No one even mentions the 'breath of an honest politician'.
I mean, for that one you might need to borrow Lucius's Time and Space Turner to visit Senator Amidala, because I don't think anyone else fits the bill.
If it was that easy, humanity would have been extinct for at least a thousand years by the time canon begins (same with all other life on Earth, which would be gone). That's just utter stupidity
I mean, that specific spell was rather recently developed, and it was the first time they realized it could do that, so its not entirely hopeless for earth. But yeah, it's pretty stupid, I don't disagree.
Nah, it's a children's fantasy series trying and failing to present itself as for young adults, like two house elves stacked in a trenchcoat and about to topple over. Most of this stuff is a result of the story losing its childish illogic as the audience grew up and started getting more critical and Rowling sort of half-assing an attempt to make it all serious...despite half of the names remaining ridiculous puns, most worldbuilding being of the "throw pop cultural understanding of a given nationality's mythology at a wall" sort, and the entire wizarding world operating as a pop-up book come to life.
Any shift in fantasy genre is basically a complete accident, it's always been a portal fantasy trying and failing to hide its own inherent whimsy. It's like trying to make the Mario setting serious.
Again, I don't disagree. It was definitely showing cracks trying to adapt to a changing audience in 2010~ with the early Hasbro games, Wizarding Word Podcast and Pottermore, let alone over a decade past that with god only knows how many more games, short stories, adaptations, etc. Plus JK sucks ass at foreign/non-uk stuff, to the point of unintentional megaracism, like making Native American skinwalkers, a key part of many tribal religious rituals and mythology, actually hit-piece stories made up by jealous non-wizard shamans to demonize 'real wizards'.
But the thing is, as stupid as the story is when trying to be more serious, and as convoluted and weird as it gets, I kind of like it in a ironic way. It's funny to watch it try and be so serious, like Ash putting on a goth outfit and using only dark and ghost types, when it clearly isn't meant to be that.