H+ Mayhem (Worm)

Still alive. Still in Newcastle. Still only got the phone to write on.

Hope to get back to updating after the weekend is over.

Interestingly the true hero of this fic isn't going to have anything except the epilogue written from their perspective.

"Hero", "protagonist", and "POV character" aren't necessarily the same, though. Who are you putting in each of those slots?
"Hero", "protagonist", and "POV character" aren't necessarily the same, though. Who are you putting in each of those slots?

In order. *Spoiler* *Adam* *Whoever is watching the interesting stuff*

I wanted the Wormverse itself to be the Protagonist, but I couldn't figure out how to change it significantly enough for my purposes with a mere 'for want of a nail,' the original timeline has been mostly done to death, so we needed some pretty big changes fairly early in the piece.
Still alive. Still in Newcastle. Still only got the phone to write on.
Hurrah, I'm going to assume boo, and VERY boo, respectively!

Hope to get back to updating after the weekend is over.
Oh, FUCK yeah!

Interestingly the true hero of this fic isn't going to have anything except the epilogue written from their perspective.
I swear to all I hold dear, man, if it ends with "Path complete".... (Great, now I gotta sit here and start going through EVERYONE and comparing them to perspectives... and then decide you're lying to us and it's OBVIOUSLY Sveta.)
I swear to all I hold dear, man, if it ends with "Path complete".... (Great, now I gotta sit here and start going through EVERYONE and comparing them to perspectives... and then decide you're lying to us and it's OBVIOUSLY Sveta.)

Nah, it's gonna be Eden at the end, holding hands with Abby and smirking about how adding that tinker shard worked nicely to mess up Zion.
Interestingly the true hero of this fic isn't going to have anything except the epilogue written from their perspective.
Judging by your careful nonuse of gender pronouns I was going to say Sveta... but I'm pretty sure she had an interlude already. Circus? No. Taylor? No.

Danny? *snorts* no.

Is it Riley? It's Riley isn't it!
and then decide you're lying to us and it's OBVIOUSLY Sveta.)
Isn't shard-based precog kind of a thing? I thought that was kind of the basis of Jack Slash's social-fu.
It's not precog, it's constant subconscious communication. He doesn't sense what's going to happen in the future, his shard just talks with other shards and they share details. His shard just happens to go to bat for him really hard because he's an insane murderhobo.
Mayhem might genuinely be a blind spot for precogs due to the fact he's mostly written on a shard.
The Mayhem Protocol was introduced as a function near the base of the Neural Augmentation tree, the entities wouldn't have explicitly written in something that can scramble Path-level precog, Eden was planning to rely on that shard.
It's not precog, it's constant subconscious communication. He doesn't sense what's going to happen in the future, his shard just talks with other shards and they share details. His shard just happens to go to bat for him really hard because he's an insane murderhobo.
Nah. The Broadcast shard is an insatiable gossip. Like, holy shit you have no fucking idea. Jack's just chilling, doing what he does and the Broadcast shard is just fucking chatting the ear off of every shard within a few dimensions. Then once it's soaked up all the gossip like the multiverse's most horrifying multidimensional quantum computational sponge, it comes back to Jack and fills his subconscious with all the most ridiculous gossip it's picked up.

This is, incidentally, why Jack is so fucking crazy.
In order. *Spoiler* *Adam* *Whoever is watching the interesting stuff*

I wanted the Wormverse itself to be the Protagonist, but I couldn't figure out how to change it significantly enough for my purposes with a mere 'for want of a nail,' the original timeline has been mostly done to death, so we needed some pretty big changes fairly early in the piece.

Triple bluff: Taylor is the real hero of the story.
Ive had this watched for I dont know how long... actually, probobly pretty early on but never started reading it. Definitely regretting that.

Really good stuff youve got here.