H+ Mayhem (Worm)

"Taylor, I killed her, I didn't want to, but I hated what she'd become so much, and I couldn't think of a way to get things back the way they were, and Jack was still out there… I could have saved her but I killed her and then I activated Mayhem and then I was in this tube and I couldn't activate Mayhem again or use my brain implant and I'm a guy again for some reason and I don't know where I am…"
I forgive you for everything now! Hah, I was hoping this was going to be a thing after that last Mayhem POV chapter.

"No, he says his name is Blasto. He said that Accord isn't happy with me. Said that the name itself was enough to make Accord hate me, once he found out. Accord's coming here, and now there's these voices, and they keep telling me to kill Blasto, and to join the Teeth…"
Voices? Fuck, double linked to Butcher, or somehow the voices were memories/parts of the brain realtime transfer. Though I assumed that ended when Mayhem activated and Ada 'died'. So no, likely this is Butcher Shard double connected.

"Well I don't know. I assume he died? He programmed his own trigger conditions for the release of his clone body."
Yeah I believe it happened upon Mayhem permanent activation.

Shards treat exact genetics match as the same host - see Fenja\Menja and S9000.
Well yeah sorta I guess. I don't remember if 100% of them had powers though. I do know at least that the mind/memories were a core component to what their powers actually were or expressed as. With this exact brain writing thing Mayhem did, at least that isn't a concern.

Just to mess with Adam, I hope Ada/Mayhem kisses him. :p
Hah, yeah I could see that happening. And then Adam has a brutally efficient girlfriend that serves his every need. Cricket isn't amused and attacks for entry into the group. Sveta is on the sidelines unsure what to do.

Suddenly Harem comedy.

Now how do we get Adam to drink another Ada potion?! *Cough*
It's about time someone took step one toward significant transhumanism.

Also, Sveta lives! Yaaaaay!

Well I won't comment on the age bit because he doesn't really feel like he's 15 throughout most of the story, mainly because he has himself emotionally neutered.
I've known more than a few emotionally neutered 15 year olds.
And you're being too harsh on Adam, the problem he failed to fix are only obvious to us because we have an outside view and meta knowledge.
The problems he failed to fix are obvious to him in story after thirty seconds of thought. And then he continues to refuse to fix them. Re: Realtime Wireless uploads from his mask which he had the blueprints for that he chose not to implement before blackmailing the PRT, or after that when Mayhem was going off the reservation. Re: Continuously whining about not being able to trust Thinkers while not putting a single point into the reading people portions of the espionage tree.

Please note, the only harsher critic of Adam than me is Mayhem, and it's an emotionless automaton solely devoted to fulfilling Adam's objectives and survival despite Adam's constant efforts.

This is compounded by the fact that he didn't invest much into a social tree of his power.
Yes, this would be one of the reasons I call him a brain damaged memetic lemming. He knows it's a critical failure point, is relentlessly paranoid about Thinkers that aren't Coil, and continues to blunder about nearly committing to unnecessary bloodbaths.
And the SI comment is valid mainly because I've lost count of the amount of times I've seen authors on SB/SV preface their work by saving they didn't like the tone of worm and were going to "fix" it. People making hard choices is half the appeal of worm, you take the grimness out and then you have nothing left.

Hard choices are fine. But unless you have Contessa and Doormaker run over by a bus driven by a drunken Eidolon or drastically change the setting for the worse, there's literally no need to grimderp things up anywhere near canon's perfect storm of self sabotaging idiocy.
The problems he failed to fix are obvious to him in story after thirty seconds of thought. And then he continues to refuse to fix them.
And don't forget waterproofing. He constantly states it's an issue... and then doesn't spend the tiny bit of time to deal with it permanently. :facepalm:

God damnit Ada/m
Sveta was currently feeling very sad.
TELL US WHY. WE WILL FIX IT. WITH HIGH EXPLOSIVES, IF NEED BE. (Disclaimer: If you can't solve a problem with high explosive, you're not using enough.)

Also, since it's a Sveta chapter, let's just get the "punched in the heart by feels" grunt out of the way early, shall we?


Yes, I feel better already.

Today Was Not A Good Day, and she fought to keep from crying.
...yup, someone's gonna have to die. I vote on Evildolon and Siberian. Painfully. Now, who do we know who can get on that.... *slowly eyes Mayhem*

he had asked her to write down any quirks of her biology,
So... Adam wanted to help you explore your body, is what you're saying?

The clone looked very cute, especially all dressed up like a doll, but she probably shouldn't tell Adam that. Or anyone else. Ever.
*lifts eyebrow* Well, now. Do I even NEED to link the "If it's you, it's okay" page of TV Tropes?

She really hoped he didn't mind rebuilding her body.
Maybe this time you can get a few... upgrades? (Micro missiles, obviously. And some not-so-micro missiles, if you get what I mean. *eyebrow waggle*)

She was going to earn a new body by being an awesome lab assistant.
HNNNNNG. I used to be an asshole, then I took an arrow in the FEELS.

Skitter had taken her to her home, a small but neat house that was only a little bit flooded,
Good lord. When Sveta decides that she's going to be positive, she doesn't go to half measures, does she.

EEEEEeeeeeee-*coff* she's adorable I want to give her everything good in the world

I think I'll leave a note on the kitchen table saying that I'm safe and that I've already gone through the nearest portal.
*facepalm* Oh, Taylor. I wish I could say I don't believe you would do this....

It was like how Mayhem cutting Tattletale's face off had been scary, but he was doing it to help her, so it was fine.
Which part was scary, Sveta? Was it the maniacal laughter, or the way he kept muttering about "I can get a missile in there, I just KNOW IT!"?

Sveta wondered if she should tell Taylor that her dad would feel better if he knew the truth. Would that be pushy? That would be pushy, wouldn't it?

Far away, on another world, Dinah scrunched her eyes tightly shut, and tried to block out the screaming pain in her head.
Hey! Looks like 6% was enough! Good for you, Dinah!

We'll warm her up, see if we can help with whatever is making her clutch her head like that, and give her to the proper authorities on the other side of the portal. For god's sakes man, she's a little girl.
Yay! Dinah might not have a horrible ending after all! Hurrah for Dinah!

Anyway, he took Wrathwind there directly.
Huh. Given that name, it sounds like the PRT was Mastered!

There was no way she was going to go into detail about what was in there to Sveta. There was something… innocent about her. Something that made you want to protect her, even when you'd seen her literally drop out of the sky and shoot a hole into Leviathan's chest deeper than the ones Alexandria was leaving.
That's because she's WAFFBOT: BIG DAMN HERO!

Still, Ada was a work in progress, and the mad Tinker needed someone like Sveta to keep her in check.
I can totally agree with THAT!

Ada went through phones like other people went through tissue paper.
*opens mouth*

"Taylor?" Adam's voice said. It was barely recognizable. He, and the Tinker's voice was back to being masculine, sounded like he'd been sobbing for the last half an hour.
...huh. So... he DID go back to being a dude? And turned his emotions on? ...the hell?

He seemed to just switch his emotions off when he found them inconvenient. Possibly even literally. Tinkers were bullshit that way.
You're just jealous!

and then I was in this tube and I couldn't activate Mayhem again or use my brain implant and I'm a guy again for some reason and I don't know where I am…
...oh. Oh, Mayhem. You didn't. Tell me I didn't guess right.

No, he says his name is Blasto.

now there's these voices, and they keep telling me to kill Blasto, and to join the Teeth…

Sorry about that, but when Mayhem mentioned voices telling him to kill me I got a little worried and sedated him.
Taylor: "s'awright."

Not just a clone. Mayhem managed to produce three brain writing implants, which I've installed inside clones of myself, Mayhem, and Accord,
...oh, good. Now we have TWO Accords. Which is about three too many.

"Resurrection? Why would Mayhem need that?" I asked, while Sveta's eyes widened.
Let's just take a look into Sveta's thought processes for a moment... oh, MY. How shocking! How daring! How positively lascivious! Why she's... HOLDING HANDS WITH BOTH MAYHEMS! How SCANDALOUS!

Jurric, you rat bastard. I have to give you points. Up until that censored thought stream, I didn't even think about having TWO Adam's running around. This is gonna get... weird, isn't it. (I'm down for weird.)

inb4 datcord attempts to ship mayhem/adam
You know me so well! ...that means the infection has nearly finished The Process. Um... you might want to get somewhere soundproof. Soon. I'm told the screaming from the last little bit disturbs people.

Question is, can you use this tech to multiply amount of Butchers, and then put them in gladiator arena?
"This... CAN'T be legal."

"They signed the waivers. And since we put it on pay-per-view, we can afford to bribe Accord enough to not kill us. It's win-win!"

Just to mess with Adam, I hope Ada/Mayhem kisses him. :p
Sveta: "I have many very confusing emotions right now."
Adam: "YOU have confusing emotions?!"
Cricket: "...shit, I'm into THAT, too?!"
And don't forget waterproofing. He constantly states it's an issue... and then doesn't spend the tiny bit of time to deal with it permanently. :facepalm:

God damnit Ada/m
I actually didn't belabor that one for the umpteenth time, since if we take his 'tears could ruin my equipment' at face value he should have died in the PRT building after his sweat shorted out his mask. It's either emo moping overriding his emotion control, or just plain poorly thought out writing that needs a never before mentioned modification of his heat regulation system in order to be reconciled.
I actually didn't belabor that one for the umpteenth time, since if we take his 'tears could ruin my equipment' at face value he should have died in the PRT building after his sweat shorted out his mask. It's either emo moping overriding his emotion control, or just plain poorly thought out writing that needs a never before mentioned modification of his heat regulation system in order to be reconciled.

Symbolism, ( emo moping too) in that instance, and he did waterproof everything except his jetpack at one point or another, once Taylor bugged him about it.
I slammed down the lid of the laptop in annoyance. Sure, I'd been able to find everything I needed to know, or at least enough to put the pieces together, it had just been so very slow and the Teeth still weren't back with the resources I would need to build a brain-computer interface.

The Endbringer truce was still in effect and while I didn't much care about it, I didn't want every cape in the city coming down on me just yet. Thus the Teeth were actually buying the raw materials I needed instead of just stealing them. They'd found it weird when I sent them for such a wide variety of chemicals, electronics, unprocessed ores and medical tools, but they'd obeyed, and now I was processing what I'd just learned, and listening to Charley's briefing.

Charley was the Teeth 'secretary,' for lack of a better word. He handled their accounts, their business, and their money. He'd seen three Butcher's come and go, mostly by doing what he was told, keeping his head down, and being good at math.

Charley was a font of information, and reading between the lines it was easy to assemble a brief threat assessment on the Teeth's capes.

The Teeth were an inter-city organization. Boston was currently their primary foothold, but the Butcher had only three capes with her in the city, as normally the Butcher was more than enough to hold against other threats on her own. I currently only had access to the ones Quarrel had planned to keep close while she trained and indoctrinated them, although that would change soon.

Animos was a Changer/Trump. He could become an insect-like creature and use a power nullifying scream while he was in that form, but he could only maintain the form for a limited amount of time. He was planning to kill me, but wanted to know the full extent of my powers first. Quarrel's death by overconfidence had unnerved him.

Chamber was the former Butcher's husband. They were actually legally married in their civilian identities, interestingly enough, and at first I thought he might be trouble, seeing as I killed his wife and all. Instead it turned out that Quarrel had plucked a boy she thought was pretty off the street several years ago, and Chamber was extremely relieved by her death. He had a variation on Quarrel's power, one based around guns instead of projectiles in general. He could control the velocity and direction of his bullets, but was limited to one bullet at a time, and had to use his slightly enhanced sense of timing to control the shot, instead of having the homing effect simply happen automatically. On the other hand he could bounce his shots almost endlessly if he had to, and he could make his bullets hit far harder than they should.

Rather humiliatingly I had assumed Chamber was female when I first identified him. It hadn't helped that the Butcher had made him dress in a kimono. Still I was a bio-Tinker. I should be able to spot that sort of thing. He wasn't aiming for the spot of Butcher, in fact he was trying to shake a combination of drug addictions and planned to try and leave the Teeth if he ever managed to wean himself off the drugs they provided.

Irritation was the younger sister of Vex, and she insisted that the name was a work in progress. She could create small force-field plates on or directly above the skin of anyone she had in her line of sight, either growing them protectively over otherwise unprotected areas as armor, or making the force-fields clump up around the joints to lock down an opponent. The plates were about as strong as steel, shattered into nothing quickly if placed under too much pressure, and didn't share the sharp edges of her sister's force-fields. Manton limited, she could grow the plates on someone else, but not on her own body, and not into anyone.

Hemorrhagia was on a smuggling trip in Russia. Spree was on a smuggling trip in China. Vex and Reaver were trying to shore up the Teeth's New York branch, but they were likely to be forced out soon, after the death of Chopblock.

Apparently the Butcher had been looking to extend into the Bay, and had sent a Stranger/Shaker named Lamb into the city to investigate the Grey. Lamb's ability was hard to define directly. He could create things seemingly out of thin air, but only if he was in a situation where he was desperate, and the things he made seemed to be themed around disguises and distractions, giving him the low Stranger rating.

It had to be small things, like if Lamb was asked if he had a pass by some sort of official, then he could somehow create one of those passes in his pocket. According to Charley, Lamb himself hadn't figured out exactly what items he could or could not create, but he was able to change clothes very quickly, and could often produce the tools needed to surreptitiously survey something, or to break into a facility.

Charley had lost contact with Lamb in the initial stages of the Leviathan attack, and was currently unaware of the cape's status.

Finally Charley started going into the Teeth's financial situation. I stopped him by raising my hand.

"Gather them," I ordered. He'd know what I was talking about, we'd only just changed topic from the capes.

"Of course. I would like to mention that we open ourselves up to attack by stripping our capes from our operations in Russia and China, and of course you realize that we are likely to lose our foothold in New York. The Fallen grow bolder by the day."

"I am aware. Gather them. The Teeth will take a bite from other prey," I told him, gesturing for him to follow me as I headed towards what was going to be my lab. I guess I had better start Tinkering.

"Might I ask who?" Charley said.

"You may. The Prince of Knives," I said.

"I'm afraid I am unaware of a cape with that name." Charley said.

I stopped walking, and ran my brain at a slightly higher processing speed to get a less garbled sentence out.

"You are aware. I am in a mood for metaphor. Learn to interpret, or find someone who can," I said.

Charley tilted his head.

"I will try to improve my mental flexibility Butcher, and I will look up capes who match that description soon. Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"Tell Saint I want a slain Dragon. Pay his price."

"I… Saint does sometimes sell Tinkertech, I assume you want a whole suit? That's going to be very expensive, but we should have the liquid funds to buy one of the older models. We may have to spend a bit of time replenishing our liquid assets before we make any other large purchases."

"Yes. Tell him to bring the corpse by sunrise."

"I will try to impress the urgency on Saint, but I'm not sure if he can get here that fast, or that he'd be willing to come here in the middle of the night. If I might make a suggestion… Rotmonger had a surprising knack for handling financial matters. You might want to let him handle the negotiation with Saint. It's often best to let certain other members of the collective take the lead, it keeps them quiet if they know that they can apply their particular expertise. You're something of an outsider, you didn't spend time in the Teeth before challenging, even if it was an official challenge. You might have trouble working with the collective."

"You may make that suggestion," I told him. He could suggest all he wanted, and I would ignore it. If I offered enough money Saint would come. I had no known ties to Dragon, and Tinkers everywhere were desperate for the technology in even her oldest suits. He'd come prepared for a fight just in case, but he would come prepared for the old Butcher, not me. Once we actually engaged I was confident I could beat him, and then torture him for the backdoor I needed. The money didn't matter. There would be enough for what I needed, once I had that the Teeth would be of no further use to me.

My phone buzzed, just a text message from Cricket telling me that she'd found a place for us to stay. It wasn't that late yet, so I sent her a message back asking her to meet me at my new lab.

I got in a waiting car, and nodded to the driver. I'd asked him to collect every electronic device in the building, load it into a large vehicle, and take me to a suitable warehouse owned by the Teeth as soon as I was finished with my research.

We took off, and I was pleased to see that several of the girders I'd ordered had already arrived. The unrefined ore would have been quicker for me to reform, but you worked with what you had.

I ordered a couple of the Teeth to unload the electronics near the center of the empty warehouse, and knelt next to the girder, using Butcher VIII's ability to test how reshaping it worked. Slow, but I could still control it with a high level of precision.

I went over to the electronics and started stripping what I needed from circuit boards, again with Butcher VIII's power. Still boring, but faster than using pliers and chemicals.

I started effecting repairs, digging what was left of the large generators in my back out and merging the bent and broken metal back the way it should be. It wasn't what the matter reshaping power was meant for. It was a power used to making small, simple weapons, not delicate Tinkertech, but I could perfectly define what I wished the power to do, and give it the materials it needed, so it didn't take that long before I could sink the generators back into their sockets on my reinforced ribcage. Palm thrusters now working. I'd be flight capable as soon as I did something with my legs, but that would require a few tools, to prune, trim, and control the organic portions of what I intended to create.

I started working on the plate of metal over my back, restructuring and rearranging it into something similar to what Bonesaw did with her spine, although I only got as far as reinforcing my spine before I was again forced to stop and wait until I had better tools for reworking the organic parts of my body.

Then I tried building the micro-fabricator again.

The work was slow, annoyingly, mind numbingly slow. I was going to have to write some sort of program so I could sleep while this happened, something that let me reshape matter on autopilot while my higher functions shut down. My mind did need rest now, a chance to recuperate from my highly intensive processing requirements. It would be my first time sleeping.

I wonder if I'd dream?

As slow as it was, Butcher VIII's power still meant that I'd be able to build the micro-fabricator for a fraction of the cost Ada would have had to spend, and I estimated I'd be able to complete construction in twenty seven hours, give or take a few minutes. From there it would need about four hours of calibration, and then I would be able to use incredibly precise fields to fabricate items on the atomic scale.

I had given up on trying to make the micro-fabricator while I was awake, and was in the middle of constructing a slightly more interesting lightsabre when Cricket arrived.

I hadn't told the Teeth to expect her, and the one who chose to guard the door predictably tried to stop her. She disoriented him with a blast of sound, swept his legs from under him with the haft of her scythe, and then stepped on him as she walked through the door. Two of the Teeth with me drew their guns, and I simply blasted both of them with my palm cannons before Cricket could decide to kill them. A wide burst, just knocking them over, but it was enough to get the point across and get me a little bit of extradimensional processing power.

"Mayhem, these are the Teeth. Please don't tell me you were recruited?" Cricket said.

"I wasn't recruited," I told her honestly.

Cricket looked around, blinked at the lab that was quickly forming, and groaned.

"You killed the Butcher, didn't you?" she said.

You could say a lot of bad things about Cricket, if you had the inclination, but she wasn't dumb. At least not when it came to guessing the inevitable.

"I devoured her soul," I said, nodding seriously.

Cricket closed her eyes, and her knuckles tightened on the grip of her scythe.

"You know… it's interesting. That message you sent me, the name of the hotel you booked. I looked it up. It's quite a popular place," I said, as Cricket tried to figure out what my actions actually meant.

"Shut up," she said.

"I imagine it's quite full, what with all the refugees streaming in from the Bay, in fact when I looked it up the hotel was already booked out."

"Shut up, shut up," Cricket growled.

"Now, of course it's normal that all those hotels will be very full, there's a whole city trying to find refuge and safety at the moment. Why, I'd practically feel guilty about having two rooms for just two people. Tell me, did you feel the same?"

Cricket blushed, and threw a Kama at me. I caught it.

"One room, two beds you idiot. You're a… I'm not a… Stop avoiding the issue! You're the bloody Butcher! Are you insane!" Cricket asked, walking forward and trying to slap me, I grabbed her hand and held it, then blocked the scythe by grabbing the haft as she tried to hit me in the head with the metal.

"Yes, and thus immune to the Butcher's charms," I said.

Cricket glared at me, and then tried to pull her hand free from my grip. I held on just long enough to show my new strength, and then let her go.

"You're mysterious, and I like that about you Mayhem, but the next time you want to take over a whole fucking gang and fill your head with a dozen new powers and personalities, you mention it to me first," Cricket said, pointing her finger at my face.

"I assure you. You will be included in my next plan. How do you feel about breaking into a highly secure PRT facility to steal some very, very dangerous bombs?"
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Symbolism, ( emo moping too) in that instance, and he did waterproof everything except his jetpack at one point or another, once Taylor bugged him about it.
Good to hear. You have to admit though, that with him not fixing the other two glaring faults that actually did bite him on the ass multiple times there wasn't much reason to give him the benefit of the doubt, beyond one's SOD screaming 'he couldn't possibly still be alive if was that much of a silly sod'.
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I really appreciate the whole "So You're The Butcher: Here's What You Need To Know" briefing. Building a good support structure is important, you need people with spreadsheets and the ability to run things, especially when you occasionally die and come back in a new head.

Well done, Butchers!

Shame Mayhem doesn't listen to you.
Instead it turned out that Quarrel had plucked a boy she thought was pretty off the street several years ago, and Chamber was extremely relieved by her death.

Rather humiliatingly I had assumed Chamber was female when I first identified him. It hadn't helped that the Butcher had made him dress in a kimono.

Huh. I wonder if this is partly because none of the Butchers can agree if they like guys or girls? Or maybe Quarrel just had tastes that way beforehand, I guess.
I have to admit, I'm really liking how Mayhem is getting under Cricket's skin. It's quite amusing watching her reactions.
On the other hand he could bonce his shots almost endlessly if he had to, and he could make his bullets hit far harder than they should.
could bounce his shots
"I'm afraid I am unaware a cape with that name." Charley said.
am unaware of a cape with that
Mayhem's always fun to follow, I must say. Wonder if we'll get swapping POV between him and Adam? How will Saint react to Mayhem's request?
Hypothetical question: If someone killed Butcher XV now, would they get Adam's personality in their head or Mayhem's?

If the latter, I could well imagine the Mayhem personality completely dominating the collective, giving him a variation on the AI-based immortality he seeks.

PS. I liked the Prince of Knives metaphor. Charley is going to brown his pants when he figures it out.