth, without eating it? Maybe using extreme stealth? See if there are remnants of Eden-net to practice on? Eat a shard without digesting it, and stick it in a sandbox for analysis?
create entire new reality == solving the entropy problem ergo against premises of worm.
Doesn't really solve it, as the local multiverse wont last forever... The Entities (as I understand it) want a permanent solution, not just a local patch...

I do quite like the idea of re-purposing destructive shard-ery into something creative...
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To deal with an Entity you want something like the Stilling, the "Golden Fuck-You Beam" that Zion uses. Make it a bomb and you are golden. If you use some of Bakuda's techniques, you can accidentally the local reality cluster. You don't use a False Vacuum Collapse to kill an ant, you don't destabilize the dimension to wipe out a planet.

False Vacuum Collapse is the thing where the space time fabric unfolds, destroying all matter within the range of its effect and expanding at the speed of light, right?
False Vacuum Collapse is the thing where the space time fabric unfolds, destroying all matter within the range of its effect and expanding at the speed of light, right?
Yes. An expanding sphere of "doesn't exist" that expands at the speed of light. Earth would be gone in seconds. The solar system? Minutes. The Galaxy will be gone in a hundred thousand years, and it will still keep expanding. The only things that stop it from completely destroying the universe are A, the expansion of the collapse being limited to the lightspeed limit, and B, the universe expanding faster than the light.

Basically, some of the universe will survive because they are running away faster than the sphere can chase.
Cthulhu just wants cuddles; his anger comes because no one will cuddle him.

Whatever happens in Dimension S' needs to -STAY THERE.

Warning: This site showed up as having an explicit content warning. This page is not at all "adult" and does apply to the "Cthulhu wants cuddles" comment. There are a bunch of other entries from this site that all seem safe, but I have not dug through all of them, so I don't know why that disclaimer came up when I first loaded the site. The second link is to the artist's Facebook photos page. I didn't see anything I consider "adult" but I have misjudged these things before and haven't gone through all of them.

Edd Lai's Stories - MIND REAVER (How to be a MIND REAVER part 1)

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False Vacuum Collapse is the thing where the space time fabric unfolds, destroying all matter within the range of its effect and expanding at the speed of light, right?

Arguably, the collapse might move faster than light because it is a phenomenon of space itself, not of something contained within it, and so might move at the speed of 'space'. After all, it is space-time that sets the speed of light itself by not letting things move faster within it.
With the Sting Shard, and something akin to a "Dirty Bomb" specialized for Jabberwock hunting.
Um... If you are hitting him with Sting why not just go for the kill?

There's also the question of what exactly poisons continent sized masses of crystalline flesh, and where you'd find enough of it to actually poison Zion... And why you'd bother when any attack with Sting involved is going to be an unsubtle one regardless of how it is carried out. Better to actually kill him than leave him to enact revenge while slowly dying.
With the Sting Shard, and something akin to a "Dirty Bomb" specialized for Jabberwock hunting.
You'd need to have some idea how 'jabberwocks' (Entities) worked, biologically, first. Radioactives might be a useful source of energy, to them.

Cauldron have the body of the Thinker, so they might be reasonably well-placed to do some research. Except, would they risk killing their 'golden goose'? Based on their evidence, to date, if they can get to the right place (the Warrior's real body) a knife thrust in the right spot should solve everyone's problem... It seems pretty unlikely a shard would help them get there, though...
Um... If you are hitting him with Sting why not just go for the kill?

There's also the question of what exactly poisons continent sized masses of crystalline flesh, and where you'd find enough of it to actually poison Zion... And why you'd bother when any attack with Sting involved is going to be an unsubtle one regardless of how it is carried out. Better to actually kill him than leave him to enact revenge while slowly dying.
Okay, fair points.

So much for 'brute force doesn't work here'
You'd need to have some idea how 'jabberwocks' (Entities) worked, biologically, first. Radioactives might be a useful source of energy, to them.

Cauldron have the body of the Thinker, so they might be reasonably well-placed to do some research. Except, would they risk killing their 'golden goose'? Based on their evidence, to date, if they can get to the right place (the Warrior's real body) a knife thrust in the right spot should solve everyone's problem... It seems pretty unlikely a shard would help them get there, though...
I was referring to the wielder of that shard. The most unfortunately named girl in the whole Worm-verse.
Blame Wildbow for the impossibly scaled endgame opponents...

Both the Endbringers and Zion require very specific and incredibly over the top brute Force solutions if you aren't going to try a mental victory. They completely break the scale of worm.
There is a reason I'm contending that galaxy-killing super weapons are not overkill.
Alright question:

Why has no one ever considered poisoning Scion?

In addition to what others have mentioned, how would you make a poison be able to propagate itself through living, crystalline, massive life forms in such a way that not only does it keep that one shard from simply splitting off the poisoned part to protect itself, but also sends that poison on to the other billion shards that make up the Zion entity? Wildbow went crazy with overdoing things, but even if the size of individual shards wasn't prohibitvely large, the fact that Zion and Eden are colony organisms, that is, life made up of many independently functioning life forms that make a cohesive whole, means that the most likely natural response to a poison is to shed the poisoned member of the colony, and thus preserve the whole.
They are implementing things as they learn about them. They got information on Sting when Sting was used against the necklace, same as a lot of their detection methods. With Vista's shard, they learned how to expand and contract space. They can't do it the way Vista did it, because they don't have a vast reserve (like an entire other Earth, perhaps?) to add air when expanding space, or store air when contracting it. However, they are using the information to improve their portals, and they can both sense and communicate longer distances with the Vista data.

In fact, the only one shard that didn't give something broadly useful was Bakuda's shard, and even then it gave hints on the mass-to-mana conversion needed for the solar system scanning spell. Sophia gave them an entire new set of dimensions to play with, even if they don't play well with mana. Vista gave the aforementioned communication and portals upgrade, and QA gave the Multitasking and Bug Control systems, the former of which is half the reason they were able to progress as fast in rebuilding their magic system.
I'd argue that kinda proves my point:
Bakuda somehow made awesome stuff with methods that were unsafe. However, the world did not implode, so safe enough could potentially be argued. Taylor still has no bombs that clean up the boat graveyard in one octarine flash.
She absorbed Vista's power, and yet can't expand space even with access to other dimensions/planets for air (just like the Shards do) and enough of a hyperspace arsenal to store multiple Shards being digested.
They can't reuse Stalker's power because it disagrees with magic. But they HAVE Shards to run it on. Still, this one may have the best reason: it probably disagrees with the magic in her brain, and I'd have moral qualms about being gasified and having what's possibly my original consciousness simulated for the duration.

And then there's Sting, which they can use exactly like the original owner (while using magic to apply it and create projectiles, even if it doesn't directly work on mana itself) without having eaten that Shard.
In addition to what others have mentioned, how would you make a poison be able to propagate itself through living, crystalline, massive life forms in such a way that not only does it keep that one shard from simply splitting off the poisoned part to protect itself, but also sends that poison on to the other billion shards that make up the Zion entity? Wildbow went crazy with overdoing things, but even if the size of individual shards wasn't prohibitvely large, the fact that Zion and Eden are colony organisms, that is, life made up of many independently functioning life forms that make a cohesive whole, means that the most likely natural response to a poison is to shed the poisoned member of the colony, and thus preserve the whole.
To be fair, you have a point. However, there's also this really cool bit of nanotech that suborns a being's native machinery to mindlessly make copies of itself before it self-destructs, releasing its payload to subvert other systems. It's called the Flu. :D

Admittedly, it's a fair chance that they have already encountered something similar, so they may have an immune system, but viruses are always more effective than a poison.
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I'd argue that kinda proves my point:
Bakuda somehow made awesome stuff with methods that were unsafe. However, the world did not implode, so safe enough could potentially be argued. Taylor still has no bombs that clean up the boat graveyard in one octarine flash.
She absorbed Vista's power, and yet can't expand space even with access to other dimensions/planets for air (just like the Shards do) and enough of a hyperspace arsenal to store multiple Shards being digested.
They can't reuse Stalker's power because it disagrees with magic. But they HAVE Shards to run it on. Still, this one may have the best reason: it probably disagrees with the magic in her brain, and I'd have moral qualms about being gasified and having what's possibly my original consciousness simulated for the duration.

And then there's Sting, which they can use exactly like the original owner (while using magic to apply it and create projectiles, even if it doesn't directly work on mana itself) without having eaten that Shard.
Bakuda made stuff that is either safe, but has more of a "constructing devices" use case, or that generally goes out of control if there's too much mana around. Oh hey, Taylor is constantly generating mana...

As for the boat graveyard? She can do much better than blowing it up at this stage. Tear up everything like she did the container ship, store it, process down to raw materials, dump them somewhere else if she isn't keeping the materials.

On Vista's power: They aren't maintaining a supply of atmosphere. They can still expand or contract space just fine, just without the "automatically adjust the atmosphere" trick being included, so air will rush in/out.

As for Stalker's power? It's the kind of thing that anyone sensible looks at and starts backing away slowly from, with the possible exception of people who are used to and okay with "tear you apart and put you back together" transportation methods like Star Trek teleporters or Stargate stargates. Not just because it doesn't play nice with mana, though being someone who generates mana would make it even more of a "wait, hold up here..." situation.
That actually brings up a question: Do atrophied Linker Cores produce enough mana to screw with Sophia's powers? Basically, if Sophia had a Linker Core, would it have stopped her from entering Shadow State, or damaged her to be in it, or some other "power not working right, contact SysAdmin" situation?
Bakuda made stuff that is either safe, but has more of a "constructing devices" use case, or that generally goes out of control if there's too much mana around. Oh hey, Taylor is constantly generating mana...

As for the boat graveyard? She can do much better than blowing it up at this stage. Tear up everything like she did the container ship, store it, process down to raw materials, dump them somewhere else if she isn't keeping the materials.

On Vista's power: They aren't maintaining a supply of atmosphere. They can still expand or contract space just fine, just without the "automatically adjust the atmosphere" trick being included, so air will rush in/out.

As for Stalker's power? It's the kind of thing that anyone sensible looks at and starts backing away slowly from, with the possible exception of people who are used to and okay with "tear you apart and put you back together" transportation methods like Star Trek teleporters or Stargate stargates. Not just because it doesn't play nice with mana, though being someone who generates mana would make it even more of a "wait, hold up here..." situation.
Any chance Taylor will buy up the rest of the ships and scrap 'em?
Any chance Taylor will buy up the rest of the ships and scrap 'em?
Salvage Laws say that she can just salvage them anyway. They have been abandoned for ten years, most have sunk or run otherwise aground, and besides that, who is going to say no to the person that can SOLO AN ENDBRINGER. Like, that is the main reason Lung is able to get away with being a giant rage dragon, and he LOST.
Salvage Laws say that she can just salvage them anyway. They have been abandoned for ten years, most have sunk or run otherwise aground, and besides that, who is going to say no to the person that can SOLO AN ENDBRINGER. Like, that is the main reason Lung is able to get away with being a giant rage dragon, and he LOST.
Yes, but Taylor is a meticulous person and would probably want to make absolutely sure nitpickers couldn't bitch at her.
That actually brings up a question: Do atrophied Linker Cores produce enough mana to screw with Sophia's powers? Basically, if Sophia had a Linker Core, would it have stopped her from entering Shadow State, or damaged her to be in it, or some other "power not working right, contact SysAdmin" situation?
This might provide a valid reason for why Oni Lee's power isn't able to copy him perfectly, if he has an atrophied Linker Core and his power keeps futzing out trying to copy it along with the rest of his brain.