They're physically larger and stronger than the humans and possess cloaking tech. Said humans are untrained in the new suits except for 1 or 2, and most have little firearms training.
In case people are thinking that charged shots are the way to DPS, I'd like to remind folks that waaaaaaaaay back the QM said that, although they have Metroid Prime homing, our missiles have Super Metroid ROF. Because apparently we'll need it.
Consider in the games how many Space Pirates they throw at Samus per room. Especially since they can teleport pirates in. Now consider that number not limited by game mechanics or by Pirates being unable to go into other rooms.
There's a lot of them, they don't stand and fight very often, they're fond of bio-weapons and sabotage, their cloaking tec is amazing, they fight dirty, and they have more 'hero units'.
In every straight up confrontation (that I can recall) the Federation kicks the shit out of the Space Pirates, even when heavily outnumbered. Those just rarely happen.
With comparable FTL hit and run becomes way more viable. Remember, they're not called 'The Empire' or 'The Kingdom of Ruin' or something that makes them look like a peer. They're pirates, sabotaging outposts and attacking colonies.
Consider in the games how many Space Pirates they throw at Samus per room. Especially since they can teleport pirates in. Now consider that number not limited by game mechanics or by Pirates being unable to go into other rooms.
I am struck with the realization that the ancient Chozo precogs knew this would happen and set up the Echo situation so that everyone would be prepared.
With comparable FTL hit and run becomes way more viable. Remember, they're not called 'The Empire' or 'The Kingdom of Ruin' or something that makes them look like a peer. They're pirates, sabotaging outposts and attacking colonies.
For the best example of this look at the Federation attacking Phaaze. They were vastly outnumbered and the Pirates with Phazon technology had peer technology. They only lost 30% of their fleet.
The Pirates main thing is overwhelming through sheer numbers with their slave armies, or sabotages and ambushes with their stronger troops.
Keep in mind, the pirates in Echoes were certain that the arrival of Federation marines spelled their doom, admittedly from them calling in reinforcements. But a single Federation dropship kicked the shit out of a considerably larger Pirate Frigate.
Pirates and Federation Marines are not peer fighters.
Okay, so Warp Blades are the pirates' counter to Brute powers that would make them a non-threat to a well-chosen team, but they don't make pirates more threatening to a power-suited trooper than they already were?
Okay, so Warp Blades are the pirates' counter to Brute powers that would make them a non-threat to a well-chosen team, but they don't make pirates more threatening to a power-suited trooper than they already were?
Hmm, on the subject of Metroid fiction there were a few good novelization fics for some of the old games. Uh, there was thread(s) somewhere on another forum that had people writing a mixed bag of pirate logs and other logs. (Gamefaq I think?)
There's an original mission fic by some guy I can barely remember that seemed like it was good involving Samus + Hunters from the Hunters DS game working together on some site or maybe I think it was the same guy who wrote some Mario Fictions that were kinda YMMV but sort-of interesting anyway.
There's a 'defective Space Pirate OC' fic where a Science Space Pirate type ends up with morals and stuff.
Anyway, if we assume the Space Pirates are here because of Ziz... then perhaps we should wonder if Cauldron still exists? And if it's Ziz or Cauldron (or both)... getting into Fed Affairs? Unless the Chozo planned all of this to set things up against THE POISON returning.
Anyway did some digging, the other fic I was thinking about was Eternal Frontier by KholdstareV.
Can't seem to find it anywhere anymore, seems like it got deleted off and I didn't find any posts with a pdf version. I can't even remember if it was good or not, so long ago was it (7-8 years or so)? I'd think so though, I recall most of his works barring the Double Dash fic to be at least entertaining (but then again tastes change over a near decade of time).
Uh, the only other fics that involved Metroid that I can think of are some of the huge multi-cross Super Smash Bros fics on But Samus is usually just one of many characters...
...hey did anyone else just think about how bad it might be if Cauldron gets their hands on Phazon (And worse still if Phazon gets it's hands on PTV?).
...hey did anyone else just think about how bad it might be if Cauldron gets their hands on Phazon (And worse still if Phazon gets it's hands on PTV?).
I'm legit impressed with Armsy here. Matching the damage output of a Chozo power armour suit when starting from a tech base many centuries behind, even if his is melee and hers is ranged, is no mean feat.
Admittedly this is because he was dropping his other responsibilities in order to boost his own personal combat ability, but personality flaws aside he's managed something really very impressive here.
...hey did anyone else just think about how bad it might be if Cauldron gets their hands on Phazon (And worse still if Phazon gets it's hands on PTV?).
[X] Shout for the others to get into their suits, and flag the information about the Warp Blades, the fact that they have a lot of explosives, and the fact that these pirates would rather die than surrender to get their attention.
-[X] Dauntless, Assault, Battery, Brandish, Glory Girl, Manpower, Flashbang, Aegis, Velocity, Lady Photon, Triumph.
[X] Switch to Thermal Visor so the others will have data about invisible enemies' locations that you see over the course of this battle. Shoot the drones with rapid-fired Wave Beams. If they approach while visible, punch them with your arm cannon hand and continue firing Wave Beams. If Thermal Visor is disrupted, temporarily switch to Combat Visor and fill the nearby area with Spazer Beam rounds until you know the drone's precise location, then Wave Beam it until it stops disrupting your visor. If at any point pirates pose a threat to any humans, such as by going for their det packs, kill that pirate first before resuming. If pirates close to melee, rip their blade-arms off and stab them with the Warp Blades.
-[X] Once the drones are all wrecked, switch to full-time Thermal Visor and attack the Shadow Pirates. Use Seeker Missiles until you run out, then use Wave Beams until you get more missiles. In the unlikely event that there is a moment you cannot use to kill Space Pirates, rearm from the Arbalest while keeping your Thermal Visor on and viewing as much of the battlefield as possible.
--[X] If normal pirates are present, Seeker Missile spam them to death when you're done with the Shadow Pirates.
-[X] Scream about how much you hate these Space Pirates, but not over the comms.
1D100+20 => 104 #<60 Charge Shot to stun Drone 1
1D100 => 48 #<70 Drone 2 retaliates
1D100 => 42 #<70 Shadow Pirate Group 1 (3 individuals) attack Samus!
1D100 => 31 #<70 Shadow Pirate Group 2 (3 individuals) attack Samus!
1D100 => 32 #<70 Shadow Pirate Group 3 (3 individuals) attack Samus!
1D100 => 41 #<50 Shadow Pirate Group 4 (3 individuals) attack Armsmaster!
1D100+10 => 31 #<50 Shadow Pirate Group 5 (3 individuals) attack Mouse Protector!
1D100 => 83 #<50 Armsmaster attacks the pirates on him with his Halberd+Rifle!
1D3 => 3 #How many does he hit?
1D6+1 => 7 #Hits he gets on Pirate 4A
4A 600 HP - (60*7) = 180 HP
1D6+1 => 6 #Hits he gets on Pirate 4B
4B 600 HP - (60*6) = 240 HP
1D6+1 => 2 #Hits he gets on Pirate 4C
4C 600 HP - (60*2) = 480 HP
1D100-10 => 5 #<50 Mouse Protector attacks the pirates after her!
"SPACE PIRATES!" You snarl, and immediately your Arm Cannon snaps up, a charge shot building. While you can't lock onto it the thermal trail the Drone leaves behind might as well have been a giant arrow pointing at it. The charge shot hits dead on, and the drone is revealed as it twitches in the air, electricity dancing across its surface. Another charge shot finishes it off, the drone exploding into charred pieces.
You aren't given much chance to appreciate your kill as immediately the other drone opens fire on you, the air filled with bolts of energy. You dive into the midst of the pirates to avoid it, sliding under a wide swing on your knee's as the blade passes millimeters above your head. Unable to get a good lock on you the drone instead floats above you, filling your visor with static. Rendered effectively blind you're forced to rely on your precog to avoid the pirates blades. Your jets fire constantly as you slip between blow after blow, even transforming into your morph ball to slip under a pirates legs before transforming back. You imagine, as you kick off a pirate, that you must look like a yellow ribbon weaving itself through the air in increasingly bizarre patterns to those who could not see what you could.
But Armsmaster and Mouse Protector luckily could, and though you did not see it now you'll witness in their combat footage later both reacting instantly, Armsmaster meeting three Pirates blows with how own Halberd. Sparks flew as Force Halberd met Warp Blade, Armsmaster parrying blow after blow that the far larger Pirates rained down on him.
"Goddamnit, why are they here?" You hear Armsmaster grunt, as Halberd strikes Pirate flesh. He catches the return blow, hooking the Pirates arm with a stab. Each blow he rains he matches with a charge shot, always keeping one ready. He slashes then follows through with powerful shot, staggering the pirate slightly. He wields the Halberd with one hand as though it was a rapier, slashing and parrying with beautiful grace but never faltering to deliver the off-handed charged shot. Once he even holds out his hand, the halberd floating an inch from his palm before spinning in a wheel of death, delivering a few unexpected blows before the Pirate retreats.
Mouse is doing considerably worse, barely rolling out of the way of a swing. She raises her rifle for a moment before pausing, then vanishing and appearing closer to the door. "They're all blurs! I can't get a shot!"
But it does give her a chance to call out to everyone else.
Instantly the adults are mobile, pushing the younger members behind them. Dauntless is the first into the pod, it closing around him. Glory Girl struggles audibly to rush out into the battle against the grip of cooler heads.
"Damnit let me go!"
"No way! You can't even see them!" Gallant yells back.
"I'll be fine, I'm invinci-"
"Oh shut up and wait for a suit you stupid girl." Piggot snarls as she checks the pistol she had liberated from the very out of his depth PRT agent with her. Useless though it may be, one can appreciate the desire that if it comes to it to die fighting.
1D100+20 => 113 #<60 Samus attacks the other drone!
1D100 => 35 #<70 Shadow Pirate Group 1 (3 individuals) attack Samus!
1D100 => 83 #<70 Shadow Pirate Group 2 (3 individuals) attack Samus!
1D100 => 77 #<70 Shadow Pirate Group 3 (3 individuals) attack Samus!
1D12 => 1 #Hits the Pirates get in
1D10+4 => 11 #Damage done to Samus
[100 (03)] -11 = [89 (03)]
1D100 => 92 #<50 Shadow Pirate Group 4 (3 individuals) attack Armsmaster!
1D6 => 6 #Hits the Pirates get in
repeat 6 1D10+4 => 7 ; 10 ; 10 ; 6 ; 11 ; 6 = 50 damage
400-50 = 350 HP
1D100+10 => 83 #<50 Shadow Pirate Group 5 (3 individuals) attack Mouse Protector!
1D6 => 6 #Hits the Pirates get in
repeat 6 1D10+4 => 14 ; 5 ; 5 ; 6 ; 11 ; 8 =49 damage
400-49 = 351 HP
1D100 => 75 #<50 Armsmaster attacks the pirates on him with his Rifle!
1D3 => 3 #How many does he hit?
1D20 => 9 #Hits he gets on Pirate 4A
4A 180 HP - (30*9 + 100 Missile Damage) = -190 HP PIRATE KILLED
1D20 => 11 #Hits he gets on Pirate 4B
4B 240 HP - (30*11) = -90 HP PIRATE KILLED
1D20 => 5 #Hits he gets on Pirate 4C
4C 480 HP - (30*5 + 100 Missile Damage) = 230 HP
[58/60 missiles remaining for Armsmaster]
1D100-10 => 83 #<50 Mouse Protector attacks the pirates after her!
1D3 => 3 #How many does she hit?
1D20 => 6 #Hits she gets on Pirate 5A
5A 600 HP - (30*6+ 100 Missile Damage) = 320 HP
1D20 => 15 #Hits she gets on Pirate 5B
5B 600 HP - (30*15+ 100 Missile Damage) = 50 HP
1D20 => 13 #Hits she gets on Pirate 5C
5C 600 HP - (30*13+ 100 Missile Damage) = 110 HP
1D100-10 => 21 #<50 Dauntless joins the fight!
The other drone explodes into pieces during this, two charged wave beam shots making short work of the construct. But before the pieces of the drone even hit the ground a blade of eldritch energy, more a tear than a weapon, slashes across your back. You dive out of the way as more descend on your position, firing a few wild shots. You do notice however your stray shots seem to be absorbed into the wall, a ripple of blue energy passing over them.
Dragon and Armsmaster apparently reinforced the walls with Federation tech, and you suspect with how certain machines had just lit up this building had an external shield generator of impressive size that Dragon had just activated.
You do watch with some horror however as the Pirates mob onto Mouse Protector and Armsmaster, blades flashing faster than either can react. A fist catches Mouse Protector, sending her across the room into the wall at bone-crushing speed only mitigated by Mouse's shields before the Pirates descend on her, slashing and stabbing with their blades. Armsmaster is simply having trouble keep up with the lightning fast blows, reacting just a second too slow to stop the Pirates from slipping past his parries.
One Pirate brings its blade down in an overhead swing, Armsmaster barely catching it with the haft of his weapon. Yet the Pirate's strength is too great and his arms begin to buckle from the strain even as he tries to resist. The Pirate lets out a a cruel bark of laughter, mocking the pitiful creature trying to fight it.
"Proud, arrogant Colin." It hisses, snapping its fangs. "A shame we can't break you first. Your flesh would taste so sweet."
Perhaps its words inspired a surge of strength in him, or maybe it was a small icon popping up that indicated the Pirate really believed that on his HUD. Either way, with a roar he pushes the blade away, using his grav-jet system to propel himself away from the beast. An assault rifle snapped up and with a single mental command a missile screamed out of it. With a deafening clap of thunder and a flash of light it impacted the Pirate dead in the chest. Energy bolts poured into the Shadow Pirate, wilting the figure under the barrage. Burning flesh and metal flew apart as the Pirate was torn to shreds.
Another Pirate leaped towards the man, trying to pin and slash at him but more bolts of light erupted out as Armsmaster turned to catch the beast. Shields held, weakened then failed outright before the bolts tore through the monster as it erupted into an explosion of green blood and charred gore.
Its companion showed no reaction to its loss, only charging towards Armsmaster with the same cruel cunning it had before. Energy blasts impacted its shields before a missile struck it, obscuring the creature for a moment before a Warp Blade rent the air, and he was forced to bring his halberd up to parry it.
Mouse Protector was not faring as well, the Pirates had caught on to her teleporting strategy. They met her as soon as she appeared and with movements slowed by her inexperience with the suit she could scarcely react. At least until the space between her and the pirates stretched out, and the blade passed through empty air. The Pirate looks up, lips pulled back in a snarl that exposed needle like fangs, its obscured eyes planted firmly on the tiny child inside the barrier who had gestured with her hands.
But it can not glare for long, as Mouses rifle opens fire! It and its companions shields flare and for a moment they stagger before they charge at the hammy hero!
"How does it- MISSILES WO-" A missile streaks through the air, impacting the lead Pirate dead on with a cacophonous explosion. "AHA! VOICE COMMANDS! MISSILE! MISSILE!" Mouse shouts triumphantly and her Assault Rifle gladly responds.
Dauntless takes this moment to step out of the pod, rising into the air clad in shining Federation armour. He aims towards the nearest concentration and... pauses. "How do you work this... I can't get a clear shot!" He announces over the comms, which was only really heeded by the people inside the shield but they were distracted.
For the people inside the shield the firefight that had erupted was... raising questions.
"What the hell is going on!? What are those things?!" Shielder yells, throwing up extra barriers around them.
"Those monsters are Space Pirates!" Dragon projects from every available speaker. "I'm rebooting the dragon suit, but it'll take time! Get a suit and shoot to kill!"
1D100+20 => 45 #<40 Samus attacks Group 1
1D100+20 => 87 #<40 Samus attacks Group 2
1D100+20 => 89 #<40 Samus attacks Group 3
(600*9)= 5400 HP
5400- ((180*9)+(25*100) Guaranteed damage) = 1280 HP =4 Pirates remaining
4D10*60 => 1320 Damage output, All Pirates in Groups 1-3 eliminated
1D20+3 => 23 #Missiles restored
1D20+3 => 6 #Energy restored [95 (03)]
1D100 => 35 #<50 Shadow Pirate Group 4 (1 individual) attack Armsmaster!
1D100+10 => 23 #<50 Shadow Pirate Group 5 (3 individuals) attack Mouse Protector!
1D100 => 99 #<50 Armsmaster attacks the pirates on him with his Halberd + Rifle!
4C 230 HP - (60*4 + 30 From Halberd Wave attack) = -40 HP PIRATE KILLED, GROUP 4 ELIMINATED
1D100-10 => 15 #<50 Mouse Protector attacks the pirates after her!
1D100-10 => 77 #<50 Dauntless attacks the Pirates assaulting Mouse Protector!
1D3 => 3 #How many does he hit?
1D20 => 18 #Hits he gets on Pirate 5A
5A 320 HP - (30*18) = -40 HP PIRATE KILLED
1D20 => 18 #Hits he gets on Pirate 5B
5B 50 HP- (30*18) = -490 HP PIRATE KILLED
1D20 => 2 #Hits he gets on Pirate 5C
5C 110 HP- (30*2) = 50 HP
1D100-10 => 79 #<50 Can Assault finish the last Pirate off?
1D20 => 11 #Hits he gets on Pirate 5C
As for you, with the last drone now shrapnel you allow that feeling of white hot anger to finally stab into your heart and a charge to build on the end of your Arm Cannon. A blur smashes into one of the Pirates, faster than anyone could react. It bends over, twitching as electricity surged across its sizzling flesh as it stares with some measure of shock at the Arm Cannon buried in its stomach, twisting just slightly. Then the plates on the end shift, and five missiles detonate point blank.
Your visor compensates for the green gore that had splattered across you as you instantly whirl on another Pirate, another charged shot building at the end of your cannon. With a snarl two charge at you but the charge shot flies loose, striking one of the pirates. It curls up like an insect, limbs twitching as it screams in agony. The other tries to slash at your head but you nimbly side step to the side.
Then it too meets a charged shot. The other begins to shake off the stunning effect of the wave beam, climbing to its feet and you could almost sense the rage pouring off it. The roar that erupts from it is matched by your own as five missiles locks light it up on your HUD.
And then it vanishes, replaced by a scorch mark. You don't hesitate to turn your arm cannon on the other, obliterating it as well in a conflagration of blue flames.
Ten missiles left.
Another Pirate swings its Warp blade towards you but you nimbly move to the side, stepping just inside the swing of its arm. You grip the Pirates wrist and pull him forward, its own momentum carrying it forward. Straight into a Charged Wave Beam haymaker. Jets fire and you move away as the pirate screams in agony. Twisting in midair you count up the ticks indicating missile lock.
Five missiles left.
Charging your arm cannon you let your feet brush against the floor before you kick off at full momentum, crashing into a Pirates gut headfirst. It loses its footing, falling backwards as electricity sears its flesh. You pull a foot in then kick it into the pirates gut with full force, Jets firing on the back of your armour. The Pirate slams into the ground as you're propelled into the air, arm cannon leveled at its prone form.
No missiles left.
You land, straightening up amongst the flaming debris you had left and affixing your gaze on the remaining four attacking you. One of the pirates steps back, glaring at you behind its obscuring helmet. "Just who is this child we've been sent after?"
"Such a lust for revenge!"
"Wh-" The Pirate doesn't get to finish the syllable as your fist impacts its skull. You let your fist slide off as the pirate rolls with the punch, until you can grasp one of its antenna. The pirate begins to snarl but you silence it with something for it to chew on.
In that you ram your arm cannon directly into its open maw. The shields barely compensate as you open fire, until you pause to charge. Most of its upper torso turning to ash in an instant, you flip off it unleashing uncharged shots onto the pirates charging at you. Undulating waves seek out and strike their targets, barely giving them pause.
You land again, and charge straight at them. One swings but you leap over it, landing on the Pirates shoulders, a charge shot already building. Rolling off its smoldering corpse you turn and fire your jets, sending you careening fist first into another Pirate. One who foolishly was roaring a challenge. A hand closes around a tongue and you push off his chest with all your strength. You feel something tear and give way as you do another flip, landing on the ground with only a bit of skidding as your momentum slows.
One pirate is now clutching at its mouth, green blood pouring from it. You toss the appendage you just removed aside and the Pirate roars and charges. You slip under a wild swing before bringing a foot crashing into the back of its knee. It staggers, giving you enough room to level a charged shot with its head.
The last doesn't even get a dignified response, it swings at you as you just barely dodge out of the way before you fire three uncharged shots into its back. The first two stagger it before the third blows a burning hole straight through its chest in a shower of molten flesh.
All while this was happening the others were busy with their own Pirates. Armsmaster barely dodges a pirates swing before he brings his halberd's blade down into the ground. A shockwave of energy emanates from it, launching the pirate off its feet. A pulse and a yell announces Armsmaster launching himself into the air before gravity sends him downwards, impaling the Pirate through the chest. The Pirate reaches for Armsmaster, trying to swing his blade into the hero but Armsmaster pulls the halberd out. Through the pirates head.
Mouse barely teleports away from the three that were after her, but they had already memorized what spots she had marks. They whirl around, dash jets systems firing to send them towards her. That is until a torrent of fire power scythes through two of them, reducing them to a spray of charred meat and boiling blood.
One survives this onslaught, the last Pirate standing. Dauntless raises his rifle, ready to deal with it as he had the others. That is until the Pirate forms something in its hand, an object he couldn't identify. One last defiant roar escapes the pirates throat, intending to die with honour.
But a bolt of energy hits the explosive, reducing it to ash. Then another and another before the pirate is reduced to a barely recognizable pile of pulverized meat. Assault had donned his armour.
A tired silence falls over the battlefield, pierced only by you absorbing materials to restock."
"Is... Is it over? " Weaver asks, eyeing the scene.
"What the fuck was that?!" Laserdream asks. "You just killed... they were... what the hell happened?!"
"We're... We're in the middle of an alien invasion." Assault says as his wife emerges from the pod. "Holy fuck, we just beat off an alien invasion."
"Not an alien invasion, sabotage. These... things were equipped to blow this factory to hell. With all of us inside." Armsmaster says, stepping around a piece of flesh.
"Why?! What do they want?! Are these actually the Space Pirates Huntress talked about?!" Brandish asks, sounding very much out of her depth.
"Yes, and if they're here the whole planet is in danger. We need to get a message out, but I'm still being jammed." Dragon says over the intercomm. "As of right now you need to get into the suits. Who knows if there's more stalking arou-"
"THERE'S MORE! LOTS MORE!" Weaver interrupts with a scream.
"Blast doors, NOW!" You snarl, and with the groan of metal the sealed entrance to the roof pulls itself open.
You're through it in the instance, landing on the gravel roof which gave you a great view of the reinforcements the pirates had brought. Pirate Militia swarmed outside the perimeter of the shield, firing blindly at it. You spot nearly two dozen crawltanks aiding in firing it, thankfully none were equipped with heavy weaponry like energy mortars. Worst however were the crawlshields the militia were hiding behind. Mobile cover, they deflected most beam weaponry and could only be worn down by missiles unless you got behind the barrier to attack the vulnerable projector drone. You suspect they'll even deflect wave beam shots. Not that wearing it down with missiles was a good idea, those things could take a pounding and keep ticking even with the weaker variants. The Pirates had even set up on the opposite building, those Pirates already firing on you. Or at least attempting as the shield prevented the shots from reaching you.
Then several distinct booms further complicated matters. Towards the city you could see bright flashes followed by rising smoke, even spotting a skyscrapper collapsing. The Shadow Pirates had placed explosives in the city! Given the current focus on this location you suspect they were annihilating emergency services, hospitals, routes into and out of the city and the like to prevent reinforcements or any for of help for you. However a ping lets you know the defensive systems protecting the clinic was still functional, and that those inside were safe. Which was some relief. Your blood still burned though, how it was happening AGAIN. You won't lose a second home to these monsters!
The other set of booms was more worrisome, as they were sonic booms.
Four Pirate ATC's swoop in, hovering above the swarming militia. Four pirates leap out from each one, all a species you recognize very well.
Those were the ones who destroyed your home. You'd recognize those claws and beaks anywhere. Rages consumes you yet... something pulls at your mind.
Several sounds of boots hitting gravel informs you the others had suited up, and had joined you on the roof. Dragon it seemed was still rebooting her mech.
"Think we managed to piss them off." Mouse Protector states.
No... Something doesn't make sense about this troop distribution...
60 Pirate Militia, 4 ATC's, 16 Zeta Pirates, 20 Crawltanks, 11 Crawlshields. Dauntless, Assault, Battery, Brandish, Glory Girl, Manpower, Flashbang, Aegis, Velocity, Lady Photon, Triumph in armour, alongside Mouse Protector and Armsmaster. [] Write in Plan
Morphology: Pirate Militia
Expendable infantry units. Lightly armed and armored.
The Space Pirates army is not made up entirely of trained soldiers. They continue to use militia units in battle. These groups are made up of slaves, rejects, cowards and criminals, and receive whatever junk equipment the pirates have on hand. These Militia troops however are considerably more well armed than normal, carrying Galvanic Accelerator Cannons, energy scythes and EMP Grenades, likely received as surplus as the Pirates shift to equipment designed from their study of parahumans. They have not however received better protection, likely still considered not worth the effort. They are surprising obedient to the upper castes within the pirate military. Rumor has it that disobedient militia members often find themselves as dinner for regular army troopers.
Mechanoid: Crawlshield
Small, mobile shield projector. Only vulnerable from back.
Based off stolen Federation designs this mobile shield projector is an autonomous drone that projects a powerful shield in front of it when deployed. Capable of deflecting most infantry energy weapons it has become a popular mainstay of Pirate forces. Missiles damage the shields slightly, but it often takes too much time as the Pirates fire with impunity from behind it. The drone itself is easily destroyed, and it can only project a shield in one direction. Other currently unknown weapons systems may be able to deal extra damage to it.
Mechanoid: Crawltank
Small, mobile weapon platform. Lightly armored, well armed.
Crawltanks are mobile, ground-based defense drones, but are easily destroyed by standard weapon fire. They can be equipped with different cannons, including a devastating long-range mortar system. This unit however is only equipped with a light energy cannon. They are not built for sustained combat, and are better suited for light patrol and security roles.
Vehicle: Space Pirate ATC.
Well-armored transport.
Forward vent is vulnerable.
The Space Pirate Armored Tactical Carrier (ATC) is surprisingly well built and armored. A forward-mounted heat vent is its only vulnerable spot. Tribeam Quantum Ripper cannons help the unit deal out damage while on missions as well. Designed for rapid transit to and from hot zones, the unit is not designed for long-term engagements. It has a relatively small fuel supply, a sacrifice made for heavier armament and armor.
This variant however appears to also be equipped with a harpoon and tether system of some sort, designed to pierce into the crystalline hide of an Endbringer.
Created as a bioweapon by Space Pirate scientists the Zeta Trooper quickly rose to be one of the most iconic and well known member of the Space Pirates. Simplistic in their desires Zeta Troopers are still as violent and cruel as other Space Pirates, with energy cannons mounted into their powerful claws. Zeta Pirates lack any form of rank progression, born into the role they will always serve. However they do so with utmost loyalty, and thus have become a favored troop amongst many Pirate Commanders most notably including Field Commander Ridley.
These Zeta Pirates have a bluish-grey carapace, and are thus the lowest ranking type of Zeta Pirate.
Space Pirates have long been fascinated by Chozo weaponry, seeking to harness it for themselves. However they've never been able to replicate even the standard power beam, until now. With the study of how Parahuman defenses work the Space Pirates have been able to make a rough simulacrum of the basic power beam. These weapons are inferior to your Chozo-designed originals, but still quite potent.
Not exactly happy with how this update turned out, think I'm going to stick to doing groups as one big block of health. Tried both in this update, other way didn't work out.
This variant however appears to also be equipped with a harpoon and tether system of some sort, designed to pierce into the crystalline hide of an Endbringer.