Well, Aura works the same way, kinda- the more force in an attack, the more Aura used to pad the area being attacked, and the less the user feels. Inversely, the less force behind an attack, the less Aura padding it, the more likely you'll actually be injured. It's why Hunters can still get dirty in the field, but a bullet won't even break your clothing.
So, Dune shields? Awesome.
Alright folks, once we find out we're gonna be fighting people, we'll need to get a dagger to go with Crocea Mors. To quote Gurney Halleck, "The shield turns the fast blow, admits the slow kindjal!"
He's named Vulkan, yet the chant still caught me off guard. Well played, Prok. Another masterful chapter. I think I need to bookmark this chapter because it might be one of the best action scenes I've read on the sight. Damn. Made me a bit pumped!
The Fate Shop is dead. It is gone. It is going to be replaced with a much more thematically appropriate system within a few days. The Fate Points you had are now null and void and will be converted to research points instead. It's also been so long since I've actually looked at this thread that I can't remember how many Fate Points you had, nor can I be arsed looking for the posts, assuming I didn't just nuke them in a fit of pique, so you're getting a flat 500 research points to spread about however you please.
Function Coding- A+ (400/600): You can create Functions from whole cloth, over the course of a few weeks of coding, but by the end, you'll have a Function that can be used by the Transistor, Memory permitting.
The Fate Shop is dead. It is gone. It is going to be replaced with a much more thematically appropriate system within a few days. The Fate Points you had are now null and void and will be converted to research points instead. It's also been so long since I've actually looked at this thread that I can't remember how many Fate Points you had, nor can I be arsed looking for the posts, assuming I didn't just nuke them in a fit of pique, so you're getting a flat 500 research points to spread about however you please.
[X] Cache() and Slice()
-[X] 55 for Cache and 445 for Slice
I want do slice instead cause it's almost done compared to directory which we haven't even started
You know when you're playing a game, and you fight a boss, over and over and over and over and over again, and you just go past annoyance, past rage, past sadness, past that zen state of calm that usually gets you through it, past choking up again and doing worse than you did the first time, and you eventually end up beating it through sheer persistence, but you just don't have the energy to feel happy about it, so you're just sat there feeling kinda bitter and tired and wanting to move on from this and onto the next thing, hoping it'll go better than this one?
... Yeah. Yeah, that about sums up how I feel right now.
Well thank you for taking so much time to give us this lovely update! It...rocked(I'm not sorry) and I want you to know I really appreciate all the effort you put into this story. +insert internet hug+
[X] Cache() and Directory_Repair()
-[X] 55 for Cache and 445 for Directory repair
"Well, one, they don't do much Aura-wise, compared to, say, a gun, and two, low-impact attacks with the intent to harm and not break Aura are illegal moves in the Mistral tournament. If he'd actually managed to injure Vulkan with that rock, he would've been disqualified. At the same time, throwing rocks is kind of his only ranged move until he starts doing major stuff with his Semblance, so… he's gotten pretty good at toeing that line."
Not to mention that Aura heals it's wielder. small injuries shouldn't really do much more than distract and irritate, unless they happen somewhere really sensitive.
So what was up with the ridiculous amount of detail given to the fight? Is there anything in it that contributes to later in the story?
Because Jesus that was a lot of awesome but also seems like a lot of work for something that doesn't seem like it will matter come the next update.
If these guys show up later or something then consider me an idiot but it feels like you could've saved yourself a ton of frustration by simplifying the fight...
Stubbornness and an unreliable perfectionist streak.
By the time the two-week mark had passed, like, before the Oracle Interlude was posted, I'd decided that if it was going to take this long to figure out how to write a fight scene from start to finish with no breaks, which is why this took so long, by the way, I basically had to learn to do that from scratch, I figured I might as well make it the best goddamn fight scene I've ever written. And, looking at some of your opinions, it pretty much is.
On top of that, worldbuilding. Now you know more about Semblances, Aura, the mentality of some people in the Mistral tournament circuits, some parts of Mistrali mythology, and how goddamn adorable Cell and Penny can be when they're actually given screen time.
To be brutally honest with you, the reason is lost to me. I'm sure it made sense at the time, to me, to somebody, at least, but now? I couldn't tell you.
Alright folks, once we find out we're gonna be fighting people, we'll need to get a dagger to go with Crocea Mors. To quote Gurney Halleck, "The shield turns the fast blow, admits the slow kindjal!"
Not to mention that Aura heals its wielder. small injuries shouldn't really do much more than distract and irritate unless they happen somewhere really sensitive.
Honestly, the only way you're going to hurt somebody with Aura via low-impact attacks is if you reenact the ending of Gladiator on them and if you can manage that with a Hunter, you've probably got them on the ropes already.
While they repair the arena for Nikos and Berhanu, a process delayed by the fact that the main architect just got concussed into next Thursday, the four of you move on from the Grey era and the Colour Wars, and into Dust Through The Ages, Cell quite happily perched on Penny's shoulder like some kind of minimalist parrot.
As you look at the sign for the exhibit, you notice something new- a QR code that wasn't there last time you visited.
"Ooh, I'll get it!" Penny chirps, focusing on it, her irises constricting for a second. A moment later, a voice begins to play in your head, a man with a voice like gravel, alongside a small animation that was obviously meant to be played on a Scroll.
"Dust. The lifeblood of humanity. It powers our cars, our homes, even the Scroll you're watching this on. It has kept us safe for millennia. But how did ancient humans use it?"
The man continues to talk about how Dust has been mined or extracted from certain plants for thousands of years, ever since humanity's been living in reed and mud huts, hammering things out of bronze. You wander around the exhibit as you listen to it, looking at the variety of pieces on display- swords, spears, pieces of armour, all worn and pitted by time, before eventually coming to one display you're very familiar with.
An ancient spear, one of the few complete pieces in the museum. Despite its age, it still has one clear marking that suggests how ancient humans used Dust- a jagged line, about as thick as your pinky nail, running through the centre of the blade, still showing tiny glints of yellow here and there.
{Early Vacuoni spear, traces of Lightning Dust in the groove, and a small core in the shaft, just below the fitting.}
Channel your Aura through that, you'd end up with lightning on a stick. It'd make Gargoyle hordes a cakewalk.
I imagine a point and click version of the wrath of the heavens makes most things a cakewalk.
"So they just... poured it on?"
{Dust melts pretty easily as a raw ore, and once it's liquid, it tends to stick to hot metal. Heat it up in a crucible, pour it on, and let it crystalise in the groove. Jaune did pretty much the same thing for his middle school science fair.}
You squirm a little, your chest twitching with phantom pain as you remember how that ended.
"Oh? What did you do?"
Oh god now she's interested this is the worst day of your life-
"I... I've, always had an interest in this kind of thing, like, the most base application of Dust to a weapon, and for the science fair, I wanted to, you know, show off a little, in a way that didn't involve The Transistor."
"I see! What happened next?"
"Well, I managed to get some raw Dust ore, I did some work for an independent mine and got some instead of my normal payment, I read up on what to do, set up everything I needed, tried it in the garage-"
{He tripped over his feet during the demonstration, spilt molten Lightning Dust all over the floor, then leapt on the damn stuff like it was a grenade. Which, to be fair, it pretty much was.}
Turns out Lightning Dust isn't at all a hyperbolic name. Even purified improperly, you ended up with ferning all across your chest.
"Oh. That sounds incredibly painful." Penny says, managing to at least sound sympathetic.
"Oh, it was... agonising." You tell her, remembering exactly how painful the sensation of 4.5 million volts of electricity pulsing through your heart was.
{But, yeah, they just poured it on. Crude, but it worked.} Blue says after a moment of silence.
You all move further into the exhibit, away from the bronze age weaponry and its primitive casting method, and into the iron age, marked by a shift from Dust casting to Dust doping, and the first signs of glyphcraft.
"So... how does glyphcraft work?" Penny asks.
Aura plus Dust or geometry equals effect. If you arrange the Dust in a certain way or control your Aura while you infuse it, you can control the overall effect. The simplest use for it is just pumping Aura through it until it explodes, but some people dedicate themselves to it as a craft.
"... I thought anything made Dust explode, though."
That too.
The rest of your time in the museum continued in the same vein, with Penny scanning QR codes and the two of you watching it in your respective VR environments, though you quickly swore off it once they started bringing up theories on Dust being some kind of gift from alien visitors.
Ironwood might tolerate Penny and the Transistor's date right now, but you don't think he'd be above actually finding and shooting you if his girl came back believing in alien visitors being responsible for most of human history.
"That was very informative!"
"Yeah, uh, so, where do you wanna go next?"
"Oh, um... I don't really know where else we can go."
{Marble Arcade's a good place to kill a couple hours. Uh, how much money do you have, by the way?}
"Oh! Let me just check-" You watch her eyes unfocus for a moment. "... My account currently has 100,000 Lien in it!"
Your jaw drops a little.
"... Is that a lot?" Penny asks, her usual smile faltering a little at your reaction.
{It's... it's enough.}
... Fucking Atlesian military contracts-
Ok, ok, you're fine. You're fine.
{One day, Jaune. One day.}
You lead her to a bus stop, and twenty minutes later, find yourselves just outside your destination.
The Marble Arcade is one of the best places for shopping in the entire city of Vale, only beat out by one or two megamalls for sheer volume. Three converted streets, covered by about a mile of glass and steel roofing, with stores catering to any possible poison of shopaholism within the confines of the structure.
In short- there are usually a lot of people here. For somebody not used to crowds, it'd be hell.
Eh. You're a believer in trial by fire.
Penny looks through the doors at the throng of people milling about, and you see the hesitation forming on her face.
"Hey. You'll be fine. If it gets too much, we'll just duck out of the crowd and look around a shop for a while. Sound good?"
She blinks at you, considering your offer for a moment before nodding.
"Ok, um, th-that sounds fine."
Hey, it worked for you.
You lead her through the glass doors into the arcade proper. "It's a bloody mall, not a moshpit!" 1d20=4. ... Well shit, I guess it is. When's the wall of death?
In less than a minute, you're in the middle of the crush. The two of you are surrounded on all sides by shoppers moving every which way, with no regard to you or anybody else, and somehow only getting in your way in the process. The Cell tries to weave through to keep up, but after a few near-misses, gives up and latches onto your ankle like some kind of futuristic house arrest monitor.
Instincts honed to a razor edge by your experiences with little sisters in crowds kick in, and you take a hold of Penny's hand, a gesture she seems grateful for as you save her from being washed away by the sea of bodies.
She pulls herself close to you, and soon you're both being crushed together by the crowd, only just managing to eke a path out in the squeeze.
A small part of your mind makes a fairly neutral note of the fact that her hand is surprisingly warm, and soft, and entirely like a human's hand. You try not to focus on that too much, instead focusing on getting through the crowd, and ignoring the low buzzing of AI conversation in the back of your head growing exponentially louder with every passing moment.
{Jaune, sidesaddle. Now.}
Wait, wh-
Before you can really react to that, your sword swoops down behind the two of you. Penny yelps at the sudden ascent, and the handholding quickly turns into clinging onto your hoodie for dear life.
While your sword manages this without physically disrupting anybody's commute, it does manage to disrupt it through sheer spectacle. You hear a variety of surprised yells, a small commotion taking place below you as people realise what the hell is happening and start to take notice of you.
Blue, infrared?
{Way ahead of you.}
Your sword sets you down in a quieter part of the arcade, just outside a computer shop you vaguely remember coming to for your first round of graphics cards.
Good times.
Before you can ask the question on your mind, you catch Penny in the corner of your eye and immediately push it to the side.
You take the shaking girl by the hand and help her over to a bench, keeping a hold of it for a moment after she sits down.
"I-I'm sorry, it's just-" She starts to say something, but you hush her when you hear speech give way to hyperventilation, gently rubbing your thumb over her hand to give her something to focus on.
"Hey, hey, you're ok. Just focus on breathing."
Beyond a general fear of crowds, you really have no idea what caused a panic attack this severe, but the root cause isn't your main concern right now. Neither are the few stragglers trying to take pictures of your sword, but a quick cyclopean death glare makes them find more interesting things to gawk at fast enough.
The telltale second heartbeat of Aura under her skin opens several canning factories worth of worms directly onto your head, but you ignore it because it's not your main concern right now. No, your main concern is calming her down, and giving her something to focus on. So you stay there, watching her breathing slow, rubbing gentle circles into her hands, as soft and as warm as any other girl's, and let the minutes pass by.
"... I-I think I am ok now- hic!" She croaks, then hiccups after a while.
"You want me to get you some water?"
She nods silently, and you let go of her hands, walking off to find a vending machine. Your sword doesn't follow, nor does the Cell, both choosing to stay with her for the moment.
Thankfully, the vending machine isn't that far, and soon you walk back a bottle of water and a soft drink heavier, and 30 Lien lighter.
"... That wasn't just a panic attack, was it?" You ask her after she takes a few sips of water.
"... I am equipped with... I, have a combat analysis suite, and it, it... breaks down anybody in sight, by, what they could use as a weapon, how likely they are to attack me, the most likely route of assault... i-it was meant to help deal with possible kidnapping and assassination attempts..."
"... And crowds overload it."
She nods, taking another sip of water.
"I-if it is put under a heavy load, it triggers a distancing response, s-so it can dump irrelevant profiles without risking an attack."
{Those idiots neglected to think knowing exactly how likely anyone is to attack you would affect her as a person, or how exactly a 'distancing response' would translate emotionally.}
The venom in Blue's voice surprises you. You've never heard him get this seriously angry at something. Penny winces a little, looking over at your sword with pleading eyes.
"Please don't... it's not their fault. I-I do not think anybody could have predicted what it would do, a-and they are trying to fix it!"
You get the feeling that, if your sword could sigh right now, it would.
{... Alright. Sorry.}
It's said with a certain tightness to the tone, but the fire's gone from his voice.
"So when you said you wanted to try and get a little more comfortable around large crowds..."
"I was hoping I would be able to... get over it," Penny admits.
You nod, trying to understand her frustration. You also find yourself wondering if this is something you can fix for them.
Like, seriously, this is in the exact centre of your wheelhouse. But even as you think it, the flaws in that plan make themselves apparent.
{There's no guarantee that we can fix it, and even if we can, there's nothing to say the fix itself wouldn't cause problems somewhere else. We just don't understand her inner workings well enough to pull it off.}
… You'd basically have to vivisect Penny to understand her well enough to fix the problem. You would be fulfilling Ironwood's worst nightmare trying to help her.
This is the second time in as many days you've been made to feel pretty useless about helping somebody, and you can't say it's a feeling you particularly enjoy.
"... Thank you, Jaune. I… I feel a lot better now." Penny tells you. Looking over at her, you see that she's managed a smile if nothing else.
"Better enough to go shopping?" You ask her, smiling back.
She giggles a little as she stands up, apparently back to her old self.
Penny, despite the rough start, does end up having fun exchanging money for goods and services. Several shops later, and she's already burned through about 5,000 Lien, by your count.
The Transistor ended up slowly starting to look like some kind of odd tree, with the number of bags hanging off its hilt, but it didn't mind.
The second semifinal came and went. Nikos won the match, but calling it a fight would just be... insulting.
To be perfectly honest, it was more… well, the most efficient and meticulous dismantling of a combatant you've seen performed over the course of twenty-two seconds.
Nikos cut necklaces, broke bracelets, shattered jewels and cut glass, on more than one occasion just popping them from their fittings and catching them in her free hand, all without actually damaging her opponent's Aura, or being hit herself. Every one of Berhanu's rapidly dwindling beams of magnified light was either blocked or missed completely, only to have the offending jewellery taken from her.
Once the final piece was separated from Berhanu's person, leaving her in nothing but a skimpy leotard with a sword between her eyes, she simply threw her hands up and forfeited the fight.
... You won't lie.
It was pretty hot.
You snap out of your thoughts to look at Penny, then look at whatever she's staring at-
Without realising it, you've walked the first mile of Marble Arcade, and reached Huntsman's Row. The middle section of Marble Arcade was, in the past, a street dedicated to stores for weaponsmiths, armourers, machinists for gun parts and speciality ammunition, Dust, survival kits- everything anybody with a load of money and a provisional Huntsman license needs to get decked the hell out for killing Grimm.
The only thing that's really changed since then is the roof over your heads.
Penny and the Cell chilling behind her heels both let out a slight sound of sheer awe, and you can't help but notice the stars in her eyes are back.
{... She did say she wanted to learn more about Hunters…}
And where better to learn than from the people who make a living off keeping them alive in the field?
Who understands a group better than the people trying to sell stuff to them?
"... U-um…"
You look over at Penny and see the stars gone, an altogether more contemplative expression on her face.
You feel the buzz of AI conversation grow a tiny bit louder before she responds, eyes flicking to the ground as she speaks.
"Um, Jaune, w-would you… would you be opposed to me buying you something?"
When she looks at you for a response, she must see something in your face, because she rushes to explain herself quickly.
"It's just, um, you've helped me so much today, and I feel like I should, thank you, in some way!"
"Oh, uh…"
[] Take the gift offer. You've earned it. (Gift will be chosen at semi-random from below.)
[] Politely refuse.
And since we're here- wanna buy something for yourself?
A chain convenience store focused on Dust and Dust accessories. Girl in red hood not included with purchase.
[] Pure Dust (Powdered)- Two ounces of any powdered Dust, plus the price of a glass bottle. One bottle makes 12 rounds of ammunition, not accounting for calibre, four small explosives, or one very big IED. (250 Lien)
-[] Air- A white powder that smells of soil after rain. Used mainly in airships to maintain pressure in the balloon. When agitated, produces gale-force winds in excess of 135 metres per second.
-[] Fire- A deep red powder that smells of ash and smoke. Used in various heating elements, and noted lifeblood of Atlas. When agitated, produces temperatures between 500-3,000°C, depending on purity and quantity. Occasionally used in Bloody Maidens for an extra kick.
-[] Water-A deep blue powder that smells of the ocean. Used in water treatment plants and various cleaning products, and in survival kits for use in emergencies. When agitated, creates water. No duh.
-[] Earth- A green powder that smells of loam. The only Dust that doesn't require a provisional license to purchase, due to its relative inertness- used as a strengthening agent in some construction materials.
-[] Lightning- A bright yellow powder that smells of ozone. Processed in power plants to supplement solar and wind power. When agitated, can produce enough electricity to incapacitate a human being. Or worse.
-[] Gravity- A dark purple powder that smells of... nothing you can put a name to. Used in cars and most heavy machinery. When used to dope metal, and infused with Aura, can lead to armour and weaponry becoming lighter by up to 75%.
-[] Æther- A glowing cyan dust that smells of you probably shouldn't smell this if you like your nose attached to your face. Used in high-energy applications, such as force fields, hardlight projection lenses, and the few madmen who actually try to pull off DEWs.
[] Pure Dust (Crystals)- Dust Crystals are more stable, at the price of power, and can be used as actual components in weaponry. (750 Lien)
-[] Use the list above.
[] Mixed Dust (Powdered)- Two ounces of secondary Dust, mixed on-site. A process that must be done very carefully, hence the slightly steeper price tag. Still, what's 150 Lien over not blowing your fingers off? (400 Lien)
-[] Steam (Fire/Water)- A purple powder that smells of, well, steam. The lifeblood of the continental railways. When agitated, creates large clouds of steam anywhere between a cooling mist and scald your face off hot.
-[] Magma (Earth/Fire)- An orange powder that smells of pure heat. Used by some very brave Dust mages to create weapons on demand. Otherwise, usable as a thermite replacement in a pinch.
-[] Ash (Air/Fire)- A bright red powder that smells of, well, ash. When agitated, produces large clouds of smoke that obscure everything from view.
-[] Liquid Lightning- Mixing Lightning Dust with water is a terrible idea, but Huntresses are nothing if not durable, and so the method for doing so semi-safely was figured out. This, er, somewhat unfortunately coloured solution, upon contact with human skin, causes a more controlled electrical shock, more in line with conventional electrical self-defence devices, and is used for exactly that purpose.
A smaller, brand, best known for being rather accommodating of Huntsmen and Huntresses with an excess of, ah, beef. A quick glance tells you they do sell stuff in your size, though it's the exception rather than the rule.
(Armour acts as a dampener, allowing you to take larger hits with less Aura, at the cost of mobility. Due to the way the Transistor calculates Aura, this is not shown as a bonus to armour, but as a larger Aura score overall. Each armour piece has a different overall bonus, with each material giving it a 'minimum' score- so a pair of leather gauntlets and boots would give a +10 bonus, where a leather chestplate would give +20. In exchange, though, the heavier the armour you wear, and the more of it that you do wear, the less mobile you are. This can be overcome with training, to a certain point, but after a while, you're going to take permanent penalties for your troubles.
Pick your material: (Aura Bonus/Movement Penalty) (Material Price)
[] Composite- What you're wearing right now, actually. A printed composite of hardened plastics with metal edging and riveting for some extra durability. Still, you suppose you could at least get something to match your chestplate... (+0/-0) (500 Lien)
[] Leather- Relatively comfortable to wear, no real hit to mobility, but not as durable as any kind of metal. (+5/-1) (750 Lien)
[] Chain- Chainmail's an old favourite in the not-dying business. Blades and claws just slide straight off it. Bullets and bolts, though... (+10/-2) (800 Lien)
[] Steel- Now we're getting into the real stuff. As you can imagine, a full set of steel armour weighs the same as a small child, but the protection is definitely worth it. Besides, who doesn't want to be a knight in shining armour? (+15/-3) (1000 Lien)
-[] Ceramic Inlays- Heavy as hell. Durable as hell. Nothing short of a charging Grand Boarbatusk is gonna have a chance of getting through this. But mobility's long gone out the window. (+10/-3) (750 Lien)
Pick your pieces:
[] Head- Your thinkmeats, as prone to self-scrambling as they are, are pretty important. Get something for that noggin of yours. (+5) (500 Lien)
[] Arms- You're not rich enough for prosthetics. (+10) (750 Lien)
[] Torso- Your noggin's important and all, but let's not forget that you kind of need the thing it's attached to. (+25) (1000 Lien)
[] Legs- People bounce back from losing an arm here, but a leg? Not happening. Protect 'em, love 'em, they'll save your life someday. (+10) (750 Lien)
[] Feet- What are legs without feet to stand on? (+5) (500 Lien)
Huh. Well, nice to see the independent stores haven't been completely shoved out.
[] Healing Supplies- All Hunters are trained in basic first-aid, but supplies are essential if you want that first aid to actually be effective.
-[] Medicine Bag- A fairly comprehensive doctor's kit in a roll-up case, containing bandages, slings, antiseptic in the form of a small bottle of iodine, surgical suture and needles, and two syringes of epinephrine. (500 Lien)
-[] Bleedstop- An admittedly unimaginative name for a very useful product- a thick paste that, when applied to any kind of bleeding wound, will form a thin, gummy barrier, sealing it shut and keeping it safe from infection. (250 Lien)
-[] Antitoxin Kit- A small plastic box of vials and syringes, containing antivenoms for various forms of Grimm. (750 Lien)
[] Camp Supplies- Hunters can be out in the field for weeks at a time. Might as well try and make it comfy.
-[] Hammock- Bedrolls are alright, but they have their problems- getting damp, laying on rocks, the odd Aranae deciding to crawl in with you for the night- nope, hammocks is where it's at! (200 Lien)
-[] Cook's Kit- one wok, one collapsible frame to set it on, and a spatula. Because everybody needs a hot meal sometimes. (400 Lien)
-[] Ration Bars- a pack of 8 ration bars, each one 800 calories. Four bars meet the average Huntsman's daily caloric intake, eight'll keep him on his feet after a fight. (150 Lien)
-[] Ursa Bag- Simple, but effective- put stuff in the bag, throw a rope over a branch, loop rope around stake until the bag is suspended in the air. Keeps any inquisitive animals out of your stuff until you need it. (250 Lien)
[X] Take the gift offer. You've earned it. (Gift will be chosen at semi-random from below.)
-[X] Camp Supplies- Hunters can be out in the field for weeks at a time. Might as well try and make it comfy.
Should accept so we don't upset her but point her towards relatively basic stuff so Ironwood doesn't think we're taking advantage.
@Prok what's our current armor situation like? Do we have a full set of composite, or is it just the chest piece? Is there any advantage to not wearing a piece of composite over no armor beyond not having to buy composite? Also what's the die rolled the movement penalty is done on? D20?
Also, does Jaune have the absurd amount of aura he's often depicted with here too? This has probably been brought up somewhere before, but I'd like to be sure.
Edit: So it looks like we need armor for everything but our chest, so we should grab that. Some dust can't hurt, although I don't really know what we'd use it for.