A few clarifications on this Alternate Universe:

- A lot of the foreground elements/events remain similar, but many plot or setting details are changed. As an example, Hermione and Ron will still be characters and well predisposed to being Harry Potter's friends, but they might go into other Houses, and from the Houses of Hogwarts in this setting, it's actually Hufflepuff that's easily the most powerful, to the point where its members frequently scare the members of the other Houses.

- Overall, you won't see egregious or stupidly overpowered abilities excepting incredible efforts by the thread. Otherwise, you'll have to grind for spells or abilities the same as any other student; anything you earn is yours to keep. All of the Advancements in this intro are among the most powerful options that are possible to be gained in general. You likely won't see any of them ever again.

- He is significantly more competent, as evident by the fact that his magics have taken root even in the very essence of this thread. On his own, he will surely conquer Britain this time around, so grow up to be a mighty boy of prophecy or its contents may indeed not sway in your favor.

Also, I invite those who are curious of such things to join the Discord for the purposes of discussion and keeping track of updates.
[X] Plan Lightning
-[x] Lord of Hufflepuff
-[x] Trismegistus
-[x] Boy-Who-Lived
-[X] An Equal In Truth
-[X] Mark of the Equal
-[x] Impaired Eyesight
-[x] Apocryphal Curse

I absolutely adore the plan that @KreenWarrior came up with and I'm super glad it's winning. The glasses are a huge part of Harry's look, the apocryphal curses look like it'll be extremely promising to see, and I'm really intrested in exploring the AU version of a house that canon didn't do a lot to make as interesting as the other three.

That being said! I'm a seriously huge fan of Harry's scar, and I think it'd be a really shame for our boy not o have it throughout the quest given how much it shaped his interactions with people to be able to tell who he was at first glance from it even if they didn't have a eidetic memory for celebrities and what a Iconic part of his appearance it was.

Anyway, always been a big HP fan since I was a kid and I'm super looking forward to one of my favorite QMs giving their own take on the series.
Intelligence boosts your ability to learn spells, Willpower boosts your ability to keep learning them in spite of the drudgery, Magical Power is the capstone you must raise in order to learn sufficiently complex and powerful spells (no matter how smart and determined, a 1st Year won't learn Bombarda Maxima, for example, until he's acquired some more soul muscle,) and Magical Skill is the overall determination of your generalistic capabilities in performing tasks relevant to spellcasting (wand motions, incantations, etc.) A high enough Magical Skill makes it easier to make your spells wandless, unmoving, or silent.
[X]Plan Intelligence and Will, Power and Skill
-[X] Lord of Hufflepuff
-[X] An Equal In Truth
-[X] A Child Prodigy
-[X] Trismegistus
-[X] Mark of the Equal
-[X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance
-[X] Apocryphal Curse

"Boy-Who-Lived" seems like a poison chalice to me. There is so much freedom in anonymity, and fame has it's price as canon Harry learns over the course of the books. The immunity against the Unforgivable Curses sounds great until someone finds out about it and simply uses any number of other spells that kill or debilitate us, so the value diminishes quickly. And it really isn't that riveting to read about in my opinion.
Hufflepuff seems like a creepy house with a great bonus, and the only way to increase our Willpower. An Equal in Truth is very important to actually make use out of all the skills and knowledge we will accumulate, Child Prodigy gives us the Skills to flawlessly cast all the Spells we learn about and Trismegistus simply supercharges us in three subjects beyond the high level of competency we can achieve with this plan. Most of the curses are predetermined by the blessings but there is a great amount of synergy here: Hufflepuff and Apocryphal Curse should help us channel our arrogance into hard work to overcome these obstacles as we are fated to do. Overall this plan should give us a small chance to overcome Him, the great and terrible.

[X] Plan Phenomenal Cosmic Power
[X] Plan Subvocals

Edit: I guess I'll add Lightning even though Boy Who Lived just gives some unearned fame, protection from a small set of spells and too much scrutiny, at least we have the sliver of a chance with it.
[X] Plan Lightning
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I wonder, does colored text help one interact favorably with powerful magic? Or is it the other way around, with powerful magic invoking synesthetic effects?

And less materially relevant, if Gnosis can be truly created or destroyed. If it instead obeys principles of conservation, that has exciting implications!
I wonder, does colored text help one interact favorably with powerful magic? Or is it the other way around, with powerful magic invoking synesthetic effects?

And less materially relevant, if Gnosis can be truly created or destroyed. If it instead obeys principles of conservation, that has exciting implications!

So HE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED might be stealing the Gnosis that is taken from using His real name? That's concerning.
That would kind of explain why everyone is so afraid of saying YOU-KNOW-WHO`S name. Every time somenone does they inadvertently strengthen THE DARK LORD.

Heavy stuff really
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[X]Plan Intelligence and Will, Power and Skill
-[x] Lord of Hufflepuff
-[X] An Equal In Truth
-[X] A Child Prodigy

-[x] Trismegistus
-[X] Mark of the Equal
-[X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance

-[x] Apocryphal Curse
Both of them. You are forgiven, for the time.
Everyone always talks about how Dumbledore was the only one He ever feared, but what about everyone else? We're not Dumbledore!

- He is significantly more competent, as evident by the fact that his magics have taken root even in the very essence of this thread. On his own, he will surely conquer Britain this time around, so grow up to be a mighty boy of prophecy or its contents may indeed not sway in your favor.
... what I'm saying is that I totally believe this.

Changing vote to these. I don't love that they include the Apocryphal Curse, but I have an intuition that An Equal In Truth is a must-have.
[X]Plan Intelligence and Will, Power and Skill
[X] Plan Lightning
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However, every direct use of the true name of You-Know-Who will remove some portion of this useful resource, including uses made in earnest wisecrack or tomfoolery, including the twisting of the forbidden name into comedic versions, or concealing it under thick layers of linguistic translation or cipher. This forceful annihilation of Gnosis may be revoked if the player makes an honest apology to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and promises to never use his name again, for they are unworthy of doing so. There cannot be any sarcasm in this apology and it must be performed with uttermost seriousness and sincere regret for having used the name in so blatant and frivolous a manner. Using the Dark Lord's abandoned name is forbidden with even harsher penalties. And furthermore, all uses of His acceptable epithets (see this paragraph,) must be capitalized, bolded, and written out using the color gray, otherwise, your post will not qualify to receive any Gnosis or Gnosis Modifier.
Out of curiosity what penalties are applied if You-Know-Who is apologized to and then the forgiven person is so foolish as to go back on their promise to The Dark Lord.
Adhoc vote count started by KreenWarrior on Jan 22, 2022 at 7:57 PM, finished with 67 posts and 32 votes.

  • [X] Plan Huffle, Huffle, Toil and Trouble
    -[x] Lord of Hufflepuff
    -[x] Trismegistus
    -[x] Boy-Who-Lived
    -[x] Impaired Eyesight
    -[x] Apocryphal Curse
    [X] Plan Lightning
    -[x] Lord of Hufflepuff
    -[x] Trismegistus
    -[x] Boy-Who-Lived
    -[X] An Equal In Truth
    -[X] Mark of the Equal
    -[x] Impaired Eyesight
    -[x] Apocryphal Curse
    [X] Plan Subvocals
    -[X] Heir of Slytherin
    -[x] Boy-Who-Lived
    -[X] An Equal In Truth
    -[X] A Child Prodigy
    -[x] Trismegistus
    -[X] Mark of the Equal
    -[x] Impaired Eyesight
    -[X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance
    -[x] Apocryphal Curse
    [X]Plan Intelligence and Will, Power and Skill
    -[x] Lord of Hufflepuff
    -[X] An Equal In Truth
    -[X] A Child Prodigy
    -[x] Trismegistus
    -[X] Mark of the Equal
    -[X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance
    -[x] Apocryphal Curse
    [X] Plan Phenomenal Cosmic Power
    -[X] Sage of Raenclaw
    -[x] Boy-Who-Lived
    -[X] An Equal In Truth
    -[X] A Child Prodigy
    -[x] Trismegistus
    -[X] Mark of the Equal
    -[X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance
    -[x] Impaired Eyesight
    -[x] Apocryphal Curse
    [X] Plan KISS
    -[X] An Equal In Truth
    -[x] Boy-Who-Lived
    -[X] Mark of the Equal
    [X] Plan Less Is More
    -[x] Trismegistus
    -[X] An Equal In Truth
    -[X] Mark of the Equal
    [X] Plan the Houseless
    -[x] Boy-Who-Lived
    -[X] An Equal In Truth
    -[X] A Child Prodigy
    -[x] Trismegistus
    -[X] Mark of the Equal
    -[x] Impaired Eyesight
    -[X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance
    [X] plan: I'll take your entire stock
    -[X] Sage of Ravenclaw
    -[X] An Equal In Truth
    -[X] A Child Prodigy
    -[x] Boy-Who-Lived
    -[X] Mark of the Equal
    -[x] Impaired Eyesight
    -[X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance
    -[x] Apocryphal Curse
    [X] A Child Prodigy
    [X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance
    [X] Lord Strategos
    -[X] Child Prodigy
    -[x] Lord of Hufflepuff
    -[X] Trimestigus (Self-Control, Decision-Making, Executive Function)
    -[X] An Equal In Truth
    -[X] Mark fo the Equal
    -[x] Impaired Eyesight
    -[X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance (Hubris)
    [X] Plan: Harry Potter and His Quest For Knowledge
    -[X] Sage of Ravenclaw
    -[x] Trismegistus
    -[X] A Child Prodigy
    -[X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance
    -[x] Impaired Eyesight
Real glad to see Lightning neck and neck with Huff, thanks to everybody supporting even if it doesn't end up winning.
[X] Plan: Harry Potter and His Quest For Knowledge

I want to explore this AU without all the strings attached to being famous or the soul of You-Know-Who riding on his forehead.

Approval Vote:
[X] Plan Huffle, Huffle, Toil and Trouble
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[X]Plan Intelligence and Will, Power and Skill
[X] Plan Lightning

How the Hell did I not see this sooner!

You had my interest.

Now you have my attention!