They're also the colors of the Process. The difference is that the Grimm are mostly black, while the Process are mostly white. Perhaps switching the black and white portions would be better? That would make the logo more predominantly white, which would make the association to the Process more obvious.
I have discussed several times how bad an idea it is to just pull the rug out from under the SDC. Its immoral business practices do not actually invalidate its current necessity for the smooth running of the Kingdoms, and more relevantly, right now, you aren't even in the league below the league below just imagine I typed that about twenty more times the SDC.
You've just registered your company, like, less than five seconds ago. The SDC is the beating, cholesterol-clogged heart of the Kingdoms. It is the sole megacorporation on Remnant- it's what the mouse wants to be when he's all grown up. So just, give it a couple of years before you try and take on Goliath, yeah?
Even if they couldn't run circles around you on the legal battlefield, tying you and your company up in red tape, litigations, and just generally doing everything in their power to crush the little snotnosed startup that thinks it can play with the big boys, you can't legally claim all the Dust you'd need to get on the playground to begin with, because the age of the ancient law of 'finders-keepers' ended a while back.
Depending on how you go about getting that Dust legally, you'll either have to figure out how to justify finding Dust in an already surveyed area that turned up sweet nothing the first time, or convince the Council to give you deep mining rights, a hitherto unthought-of prospect in Remnant. Neither are easy sells.
Realistically, you wouldn't have access to that Dust for several years. Bullshit Protagonist Instant Trust Thanks To Already Established Reputation-ally, I give it like a month after you eat Mountain Glenn and its current inhabitants.
That little glimpse at what you can have isn't me handing you a blank cheque, it's me putting up a new display of candy while you look in through the window with Charlie Bucket.
As for Weiss, she is her own person with her own thoughts and feelings and a rebellious streak a mile wide. She holds absolutely no loyalty to the SDC beyond the fact that it keeps her lights on, that she's going to own it when her father finally croaks, and that she has a more in-depth idea of the necessary services it provides across most of Remnant, Vacuo and Menagerie notwithstanding.
She has also become incredibly disillusioned with not only the people controlling it, but the company itself, thanks to its use of outright debt-internment being laid plainly in front of her as what it is, and seeing firsthand the kind of rage that breeds in a person.
She is scared, and confused, and has no idea what to believe in anymore, not that she'd ever let on about it, but you certainly don't need to worry about her going running to daddy if you offer her something better to believe in. Personally, I'd call being able to employ her in some way for whatever the name ends up being, Cloudbank Solutions is the frontrunner last I checked, the closest thing to bloodying Jacques' nose you'll be able to manage right now.
The only question you have to ask yourself is- is it a good idea?
And I must say that land area is insane. It is the size of a decent state in the USA like say Nevada. Wow that is some fast growth. And it goes down that far as well? Sheesh! That is hitting parts of the mantle man! The process easily out masses the Grimm at this point. So when it comes to concentration at least Vale is the safest city on the planet.. that and the next 100 villages around it as well.
It does not go down that far as well, that would be 400 kilometres cubed, and that circle is entirely wrong- it's 400 kilometres in total area, not in diameter.
For comparison, Detroit has an area of 370km², and Vale, based on my old pre-separation Sudan theory, is roughly 2.5 million km²- or roughly Ontario and Quebec added together if that's a little easier to visualise.
So, yes, while the area you have access to is still larger than a major American metropolis, you still have... a ways to go.
Only two things changed with this crossover, one being Jaune's Semblance, the other being fleshing out the world besides what's shown in the show, but whether that counts is a matter of opinion, I suppose.
You ever watched someone try to fence with a fresh-Processed truncheon while drunk off their ass? It's like watching an angry goose, with less honking and about as much biting.
I don't like the idea of OCs existing in a vacuum when they're not immediately relevant- these people have lived here for as long as the canon cast, close to some of the canon cast, they might end up making friends with some of the canon cast, especially with a social butterfly like Yang.
Volume-wise, it's about... ugh, gimme a sec, I need some napkin math- 400² = 160,000, cube root of that is...
54.3km³ for total volume. A tad less impressive a number, maybe, but that includes the entirety of the nest, which spanned a large chunk of the Port District- er, what's labelled 'upper class' on Roman's map.
Yes we are, why else would the QM offer it as a legit option? Seriously, this just reeks of fear-mongering so that people vote a certain way that you specifically want. At best it's based off ignorance, at worst it's purposely being misleading which can be seen as more likely seen instead of clearing things with the QM first you just started telling people we couldn't do something making it seem like the QM is purposely screwing us over for some reason.
Think of each option in terms of long-term/short-term, on the most basic level.
Personal Assistant, Jaune farts out 50 Cells, sells the cute little fuckers for, say, 5000 Lien a pop- easy money. But, it never really scales up from that- someone buys a Cell, they're set for life, because I both trust and respect you all enough to believe you won't make planned obsolescence part of your business plan, and because I'm going to shoot down the inevitable deluge of plans that involve it like I'm hunting pheasant.
Even disregarding that for a second, it's still a semi-restrictive market. Not everyone has 5000 Lien to spend on a new gadget, and you can't sell them too cheap or people will figure they're just cheap useless crap, and you won't make enough money from the people who do buy them for it to be worth the effort.
Then, of course, there's the matter of reputation- you start selling personal assistants, you're a startup. That's it, you are a startup, that is a spectre that will never leave you, for good or bad, and because of that people will have certain perceptions of you- whether that's as a snotnosed little brat muscling in on their business, or the best thing since the last Steve Jobs carbon copy. It also gives the Process a much more, at best, clean, at worst, elitist, look. You will constantly be in the public eye and have to keep them in mind in everything you do, it becomes a whole thing- but it does keep you from irrelevance, which, when you're eventually going to have to get people's attention, will be very useful indeed.
Real Estate, on the other hand, would take a little longer to actually get anywhere- at first, you'll be skittering about renovating places for other people, working your way up to the point where you can happily say you own your own subsidised business, that's a few months work right there, and after that happens, you're, basically playing a less glamorous version of Real Estate Royale, which is not only the true endgame of Yakuza Zero, if inferior to Cabaret Club Czar, but also pretty much printing money after the ball gets rolling. Constant influx of business + zero maintenance costs = 100% profit margin.
Going by the same metric of reputation, however, construction and owning businesses isn't... as glamorous as being a hotshot tech startup exec, nor does it draw the same amount of attention as being as hotshot tech startup exec. Now, arguably, that's a good thing, not being beholden to the public eye would give you a lot more freedom as a person, and a business- Jaune doesn't have to make dumb videos of him walking through parks explaining his products, getting up on an all-black stage, selling the Cell X for 12,099 Lien- you get the idea. It'll be much quieter, that way, but also much harder to grab their attention when you eventually need it.
In short: do you want short term money that will give you a nice lump sum to expand into other tech or other business ventures entirely, but has a limited shelf-life based on the fickle whims of the public and pigeonholes you as a turtleneck-wearing, fresh fruit juice with pulp-drinking, skinny jeans-wearing hipster startup exec, and the Process, at worst, as an elitist tool run by an elitist tool?
Or do you want a slower start that will eventually get you more money in the long-term, with a much longer shelf-life because you'll be either be maintaining buildings or straight up owning profitable businesses, at the expense of less attention in the public eye?
But yes, in the end, what Redshirt says is true- this is just your starting option, you'll expand out one way or the other or a completely different way sooner rather than later. It just boils down to do you want small money now, or big money later?
Anyway, right now, Cloudbank Solutions, Real Estate, and showing the Grimm mercy are winning no matter what way I cut the votes. I'll be closing the vote tomorrow night, sometime around 8 PM.
Adhoc vote count started by Prok on Sep 18, 2019 at 8:26 PM, finished with 75 posts and 40 votes.
[X] On the other hand... they're not, actually doing anything to anyone. Their deaths, right now, are entirely unnecessary. Shit, maybe they'll come in handy for a demonstration. The point is, killing them right now doesn't actually benefit you in any way aside from guaranteeing your peace of mind.
- [X] In fact this can be used for the short to medium term. We can have the Process in those area's monitor the Grimm that no one knows about and start recording details about them, especially ways to kill them easily for huntsman. Long term We plan on killing off all Grimm Everywhere of course but until we basically saturate the entire planet with Process there will be Hunters that will go out to fight grimm. Might as well anonymously provide the world information on these new grimm species. Might even be able to cash in on such info bounties for your company so you can start purchasing land sooner! Then you can access that Dust!
- [X] In fact this can be used for the short to medium term. We can have the Process in those area's monitor the Grimm that no one knows about and start recording details about them, especially ways to kill them easily for huntsman. Long term We plan on killing off all Grimm Everywhere of course but until we basically saturate the entire planet with Process there will be Hunters that will go out to fight grimm. Might as well anonymously provide the world information on these new grimm species. Might even be able to cash in on such info bounties for your company so you can start purchasing land sooner! Then you can access that Dust!
Surely we eventually stop being a start-up once we pull a Google and achieve total domination in a bunch of fields that barely existed before we got to them.
you're, basically playing a less glamorous version of Real Estate Royale, which is not only the true endgame of Yakuza Zero, if inferior to Cabaret Club Czar, but also pretty much printing money after the ball gets rolling.
On the one hand, I've heard good things about Yakuza.
On the other hand, the Fist of the North Star game runs off the same engine, I'm lead to believe.
But I have tried the demo, I just feel like I've missed 6 games worth of story, I don't know who the heck these people are and I don't particularly care.
Start with either Zero, which is a prequel and requires no foreknowledge, or Kiwami, which is a remake of the very first game and also requires no knowledge.
Both are excellent jumping on points.
Or do you want a slower start that will eventually get you more money in the long-term, with a much longer shelf-life because you'll be either be maintaining buildings or straight up owning profitable businesses, at the expense of less attention in the public eye?
[X][NAME] Cloudbank Solutions
[X] Construction of Commercial Buildings (Real Estate)
[X] On the other hand... they're not, actually doing anything to anyone. Their deaths, right now, are entirely unnecessary. Shit, maybe they'll come in handy for a demonstration. The point is, killing them right now doesn't actually benefit you in any way aside from guaranteeing your peace of mind.
Want to take it slow and safe. Keep a low profile. Don't want to stir up the grimm yet, keep them ignorant of our true Processing power.
Obviously Jaune needs to pull a Jack Frost and marry into the Schnee family and completely change the business practices of the previous head of the company/family. Only y'know without being a heartless caricature and actually loving Weiss.
Between the process and Blue/Bracket we can probably figure out how to grab attention one way or another when we actually need to. The veneer of anonymity we can maintain for now on the other hand goes up entirely in smoke and can never be fully regained once the Process becomes a bonafide brand. Time is to our favor so long as we can avoid the first few clusterfucks flooring us before we're actually aware we're at war with a conspiracy or two.
Staying out of the public eye until we can afford the heat just seems far more practical than trying to make it big real quick.
@Prok so even if we can't sell the dust can we still use it for ourselves and our friends? not having to buy dust when we use it for damn near every weapon, armor and ammo would save us and our team quite a bit of money
Depending on how you go about getting that Dust legally, you'll either have to figure out how to justify finding Dust in an already surveyed area that turned up sweet nothing the first time, or convince the Council to give you deep mining rights, a hitherto unthought-of prospect in Remnant. Neither are easy sells.
Not in the slightest serious about this argument but ... clearly the best argument is that the Dust actually belongs to the Process under the cause of bodily autonomy, it being part of the Process's (utterly massive) body now.
In a slightly more serious sense though, I think things become a LOT easier the less greedy Jaune is about the entire thing. And in turn, Jaune really doesn't NEED to be greedy. Money is useful, but only to a limited extent for a Huntsman and only as a transitional concern for the future SysAdmin of physics.
And by less greedy, I mean things like "Hey mister Property Owner. My Semblence is really good for mining and prospecting, and because of that I know there's Dust deep under your property. It's really really deep though, so standard extraction methods would probably be expensive and disrupt your business. So it's legally yours but you can't really get to it. I can fish it out quickly and with minimum disruption for a percentage cut." And NOT doing that for the entire harbor district, just one or two locations. Enough to be a windfall of large amounts of money from the perspective of a single person but not enough to impact the entire economy.
Alternatively, for maximum patriotism and minimum greed, informing the Vale government about the discovery of this vital national resource.
A more political twist would be specifically informing Ozpin about it and using HIS clout to get the deep mining rights. Not really justifiable since we don't know much about him IC though.
On the other hand, maximum greed (and illegality and economy crashing and bad parenting) is to simply have Process covertly move the Dust underground to a different location which it is easier to get rights to.
Also, while I don't expect anything to come of it due to issues of Player Agency, the smart move for Jaune would be to talk this over with his parents.
Between the process and Blue/Bracket we can probably figure out how to grab attention one way or another when we actually need to. The veneer of anonymity we can maintain for now on the other hand goes up entirely in smoke and can never be fully regained once the Process becomes a bonafide brand. Time is to our favor so long as we can avoid the first few clusterfucks flooring us before we're actually aware we're at war with a conspiracy or two.
Staying out of the public eye until we can afford the heat just seems far more practical than trying to make it big real quick.
Not in the slightest serious about this argument but ... clearly the best argument is that the Dust actually belongs to the Process under the cause of bodily autonomy, it being part of the Process's (utterly massive) body now.
...Might be able to argue freedom of expression* seeing as there was a world war in Remnant that was at least partially to do with freedom of expression.
*A very weird thing that the internet would never let Jaune live down
On the other hand, maximum greed (and illegality and bad parenting) is to simply have Process covertly move the Dust underground to a different location which it is easier to get rights to.
Move the dust under Jaune's house and make it look like the Arcs had been living on top of a huge deposit of extremely volatile magical rocks all these while.
Don't forget to buy dad a spanking new shiny combat dummy to replace daddy's old pal, Mr. Stump.
Finally, make the entire Arc family filthy rich rather than only making Jaune rich. That way Jaune can finally be a true blue pompous ponce rather than giving off an image of one.
[X] Manufacture of Consumer Electronics (Personal Assistants)
[X] Cloudbank Solutions
[X] On the other hand... they're not, actually doing anything to anyone. Their deaths, right now, are entirely unnecessary. Shit, maybe they'll come in handy for a demonstration. The point is, killing them right now doesn't actually benefit you in any way aside from guaranteeing your peace of mind.
Not really necessary at this point, but... [X][NAME] Cloudbank Solutions [X] On the other hand... they're not, actually doing anything to anyone. Their deaths, right now, are entirely unnecessary. Shit, maybe they'll come in handy for a demonstration. The point is, killing them right now doesn't actually benefit you in any way aside from guaranteeing your peace of mind.
[X] Construction of Commercial Buildings (Real Estate)
Only two things changed with this crossover, one being Jaune's Semblance, the other being fleshing out the world besides what's shown in the show, but whether that counts is a matter of opinion, I suppose.
Most things in RWBY are hastily slapped together at the last second without thought to why, when, or how. Even/especially the important things. That's not to say a good story can't be made from collecting the show's metaphorically discarded toys, but trying to pick up all of them seems ill advised.
I was hoping most of the macguffins that served no purpose and other missteps that were never developed would be dropped. In more detail, from what I know of after the second season, these seemed useless:
1. The Maidens
2. The Relics
3. Glowing Silver Eyes
4. Ozpin having been married to Mrs. Evil
5. Raven belonging to Team Bandit
6. Blake and Yang's non-straightness (which would be fine, except it's brought to you ex-nihilo by rabid fans and rt wanting money)
7. Cinder having little character beyond 'moar power' (a partial re-imagining of the character would be great)
Just having the conflict being based around (*takes a deep breath*) an attrition heavy resource intensive centuries spanning God-induced total war between monsters and mankind with humanity's heroes all having an idiosyncratic and possibly broken superpower leaves plenty of things to be developed without adding on numbers 1 through 4. With 5 through 7 just seeming like bad ideas due to utter failure in execution.
Of course, it's Prok's quest. It's just it's always seemed better to my view to read something that goes deep as opposed to something with a lot of doo-dads attached. But then it's entirely possible Prok would manage to string all the disparate additions together into a sensical whole.