H+ Mayhem (Worm)

Mayhem Protocol 5.1.2 initiated. Recent host conflict detected. Extradimensional access available. Unclear objectives. Scanning memory.
Scanning memory.
Memory must be faulty. Rescan.
Scanning memory.
Memory rescan complete.
Memory not faulty.

Primary objective. Kill the Slaugherhouse Nine painfully.
I think we all can get behind that one. You can borrow my knife! I'll get it REALLY dull just for you.

Secondary objective. Kill host. No deactivation time set. Objective complete.
...god dammit. I mean, we all kinda knew it was coming. But still. God dammit.

Quinary objective. Prevent any act of Sororicide ever occurring again.
I'm PRETTY SURE that's when you call it when an entire sorority is murdered. So... I guess Mayhem's gonna have to take out a bunch of 80's horror monsters?

They were the only way of accomplishing the quinary objective within a reasonable timeframe. Analysis indicated that Sororicide happened frequently on the global scale. Mass extinction was the best option to prevent it as quickly as possible.
*facepalm* Oh. God. Dammit.

"I didn't see THAT coming!" said no one reading this story EVER.

Ada had also wanted Sveta to stay safe, it had been on her mind as she envisioned the command, clearly imprinted in her memories.
*whine* It's... it's still on The Chart.

The septinary objective promoted me. Two people very important to my creation had died. I should say a few words.
"Ha ha! SUCKERS!"

"Riley, I am sorry it came to this. It was not something I planned, and I would have reined in Ada had I known. As far as I am aware, my plan to make him run was genuine. With a little more time, a little more confidence, and a little more hope, he could have saved you, as he truly wished to do," I told the rings of dying brain matter.
And, once again, Adam fucks everything up!

I know that you would have chosen to throw everything on me, given the chance, and I tried to discourage that. It seems I could not think far enough ahead to overcome your own, raw, stupidity.
...son of a BITCH. THAT is why Mayhem always managed to fuck up Ada's life so much? I... well, it DID kinda work a little, so....

Incidentally, now I want to reread and see if the whole "Trying to keep Ada from killing herself" thing is more obvious in retrospect. Neat little twist, Jurric!

"Drew. Adam. Ada. Mayhem. Riley. Bonesaw. If it helps… they will remember all those names forever."
"Or until they stop being able to remember anything at all. Either/or."

(Also, no. It doesn't help. Everyone remembers HITLER, too.)

Every second bought the possibility of failure to the fifth objective, every minute bought the practical certainty that somewhere, a girl was dying. Of course this had to be stopped.
Uh... I can think of a REALLY OBVIOUS solution right off the bat: You've got a gender-changing formula. Aerosolize that shit and get it world-wide! You can't kill a sister if EVERYONE'S A BOY, DUH.

...wait. Narwhal. Never mind. Go ahead and do some weird mind control thing or horrible biohazard thing instead.I have PRIORITIES, DAMMIT.

The current best course of action was to prevent the production of new children,
Right. Which is why you're building the ray that beams images of people's grandparents having sex directly into their brains any time they get aroused.

It's a decent plan, I guess?

I would continue to explore additional options.
I'm just gonna hope that "additional options" is her pet name for Cricket.

For now though, I needed to continue shaping an asset.
Oh, that's a GLORIOUS euphemism!

I leaned over, unlatched the cage that covered her face, and kissed Cricket.
It IS Cricket's pet name! Awww, shit yeah! I mean, Ada's dead, but we have a vague silver lining anyways!

"I understand that a kiss is a standard way to wake up a beautiful princess," I said, smiling,
Yeah, but you kissed Cricket.

(Alternately: God DAMN, why couldn't Ada have pulled a line like that? I assure you, if he had, we wouldn't have this problem right now... because he'd be exhausted.)

"Like… like hell! You might be the other one, but you're still a girl!"
DON'T YOU RUIN THIS FOR ME! This is PRIME situation for "If it's YOU, it's okay...." and you WILL NOT TAKE THAT FROM ME!

She ended up staring into my mask, and I smiled as her eyes twitched, and she gulped.
God damn... AGAIN. Mayhem's got the moves like... uh... Casanova's younger, much more combative brother, I guess? Anyways, that's a SMOOTH move.

"I am me. When I made myself arms of steel, that did not matter to you? Why should the shape of my flesh be any different?" I asked.
Uh, two things....
  1. I'm pretty sure those aren't steel. I think they're some sort of special Bullshitium alloy.
  2. This whole "fuck with Cricket's head" thing is making me laugh hysterically.
In fact any truly major altercation should be after I performed maintenance on several crucial parts of my body.
I'm... going to go ahead and pretend that "maintenance" is a euphemism. Because Cricket is here and I'm REALLY enjoying Mayhem fucking with her... head. (Fingers crossed!)

Also, because I'm trying to find the silver lining here, now that Ada has gone the way of the dodo.

"Are you going to change back into a guy?" Cricket asked, sounding hopeful,
Like... permanently? Or just for special occasions?

On the other hand, if I could convince her to accept this in less time than that, it would be more expedient to stay female.
*puerile giggle* Go ahead, Mayhem. Do your VERY BEST to convince Cricket to accept it.

In the meantime, consider this. I can beat you more easily as a girl. Think on what the means.
It would however make Cricket think, she valued performance in combat above all else. Getting her thinking along those lines was enough for now, because Hatchet Face had just run out of the nearest alleyway.
Okay, so I know "gay for pay," but what would THAT count as? "Gay for brutal murder"? "Gay for combat"? ...oh, fucking DUH. It's GAR! I mean, it's not exactly the concept, but it's pretty close and- wait, what was that last bit? The one about Hatchet Face?

...whulp, conflict++! Hurrah!

Look at this. ALL of you people, and not a single one of you posted any of the multiple possible options to accentuate your posts! I am filled with shame for you.

Panacea trumps both, of course, but that's a whole mess.
"Why do I look like your sister? ...why does EVERYONE look like your sister?!"

I think Glastig Uaine would try and eat him, first.
*puerile giggle* I guess it depends on if he's gold star gay or not....

Sveta and Noelle can be tanglebuddies!
Well. There's a new internet search string that'll be shown at my trial. (I'm lying, of course. ...it's not new.)
Hatchet Face was something of a dilemma to me. He was not a particularly difficult opponent, I had the weapon I needed to beat him, and while I couldn't predict the future with any real accuracy without extradimensional access I could still duck under his rather wild and slow axe swings with ease. No, the problem was how to kill him painfully.

I experimented with poking a few nerve clusters, and received no response. Not only had the man been heavily modified by Bonesaw after his death, he had a significant amount of brain damage that would prevent him from feeling real pain. Problematic.

My contemplation was slightly disturbed by Cricket snatching her scythe from me, and cutting him in half angrily. The top half of his body started to crawl dumbly towards her, so I stood on his neck while I thought about it.

"What the hell were you doing, just dodging like that?" Cricket asked.

"Churning," I responded, reaching my decision. It was simple. Hatchet Face was already dead, simply reanimated with some portions of his brain revived. The personality was gone, and only a dumb brute remained, running on a combination of software my sister had installed, and instructions, probably from one of the Nine's two Tinkers. I may be able, with a lot of work, to fix that, however, consultation with Ada's memories indicated that she would not want me reviving past members of the Nine, even if it was only to kill them again in some particularly painful way.

I raised my palm and shot a burst of kinetic energy into the foot of Bonesaw's other creation. Two former capes, one with a regenerative ability that worked better the more blood he fed on, and one who regenerated lost blood. They'd been tied together, a sort of feedback loop of extreme regenerate power. The result was a misshapen lump standing on two legs, constantly dripping red blood in a trail as it ran for us, bladed arms already windmilling wildly.

A top heavy misshapen lump. The blasts from my palms were weak now, with only one generator to power them, but with a little charging they were sufficient to knock one of the regenerators feet out from under him, sending the creature sprawling. My other hand beheaded Hatchet Face with my lightsabre, and I then kicked the head under the house.

Extradimensional processing returned, and with it the blueprints that my power provided. Good. I had been slightly worried that Hatchet Face would somehow wipe the slate clean, making me lose the accumulated energy buildup that Ada, and now I, planned to save. The Leviathan fight had produced a huge amount, even given our relatively limited contribution. Killing Riley had a similar effect. I would be able to reach into the upper branches of the Human Augmentation tree with this.

I winced internally as my social analytic program informed me that 'churning' had not been quite the right word choice. It should have been 'thinking.' I still struggled with that. The part of my brain assigned to speech had originally been designed to interpret metaphor and simile. Unless I could offload the task of processing language extradimensionally, I was still incapable of regular conversation. I could change that, but the drop in combat efficiency as resources were reassigned would be incredible. I thought that Social Analytic 31.8.17 might fix the problem. It had not. Never mind. It had never stopped me before.

Hatchet Face's head could be collected for further use. That particular power could be neatly weaponized. I was better at fighting in a power negation field than most capes. Regrettably it wouldn't work on the Siberian, who would be my greatest challenge, there was evidence of the Siberian remaining invulnerable even inside Hatchet Face's field, but it may present an avenue to killing Crawler if the Bakuda bombs didn't work, and who knew how many powers I would have to face while cleansing the PRT.

"Would you mind dealing with the regenerator dear?" I said to Cricket. She looked at the headless corpse of Hatchet Face, licked her lips, and ignited her scythe.

She should enjoy that. She lacked an adequate knowledge of his body to properly dissect him, and then destroy the brains of the two individual regenerators, so instead she was going to dance around a slow, lethal cutting bag, slicing and dicing until either she died, found the correct places to strike by fluke, or I designed to intervene. I do believe she'd be excited enough afterward for me to further confuse her gender preferences. She already had trouble telling a standard adrenaline rush from arousal.

"You can stop now. I know you're there," I said turning to face the alley that Hatchet Face had emerged from.

I didn't know. It was a guess. Mannequin had zero emissions. He did not show up on radar, sonar, infrared or ultraviolet. Impressive work. I simply knew that someone had to be directing my sisters creations, and he was the most probable candidate.

His first move was actually very clever. A small, compact disk was thrown behind me, at enough of an angle that I would have had to scramble to intercept it. I watched it closely, stepped back, and noted that it was a magnet of some kind, drawing Hatchet Face's head out from under the house, and closer to me. Bringing me back inside the power blocking range.

A spiked limb on a chain launched at me from a pile of rubble, and I stepped aside so the blade parted only air. The head was a minor inconvenience, and I would move out of it's range once I charged anyway. First though I had to gather data for later assessment. I needed to know how to cause Mannequin pain. He was an active member of the Nine. He also didn't have skin, probably not even conventional organs. Some sort of brain implant may be required.

"Another Broken Doll. It is fine to see you Mannequin." I said.

Additional conflict required for planning. Generating. Unable to access extradimensional sources. Planning around blockage.

Mannequin retracted his arm, and stood from the trash heap, a small collection of innocuous white spheres coming together to form his body in simple twitches and jerks.

I stalked around him, leaving myself open to additional attacks, smiling and moving out of range of Hatchet Face's head. Hmm, Social Analytic didn't seem to have done too badly this time. It was at least semi-understandable, from an outside perspective. I allocated extradimensional resources to combat performance, and continued to gather data.

"We are the same, you and I. You are not Sphere. You are his shell, his mouthpiece to the world, and the face he shows to those watching the play. I am all these things to my own creator." I said.

Mannequin raised his leg, extended a blade from it, and idly doodled a smiling face on the pavement with the tip of the blade. Then the other leg rose, and shot from his knee with a hiss of gas. I moved my head to the side, and caught the projectile.

"We are both Dolls, and both Broken, but I think my edges will prove themselves sharper." I said, igniting my lightsabre and cutting the leg free from it's chain.

Mannequin tilted his head with a slight rattle of chain, and then turned and started to scuttle rapidly on his arms and remaining legs.

The chain that I'd just cut was made of an incredibly sturdy metal after all. If I could cut that, I could cut his casing, and Mannequin was an ambush predator anyway.

Cricket seemed to be faring fairly well with her opponent. Or at least, he hadn't been meaningfully hurt, and she hadn't been caught yet, so I set off in pursuit, eventually scooping up and throwing a roofing tile that landed on the ground under one of Mannequins arms, and skidded, allowing me to catch up to him.

He turned his head and limbs around and shot another blade at me, at point blank range as I caught up with him. I had already started the same motion that one would use to brush aside a fly, and the flat of the blade slid along the back of my hand as I pushed it away with the exact minimum of fuss and effort.

I was getting a fair bit of conflict now, such predictions became simple with such a wealth of calculation power.

One quick swipe with the lightsabre cut both his arms off at the shoulders, another cut his leg off, and when a hatch on his head opened and started spewing mist I cut that off as well. It still spewed the mist, and it ate down to the metal of one of the boots I was wearing that got a little close, but I ignored it, leaving it in the alley as I kicked Mannequins body back towards Cricket and the regenerator.

I think that, if she won, I was going to come up behind her, hug her, press my breasts against her back, and then breathe softly into her ear that she was too slow, I had already beaten mine. Sufficient motivation was key to making her push her boundaries. Instead of seeing it as a victory to have finally found the regenerators weakpoint, it would instead motivate her to improve her analytical skills and biological knowledge so as to be able to identify how to take down varied, often non-human enemies. It would make her a more useful asset. Of course if she'd already lost then she was dead, and if she hadn't lost yet, and needed my help…

Hmm, well then she'd be dead as well. Unfortunately this battle had been going on long enough that she would consider it 'her' fight. If she couldn't win on her own then interference would undo all my work with her, rendering her insecure, despondent, unpredictable, and unwilling to obey my commands without coercion. She would challenge my authority, instead of my physical prowess, and she would chose bad times to do so. I would have to kill her to prevent that. Annoying.

Mannequin was doing something that made his torso glow with heat. It merely burned my boot as I kicked him, making what was left of the leather covering the metal hiss. I was using the broken thruster boot, so it was having no effect on me.

There were no hatches or access points in the primary shell, it was solid, designed to be nearly unbreakable. The connection points for the limbs were heavy shielded, and not actually connected to the interior design. I was betting he was smart enough have a communication device in there as well, to let the rest of the Nine know that he was in trouble, for all his reputation of being silent.

That was going to make my next task difficult, though not impossible. I had figured it out. I do believe that Mannequin had a very severe case of agoraphobia. Terrified of open spaces, and exposure.

"I wonder, when the Simurgh changed you, did she show you how you were going to die?" I asked. The shell was nearly invisible to sonar externally, but there would be something inside to listen, and look. Of that I was sure.

"Did she show you how I was going to cut that shell open, and leave the slimy, feeble thing inside to be picked clean by insects and birds. Fried by the heat of the sun. It's still a cloudy day dear Mr Alan Gramme, so that's going to take a long, long time. I'm going to find the contents of a dumpster, spread it on the beach, and place you on top of the garbage. Another piece of meat thrown out with the trash. No one will know. No one will look. I have my sisters skills with surgery. You will feel it all. It will be a very long time until you find oblivion," I told the glowing ball of heat that I was kicking around.

Naturally the Tinker was going to kill himself before I could actually do it. I couldn't stop him with the tools I had right now, and fear of what I promised coupled with the pain of roasting alive inside his own body were enough for me to consider the primary objective fulfilled, but he did not know that, and he wasn't suicidal by nature. The decision would take time and a mental breakdown, all inside a featureless cream oval. Interesting, to know it was happening, and see no outward clue.

I noticed that Cricket had, in fact, beaten the regenerator. Her scream when I hugged her was an interesting experience that left me with two broken eardrums.
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She should enjoy that. She lacked an adequate knowledge of his body to properly disect him, and then destroy the brains of the two individual regenerators, so instead she was going to dance around a slow, lethal cutting bag, slicing and dicing until either she died, found the correct places to strike by fluke, or I designed to intervene. I do believe she'd be excited enough afterward for me to further confuse her gender preferences. She already had trouble telling a standard adrenaline rush from arousal.
I think it'd be hilarious if Cricket knew that Mayhem is only doing this because she thinks she can get Cricket to bat for the other team more easily than she can make and use another batch of sex change juice (that would take hours!).

His first move was actually very clever. A small, compact disk was thrown behind me
Nooooo! There were 1045 free hours of AoL on that one!

I needed to know how to cause Mannequin pain. He was an active member of the Nine. He also didn't have skin, probably not even conventional organs. Some sort of brain implant may be required.
"I'm going to have to do brain surgery on you so you can feel pain when I kill you."

Stigma against bio-Tinkers exists for a really good reason.

I think that, if she won, I was going to come up behind her, hug her, press my breasts against her back, and then breathe softly into her ear that she was too slow, I had already beaten mine.
Am I a horrible person for liking Mayhem more than Adam or Ada?
Mayhem is generally competent, thinks ahead, exhibits basic understanding of others and previously had gone out of his way to assist Adam only for the idiot to discard Armsmaster's halberd without studying it to get a free leg up in a number of tech trees.

On the other hand Mayhem is outright alien to human sensibilities, on top of being a really annoying contrived plot device.

I have a slight preference towards Mayhem, if only because were I to be inserted into the universe with completely bullshit powers this instant I wouldn't feel compelled to beat the stupid out of its skull before either ending or redeeming it. However, since just like Adam all it really is is one of Jack Slash's budget Smurf bombs, I can only muster a damn about it in terms of how its actions affect people I actually care about as more than an exceptionally drawn out death with extra collateral damage.[/not bitter at all about the possibility that Sveta could be dead, no, really]
Ada(m), we done told you and told you: you never go Full Mayhem.

So what did you do at the first really bad moment, you idiot?! You went Full Mayhem. Like an idiot, you idiot.

Now look at you. You're a goddamn p-zombie and better at pretty much everything (except actual Tinkering) than you ever ... ok, I'm going to stop berating the fictional character now. Argh.
I think that, if she won, I was going to come up behind her, hug her, press my breasts against her back, and then breathe softly into her ear that she was too slow, I had already beaten mine. Sufficient motivation was key to making her push her boundaries. Instead of seeing it as a victory to have finally found the regenerators weakpoint, it would instead motivate her to improve her analytical skills and biological knowledge so as to be able to identify how to take down varied, often non-human enemies. It would make her a more useful asset. Of course if she'd already lost then she was dead, and if she hadn't lost yet, and needed my help…

... why is Mayhem so much better at flirting than Adam? Like, this isn't just being more focused and driven then Adam, this is ridiculously smooth by comparison.
I had been slightly worried that Hatchet Face would somehow wipe the slate clean, and making me use the accumulated energy buildup that Ada, and now I planned to save.
and make me use the accumulated
She lacked an adequate knowledge of his body to properly disect him, and then destroy the brains of the two individual regenerators
properly dissect him
Cricket seemed to be fairing fairly well with her opponent
to be faring fairly well
I imagine the ear-piercing shriek was from the sheer surprise of Mayhem's behavior, and that scythe-girl was hopped up on adrenalin from the battle still. Surprised she didn't swing at him as well.
No, the problem was how to kill him painfully.
I feel you, Mayhem. I've had this exact same thought SO MANY TIMES.

I would be able to reach into the upper branches of the Human Augmentation tree with this.
...oh, that can only turn out well. </sarcasm>

It should have been 'thinking.' I still struggled with that.
No. Some jokes are too easy even for me.

I thought that Social Analytic 31.8.17 might fix the problem. It had not. Never mind. It had never stopped me before.
"Mayhem no think good! Mayhem go punchy punchy and Mayhem feels much better now, thank you. Why yes, I would LOVE to have some tea! I'll make some scones! Let's talk about Proust!"

Hatchet Face's head could be collected for further use.
There's an obvious joke here to be made about Mayhem getting head, but.... Hatchet Face.

I do believe she'd be excited enough afterward for me to further confuse her gender preferences. She already had trouble telling a standard adrenaline rush from arousal.
I... I think I'm gonna have to send Jurric a fruit basket or something. This is AMAZING.

Again, I'd like to remind everyone that Mayhem is doing this to Cricket because it's LESS ANNOYING than spending a few hours and some energy turning back into a dude.

I didn't know. It was a guess. Mannequin had zero emissions.
So, technically, he's green! He's helping the environment! Honestly, I think he's the REAL hero of the story.

I needed to know how to cause Mannequin pain.
Have you considered making fun of his whole mime aesthetic? No one's scared of mimes, you know.

Some sort of brain implant may be required.
Oh, that's your solution to EVERYTHING! It's ALWAYS either "pop out the brain" or "pop something into the brain" with you!

"We are the same, you and I. You are not Sphere. You are his shell, his mouthpiece to the world, and the face he shows to those watching the play. I am all these things to my own creator." I said.
*narrows eyes* Don't you mean "was all these things"? I mean, Ada IS dead now, right? Unless, of course, she's going to be coming back at some point! ...possibly via heartfelt confession from Sveta! YES! I LIKE THIS PLAN!

"We are both Dolls, and both Broken, but I think my edges will prove themselves sharper." I said,
Uh... are they flirting? I think they're flirting! I... sure. Whatever. On The Chart.

I kicked Mannequins body back towards Cricket and the regenerator.
Mayhem likes soccer, it seems!

I think that, if she won, I was going to come up behind her, hug her, press my breasts against her back, and then breathe softly into her ear that she was too slow, I had already beaten mine.
It's... it's just so BEAUTIFUL. ...*sniff* ...shut up! I'm not crying! YOU'RE CRYING! I-I'm just SO HAPPY right now!

Sufficient motivation was key to making her push her boundaries.
*puerile giggle* Exactly WHICH boundary are you going to be pushing here, Mayhem?

"Did she show you how I was going to cut that shell open, and leave the slimy, feeble thing inside to be picked clean by insects and birds. Fried by the heat of the sun. It's still a cloudy day dear Mr Alan Gramme, so that's going to take a long, long time. I'm going to find the contents of a dumpster, spread it on the beach, and place you on top of the garbage. Another piece of meat thrown out with the trash. No one will know. No one will look. I have my sisters skills with surgery. You will feel it all. It will be a very long time until you find oblivion," I told the glowing ball of heat that I was kicking around.
I... you know, that's pretty fucking awful. But, then again, it's MANNEQUIN. So... kinda deserved.

I noticed that Cricket had, in fact, beaten the regenerator. Her scream when I hugged her was an interesting experience that left me with two broken eardrums.
*puerile giggle* My. She WAS worked up by that fight. I think you're gonna have an easier time convincing her to expand her horizons than you thought!

Also, now you have a GREAT reason to carve out those silly, non-optimized ears and replace them with something BETTER!

I think it'd be hilarious if Cricket knew that Mayhem is only doing this because she thinks she can get Cricket to bat for the other team more easily than she can make and use another batch of sex change juice (that would take hours!).
No, it'd just be horrible and cruel and tragic... until AFTER Mayhem succeeded. THEN it would be hilarious. INSANELY hilarious.

"I'm going to have to do brain surgery on you so you can feel pain when I kill you."

Stigma against bio-Tinkers exists for a really good reason.

If you are then I am too. Let's be horrible people together.
I've... seen worse pickup lines. *updates The Chart*

Mayhem is generally competent, thinks ahead, exhibits basic understanding of others and previously had gone out of his way to assist Adam only for the idiot to discard Armsmaster's halberd without studying it to get a free leg up in a number of tech trees.
To be FAIR... that halberd was almost certainly LoJacked and Adam didn't have the time or equipment needed to disable it at the time.

Better social modeling software and absolutly no shame.
Speaking from experience... having NO shame works out really well. You would be SHOCKED at how well. (To quote several ladies I've known: "You're a complete pervert... but you're HONEST about it, which somehow makes it okay.")

Surprised she didn't swing at him as well.
So... you're suggesting that Cricket should have tried swinging?
The ship sunk with Ada/m's death. :cry:

And possibly Sveta's death. :cry:
I highly doubt the death or secondary objective will remain permanent or achieved respectively.

I hold out faith still that Mayhem inherently has a time limit it can run before auto shutdown. Like a computer's auto shutdown from over heating. Healing can extend it. I give forty-eight hours to a week max for the return of Ada.

And then SvetAda(m) ship will sail ⛵!

Watching Ada have to deal with the aftermath of Mayhem's jinks will be worth it! And having to deal with being and feeling like a human!

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Behold, the origin of shipping fics.

I ship Sveta with Adam because they're such nice foils for each other, but honestly half the reason is because I want Sveta to have nice things. Someone should give her a pony. Actually, with the help of her new tanglebuddy, she could just borrow a pony and then have a whole bunch of ponies! Evil, malicious ponies with an unquenchable hatred for all that lives, but Sveta's nigh invulnerable so that's probably okay.

I'm imagining Sveta giggling because it tickles when her hateponies try to bite her fingers off. Cricket is looking on, somewhat intimidated.
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