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I'd say closer to brute 0 than brute 1, since they'd still die to getting shanked.On "Wizards do bounce," yes I would grant that witches and wizards are slightly tougher than baseline humans. However, they are also just more cavalier about physical safety because they have magic healing and physical damage is so much simpler for them to fix. Bludgers break bones And Belatrix tortured people with knives. I'll grant them a Brute one or two, no more than that. Anyone trying to tell me bullets can't kill them is going to be pointed at the exit because I'm not buying it.
On personal protection against projectiles. This is a more plausible argument. We know the twins could enchant articles of clothing to be resistant to spells up to a certain point. We never see them in action and we have no idea what kind of longevity they may or may not have and more critically in my mind we don't know if they fail under massed fire. I would bet they do even if the massed fore isn't something beyond their ability to block.
So how does that translate to projectiles? First point the twins are geniuses and managed to get supposedly full body coverage with just a hat. But they are geniuses and I'm not giving most enchanters that much credit. So first rule of most enchanted clothing for me is that it protects what it covers. And only what it covers. Second rule is they can only stop so much force. And I most definitely mean force. Wizards used to coexist with muggles way back when so you better believe at some point they shared a battlefield and had to worry about arrows. Arrows hit with anything in the range of 25 to 65 ft lbs of force. a 9mm hits with 409 ft lbs of force at the muzzle. Now lets go ahead and assume our theoretical anti projectile enchantment was being improved on at least up until the statue of secrecy went into effect then likely became less and less popular or prevalent as the statue seemed to work. I would give such a charm good odds against a small caliber handguns and should it fail I would say they bullet would lose a significant amount of force. I'd also say it would totally fail against repeated small caliber fire, larger caliber weapons, and shotguns. That's for enchanting cloth or maybe leather. If they can get their hands on Bullet resistant vest and then use those same enchantments it would not strengthen the enchantments but it would up their odds of survival after the enchantment fails. They will not do this because it would mean using muggle things. They might try something more old school and wear mediaeval style breastplates to… well, lesser results, but not terrible ones. Applying unbreakable charms to armor is an idea. I'm leery of it because despite running across that charm a lot in fanon I don't really remember it seeing any, and especially not any intelligent use, in canon. That leaves me guessing that it has a limited energy pool and can be worn down with repeated damage. Or that it just doesn't hold long term. Still potentially life saving for short fights so long as no one aims for the head.
As for personal defence, force reduction, force deflection or force absorption are your three standard defenses. the first would probably short out quickly, the second would be less costly, yet endangers those around you, and the third would be self charging. i could totally see the twins coming up with the third.
as to the unbreakable charm, it may make your robes impossible to damage, but you're still getting hit in the chest by powerful impacts. without clothing designed to take a hit, padding, armoured plates, and force dispersal mechanisms (think about the intentional crumple zones in a car bonnet) cloth, even unbreakable cloth isn't a good defence against small objects with high momentum and velocity.
you could totally make useful armour with canon spells, procure dragonhide, transfigure it into the desired shape, probably something like a bullet resistant vest, transfigure ceramic plates, then spell them feather-light. unbreakable charm to avoid damaging it, impervious charm to make thinks slide off it, imperturbable charm to make an invisible barrier around an object.
also, if you go for questionably canon spells from the video games, arania exumai is efficient against spiders.