Hereafter [Worm x Fate/Grand Order]

Problem is, Servants can't really change.

They are not really people, they can change their mind about things but not really grow as a person. Arthuria is different because she never died and is using a copy of her real body.
IIRC Servants very much can change over the course of a summoning, resolve issues and such.

It just... doesn't carry over if thirteen years later or whatever someone goes and summons them again. The Servant changes, the singular instance. The Heroic Spirit on the Throne does not.
IIRC Servants very much can change over the course of a summoning, resolve issues and such.

It just... doesn't carry over if thirteen years later or whatever someone goes and summons them again. The Servant changes, the singular instance. The Heroic Spirit on the Throne does not.
I feel it's even possible for the Throne Of Heroes Heroic Spirit to change, though it's real rare. For an example, see the change between FA Avicebron and FGO Avicebron, where even the distant record that he murdered a child for his dream causes him to temper his all-consuming drive to summon his golem and bring about Eden no matter what.
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I feel it's even possible for the Heroic Spirit to change, though it's real rare. For an example, see the change between FA Avicebron and FGO Avicebron, where even the distant record that he murdered a child for his dream causes him to temper his all-consuming drive to summon his golem and bring about Eden no matter what.
It's really not rare at all. But as pointed out above, while the Heroic Spirit on the Throne of Heroes rarely changes much, the individual instance of a Servant can and will change readily.

We literally see it happen numerous times throughout F/SN and Fate/Zero. EMIYA is a prime example, with him having a very serious change in Unlimited Blade Works to a degree that might have even had a substantial impact on the Heroic Spirit EMIYA on the Throne of Heroes. Medusa changes a fair bit by the end of Heaven's Feel. Gilgamesh also changes a bit throughout Fate/Zero and F/SN depending on the route.
It's really not rare at all. But as pointed out above, while the Heroic Spirit on the Throne of Heroes rarely changes much, the individual instance of a Servant can and will change readily.

We literally see it happen numerous times throughout F/SN and Fate/Zero. EMIYA is a prime example, with him having a very serious change in Unlimited Blade Works to a degree that might have even had a substantial impact on the Heroic Spirit EMIYA on the Throne of Heroes. Medusa changes a fair bit by the end of Heaven's Feel. Gilgamesh also changes a bit throughout Fate/Zero and F/SN depending on the route.
Sorry, to clarify I meant "change to HS on ToH" is rare and was using Avice as an example of that- FGO Avice not the same Servant as FA Avice, but FAAvice's actions went up to the ToH and forced the greater Avice there to change. Summoned Servants change a lot, and it feels like them changing is one of their main deals, narrative-wise- major character Master and Servant pairings seem designed to prompt change and development through their interactions.

Just in terms of personal growth of one particular copy of the Spirit rather than full on ToH changes, FSN has Medea and Emiya, FZ has Gil, FA has Mordred and Semi and FGO Servant Interludes fairly often seem to be about personal growth of that specific Servant-copy.
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Sorry, to clarify I meant "change to HS on ToH" is rare and was using Avice as an example of that- FGO Avice not the same Servant as FA Avice, but FAAvice's actions went up to the ToH and forced the greater Avice there to change.

You know, this is that part that never made sense to me. Cause the Throne of Heroes is outside space/time. So you can potentially grab heroes from the past/future or from alternate timelines.

Here is the part that doesn't make sense to me. Also, I'm picking a random name from history to make this example, so don't go around and saying how my example does or doesn't work because this guy is already listed in some Type-Moon media that I don't know about. Especially since I didn't bother to search so I could write this example

So lets say Ghandi is in the Throne of Heroes. However, we've got Ghandi in one timeline famous for his pacifism and peace. Then we've got Ghandi in another timeline famous for being war hawk/terrorist, going around butchering the British and just being plain evil.

Is there only one Ghandi in the Throng of Heroes or Two?

And now lets say we've got the war hawk/terrorist Ghandi and he is summoned as a servant. Then he eats an apple pie and gains enlightenment on the path towards Nirvana and becomes all peaceful/pacifist and somehow this change is going to affect the Ghandi in the Throne of Heroes. Does this terrorist Ghandi become all peaceful, and every single timeline that goes around summoning the war hawk/terrorist Ghandi become super confused as to WTF peaceful/pacifist Ghandi because it doesn't match their history?

Or does a brand new Ghandi comes into existence in the Throne of Heroes for the war hawk/terrorist Ghandi transforming into peaceful/pacifist Ghandi?

Or is there still a single Ghandi and all versions are in there and instead, we've got another exception so that you the audience/reader/player now interacts with this updated version from this point on in the game.

This last one is just me complaining about how the lore is always filled with exceptions or will always change to justify the continuation of the cash cow (especially now with FGO). Sorry about that.
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I see why beta readers asked if this is a Taylor/Olga fic…
Taylor is literally the only person Marie thinks positive thoughts about and acts towards with respect and gratitude.
Man, Olga is a mess.

Anyway, lol, maybe try summoning Best Buddy on your own, Rika, or else you'll get her Beast larvae form or something.

The first rule is rule of cool. (Rama is a Saber because Sita, Berserkalot can use everything as a weapon because he is that good and that mad)

The second rule is unexpected twists. (that god is that kami that is that demon that is that fox waifu that is a Beast that is not a bunny)

The third, more serious rule, is that the Ghandi summoned should be the one closer to the catalyst/summoner/timeline of the world he is summoned with.

It's the reason why in certain worlds you summon Arthur and in others Artoria, or Nameless is (or isn't?) Archer.

There's also the fact that a terrorist Ghandi might not be possible in PHH history, because Ghandi that decided to do terrorism is going against a timelock. Most 'impossible' servants summoned by Chaldea that shouldn't be able to be summoned is because the writer says so because it's a different system.
I have to ask this. Hey OP, how good Taylor and the twins at primodial runes (or just runic magic in general) right now ? And by the time of Lostbelt prologue, how good they will become (about 2 years) ?
Ayyyy, my first Bond 10, and only Grailed Servant.

The only servant that I specifically rolled till I got to NP5 ( it helped that I got to NP3 in only 3 or 4 rolls, and still to date my luckiest 10 roll is the one I got her NP2 and 3 together ).

Well at least Jalter should be pretty useful. To this day 5 years after her release even on JP, Jalter still has the highest attack of all servant.

5 years, and her + double Merlin is still my way to go when I absolutely have to murder an enemy as fast as possible... sadly most challenges nowadays include a lot of tough enemies instead of only one ...

Problem is, Servants can't really change.

Jalter changes a lot during F/SN (EDIT FGO), not going to talk about it because it's probably going to happen in this story, at least part of it, so it's technically a spoiler. Both because her interaction with her "older sister" ( which is quite serious for a "comedy" summer interlude ) and herself, in Christmas... which is also horribly serious and quite sad, IMVHO.

Mordred is also another character that changes a ton, and has already changed BEFORE appearing in FGO, because in Apocrypha she
recognized her past her was having a tantrum because "daddy does not care for me!!1" and she honestly still wanted to be king, but on her own merits instead of being the "son of..." and also that her wish for the Grail was probably something like "I hope father is finally happy" because even her noticed Artoria's forced stoicism...

But there are more than a few examples, hell some of them changing is literally the only reason humanity is still existing in the Lost Belts (for any definition of existing...).

EDIT: I think I messed my sources on Mordred and the first part of the spoiler happens in her first FGO interlude and not Apocrypha but well...
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Wait, the next Singularity is where Edward Teach is introduced…
I can already feel Taylor's lifespan decreasing from the resulting skyrocketing heart pressure of dealing with so much bullshit.
Thing is as mentioned before Taylor whole thing is that she doesn't take revenge. Regent was the one who screwed Sophia over, not Taylor. Regent even did hide that he had done that for Taylor.

So her summoning an Avenger is not her fault as even when Taylor was a monster she didn't take revenge. Heck she chose to die to save others of the monster she had become.
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Obviously, she qualifies for an Avenger as revenge against all those cringe memes about her baby killing.
The first rule is rule of cool. (Rama is a Saber because Sita, Berserkalot can use everything as a weapon because he is that good and that mad)

The second rule is unexpected twists. (that god is that kami that is that demon that is that fox waifu that is a Beast that is not a bunny)

So what you are saying is that my decision to stop paying attention to Type-Moon is a good one because rules are only there to show off how cool/special something is by breaking the rul. Ugh, the worst type of setting because it basically means there will always be an exception for everything.

The third, more serious rule, is that the Ghandi summoned should be the one closer to the catalyst/summoner/timeline of the world he is summoned with.

So, then basically you are saying that it is impossible for a summoned servant to change/affect the Throne of Heroes version. Got it. It is basically another exception where you just get the version that the author/writer wants the audience/player/reader to experience.
I'm just waiting for the first Foreigner to react to Taylor similarly to Fou.
Would Taylor have some kind of anti-Foreigner alignment due to being the one who orchestrated the death of the Warrior Entity? I don't think her Servant self is an Alter-Ego but Servant Taylor could be a Foreigner due to getting her power from the Queen Administrator like how Hokusai gets power from Cthulhu, both are alien beings from beyond the World but I don't know if the Shards would each count as an Outer God or if Scion would count and if that would be enough. It would be funny if they do summon a Foreigner and they just leap away from Taylor to hide behind Ritsuka, but whatever the case is, whether any Foreigner business with Taylor is used or not and how it'd work is up to James and I'm looking forward to how he handles it.
Berserkalot can use everything as a weapon because he is that good and that mad)
No, it's because in one of the stories about Lancelot, he once, when he was unarmed, broke a branch off of a tree and used that to beat an attempted assassin to death with it.
Yes, this is pretty thin justification to use modern fighter plane as a NP-level weapon. Yet it is.
No, it's because in one of the stories about Lancelot, he once, when he was unarmed, broke a branch off of a tree and used that to beat an attempted assassin to death with it.
Yes, this is pretty thin justification to use modern fighter plane as a NP-level weapon. Yet it is.
Yeah, even Saber Lancelot does that in his new animations, that's why I wrote he's that good. But the berserker is more obsessed, so he uses it a lot more.
So what you are saying is that my decision to stop paying attention to Type-Moon is a good one because rules are only there to show off how cool/special something is by breaking the rul. Ugh, the worst type of setting because it basically means there will always be an exception for everything.

At the heart of the setting, Magecraft has pretty well defined rules that almost everyone follows just the same. It's just that, every Mage alive is doing all they can to get past Magecraft and discover real Magic, which has no rules on it at all because it's Magic. And the stories we get are about the interesting characters, the ones who come closer than most to succeeding. You can safely expect most things to work the same most of the time, but that almost every character we follow will have one thing special about them that breaks the rules.
Funny enough, I say most because of Rin and Waver, a pair of fan favorites who's special thing is just being good mages. Rin has a strong bloodline and a lot of natural talent and a magical core that might even be special itself, but in the end she never does anything that breaks any rules, she's just really really good inside of them. Waver has a powerful mind, in his introduction scene proposing some revolutionary idea, then successfully stealing his way in to a Grail War, but lacked in power and didn't really pull off anything impressive other than entering the war itself. Many of the other Masters we see in the various shows don't break any rules either, though they are all pushing their quirks as hard as they can in rule breaking directions...
But yeah, just about every main character is a main character because they're breaking a rule. If you're not in to that, avoid pretty much the whole thing. El-Maloy Case Files might still interest you, but the rest is all about the special people.

Would Taylor have some kind of anti-Foreigner alignment due to being the one who orchestrated the death of the Warrior Entity?

That's one of the biggest "how do you want to interpret it" things in the very idea of the Worm/Fate crossover. I think Scion is an easy fit for an Alien/Outer God, and therefore Foreigner an easy class to justify. Because the difference between legend and actual feet is less important than you would think, if Taylor gets an anti dragon special for her success against Lung she should definitely get a type advantage against other outer gods and their avatars.

On the other hand, I think the first canon Foreigner was Abby? And we're sorry unlikely to ever get there, so I doubt we'll see one in this story, but I would still like to read James' thoughts on the issue.
Regarding the whole change, yes it's very much possible without bringing in hypothetical Servants to the discussion.

Brynhildr under Nigel Saward in Fragments of Sky Silver was given the mentally damaging "forced love" potion to the point where she was incapable of recognizing others as who they were and instead seeing them as Sigurd hence bringing the trait Brynhildr's Beloved into reality.

The potion was so strong it was engraved onto her Saint Graph and thus affected the Heroic Spirit Brynhildr on the Throne to the point where any summoned Brynhildr is affected by Brynhildr's Beloved and is therefore the direct result of a modern human's actions affecting a Heroic Spirit.

Change is very much possible, but it does require extenuating circumstances and OP items like said potion.
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