Hybrid Hive: Eat Shard? (Worm/MGLN) (Complete)

Using some Imitation Brand Balefire to ret-gone a planet is very effective... but I wouldn't want to actually show it off to people. Because they might get ideas. Or try the experiment at home. Then you have Time Wars 2: The Seventeenth Last Time War.
This time with plus or minus seven thousand percent more/less Daleks?
What is the reference? It feels familiar.
If I chuckle in a heavy German accent, does it feel more familiar, or less?

In other news; does anyone else wonder when the rest of the universe is going to realise that the most terrifying part of the whole "demonstration" was what Kaiser Minerva said at the beginning? Specifically that this whole thing took "a few days" to arrange. "Yes we can decide on a whim to bombard a planet with killer asteroids on hours to days notice and you might never be able to prove it was us. Unless the impact spontaneously converts your planet to cheese or something, anyway."
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I wonder why no one has come up with naming the law-enforcing goose company the Wild Geese (Irish soldiers that left Ireland to serve in European armies). Especially if Ethan's family background include Irish ancestry. It might explain his anti-establishment tendencies.😁
It's just "Threat Level: M" now.

You know, for 'Mana'. Or Minerva. Or just Magical Girl Bullshit.
It could be Threat Level Omega, like in the Marvel Comics (can alter reality and/or is unstoppable/unkillable).

Or Level Deity (is effectively a god).

Or Threat Level Shiva (can destroy anything/everything and can not be stopped). She is already The Destroyer of Worlds. 😳
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When I first read this, I loved it. Good Nanoha fanfiction is really hard to find, and the premise was interesting and fun.
But as time went on, it had been less and less about either franchise, or about the characters themselves. It has become thinly veiled political commentary. It has become more about: "With our technology and power, look at how much superior we are to them! Look at how terrible people are and how we can just go in and do whatever we want!"

Like I feel the tone of the work has changed. It started with a superhero story, and ended with "The white man's burden." It really feels like European settles and explorers commenting on how barbaric the locals are.

I love Nanoha, and I've tried to stick with this work, but I have to stop. I do not want this to pollute my memories of the franchises.

Its been a fun ride, but I've got to go.
I think you're mixing up modern interpersonal one-on-one relationships with dynasty/clan/family. Historically, marrying for love is a pretty new thing. Mostly it was for for survival or politics. Sure they may have liked each other, but that was a secondary concern. You married whoever your family told you to marry. More so the higher up society you were ranked.
I very specifically mentioned that we've generally moved away from dynastic or political pairings. So I don't really know where this comment comes from.
Rule 3: Be Civil
It started with a superhero story, and ended with "The white man's burden."

Ahhh wut? It's turned into 4x empire building, considering the problem they face is some absurd number that won't fit in a post. It makes sense. And even then it's been about interactions between charters in spite of the power settings in the story.

All the rest of what you just said seems to be located only in your head. I have no idea how the fic or any one else here could help with that kinda issue.
Ahhh wut? It's turned into 4x empire building, considering the problem they face is some absurd number that won't fit in a post. It makes sense. And even then it's been about interactions between charters in spite of the power settings in the story.

All the rest of what you just said seems to be located only in your head. I have no idea how the fic or any one else here could help with that kinda issue.
That might actually be some of the problem, 4x games are extremely imperialistic, and colonial. And those terms are kind of anathema right now. I personally don't agree with that view, but I can understand it, I think.
The original comment that you replied to was about marriage and how removal of ownership would change things so I showed why marriage and monogamy had come about.
We actually don't and can't know that for sure, there's evidence it's been a thing since before we could call the upright ape a human, so why it started is not something we can state for sure. For thousands of years it's been a transactional thing, except for when it hasn't been, and for hundreds of years it's been a love thing except for when it hasn't been, but it's existed for longer than thousands of years and our records just plain don't go that far.
Yes, unlike what some politicians will claim while trying to con people into voting for them, it's this whole "love" and "freedom" thing that was the real death of "traditional" marriage. :) (And it's been mostly gone for some time now - good riddance!)
I am not sure of your definition of traditional marriage here, but on average reasonable arranged marriages were more successful. Possibly because incentives + its harder to 'fall out of love'. Which is an inherently stupid phrase as like 3/4ths of the forms of love are a choice, and the others are superficial infatuation and attraction. It's more like I chose not to try to love you because I no longer find you attractive, sorry, not sorry.
Ps. Sorry for rabbit trail.
The difference is that Religions respect the choices of their members and others, while cults intentionally don't.

Yeah... Catholicism is a mixed bag there.
Yeah. Uh. Son of a _conservative_ Southern Baptist minister here. Your definition? Says that's a cult.

Uh. Wait.


Okay, yeah, I really can't argue here.
Not every Christian faith goes this way, but mine goes with the idea that Adam was given three commandments. First, multiply and replenish the earth. Second, cleave unto your wife. Third, do not eat of the tree of knowledge. And until he knew good or evil, he couldn't do the first(aka breaking the third), and once Eve ate from the tree, he could only follow the second by breaking the third.
....So you honestly think sex is evil? Holy shit. I didn't think people like that still existed.
....So you honestly think sex is evil? Holy shit. I didn't think people like that still existed.
How the hell did you get that out of my statement? Really, HOW?

Sex by itself can't be evil, making use of it outside of specific relationships is at best foolish. BUT, it's required for the 'multiply and replenish the earth' commandment AND for the 'cleave unto your wife' commandment. From the beginning of that mythology, sex cannot be inherently evil. It's easy to abuse though.
How the hell did you get that out of my statement? Really, HOW?

Sex by itself can't be evil, making use of it outside of specific relationships is at best foolish. BUT, it's required for the 'multiply and replenish the earth' commandment AND for the 'cleave unto your wife' commandment. From the beginning of that mythology, sex cannot be inherently evil. It's easy to abuse though.
...because you said you can't 'multiply' unless you had knowledge of the tree of good and evil?
...because you said you can't 'multiply' unless you had knowledge of the tree of good and evil?
That's a bit of a stretch. I've seen arguments that Eden wasn't actually Earth at all, I've seen arguments that until they ate from that tree, they weren't mortal(specifically, they wouldn't have died of old age until after that event), and enough arguments that immortals may not reproduce. And who's to say that even if knowing good and evil is required to have sex, that the sex is in the 'evil' side of the equation.

Or in the scenario where it's just gaining enough sapience to plan, maybe it's meant to suggest that until humans could plan for the future, we couldn't spread beyond a very limited area.
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Finally, a last reminder to everyone involved:
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[ALERT="Thread Rules concerning derails"]
I have spoken with the thread's author, and henceforth, these are the rules concerning this thread. Follow them.
When @CmptrWz says to drop a derail, then drop it.
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@Kinsfire : in this case, and this case alone, I have not infracted you for threatening moderator action rather than actually reporting a problematic situation. Should another situation arise where you feel moderator action is required, do not post anything, but simply report the offending posts. We will have a look at them.

Finally, a last reminder to everyone involved:
You may not agree, even vehemently, with someone's argument. That is fine; it is an indication of proper discussion however, when you can maintain your civility throughout the conversation. Always attack the arguments, not the people making them.

User @Pai has been infracted for 25 points for violation of Rule 3: Be Civil, and has been threadbanned for three days from this thread.

This posted as op instead of admin/moderator.
Yeah this came up in my alerts as OP and was threadmarked as "threadmarks" instead of "staff post" in the thread.