H+ Mayhem (Worm)

Mayhem doesn't realize he's missing out on a great source of conflict. He has 14 butchers in his head, he could be having fun letting them war for dominance among one another and feed off that.

Of course I am enjoying poor Adam waking up. Could be bad for his mind. But hey, at least now we have one who is likely going to be willing to rebuild the bodies for all the frozen heads! Or even better, who is in a lab where he can get the bodies that belong with them regrown!
There is also a cyoa fic in which the mc is Superman++ basically (Siberian does nothing) where sveta gets a cauldron vial that replaces her power and fixes her body, monitored by si's adopted sister Riley. On mobile so no link atm.

Edit: NemoMarx is right, Tyrant of the Bay.
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It would probably depend on which one was killed.

...Ah, that actually clarifies some things. I thought that the bit in 6.S where clone!Ada emerges and has a nervous breakdown was some kind of flash-forward to after Mayhem had either died or gone Skynet. But if they're still two entities then that means Mayhem is still in Adam/Ada's original body whilst "donating" the clone body to the Adam/Ada persona.

In which case, the question becomes: what happens if Mayhem is killed? His brain still contains a fully-functional copy of Adam/Ada's persona, it's just being continually suppressed by the Mayhem protocol.

Anyway, this was just me poking at a corner case for how the Butcher shard works, rather than having much specific relevance to this story, so feel free to ignore.
In which case, the question becomes: what happens if Mayhem is killed? His brain still contains a fully-functional copy of Adam/Ada's persona, it's just being continually suppressed by the Mayhem protocol.
I don't believe this to be the case.

Adam effectively gave over the hardware to Mayhem when he provided the indefinite activation timeframe, and while we know that Adam's memories survive, I think this is out of necessity to provide Mayhem context for his orders, and does not indicate that there's a suppressed copy of Adam hiding away.

That the backup/clone activated makes it seem like everything that was Original Adam, his mannerism, the context of his memories, etc. was effectively purged from the Mayhem Platform.

Mayhem works by repurposing the brain to do different things. When Mayhem was running on a set time frame, the brain could only be changed a few degrees because Mayhem had to account for Adam's survival. Now that Adam's survival is no longer an objective, the brain can be completely repurposed.
I slammed down the lid of the laptop in annoyance.
Uh... <insert Overwatch joke here>?

The Endbringer truce was still in effect
Do you think there are Capes who just sit there, staring at a clock and WAITING for the Truce to end? You know, "I ain't gonna kill him. Not yet. But as soon as that stops... he is DEAD!"

I didn't want every cape in the city coming down on me just yet.
*puerile giggle*

Thus the Teeth were actually buying the raw materials I needed instead of just stealing them.
Cut to Animos standing in line at the nearest Subway, looking confused.

normally the Butcher was more than enough to hold against other threats on her own.
Well, yeah. It's REALLY hard to win against someone who honestly doesn't care that much if you kill them.

Rather humiliatingly I had assumed Chamber was female when I first identified him.
...do we need to give you The Talk, Mayhem? I mean... we shouldn't have to, right? Right? You... you should know this already, right?

Irritation was the younger sister of Vex, and she insisted that the name was a work in progress.
God, I hope so. Seriously, what'd you have before? "Mild Annoyance"?

Charley had lost contact with Lamb in the initial stages of the Leviathan attack, and was currently unaware of the cape's status.
Good money's probably on "Smeared across a street somewhere."

"You may. The Prince of Knives," I said.
It's like "The Prince of Thieves" only Gary Oldman isn't involved. ...I think. He's not, right? Can someone get his agent on the line to make sure?

I will try to improve my mental flexibility Butcher, and I will look up capes who match that description soon.
Dude, no wonder this guy's lasted so long. He's damn good at being obsequious. Also, he's probably going to cash in a LOT of vacation time all at once when he figures out WHO Mayhem's targeting.

You might have trouble working with the collective.
Naw, he seems to be handling that pretty easily.

Once we actually engaged I was confident I could beat him, and then torture him for the backdoor I needed.
Uh... wow. I'm not sure if Mayhem suggesting they're gonna get engaged first makes this better... or WORSE.

(For the record: I was going to make a prison sex joke, but I DIDN'T! I'm proud of myself.)

I'd be flight capable as soon as I did something with my legs,
Maybe you could replace them with missiles? Not that I'm sensing a theme to your Tinkering or anything.

that would require a few tools, to prune, trim, and control the organic portions of what I intended to create.

I was again forced to stop and wait until I had better tools for reworking the organic parts of my body.
Hatchet, again.

I was going to have to write some sort of program so I could sleep while this happened, something that let me reshape matter on autopilot while my higher functions shut down.
Oh, good! Mayhem can do really fucking stupid things, too! That's an exciting bit of data to have!

I wonder if I'd dream?
Probably of electric, carnivore sheep with missiles.

Cricket looked around, blinked at the lab that was quickly forming, and groaned.

"You killed the Butcher, didn't you?" she said.
You know, I appreciate how quickly she figured things out. It's actually kind of impressive.

Why, I'd practically feel guilty about having two rooms for just two people. Tell me, did you feel the same?"

Cricket blushed, and threw a Kama at me.
When she stops being tsun-tsun, her dere-dere is going to extinguish the SUN. (Seriously, I don't think I'll ever get tired of Mayhem teasing Cricket. It's HILARIOUS.)

One room, two beds you idiot.
(Two beds that have already been pushed together by helpful hotel staff who've been bribed and/or threatened by Mayhem.)

"You're mysterious, and I like that about you Mayhem, but the next time you want to take over a whole fucking gang and fill your head with a dozen new powers and personalities, you mention it to me first," Cricket said, pointing her finger at my face.
Note the phrasing there. She's not upset that Mayhem DID it... just that she didn't TELL HER first. I'm almost scared at how well these two work out together.

How do you feel about breaking into a highly secure PRT facility to steal some very, very dangerous bombs?
"G-give me a second. I just need to catch my... wow, that was a good one."
"...oh. So I'll take that as a vote in favor then."
Hmm, can Adam clone give objectives to Mayhem? Or new Adam is not "real" Adam to Mayhem, unlike deceased Ada ("only Ada can give me objectives")? If new Adam is not commanding Adam, can Mayhem kill him? If new Adam was created to fulfill "survival" objective it should be "real" Adam from Mayhem point of view correct? Or there are two Mayhems, one old "survival Mayhem" and other current one, and current don't recognize objectives of the first?
Hmm, can Adam clone give objectives to Mayhem? Or new Adam is not "real" Adam to Mayhem, unlike deceased Ada ("only Ada can give me objectives")? If new Adam is not commanding Adam, can Mayhem kill him? If new Adam was created to fulfill "survival" objective it should be "real" Adam from Mayhem point of view correct? Or there are two Mayhems, one old "survival Mayhem" and other current one, and current don't recognize objectives of the first?

I fear that most questions of this nature lead to spoilers.
No update tonight. Again, don't wait up. Sorry. I hope to post regularly over the weekend, but anticipate missing a couple of days next week as well. Busy, busy.
"I hate my power," Irritation groaned, flopping her head to the side to glance at Chamber, who was also on a hospital bed, and also wrapped in bandages. "Sure I can make you armor, but I should be able to make some for myself too dammit."

"Fat lot of good your armor did us," Animos said from the chair in front of her, drinking a beer. His real body healed very quickly while he was in his Changer form, so his burns were already long gone, and he was only hanging out in the tiny sick bay because he had nothing better to do. His hair hadn't grown back though, he was still bald, missing eyebrows and eyelashes.

"Please, she'd have pummeled you to pulp in seconds without my armor," Irritation snapped back.

"She pummeled us to pulp in seconds anyway," Animos said with a shrug.

"Well duh! She's the Butcher. It happens," Irritation said.

"Injuries during our first spar were inevitable, it is a simple way for her to show how easily she can hurt us. We are all alive, we will heal quickly thanks to her technology. Things are better than I expected," Chamber said, apparently unconcerned by his broken arm.

"Pretty boy is just happy he doesn't have to be the new Butcher's whor…" Irritation began, before Chamber pulled a gun from under his pillow with his uninjured hand, leveled it at her, and pulled back the safety.

"You finish that sentence and I will end you," he said calmly.

"Will you, really? You're not the Butcher's squeeze any more. You start acting up now, we get to fight back. You realize that, right?" Irritation asked, as purple plates began forming around his wrist, elbow and shoulder, locking the gun arm straight.

"I realize that your power is extremely unsuited to defending yourself, or from preventing my own power from hurting you," Chamber said.

Irritation looked at Animos, who shrugged again.

"Those painkillers are making you stupid. Face it, he's prettier than you. No need to get your panties in a twist," Animos said.

Chamber fired, and the bullet changed trajectory the moment it left the muzzle, nicking Animos's ear before bouncing harmlessly off the wall behind him, it's velocity altered to be less damaging to the environment. Irritation, who had locked the gun more or less pointed in her direction, jerked, and winced as her still mending ribs protested the treatment. Animos chuckled, and took another sip of his beer.

"Poor Irri, you really want to be all badass like your sister, but you still jump when a gun goes off. Glad you didn't hit the bottle Chamber. I'd have to fight you then."

"Whatever," Chamber said, as the plates around his elbow, shoulder and wrist dissolved, and he put the gun back under his pillow.

Irritation glared at them both, and winced again as she settled back in her bed. Vex was going to show those idiots when she got back. No one bothered Vex, even the last Butcher had decided she was useful enough to keep fairly happy.

"Soo…" Animos said, filling the sullen silence. "What does everyone think of the new Butcher? I haven't even managed to pin down her powers. Tinker and Thinker, obviously, but I'm not quite sure what her specialty is, and I'm not sure if her Thinker ability is pre-cog based or what."

"I would guess that she has some sort of accelerated perception Thinker ability," Chamber said. "She mentioned thinking faster than a human to the Butcher during their fight, and it would explain her odd behavior. Quarrel would pause and consult with the collective whenever there was any sort of major decision to be made. Mayhem does not pause. It is possible the conversations are happening quicker."

Animos nodded thoughtfully.

"That's true. I just sort of assumed that Mayhem and the Butcher collective weren't on speaking terms. She has asked to be called Mayhem, instead of Butcher, and some of the older Butcher's would throw a fit about that. On the other hand she seems fairly well informed about the Teeth, and while she's obviously mad, she hasn't been quite as… erratic as the ones that try and fight the Collective rapidly become."

"No, you might be onto something. I haven't heard her mention anything about the Teeth that she couldn't have learned from Charley or from the internet, and her insanity… it's a different brand than the normal Butchers."

Irritation nodded thoughtfully.

"She is weird. She was muttering to herself while she was Tinkering earlier, and she had her eyes closed. It sounded like code-names. She was talking about someone called the 'prince of knives,' about something called a 'rave in a box,' and 'project infinite loop.' Then she just launched into some kind of weird maths equation."

"I heard that as well, it was more of physics equation. As far as I could tell it was describing how to throw a human through a plate glass window without hurting them," Chamber said.

Irritation looked at him.

"You actually understood that garbage?"

"I had to write it down and work it out with a calculator, but yeah. Bone density and placement, impact point, glass thickness. I didn't get the whole thing, but I'm pretty sure that's what was going on. A power like mine benefits from an understanding of physics, so I've been studying it," Chamber said.

Irritation just looked at him, then shrugged.

"Whatever. What about Cricket? Anyone else think it's funny that the Butcher went from having a squeeze like Chamber to a girlfriend like her? Girl looks like she's been hit in the face with a shovel coated in razor blades," Irritation said.

"I am not sure if Mayhem and Cricket are in a relationship. If they are, then it appears to be one centered almost completely around violence and inciting violence. Admittedly, there is precedent for that sort of thing among previous Butchers, although relationships of that nature tend to end quickly," Chamber said.

"Like hell. You don't cut hearts into someone's face unless you like them, and Cricket didn't seem very upset at all about the new scars," Irritation said.

"It's sentences like that that make me wonder how I've survived this long," Chamber said dryly. "Oh, and Irritation? I wouldn't recommended speaking that way about our newest member. She lasted longer against Mayhem than the rest of us combined, and she strikes me as the sort to be… touchy."

Irritation shrugged.

"So? The Butcher was going easy on her cause she likes her."

"Bones don't bend that way when someone is going easy on you," Animos said, chuckling lightly.

"Where is our new cape anyway. She's injured to. Or is the Butcher giving her some sort of special treatment?" Irritation said.

"She left to look up the layout of the Chicago PRT building. Something to do with planning an assault soon. Not sure how I feel about that, there's always a bit of upheaval when a new Butcher takes the helm, but going after the PRT might get us attention we can't shake," Animos told her.

"With the Triumvirate gone and the Endbringer truce over, it's basically open season on the Protectorate right now. They're spread far to thin to chase us down after a successful strike, but it needs to be successful first," Chamber said, fishing a large physics textbook out of his bedside table and opening it to a bookmark.

"We can take the local Protectorate no problem, but Boston isn't quite as big as Chicago. Who have they got there at the moment?" Irritation asked.

"Dunno, I'd have to look it up, like Cricket's doing," Animos said, then his phone chimed, and he flipped it open, put down the beer and stood up.

"Mayhem just sent me a text, she's beaten Saint and the Dragon Slayers. Looks like she didn't think much of them. Called their piloting atrocious. Anyway she's bringing all four of them back here, and she wants me to prepare holding cells and some torture implements. Do we have anything like that, the last Butcher just used her ability to induce pain?"

"I think Chopblock left a small kit behind before he left. Don't know who went through his stuff after he died, but you might be able to track that down," Chamber said, without looking up from his book.
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Expect some fairly heavy editing tomorrow. I'm half asleep as I post this, so there's probably a fair few errors.

Mayhem repurposed the part of his brain that allows him to distinguish sexes for increased ability to seduce others regardless of their own original preferences. Easier that way.

Actually it was more that, between the dress and the mask, (which covered the Adam's apple,) the fact that Chamber was standing in a crowd, and that he never spoke, Mayhem just didn't have a lot of clues to work with. Even then Mayhem could have figured it out, if she bothered to do some sort of scan with her mask.

In all honesty though, it was to cover up my own mistake of writing that there were more female capes that male ones in an earlier chapter, then realizing that these were the characters I wanted to use.
"Mayhem just sent me a text, she's beaten Saint and the Dragon Slayers. Looks like she didn't think much of them. Called their piloting atrocious. Anyway she's bringing all four of them back here, and she wants me to prepare holding cells and some torture implements. Do we have anything like that, the last Butcher just used her ability to induce pain?"

There's something darkly hilarious about the Teeth's complete lack of fucks. They don't actually seem particularly enthusiastic about being villainous, but they've been so beaten down by previous Butchers that their response to being mildly torn apart in combat is "eh, still better than the last boss", and their reaction to "I'mma bring some guys over to torture" is "hmm, where did we leave the toolbox?". I appreciate the incongruity.
"Soo…" Animos said, filling the sullen silence. "What does everyone think of the new Butcher? I haven't even managed to pin down her powers. Tinker and Thinker, obviously, but I'm not quite sure what her specialty is, and I'm not sure if her Tinker ability is pre-cog based or what."
"We can take the local Protectorate no problem, but Boston isn't quite as big as Chicago who have they got there at the moment?" Irritation asked.
Chicago. Who
"She is weird. She was muttering to herself while she was Tinkering earlier, and she had her eyes close. It sounded like code-names. She was talking about someone called the 'prince of knives,' about something called a 'rave in a box,' and 'project infinite loop.' Then she just launched into some kind of weird maths equation."
"Rave in a box" and "Project infinite loop" are pretty vague names. I would think they were something promoting transhumanism, but Mayhem's current objectives aren't really focused on that. My best guesses are some kind of exotic grenade for the box, and that Project Infinite Loop is a way to preserve dying little girls.
"I had to write it down and work it out with a calculator, but yeah. Bone density and placement, impact point, glass thickness. I didn't get the whole thing, but I'm pretty sure that's what was going on. A power like mine benefits from an understanding of physics, so I've been studying it," Chamber said.

I am honestly impressed by this guy. He should keep showing up.

(Also definitely top of the current Husbando list for Mayhem. Not that it'll come up with Cricket around, but still.)