Harry Potter and the Skittering Spouse

Without getting into gun geek territory, there are multiple models that allow you to safely carry loaded gun, and bypass removing safety as separate action with things like grip and trigger safety.
On the wands side, serious question - where are they carried? Is there belt holster? Shoulder holster? I think i seen in fanfiction bracer that goes under wide robe sleeves, but is it canon? Do people just carry them in pockets?
I don't have much in the way of pistol training, but I can still hear my grandfather relentlessly drilling into me to always have the safety on when not aiming to fire. Also to keep my finger on the trigger guard, not on the trigger until I have the target lined up and am prepared to fire.
I just imagined that handguns such as pistols and revolvers had the same safety rules as rifles and shotguns.
Just about every fic that mentions guns being introduced to a character and the gun safety rules cites at least a paraphrase of the rules my grandfather drilled into my and my mother's heads since we were young children.
Although nobody ever attempts to use the converse of rule #1 as an excuse to attack somebody pointing a gun at you with "excessive" force.
Rule #1 of gun handling and safety:
NEVER point a gun at somebody unless you are planning to shoot them.
Without getting into gun geek territory, there are multiple models that allow you to safely carry loaded gun, and bypass removing safety as separate action with things like grip and trigger safety.
On the wands side, serious question - where are they carried? Is there belt holster? Shoulder holster? I think i seen in fanfiction bracer that goes under wide robe sleeves, but is it canon? Do people just carry them in pockets?
The problem with carrying them in wrist holsters is that the wands tend to be 8-14 inches in length. Take a 12" ruler or baton and try putting it up against your forearm and you'll see how restrictive that can be. I'm 6'2" and have decent arm length and a 12" ruler wouldn't be practical in a wrist holster. Pressing it against the upper arm with my elbow bent, the tip covers 2/3 of my palm, stopping only an inch from the start of my fingers.
Unless they have some kind of spacial distortion like Hermione's bag of holding, a wrist holster for a foot long wand just isn't going to work. Wands are implied to be too fragile to be hung like a police nightstick or truncheon, so a protective and rigid sheath would be necessary and it would be like carrying a dagger or short sword on your hip, although a conductor's baton would be more accurate.
I just imagined that handguns such as pistols and revolvers had the same safety rules as rifles and shotguns.
[Glock] pistols specifically designed so you don't need to fumble with separate safety lever. They are popular pistol for police departments, due to less things to do in stress conditions.

[HK P7], at pretty much other end of price scale, replaces grip safety with grip cock lever, also with intent of eliminating separate actions when preparing to fire. HK originally designed as duty pistol, for the same reasons as above, but it not become popular due to high price.

a wrist holster for a foot long wand just isn't going to work.
I specifically noted it as fanon, probably propagated by people who did not bothered to take a ruler and consider prepubescent kid arm length.

Besides belt\hip sheath, there are an option for [drop-leg] holster, as a less obtrusive solution, i think.
There's also the "magic answer" a slightly expanded space means a wrist holster could be 6 inches or less and still fit a yard stick

All of this talk of energy is ignoring some of the basic laws of armor penetration. A strike from a knight's lance at full gallop has dozens of times more kinetic energy and momentum than an armor piercing .50 BMG from a barret anti-materiel rifle. (which is entirely legal to own and purchase across most of the US with no more regulation than any other semi-automatic rifle) A knight's lance in a joust doesn't penetrate the plate armor of the other knight in the joust. An armor-piercing .50 BMG will absolutely penetrate the plate armor of the same knight that just walked away from a lance to the chest, and leave his torso with a massive hole in it. Hell, even just a standard full metal jacket .50 BMG would easily penetrate a knight's plate armor.

How concentrated the force is on the point of impact and the span of time that force is applied matters more than the energy of the projectile itself.

This is before you consider that the shield charm might be a reactive defense. Meaning, it detects an incoming threat and applies a counterforce to stop it.

What if there is a small reaction delay? One that doesn't matter against arrows and spells, but makes the shield charm completely useless against supersonic projectiles? If @Fencer wanted to, he could go 'magic stoopid hur dur' and make shield charms completely useless against guns and still be entirely compliant with the 'can stop a charging knight at full gallop' argument.

Now, the OP obviously wants shield charms to be somewhat useful agaisnt guns but not no sell them, and to my knowledge of ballistics and armor penetration, and from all the ways the various posters in the thread have talked about shield charms, the OP can basically have guns behave basically however he wants against shields and be more or less compliant with almost every argument presented. Ballistics and armor penetration are extremely complicated subjects with a lot of nuance to them, such that against something a wacky as magical shields it really could go either way.

For reference, there are kind of 5ish categories that I put small arms into. Pistols, pistol caliber carbines/submachine guns, assault rifles, battle rifles, and anti-materiel rifles. A note on this: this categorization is focused on the ballistics of the cartridges, and less on the function of the rifles themselves, as the whole question here is on armor/shield penetration.

Pistols have the least penetration, as they tend to have relatively large bullet diameters and low muzzle velocities. Pistol caliber carbines and submachineguns have the same cartridgesas pistols, but they have longer barrels which give higher muzzle velocities and thus aomewhat higher penetration. Assault rifles have 'intermediate cartridges' which is less powerful than a battle rifle (to make them easier to control in full auto) and typically have much better armor penetration than pistols or PCCs/SMGs. Examples of this are ar-15/M16 rifles, G36 rifles and ak74s. The intermediate cartridges typically have a very small diameter, light bullet (usually lighter bullets than even pistols) and really high muzzle velocities. Battle rifles use 'full power' rifle cartridges, 7.62x51mm, .30-06, 6.5mm creedmoor, basically big game hunting cartridges. Battle rifles have much better armor penetration than assault rifles, but they are heavier and have much more recoil, making them much harder to control in full auto. Not impossible, and some battle rifles have some creative recoil management systems that make it easier, but the bullets are bigger and there is far more energy in the system than there is in an assault rifle.

Finally, we have the anti-materiel rifles. These are basically rifles that use the same cartridges as .50 caliber heavy machine guns, but are designed to be light enough to be carried and used by a single person. To clarify, these rifles aren't usually used on people. The clue is in the name: anti-materiel rifles. These are designed to put a hole through the engine block of a vehicle, and penetrate lightly armored vehicle armor. These can put a hole through a thick brick wall with relative ease. However, they are near the upper limit of what a single person can comfortably use from the shoulder, and they are far too powerful for full auto. They are also pretty expensive, the semiautomatic .50 BMG rifles are usually several thousand dollars, though they aren't any more tightly regulated than any other semiautomatic rifles.

They, given the OP's impression of how guns should work against shield charms, can likely penetrate on the first shot, unless the wizard has particularly good shields, then 2 or 3 shots should penetrate. These are the real wizard-killers. The explosive ammo can literally blow you in half.

Probably the funniest part about them is that as far as I'm aware they are entirely legal to own in England. So long as their magazine is 3 shots or less they are treated the same as any hunting rifle. There are plenty of cheaper .50 BMG rifles out there that are single-shot bolt action rifles, and they are only a few hundred dollars IIRC. Taylor (with an adult doing the purchase as she's still a minor) could just buy a .50 BMG rifle and own it (through the adult) entirely legally in England. They would need to wait a few months for the gun license to be approved, but that is the only real obstacle there.
Just curious how the stainless testing went, like I said I've never spent much time with it, so I was curious how difficult it was.
I passed my visuals! The two fillet welds are passes. Going to be a few days maybe a week before I hear back about the three butt tests that are being ultra sounded. But I'm probably good… probably.

Turned out my biggest issue was miscommunication. Instructor kept insisting my angle or speed was wrong, it wasn't. He had told me to turn my wire speed down a little for the cover passes. I though that meant .1 or .2 by the dial. Nooooope he meant .5 which yeah doesn't sound like a major difference but when the dial only goes up to 6 and I've never turned it passed 3? All the difference in the world trying to get that puddle to lay flat. Whole day just pissed away but once that was sorted it behaved a hell of a lot better.
I passed my visuals! The two fillet welds are passes. Going to be a few days maybe a week before I hear back about the three butt tests that are being ultra sounded. But I'm probably good… probably.

Turned out my biggest issue was miscommunication. Instructor kept insisting my angle or speed was wrong, it wasn't. He had told me to turn my wire speed down a little for the cover passes. I though that meant .1 or .2 by the dial. Nooooope he meant .5 which yeah doesn't sound like a major difference but when the dial only goes up to 6 and I've never turned it passed 3? All the difference in the world trying to get that puddle to lay flat. Whole day just pissed away but once that was sorted it behaved a hell of a lot better.
Yeah, wire speed is basically your amperage control, you can adjust for it being too high or low, a little with movement speed, but it is easier to adjust the wire speed. That is the same with aluminum, although with aluminum you have to have a pretty quick movement speed no matter what since you will blow through if you stick anywhere too long. The worst for me to learn was backerless open-corner aluminum joints, you have to get enough penetration to matter, without spending enough time anywhere to burn through, hot and fast is the key to most aluminum work I've done..
Ok I normally try to rewrite any canon scenes, but I think in this case I'm just going to copy paste Horace and Harry's conversation and throw in a few lines for Taylor because trying to rewrite this is just making my muse so damn pissy and I'm not getting anywhere until this shit is done… ok other option is just to cut the scene short and time skip past it…..

Alright honestly show of hands folks time skip or copy paste with minor edits?
*snicker* I personally, cannot wait for Skitter to find out that Slughorn knew about Voldemort's Hoxcruxes decades ago, and sat on that information out of sheer fear while continuing to live high in the social order of the very community he was betraying.

That is the kind of thing that makes the bugs hold arena death matches in the walls while Skitter stares at you.

And then there are BEES! and pain.
If you aren't enjoying writing it, and think that you could get away with skipping it and us getting what happened through context in later scenes I'd always prefer skipping to a copy paste of canon.
I don't think there is any harm either way, it is not one of those scenes appearing in every fanfic, with people getting sick of them, a refresher on the content would be cool. If it makes it easier to write then I say do it. If not, it's not like it is a great loss to skip it.
You do you, burnout kills fics.
Though, given the choice personally I'd rather that you rehash canon with c&p and extra lines as I haven't read the book.
@Fencer as many others are saying? My top preference is whichever you favor personally,

if you insist on dragging a choice out of me as one of your readers however? I'd like the copy paste with Taylor injections into the meeting, if only because I suspect it'll at the least let us get her opinion in the moment, and might serve as a hook point for something down the line if your muse decides to be merciful
Start with copy-paste, then toss in Taylors words, and then adapt the conversation to fit. Or have Taylor just observe menacingly in the background because she doesn't know enough about the situation to have an opinion and is an awkward introvert.
Depends on how much Taylor is adding to the scene, a c/p wouldn't be ideal because then you need to add to it anyway. I'd vote skip in that sense but like what most of the others are saying, you do whatever you think is best for your ease of mind when it comes to this.

Stressing out over a scene and on what to do is bad voodoo.
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I'd suggest starting with the copy & paste and making notes of what Taylor would say/do as you read it and then look at those notes and see if they'd fit into a flashback/reference or if it's better to add them in.
In the spirit of keeping track of things, thus far I count the votes as follows:

6 Skip (Destruct, Causeimbored, Haaret, Wentley, Jaesten, Fireball)
7 C&P (Dahashi, IGNIKA, Ocean Sailor, Zeromant, Mecharic, Suryn, Bob)

As of the time I post this (07:35AM UTC+8 Thursday 23Feb2023), the votes stand as follows:

6 Skip (Destruct, Causeimbored, Haaret, Wentley, Jaesten, Fireball)
8 C&P (Dahashi, IGNIKA, Ocean Sailor, Zeromant, Mecharic, Suryn, Bob, SanguisAnima)