Hybrid Hive: Eat Shard? (Worm/MGLN) (Complete)

Well, that's a conclusion. Looking forward to seeing what's next to take the Wednesday slot.

The only thing that I think is left 'unknown' is how the other Taylors existence influences the focus one. There's obviously some crossover. And I can't see them grabbing Domains that are already claimed. And the fact that the rest of them didn't get a second one. Honestly, I think the reason why there was only one that grabbed the Shadow Domain, is that they're all linked. More so than just another version of the same God/Goddess.

And I imagine the other Domain!Taylors will end up setting similar complaint departments.

One last thing to wonder, is if there's a different version of Taylor that picked up a Domain that is open, but is already taken in others. (And well, given the Complaint Department that she's setting up, it's possible that she might have to grab other Domains, by accident. If she can't pawn them off on someone else/let it be handled like it was on the Shadow Domain for the other Taylors.)
Maybe try DCU,or Halo,or even RWBY?
Don't really care about DCU, Halo could be fun, depending on where in the timeline she's dropped and if she can catch a Gravemind with a therapist device. RWBY could actually be rather satisfying although even a fairly vanilla Minerva would likely be able to wipe out the Grim faster than Salem could hope to create them and then force Salem into therapy.
40k would be pretty awesome.

I really want to see Taylor forcing Korne into therapy, okay? "You have an addiction to bloodshed and that is not healthy."
My only disappointment in the Marvel arc is that we never got to see Minerva meet Doreen Green (aka Squirrel Girl) and have feels about missing Rainbow. To be fair, she hasn't made a proper appearance in MCU yet, so it's understandable, but would have still been awesome. (She was almost in one of the TV series, but it was cancelled, and the only other appearance I know of is some Easter eggs in the Spider-Man ride at Disneyland)
I wonder if this segment will end with this or make it to redirected seven. The setting feels like it could be milked for just a little more content.
My only disappointment in the Marvel arc is that we never got to see Minerva meet Doreen Green (aka Squirrel Girl) and have feels about missing Rainbow. To be fair, she hasn't made a proper appearance in MCU yet, so it's understandable, but would have still been awesome. (She was almost in one of the TV series, but it was cancelled, and the only other appearance I know of is some Easter eggs in the Spider-Man ride at Disneyland)

given what i've read about SG, would it be Rainbow, or would it be Mouse Protector?
40k would be pretty awesome.

I really want to see Taylor forcing Korne into therapy, okay? "You have an addiction to bloodshed and that is not healthy."

Nah, she's handled rager's before.

The fun one will be Slannesh.

"Nope, Nope! Not even with an infinite length pole! Here's your therapy drones while i partition all of what I just saw into a dark cravase in my mind and forget about it."
Now we need the DCU (or DC Animated) version.
Cause, good lord, that place needs a fumigator.

Also, Taylor vs Darkseid. Which should get incredibly interesting considering he can canonically EXIT the DC universe, and visit other ones. Such as his infamous weekly visits to some poor guy's apartment to raid his fridge (yes, really) for the sole reason it 'amuses Darkseid'.
"Claiming? I've not claimed a damned thing. Every universe I spend any time in keeps thrusting responsibility onto me and I have to adapt to it. I'm starting to think I'm cursed in some fashion as it didn't even start here. Just some multiversal plaything or something."
Hey, now, most of your ridiculous power-ups were your own choice. And the responsibilities pile up because you refuse to leave problems unfixed. Talk to Potter sometime about having crazy things just thrust upon you.
any comic books in 15+ years
You haven't missed much, I love comics but...yea, I haven't found any mainstream comics worth reading in awhile. Last Marvel thing that got me to read it was X-Infernus and that is just because I'm a huge Magik fangirl and that was like...(goes to check) yea, almost 14 years ago. I think the last thing that was somewhat mainstream I read was the Hitgirl around the world series. Meh, I'll stick with indy stuff or going back and reading things like Linsner's Lucifer's Halo mini-series (or anything he wrote really), old Malibu comics with all their cheese, or pull out some good old Johnny The Homicidal Maniac for when the buildup of human stupid needs some sandblasting from my brain :p

Hopefully I left it on a good point for everyone anyway.
Yea, stories like this are best left on it a high note instead of trying to 'resolve' everything.
I think it's about time this little excursion into the Marvel Cinematic Universe came to an end...mostly because it's hard writing in the MCU when I've only seen a few distinct scenes across various films and haven't picked up any comic books in 15+ years.

Yes, I've been winging it the entire time, not having seen more than a fraction of any single movie in the MCU.

Hopefully I left it on a good point for everyone anyway. ;)
No Spidey?😥
I had a thought on the Minerva in RWBY idea: why not before the original Ozma dies? Minerva would probably heal his illness, throwing a wrench into, well, everything.
Nice. As for the next stop, possibly something that needs fixing and is very convuluted and will be a lot more convulted because Disney?
Doctor Who is about to have David Tennant back as a 'new' doctor with Donna as well just to be replaced after some specials... so.. that place needs helping.
I think it's about time this little excursion into the Marvel Cinematic Universe came to an end...mostly because it's hard writing in the MCU when I've only seen a few distinct scenes across various films and haven't picked up any comic books in 15+ years.
Honestly, I'm a bit surprised you didn't end it with the last one...
Gotta say, as someone with a national sports team called the All Blacks, some parts of this chapter felt weird.
I did not name All-Black the Necrosword, so blame Marvel for that!
Marvelous update, are you moving on to a new story with NaNoWriMo, or just moving onto a new Minerva?
I think I'm dropping Wednesday updates while I build up buffers. On existing stories or a new one is yet to be seen!
Accidental MCU conquest: COMPLETE

DCU Campaign Begin: [Y/N]?
I wonder if this segment will end with this or make it to redirected seven. The setting feels like it could be milked for just a little more content.
I'm sure there could be a lot more content.

...but not having seen the movies, I don't know where to go from here!
Is this because she (Death) is married to Deadpool?
Because this Taylor is obviously attracted to girls and Death is the only "girl" Taylor is interacting with on an "equal level"...and Death isn't interested.
Hey, now, most of your ridiculous power-ups were your own choice. And the responsibilities pile up because you refuse to leave problems unfixed. Talk to Potter sometime about having crazy things just thrust upon you.
"Runaway video game system tried to connect to me, dropped a Unison Device on me instead..." started the whole mess. She didn't choose to be targeted or have the Unison Device dropped on her!

Everything else ran away from there.
Honestly, I'm a bit surprised you didn't end it with the last one...
I wasn't about to leave the almost-promised Celestial interaction unwritten.