H+ Mayhem (Worm)

Considering Mayhem now has Brute and regenerative powers, might he make his arms and legs partially organic once the opportunity arises/he has something resembling a lab?

It's not like he can't make organic tissue way better than most metals/equipment with his human augmentation where it is now, and flesh reinforced by his many brute powers would make an excellent armor/waterproof casing for his technology. Best part is, the organic armor is self healing, so he doesn't have to worry so much about those pesky time consuming repairs. Convenience ftw.

Also, this was an awesome fight scene. And by that I mean I was in measurable awe. Such great writing Jurric. Where the fuck do you even get Mayhem's lines from? Some sort of bottomless bag of greatness?
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Considering Mayhem now has Brute and regenerative powers, might he make his arms and legs partially organic once the opportunity arises/he has something resembling a lab?

It's not like he can't make organic tissue way better than most metals/equipment with his human augmentation where it is now, and flesh reinforced by his many brute powers would make an excellent armor/waterproof casing for his technology. Best part is, the organic armor is self healing, so he doesn't have to worry so much about those pesky time consuming repairs. Convenience ftw.

Also, this was an awesome fight scene. And by that I mean I was in measurable awe. Such great writing Jurric. Where the fuck do you even get Mayhem's lines from? Some sort of bottomless bag of greatness?
Mayhem: I've forced grown a casing of my own skin so that my prosthetics will be even more reinforced.
Literally anyone: Jesus Christ, that's horrifying.
Mayhem: ikr???
You've had to do that a lot this story. Man Jurric doesn't play around do they?

Ryuugi, step up your game yo!
I've said before and I'm gonna say it again: This is the story I most enjoy seeing new updates to right now. Currently, seeing the magic behind the Mayhem is amusing the crap outta me.

I think we're in the... fifth of six arcs, now? Which means we're getting close to wrapping things up and I'm honestly looking forward to that. It's really, REALLY rare that someone manages to make a story that's solid throughout and I cannot WAIT to see how Jurric concludes this little fandango.

I'll be sad to see it go, but I'm going to enjoy this ride while it lasts! GG, Jurric. You rock.
This is the story I most enjoy seeing new updates to right now. Currently, seeing the magic behind the Mayhem is amusing the crap outta me.

I think we're in the... fifth of six arcs, now? Which means we're getting close to wrapping things up and I'm honestly looking forward to that. It's really, REALLY rare that someone manages to make a story that's solid throughout and I cannot WAIT to see how Jurric concludes this little fandango.

I'll be sad to see it go, but I'm going to enjoy this ride while it lasts! GG, Jurric. You rock.
I can do nothing but agree with this. The daily update format is realllly helping it out as well (No Jurric, no complaints missing a day or two. If you miss three I/we will hunt you down!).
I believe since this is dialouge you should have it written out? 'Butcher fifteen'

I see you are doing everything you can to kill my hope of a returned Ada I see.
Guessing you've never read 'Seed' then. Check it out.

Oh hey! Tiny bit of hope resurrected. Taylor and Sveta probably count at least in the unkillable young female population for awhile more (and then get they ded like everyone else).
Just started its good thank you.
Sveta was currently feeling very sad. Her friend Noelle had been kidnapped. Adam was missing, and her beautiful new body had been reduced to a single arm and about half of her upper torso. Today Was Not A Good Day, and she fought to keep from crying.

She needed to focus on the positive. Adam hadn't been missing long. Skitter was going to try and find him with her bugs before she left, and some of the heroes were already looking. Noelle was very difficult to actually hurt, so she would probably be all right. As for her body… well, she was alive. Although she'd have to make some notes about how she'd been short of breath until her lungs regenerated. Adam would think that was weird, because she didn't have a diaphragm to actually move her lungs, and he had asked her to write down any quirks of her biology, and how her power reacted to different things.

Also, according to Skitter, Adam was currently a girl, and looked like the clone Skitter controlled and called Eve. The clone looked very cute, especially all dressed up like a doll, but she probably shouldn't tell Adam that. Or anyone else. Ever.

She really hoped he didn't mind rebuilding her body. Although it wasn't like she deserved another one. She hadn't looked after the one she had very well at all.

No. Positive. She was thinking positive.

She was going to earn a new body by being an awesome lab assistant. Adam was probably fine, and the sky was lovely and blue now that the last of the clouds had cleared away. Her tendrils weren't even acting up. They'd been obliterated, along with the spinal column that they were stored in when the Siberian passed through her. They were regenerating, unlike her mechanical body, and they'd scared her a bit when they started to sway in the breeze, but the chip Adam had put in her brain to control them had worked, and they were just swaying passively, not pulling her around and trying to murder people.

Skitter had taken her to her home, a small but neat house that was only a little bit flooded, and Sveta was currently propped up near the back window while Skitter hurriedly packed a change of clothes for herself and her father, a photo album, and a few other essentials. Skitter had been worried about missing her father, who apparently didn't have a mobile phone, and she wanted to make sure he left the Bay. Once he was safely in one of the refugee camps that were being hastily built on the other side of the portals, then Skitter was going to sneak back through to look for Adam.

Should she ask to help Skitter search? She wasn't that heavy now, and Taylor's clone-bug things didn't have any problems carrying her. She wouldn't really be any help though. She could sort of move by dragging herself around, but it was even slower than her normal speed. She didn't want to slow anyone down.

The copy of Skitter, which she was apparently calling Khepri, grabbed Sveta suddenly and took her downstairs to some sort of small basement. Sveta squeaked.

"Sorry. I just saw Dad, he's coming back," the clone said.

"I'm glad," Sveta said, smiling. Taylor had been very worried about her dad, it was nice to see a family re-united.

"So am I. I think I'll leave a note on the kitchen table saying that I'm safe and that I've already gone through the nearest portal. I can't think of a good excuse to leave Dad over there and then come back. I'm writing the note now, I'll be down to join you soon." Tay… Khepri said.

These clone things became confusing rather easily.

Sveta looked around the small workshop in awe. It wasn't as impressive as Adam's of course, but it was tidier. Sveta did her best to clean up after Adam, but she had to be careful not to disturb anything that he was still working on, and she had to make sure that everything went back to it's proper place, which was sometimes just in a sort of 'easy reach' semicircle on his desk.

Skitter's lab had silk neatly sorted and folded, every insect and strand of costume in place. A second costume was already taking shape, this one lighter and with less spikes. More reminiscent of butterfly than a beetle or an ant. The spiders lurking in the corners of the room were a bit scary, but Sveta trusted Skitter, so they weren't bad. It was like how Mayhem cutting Tattletale's face off had been scary, but he was doing it to help her, so it was fine.

Taylor came down stairs, and nodded to Sveta before closing and locking the basement door.

"We should be fine down here. Dad doesn't have anything we need in the basement. My note mentions all the things I've already packed," Taylor said.

Sveta wondered if she should tell Taylor that her dad would feel better if he knew the truth. Would that be pushy? That would be pushy, wouldn't it? It wasn't like she knew how her dad would react. She knew very little about the man. He might be angry, or have a heart attack, or be very sad, or…

Sveta froze as the front door opened, and tried to be quiet.

"He's reading the note," Taylor whispered. "He looks less worried, although still a bit."

There was a clumping of boots.

"He's going upstairs. Probably collecting documents. I wasn't sure what I needed to pack from his filing cabinet," Taylor added.


Far away, on another world, Dinah scrunched her eyes tightly shut, and tried to block out the screaming pain in her head. It drowned out everything else, even the way her body had gone numb, and stopped shivering. Still, she tried to listen to the voices around her. It should have been easy to keep track of who was talking, some of the voices sounded like they were hissing, others sounded like they were booming out of speakers, and one of them sort of… tinkled when it talked. Unfortunately, the pounding of blood in her ears and the pain of her headache made tracking the speakers almost impossible. All of them sent spikes of agony into her head.

"…one of them! There's nothing wrong with her at all!"

"Nothing wrong? The poor thing's freezing. Does anyone here have fire powers?"

"I think Lavalamp does, but he's just gone through the portal. I'll go get a scoop from him, wait here."

"I'm just saying, she has to be one of them."

"Don't be an idiot. We've seen most of the members of Cauldron at one point or another, and she's only a child. She's probably just one of us who worked out right. Or perhaps she's in the process of changing still. I don't remember how long I was out, after they gave me their formula, and I… think there might have been a headache involved?"

"Either way, she's human, if she tells anyone what we did to Doctor Moth…"

There was the sound of something hard hitting something soft.

"She won't tell anyone, because we won't show her. We'll warm her up, see if we can help with whatever is making her clutch her head like that, and give her to the proper authorities on the other side of the portal. For god's sake man, she's a little girl."

"I'm back. I have a good sized scoop of lava, and Nektar gave me a few tears, so we should be able to get her back on her feet in no time. Growthspurt, you're the only one who can feel temperatures, how close should I put this dollop of lava to the girl?"

"Ugh… maybe over here? It's cooling down pretty quick."

"They have some ambulances arriving on the other side of the portal. Mostly policemen still, but a few ambulances. We should probably get her to them, they'd be able to do better than we can."

"Did Wrathwind manage to escape the cordon?"

"Even better, you know the man who let us out? When he heard about her power he told her that the PRT directors always meet during an Endbringer attack, supposedly to co-ordinate together on directing the defense, but mostly so that they're all at a secure location. Anyway, he took Wrathwind there directly."

"Who or what is the PRT?"

"Dunno, but apparently they have enough power to help us hunt down the remainder of Cauldron, and Wrathwind is going to ensure that happens."

"I was in a cell block with her, she wasn't that strong."

"She's more subtle than direct, yeah, but she's also undetectable, and she works with what's already there. I'm confident she'll succeed. I just wish we had some way of ensuring that we don't get treated like freaks on the other side. Wrathwind can't do that. As far as I know, none of us can. Cauldron was pretty sucky, but it's sort of… our place, you know?"

"I guess. Here, the stone's grown cold, and Nektar's tears don't seem to have worked. We'd better give this girl to the ambulance officers. Maybe we can spin it into good PR, or something."


Skitter tried not to let it show in her body language as her drone surveyed the lab. She'd tracked Ada down to the healing tent, asked several of the witnesses which direction he'd left in, and then traveled in that direction until her bugs came across a large amount of spilled blood in one of the houses.

Her bugs crawled over several copses, in the hallway, probably the family that used to live here. As horrible as that was, most of her attention was focused on the laboratory, and what it contained. Someone had died in that lab, the organs spread around the floor were very fresh, and the cybernetic components meant either Bonesaw or Ada had been the one… disassembled.

"Sveta, did Adam have cybernetic legs?" she asked.

"Not before I left, no. Why?"

"I think Adam got Bonesaw then. It's rough that he had to take out his own sister, but it probably means he's alive." Taylor said, as reassuringly as she could. There was no way she was going to go into detail about what was in there to Sveta. There was something… innocent about her. Something that made you want to protect her, even when you'd seen her literally drop out of the sky and shoot a hole into Leviathan's chest deeper than the ones Alexandria was leaving.

Ada really wasn't a good influence, with the whole creepy lack of emotions, obsession with the Slaughterhouse Nine, and reckless disregard of everyone's safety. Still, Ada was a work in progress, and the mad Tinker needed someone like Sveta to keep her in check. Sveta was the good influence, and she just had to do what she could to make sure that Sveta influenced Ada, and not the other way around.

There was a crumpled dress at the bottom of the elevator, and several corpses in the hallway, but there wasn't a body around that might belong to Ada. Come on, it wouldn't have killed him… her, to wait around, or at least contact someone if she was alright?

Taylor jumped as a phone started to ring on her Khepri clone, and the clone nearly dropped Sveta in it's haste to answer it. Sveta didn't seem to mind, just eagerly turning her head to look at the phone.

Unknown number, but that meant nothing. Ada went through phones like other people went through tissue paper. It wasn't likely to be anything private, so Taylor had the Khepri clone stick the mobile on speaker, and answered it.

"Skitter?" Adam's voice said. It was barely recognizable. He, and the Tinker's voice was back to being masculine, sounded like he'd been sobbing for the last half an hour.

A natural reaction maybe, to killing his sister, but still not really typical behavior for Adam. He seemed to just switch his emotions off when he found them inconvenient. Possibly even literally. Tinkers were bullshit that way.

"Ada, you sound… unlike you." I said, through the clone.

"Taylor, I killed her, I didn't want to, but I hated what she'd become so much, and I couldn't think of a way to get things back the way they were, and Jack was still out there… I could have saved her but I killed her and then I activated Mayhem and then I was in this tube and I couldn't activate Mayhem again or use my brain implant and I'm a guy again for some reason and I don't know where I am…"

He was ranting, taking long, ragged breathes between his sentences, and obviously struggling to control himself. Also very, very afraid. I didn't want to know what could make Mayhem scared.

"Calm down. Breathe. Do the Nine have you?" I said, as sternly as I could.

Sveta had gone from looking relieved, to puzzled, and was now back on worried, but she was keeping quiet.

"No, he says his name is Blasto. He said that Accord isn't happy with me. Said that the name itself was enough to make Accord hate me, once he found out. Accord's coming here, and now there's these voices, and they keep telling me to kill Blasto, and to join the Teeth…"

There was a faint hissing sound, and the line went quite for a while, then another, much calmer voice answered.

"This is Blasto. Sorry about that, but when Mayhem mentioned voices telling him to kill me I got a little worried and sedated him. You're obviously his teammates, so you can come pick him up if you'd like. I'm in Boston, I hear most of those new portal things lead near here, and I can give you my address. Look, about Mayhem's madness… I think it's temporary. Maybe. As far as I can tell, nothing went wrong with the procedure itself. The memory write happened perfectly. Stream of consciousness was maintained right up until the moment of death. Tell me, was Mayhem exposed to some sort of extreme Master effect just before his death? Because that would explain it."

I looked at Sveta, who looked at me.

I'd be tempted to think that this was some sort of elaborate trap set up by the Slaughterhouse Nine, but why? What on earth did this gain them?

"Just to check that we're on the same page here… you're Blasto, the plant Tinker, right?"

"That's right. Well, more of a clone Tinker really, I just like working with plants a lot of the time. Less ethical issues."

"And Mayhem contacted you… and you've made a clone of him."

"Not just a clone. Mayhem managed to produce three brain writing implants, which I've installed inside clones of myself, Mayhem, and Accord, who funded this project. Accord and I need to use a rather bulky machine to update our clones with our memories, but Mayhem was able to use his pre-existing implant to maintain a live stream of his own thoughts and memories. He all but perfected resurrection. The implications are absolutely fascinating."

"Resurrection? Why would Mayhem need that?" I asked, while Sveta's eyes widened.

"Well I don't know. I assume he died? He programmed his own trigger conditions for the release of his clone body weeks ago, when we first set this project up. I think it was in the wake of the Bakuda bombings?"
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Butcher shard is connected to both. So Adam is even crazier now.

He's back to being a male though, I'm happy with that.
She's subtle, but she'd also undetectable
she's also
had gone from looking relieved, to puzzled, and was not back on worried.
was now back to
nothing when wrong with the procedure
went wrong
Accord an I need to use a rather bulky machine to updat
and I need to use
Mayhem, you sneaky AI, you. The guy seems to have made this clone of Adam so he can revert back when he activates Mayhem permanently, and yet Mayhem still lives and operates in the original body.

Now if only the Butcher powers weren't pinging both forms simultaneously.
So I've been lurking around for a few years, but when my favorite fic updated just as I finished reading the last chapter, I took it as a sign and finally signed up.

Just want to say I love your story, it's the most surprizing fic with the mist original plot I've read in years. Every second chapter something happens that I just didn't see coming.

Great job!
Ahah, so it was that option after all. Still with the Butcher shard seemingly effecting both, this would imply that the mechanism operating there is effecting all people on the same shard? Is Mayhem and Adam still both on the same shard?

If that were the case, does this mean all Mayhem unlocks are also available to Adam and vice versa? Or do the tech trees diverge? Does Adam still have the energy from the fight? Or is that all with Mayhem? Many many questions really...

Also I think Mayhem said Adam could still update its objectives, so that means Adam could still change commands for Mayhem? Maybe even including shutdown? Though this brings up yet another question, how long will Adams sanity hold up? And can he make an implant that will let him ignore Butcher shard effects? Well he can influence shard powers already, so this seems like it might be feasible I guess... Especially if he can unlock more of the human augmentation and biotech tree.

Well, there's a large amount of options open for now I guess.
AN: I apologize in advance for how bad the spelling and grammar in this update probably is. I didn't have the time for even a quick edit, as the last couple of days have been very hectic, and I didn't want to miss two days of updates in a row. I have tomorrow off, so if you want to read the edited work, please come back in twelve to twenty four hours.

Sveta was currently feeling very sad. Her friend Noelle had been kidnapped. Adam was missing, and her beautiful new body had been reduced to a single arm, and about half of her upper torso. Today Was Not A Good Day, and she fought to keep from crying.

She needed to focus on the positive. Adam hadn't been missing long. Skitter was going to try and find him with her bugs before she left, and some of the heroes were already looking. Noelle was very difficult to actually hurt, so she would probably be all right. As for her body… well, she was alive. Although she'd have to make some notes about how she'd been short of breath until her lungs regenerated. Adam would think that was weird, because she didn't have a diaphragm to actually move her lungs, and he had asked her to write down any quirks of her biology, and how her power reacted to different things.

Also, according to Skitter, Adam was currently a girl, and looked like the clone Skitter controlled and called Eve. The clone looked very cute, especially all dressed up like a doll, but she probably shouldn't tell Adam that. Or anyone else. Ever.

She really hoped he didn't mind rebuilding her body. Although it wasn't like she deserved another one. She hadn't looked after the one she had very well at all.

No. Positive. She was thinking positive.

She was going to earn a new body by being an awesome lab assistant. Adam was probably fine, and the sky was lovely and blue now that the last of the clouds had cleared away. Her tendrils weren't even acting up. They'd been obliterated, along with the spinal column that they were stored in when the Siberian passed through her. They were regenerating, unlike her mechanical body, and they'd scared her a bit when they started to sway in the breeze, but the chip Adam had put in her brain to control them had worked, and they were just swaying passively, not pulling her around and trying to murder people.

Skitter had taken her to her home, a small but neat house that was only a little bit flooded, and Sveta was currently propped up near the back window while Skitter hurriedly packed a change of clothes for herself and her father, a photo album, and a few other essentials. Skitter had been worried about missing her father, who apparently didn't have a mobile phone, and she wanted to make sure he left the Bay. Once he was safely in one of the refugee camps that were being hastily built on the other side of the portals, then Skitter was going to sneak back through to look for Adam.

Should she ask to help Skitter search? She wasn't that heavy now, and Taylor's clone-bug things didn't have any problems carrying her. She wouldn't really be any help though. She could sort of move by dragging herself around, but it was even slower than her normal speed. She didn't want to slow anyone down.

The copy of Skitter, which she was apparently calling Khepri, grabbed Sveta suddenly and took her downstairs to some sort of small basement. Sveta squeaked.

"Sorry. I just saw Dad, he's coming back," the clone said.

"I'm glad," Sveta said, smiling. Taylor had been very worried about her dad, it was nice to see a family re-united.

"So am I. I think I'll leave a note on the kitchen table saying that I'm safe and that I've already gone through the nearest portal. I can't think of a good excuse to leave Dad over there and then come back. I'm writing the note now, I'll be down to join you soon." Tay… Khepri said.

These clone things became confusing rather easily.

Sveta looked around the small workshop in awe. It wasn't as impressive as Adam's of course, but it was tidier. Sveta did her best to clean up after Adam, but she had to be careful not to disturb anything that he was still working on, and she had to make sure that everything went back to it's proper place, which was sometimes just in a sort of 'easy reach' semicircle on his desk.

Skitter's lab had silk neatly sorted and folded, every insect and strand of costume in place. A second costume was already taking shape, this one lighter and with less spikes. More reminiscent of butterfly than a beetle or an ant. The spiders lurking in the corners of the room were a bit scary, but Sveta trusted Skitter, so they weren't bad. It was like how Mayhem cutting Tattletale's face off had been scary, but he was doing it to help her, so it was fine.

Taylor came down stairs, and nodded to me before closing and locking the basement door.

"We should be fine down here. Dad doesn't have anything we need in the basement. My note mentions all the things I've already packed," Taylor said.

Sveta wondered if she should tell Taylor that her dad would feel better if he knew the truth. Would that be pushy? That would be pushy, wouldn't it? It wasn't like she knew how her dad would react. She knew very little about the man. He might be angry, or have a heart attack, or be very sad, or…

Sveta froze as the front door opened, and tried to be quiet.

"He's reading the note," Taylor whispered. "He looks less worried, although still a bit."

There was a clumping of boots.

"He's going upstairs. Probably collecting documents. I wasn't sure what I needed to pack from his filing cabinet," Taylor added.


Far away, on another world, Dinah scrunched her eyes tightly shut, and tried to block out the screaming pain in her head. It drowned out everything else, even the way her body had gone numb and cold. Still, she tried to listen to the voices around her. It should have been easy to keep track of who was talking, some of the voices sounded like they were hissing, others sounded like they were booming out of speakers, and one of them sort of… tinkled when it talked. Unfortunately, the pounding of blood in her ears and the pain of her headache made tracking the speakers almost impossible. All of them sent spikes of agony into her head.

"…one of them! There's nothing wrong with her at all!"

"Nothing wrong? The poor thing's freezing. Does anyone here have fire powers?"

"I think Lavalamp does, but he's just gone through the portal. I'll go get a scoop from him, wait here."

"I'm just saying, she has to be one of them."

"Don't be an idiot. We've seen most of the members of Cauldron at one point or another, and she's only a child. She's probably just one of us who worked out right. Or perhaps she's in the process of changing still. I don't remember how long I was out, after they gave me their formula, and I… think there might have been a headache involved?"

"Either way, she's human, if she tells anyone what we did to Doctor Moth…"

There was the sound of something hard hitting something soft.

"She won't tell anyone, because we won't show her. We'll warm her up, see if we can help with whatever is making her clutch her head like that, and give her to the proper authorities on the other side of the portal. For god's sakes man, she's a little girl."

"I'm back. I have a good sized scoop of lava, and a Nektar gave me a few tears, so we should be able to get her back on her feet in no time. Growthspurt, you're the only one who can feel temperatures, how close should I put this dollop of lava to the girl?"

"Ugh… maybe over here? It's cooling down pretty quick."

"They have some ambulances arriving on the other side of the portal. Mostly policemen still, but a few ambulances. We should probably get her to them, they'd be able to do better than we can."

"Did Wrathwind manage to escape the cordon?"

"Even better, you know the man who let us out? When he heard about her power he told her that the PRT directors always meet during an Endbringer attack, supposedly to co-ordinate together on directing the defense, but mostly so that they're all at a secure location. Anyway, he took Wrathwind there directly."

"Who or what is the PRT?"

"Dunno, but apparently they have enough power to help us hunt down the remainder of Cauldron, and Wrathwind is going to ensure that happens."

"I was in a cell block with her, she wasn't that strong."

"She's subtle, but she'd also undetectable, and she works with what's already there. I'm confident she'll succeed. I just wish we had some way of ensuring that we don't get treated like freaks on the other side. Wrathwind can't do that. As far as I know, none of us can. Cauldron was pretty sucky, but it's sort of… our place, you know?"

"I guess. Here, the stone's grown cold, and Nektar's tears don't seem to have worked. We'd better give this girl to the ambulance officers. Maybe we can spin it into good PR, or something."


Skitter tried not to let it show in her body language as her drone surveyed the lab. She'd tracked Ada down to the healing tent, asked several of the witnesses which direction he'd left in, and then traveled in that direction until her bugs came across a large amount of spilled blood in one of the houses.

Someone had died in that lab, the organs spread around the floor were very, very fresh, and the cybernetic components meant either Bonesaw or Ada had been the one… disassembled.

"Sveta, did Adam have cybernetic legs?" she asked.

"Not before I left, no. Why?"

"I think Adam got Bonesaw then. It's rough that he had to take out his own sister, but it probably means he's alive." Taylor said, as reassuringly as she could. There was no way she was going to go into detail about what was in there to Sveta. There was something… innocent about her. Something that made you want to protect her, even when you'd seen her literally drop out of the sky and shoot a hole into Leviathan's chest deeper than the ones Alexandria was leaving.

Ada really wasn't a good influence, with the whole creepy lack of emotions, obsession with the Slaughterhouse Nine, and reckless disregard of everyone's safety. Still, Ada was a work in progress, and the mad Tinker needed someone like Sveta to keep her in check.

There was a crumbled dress at the bottom of the elevator, and several corpses in the hallway, but there wasn't a body around that might belong to Ada. Come on, it wouldn't have killed him… her, to wait around, or at least contact someone if she was all right?

Taylor jumped as a phone started to ring on her Khepri clone, and the clone nearly dropped Sveta in it's haste to answer it. Sveta didn't seem to mind, just eagerly turning her head to look at the phone.

Unknown number, but that meant nothing. Ada went through phones like other people went through tissue paper. It wasn't likely to be anything private, so Taylor had the Khepri clone stick the mobile on speaker, and answered it.

"Taylor?" Adam's voice said. It was barely recognizable. He, and the Tinker's voice was back to being masculine, sounded like he'd been sobbing for the last half an hour.

A natural reaction maybe, to killing his sister, but still not really typical behavior for Adam. He seemed to just switch his emotions off when he found them inconvenient. Possibly even literally. Tinkers were bullshit that way.

"Ada, you sound… unlike you." I said, through the clone.

"Taylor, I killed her, I didn't want to, but I hated what she'd become so much, and I couldn't think of a way to get things back the way they were, and Jack was still out there… I could have saved her but I killed her and then I activated Mayhem and then I was in this tube and I couldn't activate Mayhem again or use my brain implant and I'm a guy again for some reason and I don't know where I am…"

He was ranting, taking long, ragged breathes between his sentences, and obviously struggling to control himself. Also very, very afraid. I didn't want to know what could make Mayhem scared.

"Calm down. Breathe. Do the Nine have you?" I said, as sternly as I could. Sveta had gone from looking relieved, to puzzled, and was not back on worried.

"No, he says his name is Blasto. He said that Accord isn't happy with me. Said that the name itself was enough to make Accord hate me, once he found out. Accord's coming here, and now there's these voices, and they keep telling me to kill Blasto, and to join the Teeth…"

There was a faint hissing sound, and the line went quite for a while, then another, much calmer voice answered.

"This is Blasto. Sorry about that, but when Mayhem mentioned voices telling him to kill me I got a little worried and sedated him. You can come pick him up if you'd like, I'm in Boston, I hear most of the portals lead near there, and I can give you my address. Look, about Mayhem's madness… I think it's temporary. Maybe. As far as I can tell, nothing when wrong with the procedure itself. The memory write happened perfectly. Stream of consciousness was maintained right up until the moment of death. Tell me, was Mayhem exposed to some sort of extreme Master effect just before his death? Because that would explain it."

I looked at Sveta, who looked at me.

I'd be tempted to think that this was some sort of elaborate trap set up by the Slaughterhouse Nine, but why? What on earth did this gain them?

"Just to check that we're on the same page here… you're Blasto, the plant Tinker, right?"

"That's right. Well, more of a clone Tinker really, I just like working with plants a lot of the time. Less ethical issues."

"And Mayhem contacted you… and you've made a clone of him."

"Not just a clone. Mayhem managed to produce three brain writing implants, which I've installed inside clones of myself, Mayhem, and Accord, who funded this project. Accord an I need to use a rather bulky machine to update our clones with our memories, but Mayhem was able to use his pre-existing implant to maintain a live stream of his own thoughts and memories. He all but perfected resurrection. The implications are absolutely fascinating."

"Resurrection? Why would Mayhem need that?" I asked, while Sveta's eyes widened.

"Well I don't know. I assume he died? He programmed his own trigger conditions for the release of his clone body."
Oh cool, I was more write than wrong!
Is Mayhem and Adam still both on the same shard?

If that were the case, does this mean all Mayhem unlocks are also available to Adam and vice versa?
Shards treat exact genetics match as the same host - see Fenja\Menja and S9000.

Mayhem said Adam could still update its objectives, so that means Adam could still change commands for Mayhem? Maybe even including shutdown?
Probably only if the meet in person.
One pertinent question is the energy pool he uses for blueprints. Is it a shared pool with Myaham, did he get a new one? Some combination of them?
Well, that was quick.
I though the inevitable resurrection would happen a few chapters later.
You managed to surprise me again, keep it up.

One of the most satisfying fics I've read so far, well-written and full of delightfully unexpected stuff.
So, if Adam still has his tinkering abilities, he needs to find a way to separate his mind from the Butcher's implant style, and fast. I...don't see any other alternative that would keep him from becoming Butcher. On the bright side, more excuses for him to fuck with his brain meat! Yay!
Ada really wasn't a good influence, with the whole creepy lack of emotions, obsession with the Slaughterhouse Nine, and reckless disregard of everyone's safety. Still, Ada was a work in progress, and the mad Tinker needed someone like Sveta to keep her in check.
Nice to see Taylor's thoughts on our favorite Tinker.
"Taylor, I killed her, I didn't want to, but I hated what she'd become so much, and I couldn't think of a way to get things back the way they were, and Jack was still out there… I could have saved her but I killed her and then I activated Mayhem and then I was in this tube and I couldn't activate Mayhem again or use my brain implant and I'm a guy again for some reason and I don't know where I am…"
Wait a moment...
"No, he says his name is Blasto.
Holy shit, that Survive command and 24 hour activation of Mayhem did pay off.
Accord's coming here, and now there's these voices, and they keep telling me to kill Blasto, and to join the Teeth…"
Well damn son.

You should have time to install a neural chip before you go crazy, at least. You are much better than you used to be.
"Not just a clone. Mayhem managed to produce three brain writing implants, which I've installed inside clones of myself, Mayhem, and Accord, who funded this project. Accord an I need to use a rather bulky machine to update our clones with our memories, but Mayhem was able to use his pre-existing implant to maintain a live stream of his own thoughts and memories. He all but perfected resurrection. The implications are absolutely fascinating."
Bullshit tinkers are bullshit.
inb4 datcord attempts to ship mayhem/adam
Way too late mate.
Original chip did not build to receive transmissions, if i remember right, so Adam will need direct access.
The whole "they were trying to give new objectives, but only Ada could give those" part seems promising, at least.

I'm just really happy to have Adam back, especially with nearly all his memories. Sveta's pov really tugs the heartstrings on his "death".
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