Hybrid Hive: Eat Shard? (Worm/MGLN) (Complete)

Hmm. Maybe another series famous for a form of large scale escalation? TTGL comes to mind. Though a Minerva that also has Spiral Energy is kind of scary, so maybe not.
It would be interesting to see how she reacts to something that genuinely completely outscales her like spiral power, though. Especially given I suspect mana actually isn't a good fit for it. Taylor's mindset isn't right for mass spiral power buildup. And she builds big. The antispirals were throwing about galactic superclusters. And I suspect any attempt to sidestep them would end up just bumping into them. Because they have the whole universe in question on lockdown.
The trick is to find a reality where Minerva's overwhelming power and escalation ability isn't enough to end all the problems in very short order. Frankly, I can't think of any off the top of my head.
Honestly, neither can I. The two above suggestions of DBZ and Gurren Lagann are the two where the power levels get crazy enough that Minerva would be outclassed. Even GunBuster would be seriously outclassed by her tech let alone pretty much any other Sci-Fi franchise. Basically we now have to go: Minerva OP, plz Nerf. Even the other Queen of Overkill, the Dragon Spooker, Lina Inverse would be outclassed in Magic by Minerva while her combined magic and technology skills are good enough that I'm pretty sure she could be dropped into Warhammer 40k and within a week The Emperor of Mankind would be fully restored, The Chaos Gods would be screaming for Mercy and all the other factions would be lining up to join her "OR ELSE".
There is also the Xeelee sequence, where the titular species and their enemies are throwing around technology so far out of scope Taylor would have trouble figuring out what to do about it. And they are doing so in a multi-timeline temporal war that both sides are Xanatos speed-chessing.
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I still maintain that Minerva would curb-stomp the people in DBZ because she can do one thing that they can't.


Seriously, the plans most of them make are pants-on-head stupid. They only have ridiculous power going for them. And Goku? He's the poster boy for the only thing keeping him alive are autonomous nerve functions like breathing and heartbeat.
Yaaaa it's very much the problem with a Character who had the means and valid reason to Prepare as hard as she did just to reach the Minimum requirements to deal with a Worm Entity without absutely horrific Collateral damage because they are the sort of thing that are just utterly absurd on the numbers. Front alongside versatility and casual Ease of Bending reality like a pretzel and the tools to know in what particular manner of reality pretzelification would expedite your imminent existence failiure

Especialy since she was actively cribbing notes from them the whole time
To make it work you'd have to out DBZs DBZ, and I can think of one series that does that that came out at about the same time, as long as you pay attention to the manga or read between the lines in the anime.

Sailor Moon

You know the story where by the end of it all the main characters are outer gods and concepts of reality
Ehhhh actually I am fairly certain that in that case she would just up and work with the Sailor Scouts to deal with the hostile actors and set things up so that the rest of the Solar system planets are habitable for people
Seriously. "Oh, you're doing this to ensure a future generation of peace and prosperity? Let me help you out!"

Pluto: "What do you mean that the Kingdom comes into existence by 2050?!? How ... but ... ?!?"
Also worth noting in regards to Taylor/Minerva in DBZ is that she could easily escalate to match almost anything in setting in regards to raw power output by studying two things, first being Gero's android tech(especially 17 and 18's infinite energy engines let alone the biological modifications of Cell and 21 that she could likely improve on) and the second being the sealed Majin Buu(who is essentially a living and sapient mass of magic that she could and would likely convert to her side faster than even Hercule Satan did when or if unsealed) that she would almost certainly find out about and track down within less than a week of arriving.
Why take even that long? I'm pretty sure Taylor's storage space contains nearly one planetary mass of hyperdense metal and drones, more than enough to terraform the moon a dozen times over in a few days.
Why take even that long? I'm pretty sure Taylor's storage space contains nearly one planetary mass of hyperdense metal and drones, more than enough to terraform the moon a dozen times over in a few days.
Because a Kingdom is more than a Place, and it is not HER kingdom so she can't just mass-produce AIs to fill all the different jobs needed.
Heck I would like to see Taylor with lina Inverse only to see they're reaction to someone who does a bigger escalation.
How about Yu Yu Hakusho? Since spirite power is both completely different and the spirit realm and demon realm in a place were I think even she can't get to that should give her a challenge, she won't even be able to see anything, at lease at first.
Because a Kingdom is more than a Place, and it is not HER kingdom so she can't just mass-produce AIs to fill all the different jobs needed.
Not only that but she needs to terraform both Venus and Mars while creating habitats on the other planets. I'm thinking floating cities on each of the Gas Giants with gigantic city sized domes on all the moons, Pluto and Mercury.

How about Yu Yu Hakusho? Since spirit power is both completely different and the spirit realm and demon realm in a place were I think even she can't get to that should give her a challenge, she won't even be able to see anything, at lease at first.
Oh please, this is Minerva we're talking about here. Within 24 hours of finding out about it she'll have completely cracked Spirit Energy and entered Makai (the Demon Realm). Then within a week tops all of Makai will be bowing to their new God Queen, the Empress of Escalation.
I'm only in chapter 61 but I would give Minerva only Thinker and Tinker ratings, with everything else being a subrating for Tinker. Her specialty would be "Mana" or "Magic".

Hell, even the Thinker rating is only for her multitasking and that could ALSO fall under Tinker in her case.
I'm only in chapter 61 but I would give Minerva only Thinker and Tinker ratings, with everything else being a subrating for Tinker. Her specialty would be "Mana" or "Magic".

Hell, even the Thinker rating is only for her multitasking and that could ALSO fall under Tinker in her case.
She doesn't NEED a device to cast anything, they just make casting easier, faster and more efficient. So, even unarmed, she gets ALL the ratings.
I'm hoping Minerva heads to Mass Effect, if only because I want her to interact with the Quarians. Giving the Geth, Reapers, and Catalyst therapy, as well as causing the Council to go WTF!!! are bonuses.
which is why I gave her Tinker (Mana/Magic). She uses Mana to "build" all sorts of magic effects.
Since Mana is a type of Energy, there would be no transferable physical constructs, thus no Tinker rating. More of a Shaker with subtypes, but THAT is usually treated as multiple types instead.

The big defining point of a Tinker rating isn't necessarily that they use gear, it's that their gear can be shared freely, which Minerva's Mana based constructs can't be due to her being the power source. In a way, this makes her more of a tech based Trump, in that she's crafting new powers for herself...
The big defining point of a Tinker rating isn't necessarily that they use gear, it's that their gear can be shared freely, which Minerva's Mana based constructs can't be due to her being the power source.
Actually they can and have been -- think the restraints.

They just need her to come by every so often and power them up, which... well, actually argues more for her being a tinker, as everyone knows tinkertech needs maintenance by the creator.