H+ Mayhem (Worm)

Brother! Welcome to the True Path!

Behold, the origin of shipping fics.
Actually, I think most of those can be summed up as "Mmmm, X Character is pretty. And so is Y Character. ....oooooh, what if they were pretty TOGETHER?! Awwwww, yeah."

Evil, malicious ponies with an unquenchable hatred for all that lives,
So.... ponies. Gotcha.

I'm imagining Sveta giggling because it tickles when her hateponies try to bite her fingers off. Cricket is looking on, somewhat intimidated confused by what she's feeling....
FTFY. (Because Cricket respects strength. And someone who can giggle while her fingers are being eaten has to be strong, right? ...really, it's all Mayhem's fault.)
I borrowed Cricket's scythe to cut Mannequin out of his shell, and actually managed to get his still living brain and brain support mechanisms onto a pile of garbage in the middle of the street before he expired from overheating, which was a pleasant surprise. I even went as far as going back into Bonesaw's laboratory for the chemicals necessary to keep his brain conscious after the rough handling. I collected several scalpels while I was there. I think I liked scalpels. They fit my image.

It would take him about two hours to die like that, he did have internal sensors, and I rigged them so they couldn't be deactivated. He would feel every roach, beetle and maggot that crawled across him. A pity that Skitter probably wasn't likely to be willing to control these creatures for maximum effect. She would doubtless want to kill Mannequin quickly, instead of working to prolong his pain.

I double checked all the Tinkertech still attached to his brain, and was confident that no one other than myself, my sister or possibly Cranial could save him from his current, degenerative condition. Not even Panacea could help him now, the chemicals I'd used to keep his mind active would slowly destroy it, and brains were the one thing that she couldn't effect...

Interesting. My knowledge of powers and how the Manton limit actually functioned indicated that was unlikely, especially seeing as she could fix spinal injuries. Interesting, but ultimately useless information.

With near complete confidence that Mannequin would, in fact, die soon, and with a reasonable expectation of being able to find and kill him again should some random new trigger with massive healing abilities somehow find him amidst the garbage, I left, Cricket following as I made my way though the flooded streets.

I wanted to examine Dragon's drone-craft before it was taken away. It should make large sections of several of my trees significantly cheaper.

Cricket watched me closely, but looked away whenever I glanced in her direction, doubtless trying to sort out her internal feelings. On the one hand, she seemed very impressed with my kills, and she was proud of her own. We had three members of the Slaughterhouse Nine between us, and that was giving her an upsurge of positive emotion that would help keep her by my side. On the other hand, she did prefer men, despite negative experiences with them in the past. A complex puzzle, but a worthwhile one, considering the conflict that she regularly provided me.

I put a little sway in my walk. Cricket noticed. Cricket blushed. Yes, this would take less time than making another formula and reverting, especially considering the non-optimal period of weakness that would follow immediately after doing just that.

It didn't take long to find the remains of Dragon's craft. The first step was finding a corpse with a mobile phone in it's pocket. Then I dumped nearly half of the energy I had gathered into the Hacking branch of the Espionage tree, and then hacked into the PRT networks with the cellphone, and listened to chatter until I knew where to go. It was a surprise to find out that there wasn't just one Dragon drone. A pleasant one. Even more cheap technology for me to unlock.

The first drone was guarded, and Cricket tapped me on the shoulder while I figured out how to take down the two men who were standing over the tarp without raising the alarm.

"Should we really be doing this?" she hissed. "This breaks the Endbringer Truce. We can't take advantage of Dragon because she fought. It's the rules."

Broken eardrums naturally made it impossible to hear her. I was simply watching through the back of my mask, and lip reading. I'd make something focused on detecting sonics as soon as I had a working lab.

Ugh. Actually sitting down to Tinker was going to be hard. I was a creature of motion and battle. Tinkering was not what I was made for. I could do it, but I wasn't going to be able to do it well without some sort of combat drone attempting to assassinate me while I worked. Cricket would do for now, but eventually she would get tired.

"Don't worry Cricket. The rules are now defunct. This will be the last Endbringer attack," I told her, in answer to her unheard question. No need to let her know I couldn't hear right now. Weakness like that would ruin her impression of me.

"What! Why?" she asked.

"Because Endbringers sometimes kill pre-adult females," I told her. It was obvious, really. Just because I'd failed an objective didn't mean I wasn't going to give it my best shot. Who knew, maybe I could find some sort of time travel device to prevent the deaths of every girl who had been killed since the order was given.

Which reminded me. I was going to need to recoup the loss of all the that energy very quickly. It had been necessary, due to the importance of high quality weaponry to complete the primary objective, but the sooner I had some variation on the healing nano-mist preventing starvation, malnutrition and disease based deaths, the sooner I could get started on locking down any possibility of death by other means to the protected demographic.

"That makes no sense. Why on earth are Endbringers just going to stop because… you're planning on killing them. That still makes no sense."

"It does to me," I told her.

The Endbringers were going to be a problem. I'd scanned Ada's memories of her brief glimpse of Leviathan. I'd calculated density and toughness, and noted the layer like effect. If those layers were as tough all the way down, then the only thing in my theoretical arsenal that could beat them was going to be the Reality Bomb. Luring the Endbringers to an empty reality in which to use the weapon would be difficult, as would be maxing out my dimensional tech tree, but I was fairly sure I could do both if I set my mind to it.

I threw a scalpel into the neck of one of the PRT agents, where it would turn her scream into a gurgle while I ran silently up behind her partner and choked him out. Then I ripped my shirt apart and provided a small bandage to the panicked girl bleeding from her neck. It would seal just fine, I missed anything major. I also took my scalpel back. Bonesaw only had three, so I was going to have to conserve them more than I normally did.

Then I flipped the tarp off Dragon's drone.

"We are going to get into so much trouble for this," Cricket said.

I ignored her, recording the wreckage, stirring a few components with my foot, and gazing intently at the shredded guts of the dragon drone.

"Neither of them saw who did this. The drone cameras are already off," I said absently, Cricket's armband would give us away eventually, but an investigation would be required first, and by the time that was finished I should be done with the Nine and ready to move on the PRT itself.

There was something odd about the communications array. Standard wireless connectivity and broadcasting.

Well. Wasn't that interesting.

And a second drone too, but not at the same time. No, whoever was doing this was paranoid. Lots of added safeties. Oh, this changed my plans considerably.

I continued studying the corpse, picked a few pieces up and examined them, until I decided that I'd seen all I needed to see here. Several options in my tech tree were now significantly cheaper, although it wasn't likely to matter much. Not in the long run.

A portal opened nearby, on the single standing wall of a building near the main intersection. I eyed it as Cricket's armband chirped a general message saying that the portals were for evacuation purposes, and that they had been confirmed to lead to Boston.


"Shall we?" I asked Cricket, holding out my hand. She paused, had a moment of internal conflict, and then grabbed it, clutching my fingers tight. I ignored the pain and smiled as we walked hand in hand through the portal.

She was blushing again, and fingering her scythe. There are levels of preference when it comes to gender. I guess that Cricket wasn't firmly rooted in the straight camp.

I smelled the air, checked the GPS on my phone, and confirmed that yes, we were indeed in Boston.


"Cricket dear, why don't you go find us a hotel. I want to get started on looking into the locations of labs straight away, and you might find it boring," I told her.

"CanIhaveyournumber?" Cricket asked. I do believe it was her first time asking that of someone she was interested in. While she had doubtless had relationships before, I couldn't see them as being anything but an animistic joining to sate certain desires. Dating would be new to her. Hopefully I could ensure she continued to attack me during the dates, otherwise what would be the point?

I nodded, and gave her the number of the cellphone I'd looted from the corpse. Quite a nice model, fairly water resistant too. Saved me having to travel to the Boardwalk and start breaking into shops at least.

"I'll… call you when I've found a place," Cricket said, taking a visible effort to calm down.

I guess it was a stressful time for her. I wonder how many rooms she was going to book us? I wonder how many people she would have to mug to get the money?

Oh well. I was sure she could handle it.

"If you could get me some hair dye while you're at it, that would be great," I said. I only resembled my sister slightly. I was clearly older, and my face was slightly different. A change of hair color would be all I needed to shake that similarity to all but the most discerning eye, and I wore a mask, while Riley never had.

Cricket nodded. She was willing to admit that cosmetics had their place as a disguise, although I would probably have to paralyze her before she would allow herself to wear makeup.

Actually, that might be fun. She could try to kill me while painted up like a doll. I'd need to remember that the next time I wanted to annoy her into attacking me.

In the meantime. I had my own business to carry out. Not looking for a lab, that was going to have to wait a little while. No, this was something I didn't want Cricket to know about.

First, I looked up the worst parts of town, then I wandered the alleys there until I found someone selling drugs, and beat him half to death until he told me where Teeth territory was. I suppose I could have just searched for it in the PRT database, but this was more fun, and took nearly the same amount of time.

Then I walked around in Teeth territory until I was accosted by three men. Two carried guns, one carried a knife. I subdued them via breaking several limbs, and interrogated them regarding the location of their main base.

It took an annoyingly long time. They tried lying to me several times. I had to kill one of then, and remove the toes, one eye and testicles of the second before I could make the third one talk. Still, it was nice to have a pair of guns. Those would be quite handy as substitutes for the kinetic cannons in my palms, until such time as I could repair the generator on my back.

Finally, I found the abandoned shipping company that was the Teeth's main base, killed the men patrolling the perimeter silently, to build up a decent amount of extradimensional processing, and walked in the front door.

"Who are you?" asked a ragged, dirty looking man behind the front desk. Thermal showed him aiming a large gun at me beneath the thin plywood. I wasn't worried.

"Butcher XV," I told him.

Power was useful. The more I had, the easier it would be to accomplish my objectives. It was as simple as that. Fourteen other minor powers would go a long way towards letting me reach my goals. A couple of the Butcher's had weak regenerative secondary powers, which would allow me to run my brain at full burn for longer, without needing to use slow burn to recover. Butcher VIII had the ability to shape unrefined matter into objects as well, and I was keen to see how well that meshed with my Tinker abilities.

The ragged man noticed the blood on my scalpels, and gulped. Then he decided that this wasn't his problem to deal with anymore, choosing to lower the gun slowly. It did save his life. He picked up a handheld radio wrapped in red tape, and raised it slowly to his ear.

"Boss… I think we've got another challenger," he said.
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She was blushing again, and fingering her scythe. There are levels of preference when it comes to gender. I guess that Cricket wasn't firmly rooted in the straight camp.
Obviously not after you ambushed her with Sexuality Conversion no Jutsu.

Ugh. Actually sitting down to Tinker was going to be hard. I was a creature of motion and battle. Tinkering was not what I was made for. I could do it, but I wasn't going to be able to do it well without some sort of combat drone attempting to assassinate me while I worked. Cricket would do for now, but eventually she would get tired.
I'm surprised you didn't think to just replace her body with some sort of combat cybernetics. She wouldn't get tired, she could kill stuff better, and it fits right in with your modus operandi up until this point.

Dating would be new to her. Hopefully I could ensure she continued to attack me during the dates, otherwise what would be the point?
Oh, Mayhem, you're such a romantic.

I nodded, and gave her the number of the cellphone I'd looted from the corpse. Quite a nice model, fairly water resistant too. Saved me having to travel to the Broadwalk and start breaking into shops at least.
Making this quite possibly the only water resistant piece of technology you have, you shortsighted dolt.

It took an annoyingly long time. They tried lying to me several times. I had to kill one of then, and remove the toes, one eye and testicles of the second before I could make the third one talk.
This is why you shouldn't be allowed outside without Sveta supervision. Cripes.
I wanted to examine Dragon's drone-craft before it was taken away. It should make large sections of several of my trees significantly cheaper.

Interesting. My knowledge of powers and how the Manton limit actually functioned indicated that was unlikely, especially seeing as she could fix spinal injuries. Interesting, but ultimately useless information.

Cricket watched me closely, but looked away whenever I glanced in her direction, doubtless trying to sort out her internal feelings.

I'm not sure how highlighted section is related to anything. If it's talking about Dragon, it can be edited for clarity.
I'm not sure how highlighted section is related to anything. If it's talking about Dragon, it can be edited for clarity.

It's talking about Panacea. Mayhem figured out she's lying about brains, because she can fix spinal injuries where the nerves are very similar.

It should probably be up by the part talking about how Panacea couldn't help Mannequin though.
"Neither of them saw who did this. The drone cameras are already off," I said absently.
But doesn't the Endbringer armband Cricket's wearing record locations so it can mention the area she's in if her status becomes deceased or down? Not that it would matter much since the PRT also has thinkers.
She was blushing again, and fingering her scythe. There are levels of preference when it comes to gender. I guess that Cricket wasn't firmly rooted in the straight camp.
As if the newly released E88 didn't already have enough reasons to hate them.
Interesting. My knowledge of powers and how the Manton limit actually functioned indicated that was unlikely, especially seeing as she could fix spinal injuries. Interesting, but ultimately useless information.
I think this is in the wrong place. Maybe swap it with the paragraph above?
"Butcher XV," I told him.
Ehehehe, wow. All that extra extradimensional processing.
Well Mayhem is busy creating Mayhem I see, I wonder how long that Rampage will run. Though won't Sveta and Taylor figure out what probably happened and try and save Ada, hoping they can find a way to turn off Mayhem.

Also wonder how Mayhem interoperates with Butcher... Some how this feels like something that will not go as planned for either side.
I think Mayhem, trusts that he can detect and mute the insanity/voices because knowledge about shard stuffs.
"Butcher XV," I told him.
I believe since this is dialouge you should have it written out? 'Butcher fifteen'
A couple of the Butcher's had weak regenerative secondary powers, which would allow me to run my brain at full burn for longer, without needing to use slow burn to recover.
I see you are doing everything you can to kill my hope of a returned Ada I see.
Ambitious... I like it. Kill the Butcher. I've never seen a tinker Butcher.
Guessing you've never read 'Seed' then. Check it out.

Well Mayhem is busy creating Mayhem I see, I wonder how long that Rampage will run. Though won't Sveta and Taylor figure out what probably happened and try and save Ada, hoping they can find a way to turn off Mayhem.

Also wonder how Mayhem interoperates with Butcher... Some how this feels like something that will not go as planned for either side.
Oh hey! Tiny bit of hope resurrected. Taylor and Sveta probably count at least in the unkillable young female population for awhile more (and then get they ded like everyone else).
Those would be quite handy as substitutes for the kinetic canons in my palms, until such time as I could repair the generator on my back.
kinetic cannons in my palms

Everyone gets canon and cannon mixed up, I swear. Only the second refers to the projectile technology, people! :p
, and I was keen to see how well that meshed with me Tinker abilities.
with my Tinker
Well, well, well. Challenging the Butcher isn't something I see happening much in Worm stories; mainly as most Worm tales I see seem to be of the 'stick about Brockton Bay' type - this shall be interesting.