H+ Mayhem (Worm)

Liked the interlude. Short and sweet but with a lot of punch.
I want to just look at how stable we are here, compared to Africa or the Congo, and think that this is good enough.

The Congo is in Africa. You could change it to Japan, which has been reduced to Third World status post-Leviathan; an area hit by the Simurgh and quarantined; or even simple change the sentence to mean specifically the Congo: I want to just look at how stable we are here, compared to the Congo in Africa, and think that this is good enough.

There is such a thing as being to idealistic.

Swap 'to' with 'too'

A voice can be changed, eyes can wear contact lenses, but you never did managed to find a uniform as durable as you were, and glimpses seen during Endbringer battles that other people can barely recall, I can remember in perfect clarity.

Replace it with 'manage' or cut the 'did' out and you can have 'managed' in its place: you never managed to find... you never did manage to find

You can change this to two sentences if you feel like, you have about five clauses there. I highlighted a good point to cut: A voice can be changed, eyes can wear contact lenses, but you never did manage to find a uniform as durable as you. Glimpses seen during Endbringer battles that other people can barely recall, I can remember in perfect clarity.

She'd been looking for a cause to fight for, something she could be sure in again, with the same fire and zeal she'd had when she began her career as a hero.

The 'in' seems a little awkward to my perspective. It works, but you could try: something she could be sure of again

Or: something she could believe in again

And then a young healer had come along, bearing an almost tangible weight. There was something there, something she might be able to fix. Someone she might be able to save.

Saying 'she' meaning Hana, or Amy? Talking about two women with only pronouns can get confusing to some readers in a hurry.

You'll find the cheque on your desk.

An Australian/Britishism. As Hana would have learned English from Americans she would likely use 'check.' That said. The vernacular you use is up to you. It's a small, petty thing don't worry about it overly much.

Once when she used the spare bio-mass the hospital provided to restore her missing limbs.

She didn't have her arms with her? Assault or someone couldn't have recovered them, brought them to Panacea to reattach? Just a niggling little thought in my head.
It's a very readable chapter, but... I'm still not entirely sure why Miss Militia is leaving. The chapter mostly lists things that aren't reasons, and the remaining few points don't seem sufficient to justify her jumping ship. Reading between the lines, I think she's bothered by hardening us-versus-them attitudes and increasing militarisation rather than any specific point, but that's basically speculation on my part.

I hope her leaving speech appears in a later chapter - that would probably put things in a more easily understood format.
She didn't have her arms with her? Assault or someone couldn't have recovered them, brought them to Panacea to reattach? Just a niggling little thought in my head.

Thanks for those corrections. I might be wrong, but I don't think that Panacea can work with non-living matter. Hospitals probably have small insect populations for her to use, or some sort of bacteria farm, but re-attaching stuff is probably only possible within a few minutes of it being cut off.

Wouldn't mind some clarification on the point by someone who knows better than I do, but my headcanon is that Miss Militia stumbled to medical center herself, and that people only thought to go back for her arms when it was to late.

I'm still not entirely sure why Miss Militia is leaving.

All the small things. Perhaps I should go through and try to portray that better when I'm less tired.
Thanks for those corrections. I might be wrong, but I don't think that Panacea can work with non-living matter. Hospitals probably have small insect populations for her to use, or some sort of bacteria farm, but re-attaching stuff is probably only possible within a few minutes of it being cut off.
Maybe an algae farm?
"I have a targeting solution." I told Victor. He snorted in amusement, not taking his eye from the scope of his rifle.

"Same here. Only I didn't spend last night watching Sci-Fi, so I'm not going to call it that. You know the rules, hold your fire."

I did so, watching Stormtiger slash a couple of bombs out of the air, and Alabaster tank a bomb to the face. He briefly turned to some sort of green crystal, then snapped back to his normal, pale Changer self.

This was a probing strike, the ABB had a new tinker as well, and we were going to see what she was made of.

"Not a lot of non-lethal stuff." I noted, as the sidewalk turned to ash in some sort of controlled mini-nova of fire.

"Yeah. Chink bitch will slip up one of these days, and then… Boom." Victor said, jerking his gun slightly to indicate what he meant.

"Hasn't she been telling everyone that she hid bombs around the city, and that they'll detonate if she's killed?" I asked.

"Yeah, but we've been on the look out. She'd have a lot of trouble putting any in our territory. I'm sure there's some, but a bullet through her brain isn't going to end us. That bomb that produced the red mist, and the mist melted the car, what was that?"

I zoomed my mask's sensors in on the slowly dissipating cloud.

"I… have no idea actually." I said in surprise. "Not organic though, and not nanites… some sort of chemical compound. Sorry."

Victor sighed.

"Right. Not your specialty I guess. Any obvious weaknesses? How many of these bombs could you take out with an EMP?"

"Nearly none. They're very well made. I don't think she has an easy time working outside her specialty though. The grenade launcher she's using to throw them, it's completely standard. No modifications I can see."

Alabaster stepped on some sort of proximity mine, which blew his ragged carcases into the air, he landed fifty meters down the street, reset, and started walking forward again. Stormtiger stopped advancing, content just to swat the grenades Bakuda was shooting out of the air.

"She could just not need to modify it. That's a MGL 140 six shot grenade launcher. Lightweight, easy to handle and reload. It doesn't get much better."

I snorted.

"Lightweight? She can barely lift it. I'm not a weapons tinker or anything, but even I could mix up an alloy to make that twice as easy to carry."

"Reducing the weight to much would give you all sorts of problems with recoil." Victor said, sounding slightly offended. He liked his guns, and he felt that high quality military engineering beat tinkertech for reliability any day. He was probably right, but reliability wasn't everything.

We watched as a couple of idiotic ABB gang bangers decided to join in, and were quickly cut down by Stormtiger's razor sharp wind blasts.

"You know… the bombs that Stormtiger blows back at her aren't detonating." Victor mused.

"Yeah. Probably remote detonation. I'm not seeing anything to indicate that the bombs themselves are smart, or have programming beyond going boom." I told him. "I'd have to take one of the bombs apart to be sure though, should we try to collect a dud or something?"

"No, I don't think we can beat a bomb tinker at her own game like that. It won't be safe to defuse them. Still, remote detonation could be a weakness. Could you make something to interfere with the signal?"

I thought about it, signal jamming was in the espionage tree, but I hadn't unlocked it yet, and I wasn't sure that it would be worth the week an a half of energy that breaking into that section of the tree would require.

"Maybe. My mask records most of the Electro-magnetic spectrum, I'll take those recordings and analyze them later, see what sort of frequencies she's using. I might be able to do something, might not. Again, not really my specialty."

Victor nodded.

"It's rarely that easy. See what you can do. How does she control the explosions though? I'm not seeing a detonator."

I zoomed in further with my mask.

"… Not sure. I'd do it with a neural or spinal implant, but if she has one of them I'm not seeing the signs. The mask covers her face, but you don't go in through the face, too many tiny muscles, and that is part of my specialty. She's either just as good as I am at working wet, or she hasn't put anything into her brain or nervous system."

"You sure? We have an informant in the ABB, and he says she detonates them with her brain."

"As sure as I can be, I mean, I have pretty good resolution on this mask, and she might be a brain Tinker, instead of a bomb Tinker, but I doubt it. She might have gone in through the forehead, but that's just stupid, you need at lease some access to the Cerebellum."

"You know your tech best I suppose. There's nothing on her hands that could be a detonator. You think she might have a spotter? She's acting as a decoy, and someone else is blowing the bombs for her?" Victor mused.

"That makes sense." I told him.

Victor pursed his lips, his eye still glued to the scope of his rifle.

"…No. She's a control freak, you can see it in the way she fights, how she was yelling at her yellow friends earlier. She'd never let someone else detonate her bombs, and they are her bombs. I'm not seeing any signs that it's a body double… One second." Victor put his hand to his earpiece, and fiddled with it, isolating the channel that Alabaster and Stormtiger were listening to. "Lee incoming, we're done for today, pull back."

I didn't hear the response, but Stormtiger released a final flurry of slashes, driving Bakuda behind a parked truck, and then blew himself backwards, collecting Alabaster on the way past and carrying both of them around the corner.

The two of us stayed in place. We hadn't fired, hadn't moved, we were nearly four blocks away, and as far as I could tell no one had spotted us, camped as we were on the third floor of an abandoned warehouse. We were supposed to interfere if Alabaster and Stormtiger had trouble disengaging, but it looked like we wouldn't need to. Lee didn't seem to want to give chase.

"I think I got it." Victor said, still watching Bakuda through his rifle. "When she dodged just then nothing detonated. She probably could have detonated a couple of bombs between herself and Stormtiger for cover, but she couldn't do that and move, not easily. Something on her feet. Maybe her boots detect programmed toe movement or something. It could be that the move just caught her by surprise, but if you're right about no tinkertech brain reading bullshit, then it basically has to be the toes. She wasn't wearing gloves."

"I'd go with sub-dermal sensors in the fingers next, but I'm not seeing signs of that either, so yeah, some sort of scanner in the boots, or something on or in the toes to trigger the bombs." I told Victor. He nodded, and started packing up the rifle as Lee and Bakuda got into a car and left. We'd accomplished both our objectives. The ABB stash house had burned down from the Molotovs that some grunts had thrown before everything began, and we'd found out a lot about how Bakuda fought.

And the only thing we lost was a couple of foot soldiers to Bakuda's bombs. Acceptable casualties, for the E88 and for me. I wasn't going to get all broken up over the deaths of a few gang members, even if I had been fighting with one of them just last night.

Victor and I sat down quietly, waiting for the fuss to die down before our ride arrived to drive us back to safe territory. I could fly if I had to, and carry one passenger, but it would be best if we could avoid notice.

I glanced at Victor, who was reading a magazine calmly. At first I'd been wary around him. If any of the Empire were going to catch onto my future plans, he would be the one. He'd taken a lot of skills over the years, including the analytical sort, the skills to ferret out secrets easily.

At first I'd relied on avoiding direct conversation, and my espionage skills, but that was only a stopgap.

I still hadn't quite developed the anti-master technology I wanted, but my progress through the Neural Augmentation branch had allowed me to made a few adjustments to help me control myself. Firstly I'd finally managed to sync my emotion control up to my neural chip. Basically, I gave myself conscious control over my own emotions and feelings, allowing me to mentally adjust what I was feeling in real time. I'd been feeling real disgust when I looked at Bakuda earlier. Later, when I met Kaiser, I'd be feeling respect. I'd also put together a program to control micro-expressions, but that wasn't quite finished yet, I had the know how, I just needed another day or so to complete the programing.

I'd have it finished already if Rune hadn't insisted on dragging me out of my lab every other day.

"This initiation thing I have tomorrow… any advice on it?" I asked.

"Don't worry. It's easy. You'll be introduced to a few Gesellschaft people via teleconference, you'll beat up some filth, and then there's a party. Even Alabaster managed it, and he was still suicidal at the time." Victor said encouragingly.

"I hear rumors I had to kill someone?" I asked.

"Nah. That's Hookwolf's club. You're a bit young for that, and not many of us go that path." Victor said reassuringly.

"I guess that's not so bad then." I said, turning my nervousness down another notch. "There's something else, I've got a meeting with Kaiser afterward, a budget meeting. I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to give a good presentation? I have a rather expensive project I want him to finance."

"What do you want to build?" Victor asked.

"A micro-fabricator. The name is a bit of a misnomer, it would be the size of a building, with several machines generating the energy fields needed to manipulate matter at the molecular level. I'm getting a lot of ideas on how to make things, but I can't work that small with normal tools. This could make those tools."

Victor scratched his chin.

"Guess that's the bane of Tinkers, limited by what you have available. Any idea how much it would cost?"

"Not really, I'm still getting ideas on how to make it, improve it. I thought it might be a couple of million, but I'm starting to figure out how to make some of the more expensive components myself, so the price is dropping. If I had a year or two I could probably make it on my current budget, but I don't think I want to wait that long." I told him.

"Really? Sounds interesting. What sort of things do you need this micro-fabricator to make?"

"Anti-master technology, hyper efficient electronics, genetic tweaks to existing genomes… that's actually the only stuff I've come up with at the moment, but there would be more, the fabricator is designed to be ridiculously versatile." I said, trying not to get to exited about just how much potential something like that would have.

"Well, those things sound fairly impressive, but I wouldn't say that any of them are absolutely vital right now. If you can, write up a list of the things you think this fabricator can build. Make sure that you write them in the order of what will most impress someone like Kaiser, but stick something good on the end of the list as well, to give him a good parting impression. Don't try to undersell the cost, in fact add a bit on to what you think it's going to be, just in case things go over budget. Do you have some sort of preliminary schematic or design you can show him? Or a plan for construction? If it's the size of a building that's a lot of work, and if you run into problems halfway, it's a lot of sunken effort and cost."

I nodded.

"I'll try to make one by tomorrow. In fact… "

I took out a notebook and started writing. I'd need to leave some extra space around the energy field generators, just in case I needed to start manipulating more exotic forms of energy at the molecular scale…

Victor went back to his magazine, flipped through a few pages, grew bored, and then a slow smile crept across his face.

"So… you and Cricket. I heard you made her a new throat thing. You've got a thing for scars huh?" He asked.

I groaned.

"I was hoping it would stop her from killing me after I broke all four of her limbs." I told him with a sigh.

It was good work, capable of producing sound in a variety of voices, although for some reason she preferred the electronic ones. I'd only been able to convince her to implant it because it would let her talk and fight at the same time. I hadn't even booby trapped it. Mostly because I'd been in a rush. I did have my other contingency.

"You know, she was thinking of changing her cape name to Murder there for a while. That would fit in quite well with yours. Murder and Mayhem. Trouble is, with Cricket, it's probably going to be on you to change your name. Let's see... how do you feel about Jiminy?"

"I have a tazer, and I will use it." I told him, poking him with my right hand.

"Just saying, Rune is going to be very upset when she finds out."

"That's it." I told him, reaching into my emergency medical bag and flipping open a small bottle. I made as if to throw it on Victor, and he held his hands up in surrender.

"Spare me, spare me your Tinker wrath." He said jokingly.

"…Since you asked nicely, fine." I said, putting the cap back onto the container. Victor snatched it.

"What does this actually do?" He asked, swirling the tiny bottle.

"Tinkertech hair growth formula." I told him.

Odd how that was in the Human Augmentation tree, but I suppose it would help to adapt a human more quickly to colder climates. The formula itself was nearly useless to me, but it had cost me almost no energy to unlock, and it had cheapened the cost of some organ growth technology a little higher up the tree.

Victor paused.

"But I'm not bald?"

"It doesn't need to work on the head." I told him, trying and failing to snatch the bottle back.

Victor started grinning. I tried to snatch the bottle from him again, and he held it over his head thoughtfully. I engaged the rocket boots, and he started juggling the container, always keeping it just out of my reach.

"You know, it's kind of traditional to have a little bit of hazing before the initiation…" Victor said thoughtfully.

The worst part was all the pictures Rune took before I managed to get rid of the neckbeard.
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I still hadn't quite developed the anti-master technology I wanted, but my progress through the neural augmentation branch had allowed me to made a few adjustments to help me control myself. Firstly I'd finally managed to sync my emotion control up to my neural chip. Basically, I gave myself conscious control over my own emotions and feelings, allowing me to mentally adjust what I was feeling in real time. I'd been feeling real disgust when I looked at Bakuda earlier. Later, when I met Kaiser, I'd be feeling respect.
Behold the self mastering tinker. Save yourself work in having to master him yourself.
I have a confession to make. I like E88. There, I said it. They are a legitimately cool team with badass powers and synergies. I particularly like reading quality portrayals of Victor* (See: "Cenotaph", "Fayth" and indirectly "Split".)

As a black person, the doublethink required for this is somewhat problematic.

*Much like E88 itself, as long as I avoid thinking about how he does what he does. Stealing someone's life's work in a few minutes is horrifying.
I have a confession to make. I like E88. There, I said it. They are a legitimately cool team with badass powers and synergies. I particularly like reading quality portrayals of Victor* (See: "Cenotaph", "Fayth" and indirectly "Split".)

As a black person, the doublethink required for this is somewhat problematic.

*Much like E88 itself, as long as I avoid thinking about how he does what he does. Stealing someone's life's work in a few minutes is horrifying.

Was Cenotaph the one where we see Viktor fight Oni Lee from his POV? If so, that's the reason he's my favorite Nazi.


grenade launcher

How does she control the explosions though.

How does she control the explosions though?

You know your tech best I supposed.

You know your tech best I suppose.

She'd never let someone else detonate her bombs, and they are her bombs.

Add some emphasis to either 'are' or 'her' in the last clause; because they are her bombs. And she's crazy!

If any of the empire were going to catch onto my future plans, he would be the one.

Capitalize 'empire' I think: 'Empire'

I still hadn't quite developed the anti-master technology I wanted, but my progress through the neural augmentation branch had allowed me to made a few adjustments to help me control myself.

Capitalize 'neural augmentation:' Neural Augmentation

Should be 'know-how'

You'll be introduced to a few Gellenshaft people via teleconference, you'll beat up some filth, and then there's a party.


Hope it helps! Good snip!
Stealing someones life work in minutes seems like its probably worse than it is. There are a bunch of good ways to go about taking skills that would otherwise expire. Walk into an old folks home and walk out with skills. Walk into a coma patient ward, and only take what they dont need. Go to a prison and take the baser skills. Deathbeds, druggies, VA office (For those veterans with crippling injuries, take what they dont need. Maybe even pay them for it, hell, if theyre white then you could even offer them places in the Gang and the like.)
Just wanted to let you know I love this story. I was a little Leery at first given his relation to Bonesaw, but you have really pulled it off. Great stuff.
Stealing someones life work in minutes seems like its probably worse than it is. There are a bunch of good ways to go about taking skills that would otherwise expire. Walk into an old folks home and walk out with skills. Walk into a coma patient ward, and only take what they dont need. Go to a prison and take the baser skills. Deathbeds, druggies, VA office (For those veterans with crippling injuries, take what they dont need. Maybe even pay them for it, hell, if theyre white then you could even offer them places in the Gang and the like.)

There was actually a Twilight Zone (or was it Outer Limits?) episode with exactly this premise. Some guy stole the guitar skills of a elderly nursing home resident resident and the grandson?granddaughter? has to find out who and how.

The rest are actually legit great ideas. No-Prize explanation is that his shard favors the more conflict-inducing options. Also, his power works by multiple vectors: proximity, physical contact, eye contact, active use of skills by the victim. The latter two are lost on coma victims and to a lesser extent assisted living residents.
I knocked as politely as possible, and waited for Kaiser to answer.

The initiation went… well. I think. I mean, it could have gone worse. The E88 had a sort of hold on me now, but not much more of one than they already possessed. I hadn't been forced to compromise the rules I set for myself more than I already had.

Remembering… enjoying it was… annoying. Still, I didn't attach that emotion to any particular act. I could think of it as enjoying fooling the E88. Nothing more. The poor guy would come out of the experience healthier than ever, once the bruises cleared up.

Kaiser's door opened with a click.

"Come in Mayhem." He said warmly.

Kaiser was charismatic, which was probably the most dangerous thing about him. Well, the most dangerous thing about him other than the fact that I had metal implanted in my brain, and he could grow spikes from it at any time.

"Did you enjoy the party last night?" Kaiser asked, blue eyes twinkling…

Ugh. Respect is a tricky emotion. I couldn't just record a panic attack or stick a thumb tack into my hand like I did to get readings for fear and pain respectively. I'd read an article about Miss Militia's press conference and used pictures of Dragon's drones to try and isolate the correct sections of the brain when I was setting up the program. Guess respect and admiration are very closely tied together. Either that or I had a thing for drones. I turned my respect down several notches…

"It wasn't bad." I said blandly.

I'd introduced myself to everyone of course, it had been an excellent opportunity to shake hands with almost the entirety of the Empire's elite. The time after that had been… less exciting. Kaiser had asked Theo to show me around the Empire's training facility and there was something… off about the boy. He suppressed everything. When he showed me the first aid station I started tinkering together a concoction that would inhibit emotional suppression. Didn't even realize what my hands were doing before Theo asked me what I was making. Very awkward. Probably hypocritical to, now that I thought about it.

"I realize that you're not used to our customs just yet, but I'm sure you'll catch on quickly." Kaiser told me.

There had been a lot of stuff flying over my head. I caught whispers of arranged marriages, shuffling around teams, some very complex family trees. Honestly I didn't want to figure it all out, it sounded like to much fuss for an organization I planned to leave anyway.

"Thanks, I'll try." I told him.

"Victor mentioned that you wanted to talk with me about additional funding?" Kaiser said genially.

"Yes. Um, here you go." I told him, handing over my designs, cost estimates, and a list of the things I'd probably be able to build with the micro-fabricator.

Kaiser dutifully read the whole thing, and I spent the time trying not to snatch the sheets from him to make corrections or upgrades to my designs. After a little while I gave up, took out my phone and started working on the micro-expressions software. If my suspicions were right about Armsmasters lie detector, I could use this to fool him the next time we met.

"I like what you have here Mayhem." Kaiser said eventually. "I certainly think it has potential. It's not an impossible amount of money or resources, but… I hope you understand, it is a very large investment, and for an untried Tinker new to both their power and our organization, it is a very high risk investment. I'd be happy to fund this device. But not now. Give yourself time to settle in, refine the design, and prove how useful your technology is, and I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement."

I bit back my disappointment, nodded, and tried to think.

"So you want me to prove how useful my current technology could be, before making something better?" I asked.

"That is a large part of it, yes." Kaiser said evenly.

I had sort of expected this. Guess it was time to stop playing around.

"Very well. Then I would like your permission to start two projects. The first one is simple. I have developed a number of drugs and surgical procedures that can enhance the human body. Tinkertech steroids, sub-dermal mesh, bone bracing, implanted weapons… I can give anyone I want a Brute two rating, and a nasty surprise or two for anyone their fighting. I would like your permission to start enhancing volunteers from the Empire."

I was leading with my least favorite. Making these enhancements made me at least partially responsible for what those I enhanced did with their new-found power. The program would take a week or so to start up. I could mitigate that, pick and choose who I let into my program and who I kept out. Make sure I let in fighters, not killers, but there would be more deaths on my head, by the end of this.

But I thought the prize would be worth that price.

"Would this be dangerous?" Kaiser asked.

"Not at all. The people I would enhance would require maintenance, but not much. Most of my implanted stuff doesn't need to be taken out or re-worked. I can even make some tech tied directly into the central nervous system self healing."

"Who do you intend to enhance?" Kaiser asked.

"Whoever you send to me to enhance."

Except the bloodthirsty killers. Those might have 'unrecognized pre-existing medical conditions.' Well, pre-existing was stretching it, but I could probably get away with that excuse a couple of times. I didn't plan on having to do this for long.

Kaiser frowned, and nodded.

"All right. I'll pick some of my best men to see you tomorrow."

"Thursday if you don't mind. I still need to get the surgery set up." I told him.

"All right. You mentioned a second project."

"Right. The second project is one I actually expect to fail, I simply feel obligated to try. Are you familiar with the corona polentia and the gemma?" I asked Kaiser.

"I am. The parts of the brain associated with powers." Kaiser told me.

"My power appears to be some sort of bio-tinker specialty, possibly even a brain specialty, like Cranial. I don't get ideas when I look at scans of that part of the brain. I don't think I can Tinker with powers themselves, but I feel like I should at least take a look." I said, taking a second file out of my bag.

Kaiser took it from me, questioning me as he opened it.

"You want to experiment on a parahuman? I'm not sure that's something I can allow…"

He stared at the picture.

"I'm fairly sure she'd be a willing volunteer." I told him.

He was silent, rubbing his chin.

"She's very pale, so she sort of fits in, I might be able to give her control over her powers. Recruit her."

"The Krasue is a Taiwanese myth." Kaiser said absently.

I had not expected Kaiser of all people to know that. In fact I hadn't known that. Why would Kaiser have that sort of multicultural knowledge?

"I could probably rig something to make her look more human as well. Shouldn't be to hard." I said.

"Can you contain her?" Kaiser asked.

"Of course I can. The place they're holding her is hardly the Birdcage. She can barely bend ordinary steel, and I know how to make Tinker tech alloys that are significantly stronger."

Kaiser nodded thoughtfully.

"I'll have to think about this, consider the matter shelved for now. Is there anything else?"

I nodded.

"There is a more practical matter. I have a few alloys I'd like to make in bulk, but the process is time consuming, they are metal, if you could use your power."

Kaiser nodded.

"Of course. I wouldn't mind something in return though. Something lightweight and strong, that I can use to make my own armor."

I smiled, took a few flakes of metal out of my backpack and started explaining their properties. There wasn't really a metallurgy tree to my power, but I had some high grade metals designed not to degrade inside the human body, and a couple of ultra lightweight and quite strong metals from the beginning of the aviation tree.

Eventually I felt comfortable enough to ask something that had been bugging me for a while.

"You can create large amounts of any metal from thin air, right?" I asked Kaiser. He nodded.

"Of course."

"So you can create almost unlimited amounts of precious metals?" I asked.

"I can. Unfortunately there is this rather annoying… well simply put Economic Kill Orders exist, and I was warned early in my career that I would get one, should I use my powers in that way." Kaiser said, looking slightly uncomfortable about the topic.

"Could you supply other Tinkers instead?"

"Too close too risk." Kaiser said, a note of real annoyance in his tone. I didn't press further.


I didn't really realize what I had done until I got back to my lab, normalized my emotions, and re-played the recording I took with my mask.

I hadn't gone into that meeting intending to offer so much support to the E88. I'd been willing to augment some people, but not the people Kaiser picked. I'd been willing to work with Kaiser, but not just give him everything he wanted.


But I needed the E88. I needed a lab. I needed money. I wanted their help fighting the Nine…

I sighed, got back to work. Spinal implant, micro-scale muscle control… The spinal implant needed to shut down for the software updated, leaving me paralyzed from the neck down for the four minutes the update would take to go through.

I stared at myself in the computer screen, pondering the future. It was whim more than anything that made me say it.

"Mayhem Protocol. Objectives: Survival, Tell me what you think I should do. Thirty seconds."

I woke back up, blinked, replayed the mask's recording to see how Mayhem had responded to that objective.

Mayhem had slowly turned his neck to face the blank computer screen, and smiled, a rictus that pulled his lips back from his teeth.

"Pathetic Creator. You think to tame the wolves to fight against the Prince of Knives? They are ill suited to the task. Their teeth are dull. Their claws are not filled with poison, but with rot. Their stale breath seeps into your nose and your ears, weakening you. Their leader thinks he is a knight of white, but his cowardice is plain. Let me out. Let me feast on them, and I will grow strong enough to fight the Prince for you."

I looked around. The room was empty. Victor had stopped watching me while I was at the clinic. I played the recording again.

I hadn't even known that Mayhem could talk.
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We have five different rating buttons and none of them are 'terrifying'

Also Jurric, when do you sleep!?
This does have many potential applications. Say you're thrust up before a microphone at a wedding, without a chance to prepare.

"Mayhem Protocol. Objectives, survival, deliver a Best Man's speech. Three minutes."

That's not all!

"Mayhem Protocol. Objectives, karaoke."