Hope will never die : a Fire Emblem Awakening quest

[X] Look up the symptoms in the library : Libra admitted Noire's sickness was due to dark magic. Surely something in the palace library might help you find what was done exactly, and eventually find the culprit on your own.
- [X] Ask for someone's help (Henry)
[X] Go vist Owain
-[X] have that duel he wanted
[X] Look up the symptoms in the library : Libra admitted Noire's sickness was due to dark magic. Surely something in the palace library might help you find what was done exactly, and eventually find the culprit on your own.
- [X] Ask for someone's help (Henry)
[X] Go vist Owain
-[X] have that duel he wanted
[X] Look up the symptoms in the library : Libra admitted Noire's sickness was due to dark magic. Surely something in the palace library might help you find what was done exactly, and eventually find the culprit on your own.
- [X] Ask for someone's help (Henry)
[X] Go vist Owain
-[X] have that duel he wanted
[X] Look up the symptoms in the library : Libra admitted Noire's sickness was due to dark magic. Surely something in the palace library might help you find what was done exactly, and eventually find the culprit on your own.
- [X] Ask for someone's help (Henry)
[X] Go vist Owain
-[X] have that duel he wanted

New vote.
Chapter 1-16 : Enters the Dark Avenger!
[X] Look up the symptoms in the library : Libra admitted Noire's sickness was due to dark magic. Surely something in the palace library might help you find what was done exactly, and eventually find the culprit on your own.
- [X] Ask for someone's help (Henry)
[X] Go visit Owain
-[X] have that duel he wanted

[X] Go visit Owain
-[X] have that duel he wanted

You decide to use your newfound freedom to find your cousin. You're uncertain where to look at first, but fortunately, he never is very hard to find : you just have to follow his voice. Sure as day, you find him in the gardens, in the middle of an argument with Cynthia, in what you can only assume was yet another of their games carried a bit too far.

"... believe you'd say that about my sword hand!"
"It's just you waving your arm around!"
"Blasphemy! Guided by its unrelenting spirit, I, the Dark Avenger of Justice, shall defeat the mightiest heroes of this land!"
"Yeah? Well, I'm pretty sure Lucy could beat you up."
"Nonsense! As I walk through the fires of Hell, I shall remain unvanquished until my final destiny is finally fullfilled!"
"Nuh uh!"
"Yuh uh!"
"Nuh uh plus infinity!"

Well, it seems any attempt at eloquence has been quickly discarded. Tilting your head, you finally make your presence known.

"Um, what are you doing?"

The two of them look at you, before doing their best to raise their voices above each other while pointing fingers.

"He just mocked Beano and his kind of heroes are dumb and he's the worst!"
"She has no appreciation for dramatic flair and is dragging the Justice Cabal's name in the mud!"
"I so do not!"

You decide to quickly intervene before the argument fully resume. The two of them usually get along pretty well, but apparently, today is one of those days.

"Actually, I was looking for you, Owain. I'm sorry I got so busy those last months, but I seem to remember that I owe you a spar?"

Owain's face morph into an enthusiastic smile, and even Cynthia seems to perk up at your words, their previous frustration put aside.

"Really? Great! Let me get my training sword!"

And off he goes. Sometimes, you really envy his energy. You start to walk toward the training grounds, followed by your sister. While she still display little interest in learning how to fight herself, she seems to always enjoy watching. No doubt those moments remind her of those fight scenes she enjoys so much in her books. And today, you suspect she might really look forward seeing you knock your cousin on his rear. Well... you suppose that as an older sister, you have a duty to please. Finally, you two reach the dueling area, and you don't have to wait long until Owain arrives.

"All right! This is going to be awesome!"

You smile at his enthusiasm, before picking up your wooden sword, swinging it once for a sense of balance before assuming your stance. As you ready yourself, Owain slowly draws his own blade in a slow, calculated motion.

"I always knew it would come to this, cousin! I, Owain Dark, shall show you that his destiny won't be so easily stopped!"

You blink, trying to figure out what destiny has to do with anything here. Behind you, you can hear Cynthia screeching "Your name is not Owain Dark!", which you think is also a good point.

"Behold, the peerless avenger! The scion of heroes will face the incarnation of evil without fear, for it is his duty to ward the world against such peril!"

Is... Is he calling you evil? That's a little rude, you think. Your sister seems to share that opinion, if her indignant "You take that back!" is any indication. From her tone, she seems almost ready to jump in the field herself. As for you, you only throw a cool gaze his way.

"I already said I'd take your challenge head on. Don't make me wait."

Charisma C- vs Charisma D. The Scion of Heroes stares at a dreadful foe!

For an instant, Owain's composure seems to waver, before his usual grin returns once more.

"I see. You truly are a fearsome adversary, cousin! Very well then, no more words. Have at thee!"

And with that, he springs forward with surprising speed. You nonetheless manage to bring your sword against his in time, the two wooden blades echoing through the courtyard. Very quickly, the two of you exchange a series of blows, testing each other's defenses.

Swords C vs Swords D+
Chon'sin style D- vs Chon'sin style D+. With burning resolve, the Dark Avenger keeps on fighting!

As expected from Lon'qu's son, his swordmanship is rather impressive. He is also more familiar with his fighting style, presumably having trained in it since the beginning. Still, as the two of you find your rhythm, you feel rather confident. He's not the only one to have trained extensively with the blade, and you're beginning to realize you have another advantage on him.

Dexterity C+ vs Dexterity C-. Shall the Flame of Justice be extinguished today? Nay!

You make another parry, shoving his blade away, and he almost tumble before steadying himself. As you press forward, Owain steps back, trying to avoid being overwhelmed by the pressure you're beginning to put in your strikes. You follow, not giving him time to recover. He is fast, faster than Kjelle, without any doubt. But you're still more than a match for him in that domain.

"Ah! I must commend your skills, cousin! Have it your way, then! I shall now use my full power!"

Intelligence D vs Bluff C-. The Hero finds his second wind! The real battle starts now!

His exclamation makes you hesitate for an instant. He was holding back? You avoid a wide swing, trying to prepare for what's to come. And just like that, the rhythm of the fight changes entirely. Owain's strikes are becoming more and more unpredictable, making your guesses on his next moves that much harder. You don't recognize the style, but this looks like nothing Lon'qu would have taught him! This time, it is your turn to yield ground, trying to make sense of those new moves, full of jumps, twirls and... and did he just switch his sword of hand mid-fight?! That's beyond reckless!

"Behold! Secret sword art technique! Radiant Blade!"

Style switch : Wandering Hero style D-. Avenger Mode! Activate!

You parry a blow that for all intents and purpose is just a normal strike, just made while shouting a fancy name. And where does he find the breath to shout mid-battle, anyway? You jump over an attempt to sweep your leg, Up, low, left, right, there doesn't seem to be any pattern to his attacks, who keep coming one after another. You need a new plan. At this rate...

Strength C- vs Strength D
Endurance D+ vs Endurance D. The Dark Lord still has some fight in her! However, the Chosen One won't yield!

Foregoing any attempt at elegance, you literally rams into Owain, shoving him back. The move is rather unconventional, but it does manage to break the tempo of his incessant attacks. And while his technique is hard to deal with when he's on the offensive, it struggles to hold up when put on the defensive. You turn every clash of blades into a contest of strength, putting your trust in Frederick's training to gain the upper hand. And you suppose being a year older helps too.

"You're... hah... pretty good! But this isn't over! Hidden blade form..."

Style switch : Ylissean Royal Style D+. … Urk!

This time, you don't let him finish, driving your sword directly into his gut, knocking the air out of him, before striking his arm, sending his sword flying. The next instant, he finds himself on his back, with you standing over him. Bth of you are sweating and breathing hard, but still. Not as bad as Frederick Fitness Day, you think.

"I... I don't want to sound too presumptuous, but maybe you shouldn't talk this much during a fight?"

Despite his position, he flashes you a grin.

"Absurd! It only means I need more training with talking and fighting at the same time!"
"Well, I'd be curious to see if you can make it work. Well fought!"

Truth be told, you hadn't expected him to give you this much trouble. It is a helpful reminder that your friends aren't standing idle either. You wonder how Kjelle and Severa are doing... As you turn away to put your sword back on its rack, you suddenly hear a loud exclamation.

"Ahah! An opening!"

Before you can react, you find yourself tackled to the ground by your cousin, any pretence at sword fighting clearly forgotten.

"What the... Owain! Get off me!"
"Never turn your back on an enemy while on a battlefield! Every hero should know that!"
"It's not a battlefield, and you're not an enemy! Cut it... Wait, don't you dare!"

While still struggling to get up – damn him, but he's heavy! - he begins to poke you in the ribs. No doubt Cynthia – the traitor! - told him that you were rather ticklish here, a secret you did your best to keep from public knowledge. As you feel a laugh rising from your mouth despite your best efforts to hold it back, you can't help but think that this is bad.

Your salvation comes in the form of a blue blur. Cynthia valiantly throws herself to your rescue, earning back your favours despite leaking critical informations to potential hostile forces. She is quite lighter than Owain, but has momentum on her side, pushing your cousin out of the way.

"Leave my sister alone, you big meanie!"

Not one to let such a golden opportunity pass, you join her in tackling Owain to the ground, paying no heed to his -hypocritical, really – protests.

"Hey, two against one is unfair!"
"Tell that to enemies on a battlefield!"

A few minutes of playful wrestling later, the three of you are laughing hard on the ground. Your clothes are covered in dust, your hair are a mess, but right now, there's no other place in the world you'd rather be.

Relations with Owain improved
Experience gained when facing an opponent using the Wandering Hero's style

[X] Look up the symptoms in the library : Libra admitted Noire's sickness was due to dark magic. Surely something in the palace library might help you find what was done exactly, and eventually find the culprit on your own.
- [X] Ask for someone's help (Henry)

You decide not to confront Noire directly. You know she can be pretty skittish, and you don't want her to feel unconfortable. Plus, there's no guarantee she'd ever know who would want to curse her. Fortunately, you have another method. All you need is to look up the symptoms at the library, find out exactly what was cast on your friend, and then find out who could have done it! It's a pretty simple plan, but you're confident this will work.

You quickly run into an obstacle, though : namely, the fact that you don't know much about magic in general, and even less about dark magic. And as you quickly find out, the number of curses devised through the ages are... numerous. Seriously, you found at least twenty designed to give the target a running nose. You can't help but think maybe dark mages have too much free time.

… though maybe you can use that. You know at least one dark mage who doesn't seem to be up to much most of the time. You can't say you know Henry well, but he's a Shepherd, which means your father trusts him, and the few times you saw him, he seemed... nice? You guess? You distinctly remember him smiling, at least. Really, how bad can it be?

You almost need an entire day to find him. The plegian mage is surprisingly elusive, and you finally manage to locate him on a rather improbable place : sitting on the roof of the palace, apparently talking to... birds? Probably a spell, you think. Actually, that one sounds really useful. But first things first.

"Umm, sir Henry? Might I ask for your help?"

The white-haired man turns toward you, a smile on his face.

"Hey, you're Sumia's kid, right?"

You nod, quietly thinking how it is rather unusual for people to associate you with your mother first. People usually talk about your father a lot more.

"I knew it! You kind of look like her, you know. Just more blue."

First Gaius, now him? You're not blue! … you just like the colour, is all. Anyway! Focus, Lucina!

"So, what is it about? Don't worry, us dark mages love to help others! Nyah ah ah!"

Despite the reassuring words, you can't help but feel a shiver down your spine. And somehow, from up close, his smile seems a bit... off? You begin to think this wasn't such a good idea after all, but still, you carry on. This isn't about you, this is about Noire.

"Umm... you see, I have a friend..."
"Good for you!"
"... thanks? But... I think someone cast a curse on her."
"I'm almost sure it wasn't me! Haven't cursed someone in months! Actually, maybe I should do it more often, I might lose my touch..."
"... I didn't think it was you?"

As you said those words, you suddenly realize how disastrous this meeting would have been if it had been him. The thought never occurred to you, but he is a dark mages, and there's not many in Ylisse, from what you know. Still, he's a Shepherd, so surely he's trustworthy... right?

"Ah, you want to find who did, right? That's pretty caw-mendable!"

He said the word wrong, you're almost sure. Nonetheless, he seems ready to help, which is all you can ask for. Before long, the two of you are in the library, as you're doing your best to describe the symptoms you saw, comparing them with some notes Henry points out. While he's... rather eccentric, it quickly becomes clear that he knows what he is talking about when it comes to dark magic – even if his insistence to know if any of your friend's symptom had anything to do with blood was pretty worrying. Finally, after an hour of interrogation, the dark mage grins.

"Hey, that actually sounds like the Heiderich Hex! Man, it seems like Tharja is having fun!"
"... lady Tharja?"

It doesn't make sense. Surely he can't be talking about the Tharja you know, right? Sure, from what little you saw of her, she seems rather scary, but she's a Shepherd! She's... she's Noire's mother! Why would she ever do something like that?!

"Well, she loves that hex, that much I can tell you. And it's a pretty rare one, too, so I don't think there'd be another dark mage around here who would cast it. Though I suppose you never know, nyah ah ah!"

You think you're going to be sick. This...this is far worse than anything you could have imagined.

"But... why? Why would she do something like that? I mean, Noire's her daughter!"

Henry only shrugs, his smile still firmly in place. How can he still smile?

"Dunno. I don't have kids, so I don't know about it, but maybe this is normal?"
"It's not!"
"No? Then I'm sure Tharja had an hex-ellent reason. She's pretty smart, after all!"

He said the word wrong again, but you don't care about that. An excellent reason?! What kind of reason would justify putting Noire out of comission twice – maybe more?- in a few months? You... you don't know what to do.

[] Talk to your father about it : he'll know what to do. He always know what to do. Right?
[] Confront Tharja directly : she's maybe the only one with answers. The prospect of facing her fills you with dread, but if it's for Noire...
[] Ask Noire about the situation : maybe your friend can tell you more. You're not sure she'll talk at all, but maybe she can explain?
[] Write-in

The turn results will be included once the current... situation is resolved. If Tharja doesn't kill you, of course!

Hope I did a good job with Owain; writing him is fun, at the very least!
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[x] Talk to your father about it : he'll know what to do. He always know what to do. Right?

I think it's a better option handling this more indirectly, I don't see confronting Tharja directly would do much good.
Hmm... I can't really see Chrom not having been told about this at some point. Either that or someone's stopping it from getting to him because he wouldn't be able to do anything and would do something he shouldn't or just feel helpless.

Lucina becoming disillusioned a go?
Hmm... I can't really see Chrom not having been told about this at some point. Either that or someone's stopping it from getting to him because he wouldn't be able to do anything and would do something he shouldn't or just feel helpless.

Lucina becoming disillusioned a go?
Yeeessss, let the magic die, let Lucina realize how much her father should not be in charge of a country. Grima is watching.
And let Owain's accusations of being a Dark Lord come true?!

...I'm totally onboard with this. When do we start? :D
Some dark magic training with the magic knight sword style would definitely round off our skill set so that we're dangerous no matter who we're fighting. Sigh, I know wyverns are awesome but sometimes I feel like we really gimped our potential in getting it. We're going to need to invest some time in it or it's simply a pile of wasted turns but the Wyvern simply doesn't lend itself well to our combat style. Might I advise that we begin a discussion on exactly what kind of princess we wish Lucina to be?
Some dark magic training with the magic knight sword style would definitely round off our skill set so that we're dangerous no matter who we're fighting. Sigh, I know wyverns are awesome but sometimes I feel like we really gimped our potential in getting it. We're going to need to invest some time in it or it's simply a pile of wasted turns but the Wyvern simply doesn't lend itself well to our combat style. Might I advise that we begin a discussion on exactly what kind of princess we wish Lucina to be?
The sort that fires off dark magic while riding on a dragon of course. We'll be the bestest most kindest ruler Yliss has ever known. :D
Well, swords can be used from Wyvern back, a lot of FE games have swords being the second weapon aerial riders pick up, and with a high enough sword skillnwe could probably just start with that. Magic is a good ranged option if you have the stats for it, but having both Str and Mag can be hard to come by (*cough*Robinasourmom*cough*) but we did start trying out staves last turn so we might actually have a half-decent Mag score right now.

And if we do it right, meaning we actually take the actions for it, Cu could do something like alternate between battle buddy and mount or something.
Mnn. If we are going Wyvern we want a ranged option too.

Like say bows, or magic if we can handle it. Javalins are kewl too, and remember that Cu can breath fire at one point along with having an nice amount of claws, a tail and an impressive jaw strength.
Oh, would you look at that, a tie. It hardly ever happens in this quest!

So, is someone feeling like breaking that deadlock?
What do we have two choices? Don't care much for either, dice tell me what to do! 1 for dad 2 for Tharja, btw. Whelp, guess now we'll be training our dark magic resistance!
CyberNinja threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
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I thought so too, but I guess people want to get cursed?
She touches us and she's going to have everyone crawling down her throat. Noire's her own child, so its a grey area with her considering the medieval-esque era the FE games generally occur in. (By which I mean the laws probably have no protection for children or that children are purely the domain of their parents and the like).

We're not her kid. As soon as she touches us or casts something on us, she's fucked. Especially as a royal.