Do we need to worry about how our research topics will affect the Process's growth and personal development? Like in terms of things like "Well spending its second week since birth mainlining research on the Grimm traumatized the fuck out of the baby god"
At this stage, no. If it ever does, it will be clearly labelled on the package. You know, like the part in HIT THE BOOKS where Jaune explicitly says he's going to, you know, keep the Process off certain sites.
Somewhere, another alcoholic Huntsman sneezes.
I know it happened a while ago in-story, but my day is still vastly improved for having read about Blondie and one of Remnant's top musical artists paying homage to the 1978 classic, Drunken Master.
Honestly, I wondered if maybe I was going a little too far with that entire section. Maybe Yang was out of character, maybe Jaune and Weiss would come across as a little bit
too comedic to be believed, maybe I focused on the wrong things, and as usual, I'm glad that I was wrong.
One of these days, I'll blindly fuck up in a way even my weaselly ass can't recover from, but until then, I'm the greatest writer that ever lived.
Why? One should give as clear a picture as one can, no reason to overlook something just because it seems distasteful from a human perspective
Well, to start with, when I want to ruminate on the existence of the human soul, I don't reach for the YouTube comments section. No, I reach for a bottle of absinthe and an ill-fitting Spotify playlist, like a
real writer. You, however, need to focus your search terms a little if you want to get anything other than a gibbering maw of chaos, and I don't think the key to the machine soul is on /b/.
To finish with:
"Wow! My first time on the internet! This is great, dad!"
"Okay, sport, what we're gonna do for your first time is go to that little search bar at the top there and type in T, W, I, T, T-"
My guy, ease them into it a little. Jaune's not suggesting blocking up the internet like he's on a Minnesota helicopter mom's wifi, just, you know, taking some temporary precautions to keep them on task. Still,
maybe keep the pages where you can pay to see people take their clothes off for, like,
after they've finalised the design for a Lady unit?
Anyway, should have shut this, like, yesterday, but General Utility, Process Advancement, And Fully Automated Underground Hegel-Hating win!