Hereafter [Worm x Fate/Grand Order]

The longer this go the more I think Taylor's first summoning didn't fail as it appeared.
She may have made herself a demi-servant like Mash, and the reason nobody noticed the difference is that the servant side is Taylor/Weaver.
I'm loving the synergy between Taylor and Arash. Both hyper competent but he's laid back enough to help her not fall to stubbornness, while she's trusting in his peerless skill up to the point where an NP is needed, then she prioritizes his life and just says 'fuck it, use my NP instead."

They're a hell of a team.

Also both Taylor and Emiya being pure protagonism bait.

Yep, this dude implies he fought Herakles. Just casually. Also he took a Gae Bolg from Cú and walked away. Even better if you take the Shirou angle and assume he's talking about his encounters with legendary berserker servant Herakles while Emiya himself was just a kid who could strengthen pipes. "Yeah this was back before I ended up on the Throne of Heroes."

Meanwhile Taylor 'Dragonslayer' Hebert casually tearing Leviathan a new asshole, bringing decisive victory against Echidna, fighting a Typhon expy and Hadayosh, killing the Goblin King, and then saving all the worlds and becoming a terrifying boogeyman to anyone who remembers gold morning. Just casually saving the world again during retirement and walking around with a knife that can hurt Servant Berserker Caligula when he has terrain advantage.

Edit: I misremembered. She didn't kill Nilbog. She just had tea with him as an equal royal.

"Yeah so there was this one time I had to negotiate with the Goblin King for security purposes. I provided humanitarian aid for his subjects in exchange. We talked, Monarch to Monarch. Things got heated and his Kingdom collapsed. Not my best moment."

I'd love it if Rika accidentally walked in on the two of them just one-upping each other and then tries to tell everyone else but nobody believes her because it's Rika.
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Taylor's knife must confuse the hell out of Emiya.
Alien Shardtech Blackboxing-
Emiya having difficulties with technological weapons-
Has very little history Taylor actually used it in-
Empowered by Shakespear-
Maintained by Da Vinci-
Cuts through shit even Aife can't get through almost casually,

"Not every Heroic Spirit earns a place on the Throne for being a peerless warrior," Da Vinci told her cheekily. "Why, some of us never so much as threw a punch before ascending!"
… Leo you shot people. You invented the Sniper Rifle by being the first to put a telescope on a gun (and by the way Nasu 'first of its kind' bonus works, means it was the best Sniper Rifle ever made). You qualify as an Archer for that stuff, even if you'd probably be pretty subpar for the class. Don't try and pretend you didn't earn your Throne Seat without ever using violence.

But okay, maybe you never threw a punch worth a damn.
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But Caligula was just too fast. Emiya's arrow streaked past him, impacting the sand and throwing up another plume of it, and all he had to show for that effort was a thin line of red across Caligula's cheek and half an ear torn away.
Shoulda used Caladbolg. A near miss is almost as good as a direct hit with that thing. Or at least I don't think even Caligula would be quite able to shrug off having half his face, neck, and shoulder ripped off in its passing.
bringing decisive victory against Echidna, fighting a Typhon expy and Hadayosh, killing the Goblin King, and then saving all the worlds and becoming a terrifying boogeyman to anyone who remembers gold morning.
Numerous heroes, and Sundancer did that. Who's the Typhon expy? She didn't kill Nilbog.
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Leo was also quite the fan of designing wunderwaffen of sorts. At least for the time. Heavier-than-air flying vehicles, what look like rudimentary tanks, rotary cannons, etc. The question with her is violence. The answer is something she made to do violence BETTER.
What kind of player is she?
Obviously you're supposed to grab every random person/weapon/random piece of litter, just in case it's useful later!

It's like she doesn't even think she's in a game at all!
She's in a gacha, she doesn't think Stheno is meta enough. Arash? One of the best servant ever, summoned for free. Taylor is pragmatic.

Until Flucticulus Diana and you have to use Stheno brainwashing to fight Diana's brainwashing, and the Gorgon will agree only because she's the better idol.
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I don't know if this has been asked before but can Taylor be able to effortlessly control Divine Beast-levels of bugs the same way as regular bugs? Or is she unable to, because she's y'know, not a goddess.
I don't know if this has been asked before but can Taylor be able to effortlessly control Divine Beast-levels of bugs the same way as regular bugs? Or is she unable to, because she's y'know, not a goddess.
Now I'm just trying to think if there even are Divine Beast-level bugs in canon. I think the answer is no, unless it was one of those Giant Enemy Crabs. There are the swatms of magic bugs though.
Shoulda used Caladbolg. A near miss is almost as good as a direct hit with that thing. Or at least I don't think even Caligula would be quite able to shrug off having half his face, neck, and shoulder ripped off in its passing.
Numerous heroes, and Sundancer did that. Who's the Typhon expy? She didn't kill Nilbog.

Crawler is the Typhon expy. I must be misremembering with Nilbog. I thought he was in a flesh pod in the ground and Taylor found him, but yeah he didn't die there.

And yes, Sundancer killed Echidna but I would consider 'cutting someone in half with the 'Walter C Dornez special' to be fairly impactful.

The point is not to be accurate. The point is for Tay and Shirou to both seem INCREDIBLY HYPE when they talk about their pasts.
Yeah. Both of them are sorf of insane in what they have accomplished. However, that's many people who made it to the throne of heroes. Many are literally protagonists of real books.

The difference is that Emiya comes from a time where it's believed that no new heroes can be made.

Meanwhile, Taylor's alive and is walking around with a NP more capable of cutting through armor than any of Emiya's, now other, swords.

Also, I'm going to be disappointed if Emiya and others don't at least give her a look for having a NP like that. Especially since he'll be able to read something between it's history / method of creation. Which you know, involves alien gods..Goss...

Edit: I actually wonder if Emiya can even reproduce the Knife!
Dam that combat took to long, by the end I did not care what happened, it's just a repeat of all the other fights.

Taylor forgetting to check in was very out of character, yes a reason was provided but it was a poor reason.
Dam that combat took to long, by the end I did not care what happened, it's just a repeat of all the other fights.

Taylor forgetting to check in was very out of character, yes a reason was provided but it was a poor reason.
Unfortunately, when fighting against foes who are highly durable and have a great deal of physical strength, battles tend to take a very long time unless an instant-death type effect can actually land. And Gae Bolg has never been an actual guaranteed kill; It just requires extreme measures to counter-act... Such as a Caligula with Madness Enhancement summoned in his homeland grabbing and redirecting the spear in mid-air.

Servant fights, if they feature most of the same cast, tend to go down mostly the same way.
Dam that combat took to long, by the end I did not care what happened, it's just a repeat of all the other fights.

Taylor forgetting to check in was very out of character, yes a reason was provided but it was a poor reason.

Huh, Ms. I am in charge not checking in immediately after a major mind whammy makes perfect sense.

Also, I see no problem with the combat. Caligula was super OP, but that's shown rather than told. Primarily by everything that doesn't work. Plus it gives a chance to see actual team combat instead of mostly 1v1.
At the very least he could remake the frame that's just a knife the nanothorn part is less certain
I guess?

Depends on how his Reality Marble interprets the "mystery" of the nanothorn generator. The generator he might have issues depending on whether or not it qualifies as "being part of a bladed weapon," but given that it produces bladed monofilament strands; it might be close enough to a sword that with a bit of excess prana EMIYA's able to brute-force the effect.

OTOH, given that Billy Shakes gave Last Resort 'Anti-Dragon' and Da Vinci a tune up, it's shown that the knife can be treated as a singular entity in terms of Mystery, so I'm leaning more to 'he can Trace it fully.'

That being said, it's less impressive than other NP's if only because LR is "sharp" by the standards of modern humanity of monofilament rather than being "capable of cutting everything" conceptual superiority that weapons like Durandal or Tsumukari Muramasa have.