Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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Maria 20 - First Assignment (Part Five of Five)
First Assignment (Part Five of Five)
Maria Turn 9 Eighth Omake
Four months.

It had been four months since at last the tournament had ended, and we'd rampaged our way up to the Fearless Line. It already felt like another lifetime. I'd been to war before, 'course. Knew how things went – the odd combination of desperate adrenaline and total monotony, the waiting, the fighting, the utter imbalance between the two. But still. Even knowing that, this felt impossible. How? How on any spot on the Turtle Emperor's glistening back could we even for a fucking moment have been in a rush to get here?

The pattern was iron-clad. Arrive at a fortress. Settle in quick. Watch the previous crowd trudge away towards wherever they'd been swapped to. Patrol. Patrol. Patrol. Wait for the scouts and guerillas to arrive back, pile into the commander's quarters, debrief. Mount up. Drive back whichever bunch of psychopaths the Devil Alliance had decided to send this way. Learn all sorts of horrible ways cultivators can kill each other. Hate every minute. Love every minute. Wonder if you're fucking crazy. Patrol, patrol, patrol. Catch some sneaky fucker with delusions of heroism trying to sneak across the Line. Gut them. Send pieces back if you were feeling malicious, burn the corpse if you weren't. Patrol, patrol, patrol.

Patrol, patrol, patrol.

Patrol, patrol, patrol.

Sometimes there'd be new marching orders.

That was it. That was the war. You'd hear stories every once in a while about something interesting. The Single Pillars reducing a battlefield to a wasteland. The Nascent Souls unmaking some tiny corner of the world. Cities rising. Cities falling. Heroes and villains, engaged in epic struggles. I knew it happened. Fuck, I'd been one of the heroes, once. But now?

Now, I patrolled. Kept my head down. Mouth shut. And tried not to think about the only thing on my mind.

That dao.

That dao had-

It was easy enough to keep my own mind off it. Biggest issue with that in the past had been other people trying to stick their noses in, get me to do this, be that, think the other. None of that now. Letha was gone, whisked off to tactical. I knew she was still here, but that was about it. The squad were silent most days too, outside of orders, queries, training, reports. Think they were scared of me. Kind of gratified by that. Only Draconis still seemed compelled to prod at me, and even then he'd gotten better. The fight, I think, had knocked a certain amount of respect into him. Or maybe he was just doing the same thing I was, dragging his thoughts away from some black hole in his brain. Couldn't bring myself to wonder what it was. Hard to read, Draconis. Secretive as well, these days.

So I found ways to distract myself. Games, sometimes. Got up in the morning and watched the Broken Arrow Bandits stationed with us as they went through their daily oaths of vengeance. Listened to the Strength Purity quietly mumble the sutras of the Wei Princess as they moved from kata to kata. Lingered on the edges of hastily-assembled Drunkard breweries and smelt the heavy wafts of honey, plums, toasting rice, yeast and alcohol. Tasted those same drafts later, shipped out to us in heavy clay jars marked "combat dose" and "healing dose" and "last resort."

And of course, I followed the bounties.

These were apparently common in the Demon Annihilating Wars, the Righteous told us knowledgeably. A good way to encourage effort in more… recalcitrant soldiers.

"You mean us?" I'd asked, baldly. The Strength Purity I was bothering shook his head.

"No. You and yours understand how to actually fight a war. Sadly, your discipline is rather unusual."

I'd considered that for a bit. Suppose he had a point.

"In any case," he went on, "motivation was most easily applied by offering incentive. When our diviners or intelligence agents identifiy a target, the coalition authorises a bounty. A few spirit stones, usually, or cultivation resources. Something worth having. Then they send out notices, and later, when death has been confirmed, that's that."

He'd been accurate enough, but he'd left out one of the more important parts. The bounties made for a fantastic spectator sport.

Every few days, a new notice would go out, with a name, a picture, a price, and a few terse descriptions of why and what they could do. At the same time, old ones would come down again, replaced with short, triumphant little congratulations to the lucky soldier who'd done the deed. On their own, they were dry, but together, you had a shifting tapestry of rivalries, last stands and bloody, ruthless justice.

"Grinning Jin of the Gao clan has been slain!"

"Two hundred low grade is offered for the execution of Tongue Eating Demon, Demonic Altar Sect."

"The triumph was brought about by careful use of the Hibernation technique, a well-known strength of the Bear Enslavement-"

"Shu Cangquiong (Readmittance). Noble Knowledge Sect. Bounty raised to five hundred mid-grade."

"Her duty done, Iron Fist returned to her post and finished her patrol, bringing the body with her for identification."

A lot of it was bullshit. Propaganda, to keep those sects less used to violence from wavering. But it was interesting. Occasionally it'd even be someone I knew who took a head and a purse with it. Zeth, from the trip to Three Frogs, had done his legion proud, walking home with the heart of Wu Tien Ma, some lunatic demonic itinerant who'd been trying to get past the line for months. Skull-Shatterer had gutted a Time-Shatter who thought she was dead, only realising the truth as she disembowled him with a kick. Both of them handed fat purses and effusive praise.

Good enough entertainment. Filled the time.

That's all I was thinking that grey morning. That same conscious blankness. Squad formed up at the fortress gate, and I slouched into the dispatch office to get today's route. There was a handful of other squad leaders with me; mixed bag, today. Another Golden Devil I didn't recognise. A broad-shouldered Blacksmith, studiously ignoring both of us. A Bear Enslaver. The usual Smattering of Strength Purity.

Noted the details down. Waited.

The boy at the desk handed out assignment after assignment – hastily stamped maps from a woodcut, with the paths picked out in red ink. The squad leaders took them, read them, filed out silently. Until me.

The boy looked up, furrowed his brow.

"Nameless," he said. One of the Strength Purity unfolded himself from where he'd been sat, quietly meditating. Something about him struck a chord, but again, I couldn't place his face.

"This is the Squad Leader you'll be accompanying," said the boy, ignoring me. "Captain Maria of the Golden Devils. Do not interfere."

"Of course."

The boy turned back and held out the map. I didn't take it.

"Sorry, what do you mean he'll be accompanying me?"

My voice had taken on that broken-glass rasp again. Been a while since that happened.

"What it sounds like," said the boy, voice disinterested.

"Didn't agree to that."

"Your commander did. I have authorisation here from a… Sen… Setnuhr-"

"Centurion," said Nameless.

"-Centurion called Septimus."

He pushed the document over the desk at me, and dropped the map beside it. A few warm sparks of anger crackled in my chest. Brat was going to just ignore me, was he? I could… could…

No. No, leave that. Find the disinterest. Safer.

I picked up the document first. Authorisation of additional personnel for Squad G-37, Golden Devils. Assessment of competence.

Assessment of fucking-

Stamped down hard on the anger again. It was harder, this time. Lingered afterwards. I had been thoroughly fucking competent. We'd run the routes at pace, each time. Checked every cranny, emptied every nook. And they wanted to fucking-

Stamped down a third time. Made myself breathe, slowly.

At the bottom was Septimus' signature. Suppose that made sense. The 263rd still hadn't made it up yet – some problem with the logistics – so in the absence of anyone else, he was my superior officer. I saw his cramped, messy handwriting further up, on "reason for Assessment."

Officer only recently assumed command. May require assistance.

Oh good. Not incompetent. Just green, and stupid. Hissed out an irritated sigh through my teeth. Didn't bother trying to halt the anger. It was going to come, clearly.

"Fine," I growled. Turned back to Nameless. "You know how to take orders?"

"Of course," he said, bowing his head slightly.

"You going to?"

"I am instructed to avoid interference."

"Got that. Fights happen though. Can't exactly file them in triplicate two weeks in advance. We end up scrapping with a demon alliance crew, I don't want to be trying to work around you."

He tilted head and watched me closely. Again, that whisper of recognition. That head tilt. I knew that…

Nameless smiled, suddenly, bright and inscrutable.

"I will of course follow your command should such a situation arise," he said. My hackles raised. This fucker was trouble. I knew it. But it'd be more trouble than it was worth to try and shift him. Better, I decided, to just ignore it. Keep going.

"Come on then," I muttered, and shouldered past him out to the waiting squad.


Route was one of the worse ones, ranging further out along the line to the edge of our ward. Song Empire had been beautiful once, verdant and prosperous and happy. But the war had ruined that. Ruined towns and scorched plains that once had been meadows lay thick across the landscape – the contested no-man's land between our coalition and the alliance. You'd see mortals, sometimes, picking through the wreckage. Usually looters. Sometimes, somehow worse, they'd be survivors, who'd come back looking for family. On good days, they'd find a body to bury. Usually we just rounded them up and dragged them back to safety and the horrible uncertainty that'd dog them for the rest of their brief little lives.

Didn't see any of them that day, at least. It was early still. Mortals usually waited till a little later on, clutching some instinctual superstition that nothing bad would happen to them as long as it was daylight. Raining today, too. Dull, grey drizzle that sapped away at the spirit. That probably didn't help.

We marched on along the dirt road, me at the head, the squad two abreast behind me. Nameless strode beside me, smiling meaninglessly at me whenever we made eye contact.

No-one spoke.

The day passed slowly. We'd stop once in a while to check the landscape, make sure no-one was hiding and trying to wait us out. Priscian, our qi-sensor specialist, would close his eyes and let his spirit wander feather-light over the world until at last he was sure there was nothing.

There was almost always nothing.

We'd come to one of the more memorable landmarks; a hill, cratered by some brutal assault, now riddled with caves mouths leading back into an unstable knot of tunnels. The maps had it down as Half-Mound, but amongst the rank and file, it would forever be the Gloom. It was easily the worst part of this route. You had to split the squad; one half would wait on the road, weapons drawn, sitting on a tense little knife-edge for a few hours, while the other half would search the tunnels. Except they couldn't do it all at once. That'd be a fantastic way to be separated, picked off one by one, and wake up bound on the demonic altar to give the demons a taste of the blood of bronze. No. They'd search every tunnel thirty feet deep, then report back, then go deeper, section by section, till they'd checked the whole damn place. If they found a single damn thing, they'd bellow, and the half-squad on the road would hurtle after them like juggernauts.

It was the worst possible way to do it, but there wasn't an alternative. You couldn't throw the whole squad in at once; too easy for one smart cultivator with a few heavenstages to spare to go through everyone while they were split off, use the darkness and the isolation to their advantage. Couldn't do one tunnel all the way, then move on to the next one; too simple to sneak from an unchecked tunnel to a checked one and wait it out. You couldn't even just run a qi-sense over it either. A Time Shatter had done something to the place and warped the local qi so badly you'd struggle to get anything from it but a headache. You just had to grit your teeth and do it this awkward, complicated, bullshit way, and then thank the gods you'd finished the worst part of the route.

The squad had split up quickly, reinforcements slowly cycling their qi to keep up readiness, searchers delving slowly into the Gloom's miserable tunnels one after another.

And me and Nameless, watching both.

Technically speaking, I could have been a searcher. I'd done it in the past. But procedure said squad leader had to stay back and co-ordinate. And being assessed like this meant procedure was the order of the fucking day. So I cycled my qi and waited.

"Tunnel one, section one clear."

"Tunnel two, section one clear."

"Tunnel three, section.."

The voiced chorused back out of the dark one by one. Same as always. Nameless, beside me, nodded after each one. One little detail, but enough to fill me top-to-toe with rage.


Grit my teeth. Me and the Red Place hadn't been getting on. Not since – since then.

He is nodding. Not rending you into thin strips for frying.

He's fucking auditing me, I'll be pissed off if I want.

It'll do you no favours.

Ask you for your opinion, did I? Ask you for a single damn thing?

Foolishness, was the Red Place's only reply, rumbling with disapproval.

Gods. That fucking thing was going to drive me crazier than I already was. I felt my jaw clench at the thought, even as the last voice called back out of the tunnels.

"Acknowledged," I shouted. "Proceed to section two."

"Efficient," said Nameless.

"Best we can do," I muttered. "Squad's not big enough for anything faster."

"Have you considered taking on more personnel?"

"Wouldn't be worth it. If we stuck with clan, we'd be putting another squad a man down. Even then, we'd have to train them in. My lads are new, but they've an idea of how to work together by now."

"There are other cultivators than the Golden Devils."

"That as may be, but it's the same problem. Writ larger, too. One thing teaching a Golden Devil how to work in a new squad. Quite a lot harder to do the same with, say, a Broken Arrow, or a Strength Purity, or a Bear Enslavement."

"Or a Divine Saber?"

I shot him a glare.

"Yeah. Made worse in that circumstance because you have to take the stick out of their arse and the knife out of your back. There'll be one, if history's any judge."

Nameless's face stayed serene. I had no idea if he took the point or not. After a second, I made myself turn away.

"First tunnel, section two clear."

"Second tunnel, section two-"

"Your squad has taken this route before?"

I nodded, keeping my focus on the searcher's voices.

"How many times?"

"You don't have a file on us?"

"Personal experience can be very enlightening."

Weasel answer. Didn't fucking like this man.

The reinforcements shot me surprised glances. That was louder than it needed to be, but I was desperate for anything to just shut Nameless up.

"Do you like it?"

"It's a route."

"But… would you say you like it? Compared to the other routes?"

"Does it matter?" I snapped, before I could leash my spiking temper.

"Certainly," said Nameless. "Or I wouldn't have asked."

I strangled a growl. Just get through this. That's all. Just… push past it. Let it run off you like rain.

"No," I said. "Not a damn bit."

Or complain about an order to your god-damn assessor, no way that could backfire.


"Too exposed, too many boltholes to check, too long. Every other route dips out this far then comes back. Breaks it down further, ensures the parts that need more attention get it because the squad's less drained. Plus there's overlaps. Spots getting checked twice. Means you have to get it right, or the other bastard will know and gods help you if you think they won't make your life hell over it. But this? Just one long straight line, all of it tricksy as fuck."

There was a pause. The searchers started calling back again.

Nameless stayed silent for a while.

"You've thought about this a lot," he said eventually.

"It's my fucking job," I muttered.


We stayed in silence, punctured only by the call-and-response of me and the searchers, for a long time. Yes? Just- Yes? What the fuck was that supposed to mean? I'd mouthed off, sure. That was stupid. But how stupid? I had no idea what this fucker was thinking, now. I was in enough trouble as it was without-

And then everything went to hell.


It was an ambush, obviously. That was how most of the skirmishes on the line played out, outside of big pushes by raiding parties or demon columns trying to punch a hole in the line. I'd gotten used to ambushes. What made this one quite so special was how they'd laid it out.

The far side of Gloom is still pretty much a normal hill. It has no real cover, and it's massively exposed, so Alliance cultivators generally don't bother trying to hide on it. We'd checked before we started plumbing the tunnels, of course; we always did. Protocol. But we hadn't kept checking it.

So when five Gao clan poisoners surged up over the lip of the hill and swung into the tunnels, they caught us by surprise.

Still, at first it seemed the stupidest tactic I'd ever seen. However they'd managed to sneak past me and the other half of the squad, they must have seen us. How could they think it was a good idea to get caught in between?

"Priscian. Go. The rest of you split by tunnel and catch them between you," I snapped. "Masks on."

The whole squad carried the poison filter masks we'd used at Three Frogs. They didn't work against everything, but they were better than nothing. They moved fluidly now, drills and practice having taken the nervousness out of their motions, lunging into the darkness after their friends. Priscian was already gone, a blur of bronze-tinted skin as he ran back towards the fortress.

I went for the mouth of tunnel four. Draconis had taken that one. Whoever the Gao had sent, between the two of us we could handle them quickly and reinforce the others. There weren't many of them – if we worked quickly, we could-

Nameless was in here with me. He was flitting along, white robe trailing behind him, with that mix of power and grace the Strength Purity beat into their disciples. I almost cursed.

Of course. Of course he'd follow me. We'd talked about this very thing back at the dispatch office, but of course he'd get in the fucking way now, when it mattered. Fuck.

Didn't have time to scold him or send him back. Speed. We needed speed. I kept moving. Draconis had clearly intercepted his cultivator already – I could hear his voice, tightly controlled, snapping out kiais as he fought. No serious sounds of distress yet. We had time.

Rounded the corner to see him put his spear through the Gao's head. He had the blade back out again in an instant, halfway into a new stance before he recognised us. Then the body hit the floor.

"There's more," I hissed. "Back out – reinforce the others." I twisted, shoved my way past Nameless, and bolted back up.

And then the bitch sprang her trap.

The Gao behind us twitched. That was all the warning we got. I had barely registered it before their flesh just- peeled back in twitching coils, and a thick, pus-yellow smoke came pouring out of its chest cavity. The tunnel flooded with the scent of sulfur and excrement. I felt my guts roiling. Suicide strike. Fuck, they meant for us to catch them like this. We put our heads down and sprinted for the daylight, the smoke billowing behind us like it was alive. It only shyed back as we burst out of the tunnel mouth.

A woman stood waiting for us. Short, slim, slight, her dark hair cut in a messy fringe and pulled back in a bun. Two large, round black spectacles perched on her nose. Like a school teacher, I thought. Or a child pretending to be one. You'd almost call her cute, if it wasn't for the human spine she held loosely in one hand.

"That's quite far enough," she said. "Your unit, as yet, are not dead, but I will be forced to remedy that if you try anything."

The smoke was billowing from the other three tunnel mouths. The others were barely visible through it, twitching feebly on the sparse grass. The woman shook the spine lightly. They squealed, contorting in agony with each swing. "Many-As-One technique," she said. "Originally medical; very good for physical therapy, people who've just regained the use of their legs and so on. However, with a few minor alterations, it proves remarkably effective for more combative settings. Step down please, all of you."

My mind spun. Made myself focus as I did what she said, stepping out onto the grass and trying not to notice how the smoke followed us out, coiling at our backs hungrily. Priscian wasn't here. She had to have seen him leave. Either she'd sent someone after him, or decided not to bother.

...So either she was on the clock or had all the time in the world. Fucking gods damnit, I was not good at this. Alright. Keep her talking. Might get more out of her. At the very least keep her from shaking that fucking spine again.

"What's this about?" I asked, trying for non-threatening. The woman raised an eyebrow.

"The only thing that matters," she said, shortly. "On your knees, please."

"That poison. I don't recognise it."

Her lips thinned. "I said, on your knees."

Fuck. Fuck. I was no good at this. I didn't know how to get people talking. And she was starting to raise the spine.

"Shu Cangquiong," said Nameless, suddenly. The woman blinked. "I'm right, aren't I? You're Shu Cangquiong. You're the Mother of Mists."

She looked at him for a long moment. Then something like a smile slipped over her lips.

"Is that what you're calling me, in the Righteous sects?"

"Yes," he said, eyes on her hands. "You're getting famous, these days. People are calling you the next Black Blood Gulper."

She laughed at that.

"I should hope not. Black Blood Gulper was an imbecile." But for all her dismissive words, I could see her… preening, just a little. "Well. It's smoke, as I'm sure you can see. Not mist. Boneshadow poison is a heavy substance, even as an aerosol. And when you up the concentration, well. I'm sure I don't have to explain."

Okay. Okay. Ego. She has an ego. Play dumb. Let her be smarter than you. Nameless can buff her up after.

"You… might," I muttered. The broken-glass rasp was still there, but it was receding a little. Maybe she'd like that. "I don't know what you mean."

Cangquiong raised an eyebrow at that. "I was led to believe the Golden Devils made a good study of poisons," she said, something like a sneer starting to bloom on her mouth. "In fact, unless my information is very wrong, one of your Foundation Establishment cultivators invented the Meat Qi Rot."

"Yeah," I said, trying to drawl a little, drag out my vowels just enough to sound stupid, "but I don't know much about it. Spear fighter." I gestured towards it with my free hand.

Her eyes flickered over me quickly.

"Drop that, please."


"Sure." I let the spear fall from my grasp, and kicked it over to her. She looked at it, then back to me. Another long, cold moment of consideration.

"Well," she said, slowly, and the little sneer was back on her lips in full force, now, "I suppose every family has a black sheep. Or white, in your case."

An albino joke. Original. Doesn't matter. Every second she was talking was a second we could use. Nameless was starting, very slowly, to edge to the left, circling around her.

"Aerosol is, in this circumstance, a smoke. It can also refer to mist, or in some circumstances a steam. Essentially it refers to the substance in question being suspended in a gas, so as to be easier to introduce into a patient's system."


"Patient is, in this example, being used to refer to any individual who ingests the substance."


"The poison. My word. You're an idiot." Cangquiong put a hand up to her face to cover a tittering laugh. "I must admit, as disappointing as this is, it certainly undercuts that fearsome reputation. The poison witch looks a lot less threatening if she's related to you."

"'m – 'M good at some stuff," I muttered. It wasn't entirely feigned.

"Oh yes? Hitting things with sharp objects, I would assume."

"That's important!"

"Is it? Well. Perhaps. Somebody has to lift heavy things, I suppose. But let's be honest. That clan of yours. You don't really fit, do you?"

That hit. My jaw clenched. My hands flickered, just for a moment, into fists. But it didn't matter. I knew that. It didn't matter at all. I just needed to keep her talking. Get her guard down.

"I mean, look at this specimen." She pointed to Draconis. "That is a Golden Devil. Strong, brave, controlled. Knows how to lead. Should lead, if we're honest. But you… well. You're a little less typical, shall we say?"

Nameless was halfway, now. Out of her range of sight. Just had to let her go on a little longer – he could get the spine out of her hand and she'd be done.

"Far too… passionate. Yes? Too temperamental. And let's be honest, you shouldn't be playing with that spear, you'll hurt yourself. No. Someone like you should be using your hands. Simpler."

...Bitch. Evil little bitch. I was going to enjoy putting my spear through her spinal column. If I did it right I could sever the cord but leave her alive. And that'd be any minute now, because Nameless was in position, and she hadn't noticed.

"Honestly, maybe you should give up cultivation all together. You've done very well so far, I'll grant you, but honestly. You're a brute. How could you expect to understand the complexities of foundation establishment? You haven't even realised I've already poisoned you."

...What? Cangquiong's eyes crinkled, sinking into her face. There was nothing in their place but deep black holes. "Oh yes," she said, her voice distorted suddenly. "Before you even got out of the cave."

Nameless moved, behind her, but something was wrong. He too a step, but slow. Too slow. Then another, and another, his legs bending in on themselves like reeds in the wind. Confusion dances on his face for a moment. Then-

Roses, and butterflies with scarlet wings. He broke apart gently and let them come falling out.

Draconis started laughing. His voice deep. Too deep. Toodeeptoodeeptoodeep. A river came burbling out of his throat, ran down the foothills of his chest to fall and pool on the ground. Servess him right.

The sky's lightening. The butterflies will fly up into it, carried the roses in little paws. Stain it, fill it up. Cangquiong's there, now, a million miles above us. The sky was wrapped around her head. Crown. Headdress. Thick rapture of flowers.

"That's better now, isn't it?" she will murmur. I recognise her voice. In the slave pens, when I'll be a little child, before the pit, my mother speaks in the same one. Cool. Gentle. "Much better. So much more relaxing."


I said the words gently, like a dream. Cangquiong will laugh.

"No, dear. Your mother was a slave. Your father, whoever he was, whelped you and fled. He never even knew you were alive."

"...Because I'm bad."

The ground was a sea. Thick, dark, brown sea, like shit and chocolate, rising up, filling my lungs and chest and guts and heart.

"Yes," said Cangquiong. "Because you're bad."

Which will be what I will always have known. So I sink.
Will sink.

The shit-chocolate sea takes me down where all the bad things go.


Finally where I belong.

I cry. Feel it. Feel the tears are going to run up my face and into the air and rise up out of the sea. This. So much of it is this. This fact. This awful fact. My mother will pretend it's not, daubed my hair with thick mud, cuddle me close, Ajax had sent me to the Dawn Fortress and they try and try and try but no. No. We'll all know. Won't we?

I'm bad. I cannot achieve. I cannot change anything. I cannot grow. Because I am bad, and bad cannot be like these good people.

Cangquiong was still there. Felt her. Felt her huge, trudging footsteps. Vast, now. Vast beyond imagining. Like a god. Creator. Destructor. She is a silhouette against the red sky, her eyes two vast, featureless white circles. The sky was pressing on her back, shoulders, neck, head. It will be no matter. It will be nothing to one so vast as her.

"Such a silly thing," she will burble. Her words were the source of everything. I feel them run through me like earthquakes. "Such a silly, small thing."

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"It's alright. It made it easier." She reaches out, her arm longer than the world, fingertips like continents. "You have a secret." We are in the pens. Cangquiong took the mud from the ground and will rub it into my hair. Mad tangled thatch. I hold still. I let her. "A very important secret."

"What?" Voice was rasping like broken glass. I wanted to cry again, very badly, but my tears were rain and they'd break the roof and wash out the mud.

"A vision." Her voice drags on for a thousand years, and then we were in Three Frogs. I was killing cannibals. She sat on the steps of a dog-quarter tenement, arms crossed over her knees. She'll be wearing legionary gravebronze and Lu Xu's peddler bag. "You saw the dao."

More cannibals. The captain is dying. I see his face as he falls.

"Lovely weather," he said.

"I'm sorry," I will say. "I could not save you."

His eyes fill up with blood. He started to speak, but the cannibals will tear at him and ate him. I want to cry again.

"The second time was in the ring," said Cangquiong. "In the camp. I felt that."

"Time is hard," Maria said. She places her finger in her eye socket. "Do I have one or two?"

"My divinations were full-proof. They took almost all I had, but I am right," the eye socket whispers. "The camp. You were fighting. You saw the dao."

It eats my arm. My shoulder. My chest. I bend, and twist, screaming as every bone breaks and muscle tears, crammed inch by inch into the gaping maw. I will want, very much, for it to stop.

"Please," I will beg. "Please. Stop. Bad for you. Make you sick."

Hands, many hands, hundreds of hands, surge forward to catch me, pull me out. They are bloody with gore, skinless, twitching and obscene.

The eye socket will stop.

"What is this?" it said. "What is interfering-"

I wanted to cry. So badly I wanted to cry. A single tear fills me up. It strains the duct until it tears, pushes backwards, strangles my brain.

"Stop that. Stop!"

The eye socket bellowed those words and they burn and cut and the tear freezes rock still, and the hands will all as one let go and I fall into it at last but oh it hurts.

"We must be quick. We must. That was the second time in the camp. Tell me. Tell me it was the second time."


"Fascinating. If you were not so foul, so foolish and stupid, that would in and of itself make you worthwhile."

But I am foul and foolish and stupid.

"Yes, yes, of course. Now. The first time. Where was that?"

Three Frogs.

"...Where the Corpse Poison King did his work. Yes. Yes, I see. What happened?"

I was fighting.




They were-

And then, suddenly, I want to cry again. I want to sob. I want to scream, and howl, and bawl. I want all the bad that's in me to come out and the tears can wash it away and then there'd be so many-

"Stop this. Answer me."

-so many tears that no bad stuff could ever get in could ever get near me again they would wash it away first they would keep it far away like a tide like a sea like a sky



"Answer me. You are bad. Don't be worse."


"No. Liar."


"...A good devil. The mask, perhaps? Or the ideal? Show me. Show me what you did.


"This. This is important. Go on."


"And you start killing."


"Are you thinking about being a good Devil?"


"Unlike you."

"I said. Unlike you."


"Stop that. Show me."





"Yes, but what happens then?"



"For what? What is it you reach for? The thought. Tell me the thought. Even an idiot like you must understand that."







"How does a metaphor for childhood trauma possibly help you see it?"


"You are wasting time."


"It will muddle the image. I will have to spend months clarifying it. I do not HAVE months. Wei An is already a Single Pillar, and your clan has another. So stop-"


"OH HEAVEN'S GUTS, FINE! Fine. If this will let you show me, then… show me."



and it's melted at last and it's hot and tight in my chest

and finally


I cry.

I cry. I sob. I wail. I howl. I bawl. I weep. The tears come out in a mad flood of red water, scorching to the touch. Boiling. But I am not burnt. The tears wrap themselves around me and they are warm and soft.

"What are you doing? What is this?"

The tears grow outwards. The warmth gets bigger. They are making a place for me. Somewhere safe. There are walls, and doors with locks, and none of the windows break.

"This- stop this. Show me."

The tears laugh. The safe place gets bigger.

"I said stop this or I will be forced to tear it down."

And the tears look at Shu Cangquiong, really look at her. They sea through the pretend – the eye socket, the two white circles. They see through, and through, and through, until they find the arrogant little fuck who dared to try and steal enlightenment, never once realising who she was – an insignificant speck in the eyes of the wide universe.

"Fucking try it, bitch."

"...Who are you?"

"I'm the Red Place. I keep the girl safe. You want to see the Dao? What we saw? Then hold still."

Tears become rivers become hands. Shu Cangquiong is caught. Held tight. Struggling does her no good.

"I'll fucking show you."

And then



I remembered the thought, then. Watching the Captain die. Thinking about the Dog Quarter. Remembering Old Wu, who'd lived not far from that street. His wife made a fantastic pork bao. I'd chased recruits out of the brothels nearby, once, screaming at them to get back to the Garrison before I took their ears off, and Old Wu had been watching me, eating one of those bao, trying not to laugh. And I'd looked at him and he'd looked at me and suddenly- suddenly- the two of us wer bent over, choking with laughter. His wife had seen it, her husband and some strange corpse-skinned cultivator, and thought she was going to see him die that day.

And Yin, who begged for coppers, too. Thought about him. Didn't know him well. He'd never really talked much, even when he realised I wasn't going to hurt him. Hurt too often, probably. But he'd listened to me, and laughed in all the right places, and when he saw me next he gave me three of his coins and told me to buy a lucky jade, because they were supposed to protect you.

And Feng Ma the whore, and all her girls, who'd chased the pimps away with knives they stole out of the garrison and took over the place because she was too old for another job but she would burn - BURN – before she let another girlchild come into that place and be broken like a horse and made to sell herself, so she started running it because that was what she could do and she was going to do it.

And Ru, who didn't know who his mother was, but his dad said she'd been pretty. And Yufei, who missed his wife. And Liu, who's brothers weren't actually his brothers but they'd sworn an oath and shared peaches and if that wasn't enough then he loved them like brothers so there. And Fang. And Chi Chi. And Long. And Shao and Yanmei and Sho and Chao and Rin and the others who's names she didn't know and the others who she'd only ever seen and the other others who didn't even have that, on and on, an uncountable sea of -

of people.

People who had lived here. Had been born, and loved, and hated, and suffered, and enjoyed, and died.

And so many of them were going to die, might already be dead, because these… these bastards, these murderers and cannibals and, and power-hungry, ruthless, stupid people had decided they would make good fuel.

They didn't even know the people's names.

They didn't even know the captain's name, as the fell on him, and Maria looked into his eyes and he looked into hers.

The captain who had never run.

"Here it comes, girly. Have you guessed yet?"

And that thought had run through her, she realised. Like a current. Like a river of fire and tears, deep into the heart of herself, into memories of a little girl and her mother in a slave pen, where love was a weakness they could use against you because you were property. Into the half-remembered corners of those memories, where shadowy figures in nice clothes who carried big sticks watched, and saw beneath the mud a hint of gold.

And that thought had grown bigger. And bigger. Until it reached into the core of her mind and shook the very foundations of who she was.

A simple thought, that had been answered.


And Maria looked up, into the great, echoing sky.

And for a moment-

She understood.


Came to four hours later, weak as a kitten. Priscian stood over me, face a mask of worry, until he saw my eye was open and focused on him and he almost collapsed from relief.

"It's alright, captain," he said. "It's alright. I got help."

And he had. Mish-mash of everyone, really. A Strength Purity I didn't recognise lifting me gently onto a stretcher, held carefully by the Great Drunkard who'd given me the mask at camp and Shanshu, her face caught in some odd emotion I couldn't read. Next to us was another stretcher, where Draconis lay, his face turned to mine. Still not much feeling on that face, but what I could see was almost – happy.

"You get," he slurred, lips fighting him for every word, "to be captain."

"...okay," I said.

"Shut up, both of you," said one of his stretcher bearers. Took me a moment to realise it was Lan Hua. "Idiot devils."

And Nameless was on another one, overlooked by Skull-Shatterer and the Honourable Sibling. The rest of the squad littered the others. All still here. All still alive.

We spent the next week and a half lying in the infirmary, fussed over by every healer in the fortress. A lot of them weren't altruistic – survivors of the Mother of Mists' poisons were rare as hen's teeth, after all. We bore up as best we could. Wasn't even that bad, really. We'd had worse.

As we healed, and grew stronger, at last the news came with it. Shu Cangquiong had escaped. There'd been no sign of her when they arrived, bar a few drops of blood that didn't belong to any of us, or the rotted remains of the Gao found lying in the Gloom. That should have worried me, but it didn't. I could handle her. Besides, we got out without casualties.

Nameless gave me the best assessment I could have expected. Probably better than I deserved, I felt, but he'd shot me a blank look I'd started to realise was his version of disapproving.

"Despite a directly targeted ambush by a major cultivator, you brought your squad home without casualties," he said. "That is a sign of an excellent leader."

Draconis gave a snort of amused disagreement. I smirked back.

"Something to say, there, Kalokagathos?"

He snorted again. But he smiled, and he didn't turn away.

"Must wish you'd gotten a different job, Nameless," I said, leaning back on my bed. The Strength Purity shot me a quizzical look. "Well. Given the circumstances."

"Captain Maria, I requested this," he said, brow furrowed in confusion.


"Yes. I hadn't had a chance to speak to you, and – well. I wanted to."

"You took a position as my assessor so you could hang out?"


"You couldn't just say hi?"

"In his defence," murmered Draconis, "you are somewhat intimidating."

"Oh fuck off, you've never been scared of me."

"Of course not. I am a Kalokagathos. But others, certainly."

"It just never seemed the right time," said Nameless, carefully.

"What were you waiting for?!" I asked.

And then it clicked.

Nameless's face didn't ring a bell because I'd never seen it before. But the way he moved? I remembered that. It had been all I remembered from our fight in the camp. His face brightened as at last he saw recognition dawn.

"...If this is about a rematch, you can fuck off," I said, grinning.


Three days later, I was the only one still there. It was madness. I was fine. But apparently I'd gotten the strongest dose of Cangquiong's signature poison, dream's madness, and they weren't letting me loose until they had every single scrap of it they could. I'd protested, of course, but Septimus had told me I could lie in bed or he could chain me to it.

It wasn't that bad, really. It gave me the time I needed to think. Shanshu had been right. Rejecting the dao had been stupid. Beyond stupid – weak, in a way that was hard to forgive. But I'd spent a long time hating myself. Time to try this forgiveness thing.

Beyond that, I'd been thinking about what Cangquiong had said. Single pillars were cropping up, now. Two so far, but how long would it stay that way?

How long before they started changing the world?

Something inside me shivered at the thought. Gods knew there was a lot that needed to change.

So my thoughts were coming thick and fast, for those few days on my own. It was kind of a relief when Letha kicked in the door and flung herself at me.

"Gods, Leeth, careful!"

She was sobbing, of course. Took about twenty minutes to calm her down, and even then she was still sniffling.

"I leave you alone," she said, dabbing at her eyes, "for four months, and you end up in a hospital bed."

"Wasn't intentional," I said, grinning lopsidedly. She laughed.

"No, I'm sure it wasn't. Are you alright?"

"Clean bill of health. They think they can back engineer some of the Noble Knowledge poisons from me. Only reason I'm still here."

She relaxed a little at that. Something seemed to hit her, then, and she looked down.

"I- Maria," she said, slowly, "before I left, I said some very hurtful things."

"Which ones?"

I know, I know. That was mean. But I've never been nice before, can't be expecting me to start now.

"I- pried," she said. "I spoke about very sensitive subjects that I did not understand in the least, and I hurt you. And- I referred to people who are turtle-blooded as… as barbarians."

"Yeah," I said. "You did. And that was fucked up."

"I know. I know it was. I am so sorry." The tears were welling up again. Gods, the woman was like a fountain. I better put a stop to this or I'd never leave.

"You gonna do it again?"

"Never. I promise."

"I forgive you, then. I do."

This didn't actually stop the tears. She flung herself at me again, and I spent the next fifteen minutes patting her on the back while she said a few dozen variations on the theme of "thank you" and "you're my best friend" into my chest. Clan kids. So mushy.

"You weren't wrong about the other stuff," I said when she'd calmed down. "I have been… you know. Being stupid."

"I never said that!"

"No, but you used a lot of syllables you didn't need to. Anyway. I did. But I'm done with that. Starting now. I need a favour."

"Anything," she said immediately.

"Good. Here." I pulled two letters from my bedside table and handed them to her. "That one's for Shanshu. The other's for the Honourable Sibling. I need you to deliver them for me."

She nodded. "Alright. What do they say?"

"Bog standard stuff, really. I'm asking them to take me on as a student."

She froze for a second.

"Look, I've thought it through," I said, defensively. "There's – I've got some ideas, alright, and you said I should try some stuff that's more suited to me-"

"I think it's a good idea," she said. "And about bloody time."


She smiled at my slightly off-balance expression.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. Yeah, there is." I cracked my neck. Then my knuckles. "I'm going to reach the thirteenth heavenstage. Want to help?"


So I figured out why my arcs keep growing. I'm incapable of judging scale. Anyway. That's the end of First Assignment. Not entirely happy with it. There was a plan for a way better turn nine, but it was big and I think way too detailed and then my entire life kind of exploded and I didn't want to write for a while.

A lot of this feels like it's repeating stuff I did in the Mirror. That's partly because, again, I panicked and exploded. But I also think it's because I didn't actually do the bit of character development I needed. Maria's big old PILE of self-worth issues needed dealing with before she could start going for the thirteenth heavenstage. The easiest way to do that, at least without having her go back to where the Pit was, is to do a Satoshi Kon-style battle in the centre of the mind. Kuei was supposed to be that. It ended up being Shu Cangquiong. (In case anyone's wondering, her whole schtick is using hallucinogenic poisons to make people more susceptible to divination, in her case mind-reading. Which is what's happening in this omake. Probably don't need to explain that but I spent about six straight hours writing this bastard thing and I'm kind of loopy.)

ANYWAY! IT'S OVER! IT IS DONE! @Alectai @Kaboomatic @TehChron @Humbaba , THREADMARK ME, BABY!
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Maria - Heroforge Pictures
Maria Heroforge Pictures
Maria Turn 9 kind of technically an omake if you squint
So recently I was weak, and decided to redo a few of my images for Maria on her profile. (In heroforge. Using their pro subscription service. That's the weak part.) I then realised I never actually mentioned I'd made these images and they might kind of count as omake, which, given I'm sending my sweet little idiot into the Qigai realm with only one LST, might possibly be worth doing. With that said, I present! Maria of the Golden Devils!

As she was in her first omake!

You might note the hideously matted dreadlock things. This was because she rubbed mud in them so no-one knew she was a Golden Devil. However, I did make use of the fancy decal system to have some spots of gold showing through because I am easily entertained.

And here she is as she is now, in her legionnaire armour, looking done with someone's shit.

Just done. Just very much done. With the done-ness.

Anyway. Fairly certain this counts for *SOD-ALL*, but hey, every little helps. Also tiny skinny baby Maria is adorable, even if she is horribly traumatised and way too comfortable killing people.
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Maria, Gaius Antonius Collaboration - A Private Correspondence (Part One)
A Private Correspondence (Part One)
Maria/Gaius Collab Turn 9 (for Maria) / 10 (for Gaius)

A letter is delivered to Gaius the next time he's in the Dawn Fortress. It's battered and travel-stained, but the paper is high-quality, and the hand-writing is immaculate.

For the attention of Legionnaire Gaius Antonius.


I must apologise for this impetuous letter. Under normal circumstances, I would never dream of such indecorous behaviour, and would instead have arranged a proper introduction. However, the situation calls for speed. I will thus dedicate myself to brevity, to a nigh-upsetting degree. Compose yourself accordingly, and again, you have my deepest apologies.

I am the friend and companion of Maria, a legionnaire of the 263rd Legion. You may know them better as the most honourable and august Second Scorpions, warriors and heroes dedicated to Elder Julia Foslia, who struck down the Vulture King and made the Demon's Heart Omelette (that most sacred of breakfast foods) before the unjust murder of the great Alexios (may we forever mourn his passing). Maria, too, you may know as the heroine of the

(here, the handwriting seems to grow more hesitant. A slight change in ink colour suggests the writer continued later, possibly after composing themselves)


(Another ink change)

play, "The Four Romances and Three Battles of Lady Maria". It is a very, very loose dramatisation of real events. I must inform you that at no point did she do battle with the Scarlet Hearted Child In Whom Hides The Dreaming Tanuki, nor did she defeat him by the power of friendship. It is important you know this. Too many have approached her to enquire about it. I will not be party to another such event. There is blood enough upon my hands already.

In any case, my companion has recently begun her endeavours to lay down the four Olympian keystones, that she might build a single pillar upon them. Many have claimed such an ambition, of course. All must remember the loud and boastful claims of Marcus Tanatherius, who continued his foolishness until he was in the presence of the hero Rina Callista and literally burst into flames.

His mother was most upset. It scorched her carpet quite badly.

Maria, however, might actually achieve this goal. Her will to succeed is great, her talent at cultivation is incredible, and in all honesty her heart is pure and true. Admittedly she occasionally lapses into a mad frenzy of wrathful, joyous bloodlust, but then, we all have our foibles. I have been known to bite at my fingernails. Who among us may judge the morality of another?

This ambition is the reason I so rudely sent you this letter unannounced. Besides the great hero Rina Callista, whom I would not dream of approaching without four introductions, a hand-written invitation, and small basket of peaches to offer as a humble gesture of salutations, you are well-known for sharing this goal. Further, your wisdom and achievement is spoken of far and wide, as too is your work ethic. Indeed, I have heard more of your endeavours than I have any other seed. Ever. It's amazing, you seem to do more than anyone else in a twenty year period, how on earth-

I digress.

It is reprehensible for me to do this, but I must beg of you a boon. As a known expert on the subject, if you were to take a moment from your no-doubt insanely busy schedule to begin a correspondence with Maria on this most worthy of subjects, I have no doubt that it would offer her such wisdom as to greatly assist her in her quest. In return, my resources as a scion of the Economos family would surely allow me to offer you some gift or sign of my most ardent thanks.

I must again apologise for the willful brevity of this letter. Forgive my rudeness. Should the possibility ever present itself, I will address you more fully next time.

I remain, by the will of the holy Imperator, in life, death and defiance of heaven,

Your clanswoman and sister-in-the-blood,

Letha Economos

Pinging @Alectai , @Kaboomatic and @TehChron for a threadmark and @no. for the first installment of our little experiment.
Maria 21 - Mortals
Maria Turn 9 Ninth Omake

The view, Lu Xu thought, as he gazed out his window at the high spires and palaces of the Empirikos skyline, was always particularly good at this hour.

Since his wife had passed, he'd taken to avoiding sleep. Their bed felt empty without her warmth in it, and even now, seven years later, he'd find himself gripped with a melancholy almost-grief. Besides, at his age he didn't need more than a few hours anyway. Instead, he came out here. The balcony was sheltered from too much of the desert heat, but still warm and bright enough to be a thoroughly comfortable place to sit. Immediately post dawn was his favourite. The servants, now very used to his habits, would bring him a cup of strong sweet tea, and he'd sit, thinking of nothing in particular, and watch the sky pale and shift until the sun scorched the city gold.

Today was proving a particularly good one. There'd been rain the day before, an occurrence so rare there'd been actual dancing in the streets. It had left a lovely mist in the air that was only now just beginning to burn away in the sunlight. The effect was wonderful – like watching the whole city come out from behind a veil, shyly revealing itself inch by inch.

And the tea had mint in it too. Mint! For him!

He wasn't used to being rich, even now, twenty years into it. It took him a while to remember that it was his mansion when he woke up. When Jun had been alive, she'd had to pester him into buying the place. It was only when another few daughters came along, three in quick succession, that he'd finally given in. The last of the girls, and their sun, Sho, would be flying the nest soon. Maybe he'd sell it. Go find somewhere more sensible. They said the clan would sell mortals residences in the tall wheat fields sometimes. That might be good.

He would miss the sunrises, though.

The door quietly slipped open behind him. He blinked, turned. Mei smiled at him. She looked well – the first heavenstage had washed the weakness out of her, and frozen her at 21. He'd been shocked that she managed it so quickly. Surely transcending human weakness should take longer? But her tutors had assured him that it was to be expected. She was gifted, certainly, but the resources they'd spent on it had more to do with it. She wasn't even unusual amongst the movers and shakers of Empirikos. The early heavenstages offered a host of benefits even if you didn't plan to push much beyond it. Even a few of the servants went for it.

Which, he realised, would be what today's conversation would be about. Again. He sipped the tea to keep himself from sighing. Mei pulled a chair over and sat down next to him, folding her hands into her robes to keep her hands warm.

"Still not sleeping?"

"No," he said. "But then, I'm an old man. Insomnia is the traditional companion of the ancient. What's your excuse?" Her smile flickered a little. It must have come out sharper than he'd meant. Lu Xu sighed. "Sorry. That was unfair."

"'s alright." Mei's tone was indulgent. She poured herself a cup of the tea, though, which from her was a silent reprimand. Well, he might deserve it. "I know you prefer having your mornings to yourself."

"Not all of the morning," he protested mildly. "Just until I've had my tea. And a chance to enjoy the dawn."

"And had your breakfast. And bathed. And dressed. And had a walk-"

"I am very approachable on my walk!"

"Outwardly, yes. Inwardly, you are a seething pit of hatred should anyone even make eye contact."

He gave a rueful laugh.

"...Most don't notice."

"Most aren't your daughter."


They sat in silence for a moment, and watched the city. Then, at last, Mei came to the point.



"You don't even know what I'm going to ask."

"Has it perchance been the same thing you've asked for years, now?"


"Yes, that's what I suspected."

She gave a frustrated sigh. "This is utter madness."

"To you."

"To anyone with sense! You are rich, popular, beloved to mortal and cultivator alike. And yet, despite that, you choose to, to… to abandon everything you have built?"

"Are you planning to ruin it, tear it asunder, spit upon my good name by disparaging my conduct, and then burn it to the ground?"

"You are choosing to die."

He smiled, without any real joy. Still didn't understand.

"I have done no such thing."


"Daughter," said Lu Xu, calmly but with force. Mei stopped speaking, compelled by a lifetime of habit. That, at least, still stuck. "I have done. No such thing. I have not taken poison, nor thrown myself upon the mercy of the desert. At the very least, I might expect to see another twenty years. Perhaps even longer. The doctors say I am in excellent health."

"For a mortal."

The word was hot with recrimination as it came out of Mei's mouth.

"I am mortal," said Lu Xu.

"By choice."

"No. You, Mei. You made a choice. I merely abide by one made for me."

She had that mulish, angry expression on her face. When she'd been a toddler, that meant a tantrum was on its way. Once, he'd been able to head those off with a cuddle, or tickles – sweets, on truly dire occasions. He doubted that would work now.

Maybe something else would work.

"Do you remember," said Lu Xu, slowly, "when you were young – four, maybe five? We'd gone to your uncle's home for lunch?"

"We went to Uncle Shin's house all the time, father."

"This one was special. It was Zu's birthday. There were sweet dumplings for you. Good ones. With red bean paste. Shin had them hidden in the kitchen. But you smelled them, and convinced Zu to sneak in with you, and found them?"

Mei's face showed not even a hint of recognition.

"You knocked them over – they were on the counter, you were just a hint too short and Zu – well, sweet boy, but a little clumsy, no? We heard the noise. When we went in, the two of you were covered in the stuff. Before we could say a word, your cousin was crying. He pointed at you, and he said, 'she made me!'"

"What does this-"

"And you glared at him, and sitting there, covered in beanpaste and raw dough, you shouted 'they never would have known if you hadn't said that!'" Lu Xu laughed. "It was just… the perfect moment. Exactly what it's like to have children."

He leaned back, eyes fixed on that fond memory. But it faded, eventually.

"There are things like that dotted throughout my life. Wonderful moments. And less wonderful ones too. Some hurt. No less important, though. And yet, as I've gone on… they've faded. Thinned out. There's no texture to them, now. Shin's kitchen – what did it look like, really? The colours, the shape? I can't remember."

"That happens to everyone."


"So why-"

"I met your mother before you were even born," he said, baldly. "Would you have me bleach every memory of Jun of detail until I can't remember her face?"


I wanted to do a Lu Xu omake for every turn, since it seemed like a fun idea at the time. Then this... happened. Apparently, my brain decided to balance out the last omake. Tagging @TehChron, @Alectai and @Kaboomatic .

(Sorry, @Katana1515 , Letha has had a somewhat depressing followup.)
Maria/Gaius Collab - A Private Correspondence (Part 3)
A Private Correspondence (Part 3)
Maria/Gaius Collab Turn 9 (For Maria) / 10 (for Gaius)

This time, two letters are delivered to Gaius. They could not appear more different; one is rough, written on the back of what appears to be a legionary ration requisitions form, and sealed with a lump of candle wax. The other is, again, on high-quality paper and sealed with the symbol of house Economos. Strangely, the first seems… irritated, and the second apologetic. How precisely this is conveyed by inanimate objects is difficult to explain, and yet they seem to manage it well enough.



Don't really know how to tell you this, but I didn't know Letha'd been pestering you about me. Would have stopped her if I did. Her letter would have run for a good seven pages and she'd have gone on about Marcus Tanatherius. Since I decided to do this, she's brought him up nine times. She's always mentioned his mother's carpet, as well. I don't know why. She's really hung up on it. It wasn't even a nice carpet.

...Got distracted. Look. First off, sorry for you being bothered with this. Second, thank you for your letter. It was helpful. I understood almost none of it, but I've read it a few times since, and it's starting to click. Think I disagree, though. You talk a lot about the thirteenth being like two mirrors, mind and soul, reflecting each other. Can see why you'd think that. But it's not just that, or why'd we cultivate our bodies so damn much? Why do the Xin sorcerers plateau so fucking quick? Because it's three. Soul, mind and body. Immortals don't suddenly stop walking around in their fles, but they stop aging, getting sick. It's not reflection either. It's balance. Your idea about the qi inside your lungs and outside being the same is right, too, because it's the same idea. Inside and outside, balanced, perfectly, with no real… don't know the word. Separateness. Ourselves and just ourselves, with all the bits being as important.

Fuck. Look, that was meant to be thank you, your letter was helpful. Third thing I wanted to ask was about the Dao. Don't think you can want the single pillar without understanding it. Or them. Or whatever, fuck, not good at plurals. I'm starting towards mine, I think – won't go into details in case some fucker intercepts this letter – but it's gotten complicated, so advice would help. You said you've already got yours. How'd you do that?

Got a patrol. Hope you're stitching yourself together okay after Qigai. Also hope no-one's gone on about Marcus Tanatherius at you. Gets fucking grating.

Captain Maria,

263rd Legion (Second Scorpions)


To the honourable, wise and most renowned legionnaire Gaius of House Antonius.

By now, I must assume that Maria's letter will have reached you, and with it the truth of my vile and awful calumny. I have lied to you. I did not, in fact, ask Maria if she wanted me to speak to you in search of your advice. I merely-

(The letter goes on for another fourteen pages. They have been completely scribbled out.)


Got to this before she sent it off. Edited it a bit. You're not missing much. There was a bit about flogging herself in penance. She won't be doing that. Don't think you're too annoyed about her sending you a letter. If you are, fuck off.

Maria 22 - In a Yellow Wood
In a Yellow Wood
Maria Turn 10 First omake

Present Day

Four hours to sundown, and they still weren't here. Ajax hissed through his teeth to vent some of the frustration. Didn't work. He couldn't try anything else; too many legionnaires looking at him right now for reassurance for him to let his feelings show. Worse, Sorrowful Blacksmiths stood not far away. Politics had brought them past the Grand Mountainwall, and now they were smirking with quiet joy as they witnessed the Golden Devils in the middle of the Gods Damned Hundred Year Trials.

This, he thought, and not for the first time, is fucking madness.

He tried not to think about it, but the thoughts rolled on. As of yet, they'd not been targetted. The invaders must be focused deeper in the core territories for the moment – some sacrificial citadel holding their attention just long enough to keep them from wasting their time on small fry. Somewhere out there right now, his clansmen were dying by the droves, and sheer luck had kept him from joining them.

Memories of Pleuron fogged the back of his mind, as they had been on and off for months now. Pleuron, his wife, and his daughters. He didn't even know where they were stationed. It could be anywhere.


He closed his eyes for a moment, tightly, and forced calm. No. There was no point to that fear. They were good fighters, his family, with enough potential to keep them out of the fortress-traps. They'd be fine. He had enough to worry about here and now without adding in hypotheticals. Like the Sorrowful Blacksmith who'd decided that now was a good time to come bother him.

The face was hidden behind a stone-grey mask, iron or steel of some kind. It was carefully worked into a broad, leering grin, the eyes buried in crinkling folds of fat and the nose flat and broad. Behind that, thick robes of an elaborate cut, piled on top of each other till it was hard to make out the Blacksmith's shape. Worthless Heaven only knew what armour or weapons lay inside that coccoon of fabric. The message was clear; I am better than you. I can kill you. I will laugh at you all I wish.

Well fuck you too, forge-monkey.

Ajax didn't bother making eye contact.


"Your clanswoman is late," they said. The voice was flat and nasal. He couldn't tell the gender.

"I noticed."

"Our masters' bargain was clear, demon." Demon. Well, they were brave, weren't they? "Either your junior is impertinant or lazy."

"Really?" He kept his tone mild, only middlingly interested. The masked head tilted.

"If you expect me to brook such disrespect-"

"Don't expect you to do anything," said Ajax. "That's the point, isn't it? You get to wait here, on this side of the mountains, and then when it's time you go. In exchange, we get to wait here to keep you from temptation and stain your adorable little reputations on it."


There was no motion. The sword and daggers simply appeared in the Blacksmith's hands like a conjuror's trick.

"You disrespectful curr-" they grated.

But that was as far as they got. Because then Ajax snorted back a laugh and they froze in shocked, furious horror.

"Gods," Ajax muttered. "You. I like you. You're exactly the right kind of fucking idiot to entertain me. Listen, weeper. There are eight of us, and two of you. You start a fight, we can gut you and yours before you get a chance to pull another sharp object out of your arse. 'But they're barely even fourth heavenstage!' That's what you're thinking, right? Well, I don't know if you've heard, but we have this woooonderful little trick called a formation. Very popular up on the Fearless Line, actually. Makes our juniors surprisingly effective. Then again, there was what? Six of you up there? Can't really expect you to know much about that."

"...You fucking-"

"Oh, put your bloody letter opener away, will you? I've neither the time nor the children's dictionary to explain what I just said."

There was a long, fraught pause. Ajax knew this was stupid, but he didn't have the paitience for anything else. Not now.

Then, as quickly as they came, the Blacksmith's blades were gone. They turned, and stalked haughtily away.

"Weeper's what we call you behind your back!" he shouted after them. "'Cause you're the Sorrowful Blacksmiths! Get it? It has connotations of 'fucking idiot' and 'tagalong', in case you're wondering!"

They kept walking. He fought down a smirk. The stress had vanished for a moment, at least. If he lived long enough to see it, the punishment for shit-talking a foreign cultivator covered by diplomatic immunity would be entirely worth it.


Ko's voice, high and urgent. Ajax's head snapped around. His legionnaire was pointing off into the distance. There, against the horizon, he could see a plume of dust rising from the Scorpion Road.

Thank Gods.

He let out a breath he'd been holding for longer than he'd like to admit. Then he shook himself. The home stretch was no time to get careless.

"Into formation," he snapped. "Some fucking fifth sea prick wants a snack, I expect to see them choking on your hoplite's magnificent shadowy cock."


The cool hum of a qi circuit burning into life between the squad sent shivers down his spine. He ignored them, kept his eyes fixed on the plume. Closing fast. Very fast, but not quite quick enough for his tastes.

Fear. Starting to boil up from his guts, pooling under his tongue. Cold. Bitter taste, like vomit and tears. He quelled it again with the ease of long practice. Focused on his breathing. Fill the lungs, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Hold, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Empty, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. And again. And again.

Plume was almost there. A mile, two tops. Nothing for a Legionnaire.

And again, and again-

He saw them at last. One in particular, hair a thick mad mess of sunlight-gold, skin white as a corpse. So close. So damn close…

And again, and again-

And they skidded to a halt in front of them, the tiny handful breaking and flowing around them. A new qi system drives itself into the formation with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer, dropping into synchronisation. He glanced back for a moment, away from the sky.

...Shit. It was true.

The face that looked back at him was a fucking shock. Only word he had for it. Skin a thick, inky black, with a deep red flaring here and there as the light caught it. Right eye socket a gaping hole. Hair (sheared short, like someone had hacked away at it with a rusty sword) a bizarrely delicate indigo. But the face, and the grey eye on the left? Those he recognised. Maria's mirror image stared back at him, face contorting in an ugly grin.

"You'd be Lyssa, then," he muttered.

"In the flesh," it whispered. He tried not to shudder at that wierdly gorgeous voice, oily and dark and full of the promise of gleeful violence. "Nice to meet you, daddy."

He didn't snap. No point. Instead, he turned his attention to the others. Three figures and the Blacksmiths. One, male, dark haired, clad in the travel-stained, mismatched finery that could only belong to a Flow Dragon. Another in the white of a Strength Purity.

And Maria. Glaring at both of them, trying to hide her affection, worry, and frustration. Gods, when had she grown up?

"Go," she said. The broken-glass burr was back. She must be tired. The wounds – he'd heard she was hurt in Qiguai, maybe that-

"No," said the Strength Purity, his serenity verging on defiance.

"Fucking go."

"I will not leave my allies to face attempted genocide alone."

"It's not attempted genocide, you idealistic fuck, it's the fucking trials-"

"Maria," muttered the Flow Dragon, glancing worriedly at the Blacksmiths. They had that jerky, nervous kind of body language that only the truly confused and increasingly homicidal managed. This was clearly not part of their internal script.

Maria's eye locked on them. She bared her teeth like a caged beast, then scrubbed her face with the heel of her hand and turned back to the Strength Purity.

"Nameless," she said, and Ajax could almost see her dragging her tone back to something resembling reasonable. "There is nothing you can do. You're fucked as is."

"I can fight."

"No. You can't. The Dao Protectors will either kill you for interfering or the invaders will do worse because some clause in their bullshit competition will doubtless award them karma for stretching the definition of self defence to include 'torturing a downed enemy to death over several weeks'."

"That is more reason-"

"YOU. CANNOT. HELP." The anger came boiling out of her at last as she gave up any semblence of self-control. "AT ALL. Alright?! That's not how this works. All you can do is cause a diplomatic fucking incident. Now GO THE FUCK HOME."

They stared at each other for a long moment. Something sad slipped briefly across her face.

"Thank you for coming," she muttered. "Really. You're- you're one of the good ones, Nameless. But go the fuck home. Please."

Another long moment. Something complicated seemed to be going on between them. Something Ajax suddenly felt very wrong for watching; like he was intruding somehow. Finally, the Strength Purity nodded.

"If you don't survive, I will be furious," he said, quietly. Maria's lips quirked into a lopsided smirk.

"Promise. Bring you some fifth sea balls. You can have them for earrings, very fetching."

"You are disgusting."

"Make all the Demonic Altar feel very jealous. Or snacky. Both. Feel both."

"Maria," muttered the Flow Dragon again, smiling with false politeness at the Blacksmiths.

She exhaled in a short burst, and gave a jerky nod.

"Get home safe," she said.


Two hours later, and they were at the rendezvous. Not safe – no-one ever was, in the trials, not while the blood of bronze ran through them – but as close as could be managed. It was one of the hundreds of makeshift camps that briefly sprang up briefly where the kill-teams could get some semblence of rest, before returning to the tense madness of the trials. They didn't have names. They didn't exist long enough to get them.

The rest of the kill-team had been there as they arrived by two-headed eagle. Easily five to six hundred cultivators of all realms, all with that lean, strange look to them that screamed 'trials' to any who knew how to look; a combination of tension, fury, guilt, and dull, tired acceptance. They'd been digging trenches already, or covering them over with matts and sand. Now, a few hours later, they had an underground fort hidden under the sand. Makeshift as all hell, but it'd do for one night, and the next day they'd be gone.

Ajax and Maria were sat in the dim light of a glow-stone, passing a bottle of piss-poor red wine half-way to vinegar back and forth. The rest of the squad were either asleep or wandering the camp, looking for conversation, music, arguments, sex – whatever their particular form of stress relief was. He didn't begrudge them the relief.

"You look like shit," he told her. She snorted.


"I'm serious. When did you last sleep?"

"Does it matter?"

"Does when I'm going to have to drag you around when you push too hard and crash in the middle of a battle. You've gotten heavy, too."

"Full of fucking compliments, you."


"Fucking- after Qiguai. Don't fuss, I'm tenth heavenstage."


"That's fussing."

He outranked her, he knew. Technically, he could order her to lie down, close her eye, and sleep right now. But he'd known her since she'd gotten to the desert, and she'd only gotten more stubborn. No point in pushing.

She caught his eyes on her and smirked like a malicious teenager. "Look at you, all sweet and doting," she said. "Getting soft, old man."

"Oh, fuck yourself with a pike," he replied irritably. She laughed, and handed him back the wine. "Fucking trials, is all. I get nervous."

"Get broody, is what you get. The girls'll have a little sister before the decade's out."

"You assume it won't be a son."

"It won't be," she said. "You are surrounded by women in all their infinite variety."

"Look at you, with your big words," he repied, grinning wryly. She reddened.


"There we go, there's Maria."

They sat in comfortable silence and drank for a while.

"So where have they got you going?" she asked, when the skin was empty. Ajax sighed.

"This. Kill-squad duty."

"Good," she muttered.

"Yeah." He didn't tell her they'd had him running a minor fort in the Scarred Lands, dragging attention away from the Apoikía for as long as he could, until the last moment when he's been sent scrambling with a handful of legionnaires to meet her at the Colossus Footsteps. It'd only eat at her. "You?"

She didn't answer, for a moment.

"Kill-squad too," she said eventually, staring at the glow stone.

"That's good," he said, watching her. She grunted. "What?"


"You're sulking. What?"


"She wanted to help the juniors," said Lyssa.

Ajax tried not to jump. Maria's… creature… had slipped up close, moving like a cat on silk. Now she was staring at him from maybe an inch away.

"Shut up," muttered Maria.

"Like Jin Muyi," Lyssa went on, grinning obscenely. "Shout at the heavens and take every fifth sea fucker got near her. Veeeeery brave, very sexy."

"I said-"

"Then orders came down. From the Legate herself. We're," and here she drew in a long, wet breath, fixed its eye on Mari, and then continued with unholy pleasure, "investments now."

Ajax glanced between the two of them.


"Oh yes. The bright future of the clan," said Lyssa. Maria's face took on a stony anger, barely held in check. Ajax thought for a moment. For all that she struggled with herself over it, he knew there was a deep well of love for this clan in her. It was her family. Her home. The first one she'd ever had, really, because niether pit nor pens had counted by any standard worth using.

So to feel that, and then to be asked not to defend it…

Gods. Alright, he had to do something about this then, or it'd be a problem soon enough.

"Duty," he said. Two grey eyes flicked to land on his face. Lyssa was listening too. Alright, that was- terrifying, but probably to be expected. "They would have covered it at the Dawn Fortress, right?"

"Yeah," said Maria, slowly.

"Good. Tell me what they said."

"Oh, fuck off. I'm not-"

"Tell me."

"-reciting sixty year old lectures, Ajax, come on-"

"I can make it an order."

She glared at him. He stared evenly back. Long association gave him tricks no-one else had, and she broke first.

"Boring," she muttered. "Alright. Yes. Duty. Lot of different talks about that. Any in particular you wanted?"

"Just an introduction."

"Yeah, fine." She closed her eye, remembering, and began. "Duty is the highest virtue an Optimatoi might reach for. All others are subject to it. Why? Because alone among the great merits of human character, duty is not concerned with the self. Instead-"

She stopped.

"Go on."

"I know what you're trying to do."


She sighed.

"Instead, it is concerned with the character of society. Of the world. The dutiful cultivator does not merely do what is heroic, what is wise, what is excellent. They do what is heroic, wise, and excellent for everyone. They follow the commands of their elders, they do what is asked of them, but they do it because it is in the best interest of all who walk the many seas. That is what makes it more than simple obedience."

"Better than what they told us," said Ajax. "We got a list of the great triumphs of elder Alexios and told to learn from his example."

She didn't answer.

"Nowhere in that speech did they say it was easy, Maria. Or fun."

She still didn't answer. He sighed.


"I get it," she snapped.



"I get it," she said again, quietly. "Okay? I'm here. Letting people die for me."

"Good." Ajax dragged himself to his feet, and smiled at her as best he could. It didn't reach his eyes. "You can do this, girl. I promise."


Maria and Lyssa sat up late. Sleep didn't come. Then, at last, one looked up.

"We could go."

The other, very slowly, turned to stare.


"Don't you fuckin' what me. You heard."

"...Were you not listening-"


"Then why-"

"Ajax isn't the world," said the first. "Niether is Foslia."

"They're our superior officers."


"So we have to-"

"No. We don't."

"Fucking cannot believe I am hearing this…"

"No. Stop. Listen. We can help."

"Very, very aware of that."

"Help well, too."

"Stop fucking talking."

"Save how many lives?"

"It doesn't matter-"

"That is what makes it more than simple obedience."

Sharp, shocked silence.

"That's not what that meant."

"Hundreds. Answer to my question. Hundreds of lives. Maybe more."

"We have orders-"

"Because it is in the best interest of all who walk the many seas."

Another silence, but this one… this one was charged, somehow. Potent.


"Can't go without you," said the first, urgently. "On my own, not enough to matter. Or you'd stop me, or, or- if I had to come back, you could make it harder."

"Keep you inside."

"Don't- you know what, yes, maybe. Maybe you could. Or even just fucking shout, right now, bring everyone else piling down on top of us. So you get to choose."

"This – You – Fuck's sake, we can't-"

"No. No time for that."


"No. You get to choose."

The first leaned in, until their eyes were close and their foreheads almost touching. From a distance, in the dull half-light, they were reflections of each other.

"So what's it going to be?"


In which we continue the trend of stupidly big omake. Lots of snarky dialogue in this one. May need to tone that down. @Alectai @no. @Kaboomatic , may I have a threadmark please?
A Private Correspondence - (Part 5) Gaius/Maria Collab
(Sent in turn 9)

A Private Correspondence (Part 5)
Gaius/Maria Collab

Gaius receives this next letter some scant weeks after his last response. If questioned, the deliverer (a clansman fresh off the Fearless Line) will admit he was paid a hefty sum of Contribution points to ensure it got here quickly. Maria has written this with feverish intensity – the page is splattered with ink and the lettering is smudged in places.

To Gaius Antonius of the House Antonius,

Thank you. Dao hearts are private things. You choosing to trust me with yours is an honour. Don't think I don't know that. So I'll do you one back, and explain what the fuck's going on.

Don't know how much you know about me. Clan gossip distorts everything, and that bastard play

(A full paragraph of the letter is scribbled out here)

Doesn't matter. What does is this. Ended up holding a breach on my own at Three Frogs during the Final Cannibal War. Got a little hairy, but I managed. Thing is, while I was managing, I saw something. Or heard it, maybe. Hard to describe it right; like it was something I knew, but with every part of me. Still don't remember it properly – it was fucked up, and I was watching the Shining Hope beat the shit out of the Butcher pretty much right afterwards, which was dramatic as hell, but I think it was part of my Dao.

That shit doesn't happen to Qi Condensation ground-pounders, much less ones who haven't even started looking for that yet. Can't be sure it wasn't just me going fucking crazy. Same time, though, I am. Some things are just true. That was one of them.

Fuck. Not good at this kind of talk. It happened, is what I'm saying. Almost happened a second time, but I chickened out.

(There is a change in ink here. The ink splatters stop, and the handwriting improves – care was taken here, slowly and solemnly.)

That's a thing that can happen, turns out. You can turn away from this. Wish I fucking hadn't. Could tell you why – I was scared, I was angry, I hated myself. Only be fair, since you told me your stuff. Used to be a slave in a pit fight arena. Wasn't a nice place to grow up, seems to have left a few marks on my brain. But that's not the important part.

The important part is I think my Dao reached out to me. Not just me getting lucky. That might happen once, but twice? No. Something on the far end started this off.

I think what you said about Dao powers being mundane might be the thing that's getting me to write all this at you. It's the part I understand the least. Not the most philosophical Optimatoi in the world. This stuff always seemed special to me. Distant. High, maybe. So how can it be… normal?

Got to patrol. Try not to bankrupt yourself before you respond.


(Two days later, a bottle of soothing wine, a minor muscle tonic to aid in healing, is delivered to Gaius by a representative of the Lu Merchant clan of Empirikos. Attached is a note – "Maria says hi.")


Yay working laptop! Yay more omake! Just yay generally! @no. , TAG, and @Alectai @Kaboomatic @TehChron , may I have a threadmark please?
Maria 23 - Dodging Echoes (Part One)
Dodging Echoes (Part One)
Maria Turn 10 Second Omake

Ten Years Earlier

The Fearless Line

The missions are coming out soon. She'll never admit it, but she's chomping at the bit today. The letters from Gaius have reached somewhere inside her head. He's right. What it's trying to tell her. Of course. Of course that's what she should be doing. And the answer, at least to start, is obvious.

Fight. Kill. Kick ass, take names, show these fuckers who's in fucking charge.

Not, of course, that she's letting it show. Be a bad look, she knows that. Captaincy is finally starting to settle in a bit more, and she's started working out what she needs to do to make this work. That veneer of "officer" sits over the top of everything else. No fear. No confusion. Everything must be sharp, clear, reassuring. That way, the squad forms up around her more quickly. Less doubt, she's noticed. Just obedience. Draconis helps, too. He's a solid second, she has to admit. Hard working. Still very private, but he's swallowed that she's in charge now. Since she named him sergeant too, it's been easier; he can raise his doubts in private, she can listen without feeling like she was handing him the keys to the kingdom.

Which is why he's letting a sharp little smirk play on his lips, putting on a show of hungry almost-fidgeting and pacing, a panther waiting for the pounce. He can do that. Better, it spreads from him to the rest of them. Cecilia's fighting down a bloodthirsty little smile that fits her sweet face surprisingly well. Nikolas is running a whetstone down the edge of his spearhead over and over, blade already so sharp it sings as it moves. Even Priscian looks ready for a tussle.

Well. They should be. Four bounties in the last two months. Even if they had ended up needing extraction, that was a good record. People were starting to pay attention to their merry band of lunatics. The Legate's barbed little comments had been replaced with stiff congratulations, and she wasn't the only one. It felt good. It felt really good.

At last, the door of the dispatch office swings open. Maria turns back to the squad, shoots them a sharp little smile.

"Ready to stretch your legs, lads?"

"Oh, yes, captain," purrs Draconis, backed by a chorus of gleeful agreement.

"Good. I'll organize a stroll."

She stalks away, the smile still dogging her lips. It's early yet. The night patrols aren't even back. She'll have her pick of the missions before the rest pile in.

Two other squad leaders join her, a Divine Saber and a Drunkard. The Saber (Liming, she thinks his name is) keeps his distance, cordially ignoring her. She returns the favour. It's as close to friendly as either of them can manage, and as much as it pains her to admit it, he's a good soldier. Less arrogant than most of his sect. Follows orders. If he wasn't a fucking sword-shagger, she'd probably like him. The other, Ganbei, is notably more social.

"Morning, paleface!" she says genially, thrusting a bottle of something potent and alcoholic at Maria. She waves it aside.

"Morning pisshead. Saw you and yours staggering more than usual last night. Celebrating?"

"Of course! That most important of celebrations, Captain."

Ganbei let that dangle, drinking from the bottle and smirking. Maria winced in pre-emptive horrified amusement.

"…What's that?"

"Being drunk."

The laugh comes unbidden, but she lets it loose. The Drunkard's funny, give her that. And again, a decent soldier. That divide had become more and more important the longer they stayed on the line. Those who could be trusted to do what was needed over what was glorious were far more important than those who wore your colours. It had even seeped in to the complex cross-sect dynamics you saw in every Fort; good soldiers would find deference in unexpected places, sometimes.

Maria pulls her mind back to the present.

"You must celebrate that a lot."

Ganbei gives a genial shrug.

"Have to do something to keep myself occupied. The nights can get so long when the brewery's closed."

Liming coughs quietly, and they glance at him, then the desk. A Strength Purity she doesn't recognize has settled behind it, four or five scrolls piled up in front of them.

"Squad Leader Ganbei?"

"See you later, Snowskin," mutters the Drunkard, and sways away. Maria shoots a good-natured obscene hand gesture at her back. Ganbei takes a scroll and is gone. The Strength Purity glances back and forth between Dan and Maria, narrows their eyes.

"…Squad Leader Liming?"

Fuck. That was unexpected. Normally she'd have gotten next pick – Sect politics had set the Devils over the Sabers in the last few months over some fuck up with the Blade Pact. Something must have happened. Still. Could have been worse. Liming doesn't try and rub her nose in it; strides to the desk, examines the scrolls, takes one, and leaves.

"Squad Leader-"

"Captain," she says, stepping forward to look at the scrolls. She doesn't wait for a response. Ganbei and Liming have left her an embarrassment of riches – three solid patrols, all likely to be heavy this time of day. A few caravans were expected in today, the first handful of refugees from Ya Ma city. That always meant combat, as skirmishers followed after them, looking to disrupt the line as it broke to let them through.

She couldn't have asked for a better day.

Too cocky, murmers the Red Place. Beginning to sound like me.

Hush. You'll love it. Besides. Today's the day.

It rumbles skeptically. Heard that before.

Today it's true. Today, we're going to
see it.

Heard that before too.

Her good mood is starting to curdle. She fights back a pang of annoyance.

Do you have to be so fucking negative all the time?


Ugh. No. No point in engaging further. She'll only annoy herself.

"This one," says Maria, picking up the scroll for route Hummingbird. The Strength Purity nods, but she's already half-way out the door.


"…and the Flood Dragon says, 'try the chicken, I'm sure that'll taste better!'"

Cecilia's giggling already before Priscian's even finished the joke. It's adorable. They're cute as hell, Maria has to admit. Maybe she'll be hearing wedding bells soon.

"Stow that, Legionnaire," growls Draconis.

"Yes Sarge. Sorry, sarge."


"…Sargeant. Right."

They're ten miles and half an hour into route Hummingbird. So far, not a peep. Maria's starting to get a little antsy. Which is stupid, of course; a fight isn't going to present itself just because she wants one. She knows that. It's not making the tension any better though.

The rest of the squad haven't picked up on her frustration; they're moving, sharp and professional, along the patrol route with grins on their faces and sparkles in their eyes. That vicious, excitable hunger has shifted into a relaxed professionalism, honed by long practice.

Well, at least she's not spoiling it. Draconis is, but she's pretty sure he enjoys it, so that still counts as a victory.

They turn back off the third frontline stretch, back into the depths of the Line. Hummingbird's an interesting one – goes back and forth a lot, alternating and overlapping with the other routes as reinforcement. You'd spend more time out front where the fight would come to you than you would otherwise, but never for long, and there'd usually be another squad near enough for back up. Good for days when she was feeling scrappy, which was most days if she was honest. But it seems to be letting her down, today.

But then she hears the bellowed "SKIRMISHERS!" from route Tiger less than a half-mile away, and relief pours through her. Hummingbird always delivers.

"Pris, scan," she snaps. Priscian's eyes close as he reaches out with his Qi sense, then flicker open again.

"Fourteen, mainly Altar, one or two Gao, and a Noble Knowledge flesh golem. Saber squad is on Tiger."


"Two out of six, both still upright. Their runner's gone."

All her birthdays have come at once. The grin she's been suppressing finally claws its way onto her face.

"In, form up on 'Conis, Hoplite," she says. "I'm going in loose."

Draconis's eyes land on her, but they don't have the time to argue and he's learnt better than to try and argue in front of the squad. The rest nod, and then they're gone, a blur of bronze and red, hurtling through the foothills towards the sound of battle.

Within thirty seconds, they've closed on the others. The battle's already in full swing. It's Liming's unit. They're doing well, spaced out enough to let them swing their blades and close enough to watch each other's backs, but the weight of numbers is starting to show; the two wounded are at the edges, with no protection on their free sides. They can't circle to fix that, either – this is a border rush, not a direct assault, and if the Alliance skirmishers can get past they will. It's not an uncommon tactic; the Gao would be prepped for a suicide attack, with everyone else serving as distractions or meat shields. They'd punch as deep as they could, then trigger an explosion of poison gas that would taint the land so badly you couldn't cross it without an antidote. Thus slowing any patrol that tried to cross, and weakening the line.

Good play. Pity it was going to fold like a paper napkin.

Maria drops her spear and jumps. The Red Place writhes in her skull, impatient for release, but she holds for a few more moments, working out the arc of the jump. Right in the middle. Good. She'll move into a roll, throw her shield at the Gao, and then the Place can take over.

She has half a second till landing, just reaching the height of her arc. Twists her head just enough to catch the Hoplite punching into existence, already lashing out with its spear even as it weaves itself together. Well played, Draconis – the positioning will take pressure off Liming's left flank, give them a beat to juggle their position. She turns away.

Quarter of a second till landing.

Gao first. Get them away before they die.

Yes, mother.

And then we try to see it again.

Grumbling, wordless acknowledgment.

Landing. The moves play out like clockwork. Feet connect in the middle of the Alliance column. Roll keeps her moving, makes her a harder target. Shield hits the first Gao in the jaw, snapping it apart like dry kindling. Three steps to close with the other one.

Red Place takes over. She's already in the viewing room, the transition seamless after long practice, watching the world through the window. Her spear starts tearing through air and flesh alike, hacking a path to the remaining Gao. She hears her voice raised in deep, guttural howls.

The Gao-

I fucking know, stop nagging.

More howls, more blows, then on the two poisoners. Broken-Jaw is turning to run, but too late. The Red Place puts its spearhead though his shoulder, punches him in the back of the head, between his shoulderblades, three spots down his spine. Maria hears the bones crack. Broken-Jaw's limbs spasm. Good play. It won't have popped the poison gas in his lungs but he won't be moving for a while until his cultivation heals him up.

The Red Place keeps going, surging forward like the tide. The second Gao isn't running. There's a flicker of indecision on his face. Then his hands start to move.

Release seal. Fuck.


I said stop fucking nagging-

And the Place closes before he can finish. The spear carries on, cutting through Second's shoulder just as it did Broken-Jaw's, stapling the two together. One shove sends the two thudding into one another, knocking Second's hands apart. It buys a breath, maybe two. That's enough. The Place snakes a hand between them, heaves the spear up – too fast for momentum to start pulling the bodies down- spins on their heel, away from the line-




The spear and the Gao on it crest the sky for a moment. Then the force pulls them out of sight, back off towards the contested cities.

There. Happy?


Didn't need fucking telling at all, did I?


Managed perfectly well-

Yes, alright, I get it. Sorry.


…Don't have a weapon now, though.

Fuck off.

Maria laughs inside her own head. There. Duty has been addressed. Time to look. She reaches out…

(And this bit is hard, the result of hours of practice, still not perfected yet-)

…and the Red Place reaches back.

They shift. Curl around one another.

And then they're both there at once, the body twitching and shivering as their commands flicker in electric whispers up and down its nerves. The division between them blurs, leaving them a smeared yin yang of personalities. She felt the Red Place's constant low-burr of fury, killyoukillyoukillyouall, and over that the cynicism, protectiveness, doubt. Her own determination, battle-hunger, excitement seep into it in turn.

It's bizarre, uncomfortable, painful almost. But they'd found this place both times the Dao had reached out to them. They couldn't ignore that.

The fight is a blurred chiaroscuro of sounds, textures, and movement. They let themselves dive into it. The Altar aren't that much different to Cannibals, close up. Their oldest foe.

First, a weapon. One of the press of furious cultivators has a knife raised. That'll do. Hands go to the wrist. Fingers tighten, clench. A crack. A series of pops. Broken bone and torn cartilage. The fingers spasm. The knife falls free.

They catch it, bury it into the cultivator's head. Watch the eyes roll back. Move on.

(are they still screaming? Hard to tell. The world seems fluid and dreamlike, like this.)

Move into the dance. Knife glides from place to place, cutting, stabbing, slashing, severing. Bodies open like ripe fruit. Blood paints the air. Blows come back, punches, qi blasts, weapons. Some hit. Most don't. Doesn't matter. Pain's an old friend.

They're getting nearer. They can feel it. Distant flickers. Not quite there, though, not all the way.

Keep going. Knife's still dancing a killing waltz, slow and glorious. In the distance, at last, sound translates. They are screaming. Laughing, too. Howling. Bellowing. Behind that, more shouts. The melee sings its own song in clashing metal and pounding flesh.

Doesn't matter.

Keep going.

More flickers. Something ahead. They can almost reach it now, they can almost see it. Gaius's words echoing in their head; your Dao loves you, Maria; it wishes to be with you, to be exulted by you and to empower you in turn…

Dance the waltz, knife. Paint the world, blood. Do whatever you must, just keep reaching...

But something's wrong.

The flickers are stilling, drawing back. The world is sliding back into focus.

Why? Why is-

Then it clicks. They're pulling apart. With every second, the split's growing. With it, the clarity's draining away. No. No. Not now. Not when they're so damn close…

But it's too late. There's one last desperate moment when they are still they, when they can still feel the last hints of… of… something.

And then it's her and the Red Place. The Flesh Golem is dying underneath her hands. Everything else is already gone – she can see the hoplite fragment as the squad drops out of formation, the Divine Sabers sheathing their blades.

And she still. Hasn't. Fucking. Seen it.


Second arc I came up with for last turn. Gonna see if I can do it as a flashback thing. Not entirely sure it works. @Alectai @Kaboomatic @TehChron , may I have a threadmark please?
Maria 24 - Dodging Echoes (Part Two)
Dodging Echoes (Part Two)
Maria Turn 10 Third Omake

Maria holds back the hissing fury that's spoiling in her guts- just- until they make it back to the ward Fortress. They run into a few more alliance columns on the way, but the Red Place is a sullen presence coiled at the back of her mind and she can't get it to do anything. That just makes it worse, of course. By the end of the patrol, she can feel Draconis eying her. Little shit. She wishes he wasn't so fucking *perceptive.* Doesn't matter, though. He keeps his mouth shut. As the gates swing shut behind them, she dismisses the squad and walks - not stalks – back towards her dorm.

The fort's pretty typical of the Line – ancient, dating back to the last demon annihilating war, but rapidly brought back to working order when the Altar Lord managed to redraw the fucking map and turn the Song Empire into an abattoir-come-buffet. Everything's practical, worn from regular use but well-maintained. She'd come to appreciate that in her time here so far, but GODS today it makes her want to murder someone. The officer dormitories have been split by sect, and the Golden Devil one is on the far side of the camp. She has to make herself stay calm the whole way. It'd be hard enough as it was, but the whole fort's on the boil, today in preparation for the caravan, so she's weaving through greenhorn juniors of every sect in the coalition the whole way. There must have been a tour change she hadn't known about, too, because far too many are gawking at her like they've never seen a blonde before.

"Is that-"
"I never thought it was true!"
"Are we supposed to take orders from that-"

That last one gets through. Before she can stop herself, Maria's turned and caught the speaker by the back of his robes. (Doesn't recognize the colours – some minor clan or power from the south, presumably.)
"What was that, soldier?" She growls. The junior pales. He's a skinny little brat, not much over the third heavenstage.
"I- my apologies, senior, I-"
"Captain. I am a captain, boy. That's our word for squad leader. Understand?"
"I-Yes, yes of course, honoured-"
"Say it back."
"Good. You going to tell me what you were saying now, or shall I beat it out of you?"
"I- My sect-"
"Will thank me for the favour of teaching one of their representatives how not to fucking embarrass himself in a coalition deployment. What. Did. You. Say?"
The boy looks around for support, but there's none there. His friends are staring at her like she's a hungry tiger they're not willing to bait. He looks back.
"…I… enquired if I… I had to-"
"To take orders from that."
"I- my apologies, seni- captain, I did not know the appropriate form of address-"

She lets her one good eye glare a hole through his head as he desperately fumbles his way through excuses and apologies. The skin over her knuckles is starting to twitch. How good would it feel, how wonderful, to beat this boy senseless and leave him out for the crows to pick clean?
But she can't. As is, she's pushing it. A junior speaking disrespectfully and getting humiliated for it? The righteous understand that. But this is war time. The boy in front of her, stupid as he is, is a resource – a life to spend on the battlefield. Hurting him wouldn't just take face from his sect, it'd fuck up deployment patterns while he recovered. That'd bring everyone down on her, the legate included.
She makes herself let go, finger by finger.
"Welcome to the Fearless Line," she growls. "Don't talk shit like that again." And sweeps away.

There's another few minutes of walking, and then at last she's in the grey light of the dormitory. The instant she's got the door closed behind her, she snaps. Her fists lash out like pistons, burying themselves in the wall a dozen times before a hand clasps on her shoulder and another on the crook of her arm.
"Hey, calm-"
But no. She's not going to be talked down again, not now. Maria jerks her head back without looking, and feels someone's nose break on the back of her skull with a satisfying crunch. There's a muttered curse, blurred through blood and swelling. The hands let go. She turns on her heel, brings her fist back, punches.
Only after it's landed, a heavy strike to the chest and shoulder, does she realise she's just decked Letha.

"…Oh fuck. Leeth." The anger doesn't vanish, exactly, but it's pushed back out of her brain. More than enough room for remorse. "I- Fuck, I didn't-"
"S'alright," mumbles Letha. She straightens slowly, pulling herself out of the agonized crouch she'd been stuck in. "It'll heal. Is healing, actually, look." She was right. Her nose was slowly knitting itself back together already, and the bruises on her chest (visible through the collar of her robe) were paling. Wasn't doing much for the guilt, though.
"Fuck," says Maria, again. "Fuck."
"I am so-"
"Irritated, yes, I can tell. That poor wall."

They turn to look at the crater Maria has knocked into it. Gods, she hopes it's not loadbearing.
"I- yeah."
"Bad day?"

Letha's gotten good at getting her talking. Or maybe she's just gotten more communicative. Either way, two words is all it takes to get everything spilling out.
"Fucking the worst. I was close. I was so close. And then we just- fucking-" she gives a frustrated roar, and buries her face in her hands. "I could almost see it, Letha."
"Poor dear," murmers her friend, petting her sympathetically.
"We pulled apart. I have no idea why, but we just pulled apart at the last second. Another day wasted."
"Have you tried speaking to Master Antonius?"

Maria shoots her a glance half-way between irritated and amused. Letha's odd pseudo-crush was the source of deep embarrassment for her, so of course it has to be teased mercilessly whenever it comes up.
"You are adorable."
"I – I merely-"
"You realise he's not exactly interested in anyone who doesn't have a cultivation manual tattooed across them, right? Even then he'd only want you as reading material."
"That is entirely irrelevant to what I meant!"
"Only if we discount the subtext."

Letha's blush is now verging on nuclear. Maria fights down a laugh. Still, better to stop now or she'll actually hurt someone's feelings. "I haven't told him about the Red Place, yet."
The change in topic is clearly the best news Letha's ever gotten, because she leaps on it like a starving panther.
"I thought you'd told him everything?"
"The slave stuff, yeah. Getting here. Not… the stuff in my head."
"Is it- do you feel-"
"No. Yes. Fuck, I don't – I've never even met him, Leeth. Clearly knows his shit, don't get me wrong, but… that's my head. The inside of it. Comes a point when shit is just too private."

They sat in silence for a moment after that.
"I suppose," said Letha carefully, "that it could be worse."
"Worse how?"
"…I don't know. I just wanted to say something reassuring."

That dragged a snort of laughter out of Maria.
"If he does decide he wants a woman, he could do so much worse than you."
"I- The impropriety alone."
"I know, I know."

Another brief pause.

"House Antonius were a good family! I'm sure father-"
"Gods above."
"Just- as a prospect, he'd-"
"I happen to know your dad wants you to marry someone nice."
"Master Antonius might be nice!"
"When he looks up from his books, yeah. You really want to live on thirty minutes of affection every seventeen years?"
"…I could change him."

They're laughing now, though. Stupid, frivolous laughter disconnected from anything important. It's nice. They savour the moment while they can. Then, when they calm down, reality dawns.
"I… do have some news for you," said Letha, carefully. Maria shoots her a wary look. "Your letters."
"I have responses."

She sits up, stares at Letha.
"…And you didn't lead with that?"
"What did they say?!"

Letha sighs.
"Well. The Sibling…"
"I- you must understand, they are in extraordinary demand."
"I know that."
"A literal legend, in fact."
"I know that too."
"So obviously a lot-"
"They said no, then."
"No, wait. They didn't say no. But they didn't say yes, either."
"They- Well."

Letha pauses. When she goes on, she's picking each word carefully, eyes scanning Maria's face. "They said that you were… not ready yet. From their observations so far."
"…Not ready?"
"I'm strong as a fucking ox!"
"I did in fact mention that to him. It's not your strength that's the problem."
"Well what then?"
"You… ah… Well, their exact words are, 'there is a foothill. Until it is conquered, the mountain is insurmountable.' Which is a little unclear, but-"

Maria's eye rake the wall, unseeing, as she thinks.
"He's talking about my dao," she says slowly. "About how I haven't seen it yet."
Letha's brow furrows a little.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am. Only explanation. Makes sense, too – my head's going to be all over the place till I get it."
"I… don't think-"
"Come on, what else is it going to be? Fuck. Well, at least they know their shit. What about Shanshu?"

Letha hesitates again. Her eyes flicker to the crater in the wall, unbidden.
"Oh Gods," says Maria wearily. "That bad?"
By way of answer, her friend produces a small envelope. Written on it in broad, clear brushstrokes is "TO THE UNGRATEFUL IDIOT." She opens it, and pours out the contents.
Ashes. Dusty grey ashes. As they land, they form into words.


"So that's clear, at least," says Letha, quietly. Maria's glaring at the words.
"Ungrateful," she mutters. "Ungrateful."
"Shanshu is a very… complex woman. I'm sure-"
"Bitch grew up in a tower in Xin, she calls the ex-slave pit fighter ungrateful."
"Like she's ever known a day of hardship in her life."

But it's too late. Because Maria's gone to her bed and yanked out the small chest where she keeps her personal affairs.
"I'll show her what fucking ungrateful is, now, ooooh yes," she growls.
And with that, Maria of the Golden Devils…

…begins a strongly worded letter.


...really not sure about this one. Still, at least it's done. @no. , I do not know why Letha is crushing on Gaius, it just came up, and I am very sorry. @ReaderOfFate @Humbaba @TehChron , may I have a threadmark, please?
Maria 25 -Dodging Echoes (Part Three)
Dodging Echoes (Part Three)
Maria Turn 10 Fourth Omake
The letter's first draft, Maria had to admit, had been… aggressive. Too much so. She'd had every right- every right – to be angry, but Letha had tactfully reminded her that this was about trying to get results, not just make her feel better. This one was much better.

To the honourable Shanshu, Student of Fire and True Daughter of Xin,

I write to you in hopes of addressing the grave misunderstanding that lies between us. I must confess, I do not know what I have done to offend you so. I have had few chances to enjoy your company, but our time in the camp outside the line seemed cordial enough.

It is thus with great surprise I received your most recent letter. As one who seeks your teachings, however, I know it is my place to seek enlightenment in all things, and righteousness in my actions. I beg your forgiveness for my wrongdoing, and ask only that you tell me what I have done and how I might redress it.

I remain,

Your hopeful student,

Captain Maria of the 263rd​.

It was good. It was very good. She'd had Letha go over it a few times to really finesse the language, and quite frankly, it had worked. There was no way in hell Shanshu could resist that.


The centurion – Myron – glared at her.

"Explain this to me again," he said calmly. Maria winced.

"It- the letter. It exploded."


"The… writer was upset with me."

"And thus tried to set you on fire."


"Which is why your bedroll's scorched to hell."


"Clean it up, Captain."

"Yes Centurion."


It took Maria a few days to really get a handle on what had gone wrong. Well. No. It had taken her a day. The previous two were spent strangling her fury by strangling Alliance cultivators. But that didn't matter. She'd gotten it in the end.

Shanshu knew Maria a little – at least well enough to know how she spoke. A letter like the last one, all clan-fancy and overwritten – would scream insincerity. If she wanted to convince the Sorcerer she was being honest about all this, then she'd have to actually sound like herself.


Got your last letter. Funny. Think I got the message, too, though. You're right. I can't dress myself up to be something I'm not. So being honest as I can, I'll try again.

I want to study fire techniques. Partly that's tactical; I'm a CQC specialist right now, but that's not enough if I want to really push myself. Lot of it's personal, though. Fire feels right. It's powerful, it's energetic, it's alive – not slow like earth or soft like water.

I want to study with you. Lot of reasons why. Seeing you kick ass in that first fight at the camp was great. Saw you on the Line too, before we all got shuffled around; you can hit like a tank from a mile away, and you're not afraid to get up close and personal either. I respect that. I respect you.

That's what I want. Now let me explain what I don't want.

Your sect's arts are your business, not mine. Don't know a cultivator in the whole damn world who's happy to give up their personal secrets, and I'm not asking you to give me yours. You said once that there's sorcerers in your order spent their whole
lives trying to understand the Dao of Fire. Be the worst kind of disrespect to that if I tried to steal what they'd learned. I was hoping you could help me with the basics – the simple stuff. That's all.

I don't want coddling, either. Have to imagine you've had noble-born assholes try and tell you how lucky you are that they even
want your teaching. Have to imagine you lost your shit at them for it, or spent half the lessons beating the stupid out of them, if they even lasted that long. You won't need to do that with me. You're the smart one. I have to listen, and I have to do what I'm told. Might be hard to believe, but I can do that too.

So with all that said, let me ask again, honest and humble as I can. You are Shanshu, Student of Fire and True Daughter of Xin. How have I wronged you? What must I do to fix it? And may I learn from you?


Yes. Yes, that was better. That was honest.


"Another exploding letter."

"Yes Centurion."

"Bigger, this time, I note."

"Ah- Yes, Centurion."

"Seems to have caught three or four other bedrolls."

"It does, Centurion."

"And yours seems to be charcoal."

"That- I mean, they still work. You can still sleep on them."

"Oh, can you? Well. How wonderful. How about you demonstrate? Replace everyone else's. Leave yours."

"Yes Centurion."


It had taken her notably – notably – longer to calm down, this time. The Red Place had eventually withdrawn completely, claiming exhaustion, and Draconis had gotten a haunted look on his face after the thirteenth engagement when she'd torn out a Time Shatter's spine and throttled them with it. Still. She'd managed it. She was balanced again. And the latest letter was definitely going to be the one.

The problem was, she'd come on too pushy. Shanshu was clearly pissed off with her. There wasn't a way around that. She had to fix it first before anything else.


I'm sorry. My last few letters have been stupid. In fact, very stupid. I keep talking about me. What I want. That doesn't matter, though, because this should be about you. You're the master, here, and I've pissed you off. Can't get anywhere until I fix that.

So I'm sorry. I've clearly done something bad. Really bad. Owe you something for it. I want to give it to you – to show you that I wish I hadn't done it. But to do that, I need you to tell me what I've done. I'm sorry I have to ask that, but I do.

How can I fix this?



The bags under Myron's eyes were starting to turn into caravans. His brow kept twitching. His fingers, flexing over and over into fists and violent hand-gestures, were quite frankly alarming.

"Another. Exploding. Letter."


"An even bigger. Exploding. Letter."

"It's complicated. I was trying-"

"And this time, the ashes are moving."


"Spelling out obscenities."

"Yeah. Yeah, they-"

"Clean. It. Up."

"Yes Centurion."


A month later, Maria stalked back into the fort, almost completely soaked with gore. The Patrols she'd taken with the squad hadn't been enough. She'd started grabbing solo runs too. Even with all that, she could feel her anger crushed down in her chest like an angry little vibrating ball.

Alright. Bitch wanted to be like this? Maria could be like this too.


I don't know what precisely happened to make you like this. Have to imagine you were dropped on your head a few times, then fed lead and mercury every day till the dumbass had settled in nicely. Either way, it must have been something big, because you are without a doubt the stupidest fucker I have ever met.

Every letter I have sent you so far, I've been courteous, respectful, polite. Despite that, and the fact that I have done
nothing to you, you keep responding with explosions. My centurion's so close to a psychotic break the healers are talking about forcing him to go on leave. My bedroll is a scorchmark on the floor and that's it. Worst of all, you are so close to ruining explosions for me. I LOVE explosions. That's what you have done.

Now clearly you don't have it in you to just talk like a grownup – again, probably all that brain damage – so I'm going to talk to you like the backwards fuckwit you are.

TELL. ME. WHY. YOU. ARE. MAD. If only so I can finally fucking appreciate it for the morally upright pinnacle of my life it clearly is. Pissing you off must be a moral duty.

Fuck yourself, answer the question, or both.



Myron stood outside the dormitory, still on a bone deep level. Maria wasn't sure if he'd finally calmed down, or moved so deep into a sleep-deprived hate-space that he'd ended up going all the way around to relaxed again. Both were legitimate possibilities.

Either way, she was about to find out. His eyes locked on her.


"…Centurion." He stared at her. "Look," she said, fighting down panic, "if there's been another letter, it's not my-"

"You have a visitor," he said, tone frozen. "She's waiting inside."

"…A visitor."

"Oh yes. I decided to give you the room. Why don't you go say hello?"

He stepped aside, face still utterly unreadable. The panic was starting to rise harder, now. This… this felt bad. This felt bone deep bad. Clearly, though, the only way out was through. She stepped forward, and pushed open the door.

The heat hit her like a ten-foot sledgehammer, almost knocking her over. Even that wasn't as bad as the glaring light that came pouring out, scorching her retina with awful green-purple light as she squeezed closed her eyelid that moment too late.

"Ah. Maria," said Shanshu. "Come in."

The anger flared inside her again. She felt the Red Place shift uneasily in her mind.

No. No, I am not going to give this overblown spark witch the satisfaction.

She forced her eye open again, and glared directly into the flames. She could feel her iris close pin-tight to try and keep the light from blinding her. Her cultivation was already hard at work repairing the damage even as it happened, knitting together shredded optic nerves and soothing scorched vitreous jelly.

It hurt. But Maria knew pain.

"Got my letter then, " she said evenly, and stepped inside. The heat was appalling, but Shanshu was keeping it just this side of damaging. The sorcerer herself was settled neatly on a chair in the center of the room, as calm and unbothered by the heat as if she was sitting in a cool teahouse. Her lined face was set in a half-smile, lips quirked with just a hint of mockery.

"I did," she said. "All of them, in fact."




Maria closed the door behind her, and walked deeper into the dormitory. It would probably be best to stand, she decided. The rest of the furniture was wreathed in flames, for one thing. More importantly, though, she wasn't going to look weak.

"So what's got you to come say hi, then? Since you seemed so happy with our correspondence."

Shanshu tilted her head at that.


"Kept replying."

On closer inspection, Maria noticed that nothing in the room seemed to actually be burning. The flames were dancing just a hair above everything, and the heat seemed to be countered somehow. Directed, maybe. Clever little stunt, she had to admit. This would read like an angry cultivator defending her honour, not destruction of resources. Shanshu probably wouldn't get more than a slap on the wrist.

"It seemed rude," said the sorceress, "to just ignore you. You took so long composing them. Especially the last one."

Ah. So that's why she was here. Maria felt a savage pang of satisfaction. Seemed even witches had feelings. She gave a sharp-edged little smile.

"You enjoy that, did you? I liked writing it."

"I could tell," said Shanshu, voice cold.

"Very cathartic."

"I could call you out for that," said the sorceress. "That kind of provocation? Doesn't matter that my sect is your clan's vassal. There isn't a righteous in the land who wouldn't understand. My own masters might even praise me for it. Standing up for the honour of the Five Towers."

"Do it then. Give me an excuse to beat you around a courtyard for a few hours."

"Oh yes. That's certainly in the best interests of everyone involved. Wasting our time on another stupid duel. It's not like there's a war on, after all."

Maria shifted. Bitch had a point.

"So what, you want to talk this out?"

"I want you to stop sending me letters. That, I think, should be obvious."


Shanshu's face cracked for a moment. Anger flared in the clenching of her jaw.

"I can take this to your centurion," she growled.

"Third threat you just made that you can't back up," Maria snapped back. "Starting to bore me."

"You think he won't be interested his captain's harassing a vassal?"

"Just sending letters. Got copies of all of them. Not crossing any lines by asking you to teach me."

"' Have to imagine you were dropped on your head a few times,'" quoted Shanshu, quietly furious, "'then fed lead and mercury every day till the dumbass had settled in nicely.'"

Maria shrugged.

"One bad letter, then. I'll get latrine duty for a few months, and a handful of bad patrols on the Scorpion Road. I can live with that."

It wasn't true. The Optimatoi would come down on her hard if she kept this up. A bad game of Ludus, however, could only be played through. She kept her edged smile on and watched Shanshu's face. The Sorceress was starting to lose it, she could tell.

"You cannot imagine this will endear you to me."


"Not exactly a good way to secure my tutelage, then."

Maria shrugged again.

"So why-"

"Asked you the same damn question," she said. An edge had creeped into Maria's voice that she hadn't meant to put there. "Several times. You brought us here, not me. I just responded."

There was a pause. Then Shanshu gave a mirthless laugh.

"Rude little pup, aren't you?"

"I'm 60 years old."

"Barely out of your swaddling clothes." She leaned back, eying Maria, her face a cold mix of dull, tired anger and calculation. "Well. Alright. Let's be as clear as we can be, then. You will never be my student."

"Kind of got that, yeah."


"Why not?"

"You mean, ignoring your persistent rudeness? Your inability to take no for an answer? Your manipulative streak?"


But Shanshu kept going, voice brutally calm. "Ignore all that, Captain, and we get back to a simple fact. You're an ingrate."

Maria felt the tethers on her anger start to shift and give. Ingrate. Again.

"Am I."

"Oh yes."

"Well. Got to say, that's a surprise." She stalked closer, till she was towering over the sorcerer. "Want to explain your logic?"

Shanshu's eyes were cold. She rose slowly from the chair. They were barely inches apart, now, caught up in the intimacy of their contempt.

"Do you know," she asked, voice whisper-quiet, "how often people receive… visions? As you did? Never. I've checked. Not a single record I've run across suggests, even for a moment, that anyone has ever been given what you were. And you ran away."

The fire surged up. Shanshu's teeth bared as she forced it back down.

"Not only that," she went on, "but you'd had one before. Two visions of your Dao – your Way, and your piece of The Way, the path of the universe itself. Reaching out to you. Revealing itself to you. A thing thousands search for, both for power and for its own sake. Enlightenment. And you RAN. AWAY."

The flames crackled now, the heat starting to leave scorchmarks on the wall. Maria felt her own anger start to gutter in the face of Shanshu's. In its place was shame. A growing seed of it, spreading roots through her by inches.

"So many of us do this because we want to rule. Or be strong. Even so as to be able to survive. But once – once! – Cultivation was done to allow us to pursue the truth. Ascension was worthwhile for its own sake, because with it came greater and greater understanding of the universe, the soul, the nature of all things. That was all. A handful still pursue that. They spend centuries, MILLENIA, looking for what you have."

"Alright," muttered Maria.

"And you ran away."

They stood there in silence, after she was done. It was only the crackling smash of the chair collapsing that brought them out of it. Shanshu turned to stair at it as it burned. It seemed to dawn on her how tenuous her control had become.

"Damnation," she muttered, and closed her eyes. The heat receded slowly as the flames calmed again, then dwindled down to a thin stream of fire that coiled up through the air and wove itself into a scarlet lariat around her neck. The flames stilled further, and were gone. In their place was a thick rope of red prayer beads.

The room was dusted all over with scorchmarks. Shanshu's face twisted in embarrassment. "Damnation."

And then there was another long, painful moment. Then the sorceress brushed past Maria, stopping at the doorway to look back at her.

"Don't write to me again," she said, quietly. "Ever."

And then she was gone.


Oh Gods I'm really not sure about this arc. Oh well. Started now, better finish. @ReaderOfFate @TehChron @Kaboomatic , may I have a threadmark please?
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