Hmm, it appearing again and again implies this isn't just a visual hallucination from the scar. It hasn't tried to eat us, so not a dementor It doesn't have a face, and it has red eyes. I don't recognize that description from canon, so probably an AU element. Maybe a ghost?[ ] Another Night, Another Wraith - After a certain point, the dark tattered cloak-wraith starts to make regular appearances, whenever the Dursleys are sound asleep or simply not around. After nights of close encounters, Harry becomes accustomed to its horrific presence and uses a water gun stocked with holy water to make it bugger off.
[X] Another Night, Another Wraith - After a certain point, the dark tattered cloak-wraith starts to make regular appearances, whenever the Dursleys are sound asleep or simply not around. After nights of close encounters, Harry becomes accustomed to its horrific presence and uses a water gun stocked with holy water to make it bugger off.
Well, hopefully this will shed some light on the situation.
[X] Favorite New Movie - After countless months of searching through DVDs, going repeatedly to the cinema with the entire Dursley family, and even borrowing movies from the neighbors, Harry finally manages it and finds the movie that he's been waiting for - the perfect movie.
Yellow. Plus this just sounds fun.
[X] Angry Rottweiler - Harry and Dudley attempted to prank their neighbor by throwing toilet paper all over his house, but something must've gone wrong because out of nowhere came a terrifying dog that chased them away. Although it didn't bite either of them, Harry now has a few permanent claw marks on his ankle!
Very curious who the doggo is
[X] Laundry Thieves - At some point, Harry gets falsely accused by Aunt Petunia of making the laundry disappear whenever she hangs it. A few days later, it turns out a bunch of the local boys was going around stealing people's laundry as a prank! Aunt Petunia apologized to Harry for her mistake and baked him a delicious apple pie.
This seems so mundane it must be something interesting!
[X] Hundred-Step Hopscotch - In a bout of creativity, Harry decided to use some chalk and extend that boring old hopscotch game to one hundred squares and draw in various obstacles along the way. This sparked attempts at seeing who could hop the sequence the very fastest - and quite a bit of competition.
[X] Inner Voice - Attempt to befriend that imagined voice you sometimes delude yourself that you have. +++++???, ???
[X] Dudley Dursley - Bond even further with your stout yet powerful cousin. ++++Dudley.
[X] Aunt Petunia - Attempt to help Aunt Petunia in the kitchen. ++Petunia.