H+ Mayhem (Worm)

Mostly. Ponies aren't supposed to have chelicerae, though.
They aren't? Oh. Um. ...hold please.

Adam denies responsibility. Skitter thinks it makes them look cute. Noelle coughs awkwardly in the background.
Really? I would have thought Adam was the type to take responsibility. *eyebrow waggle*

...and now I'm imagining some sort of horrible clone horse/spider/cyborg hybrid. ...that talks. Wait, did I say "horrible"? I meant "AMAZING."

("Hi! I'm Sleipnir! I have eight legs and two mommies and a daddy, who's also sometimes a mommy, and who's sometime a DIFFERENT daddy, and a mommy who dates him when he is! ...a different daddy. Not a mommy. ...but sometimes then, too!")

I borrowed Cricket's scythe to cut Mannequin out of his shell,
Mayhem is just getting EVERYONE out of their shells, isn't he!

Interesting. My knowledge of powers and how the Manton limit actually functioned indicated that was unlikely, especially seeing as she could fix spinal injuries. Interesting, but ultimately useless information.
Pretty sure this should be a paragraph higher, with the other commentary on Panacea?

Cricket watched me closely, but looked away whenever I glanced in her direction, doubtless trying to sort out her internal feelings.
Oh, she's contemplating SOMETHING internal. *eyebrow waggle* (Up next... Cricket BLUSHES.)

We had three members of the Slaughterhouse Nine between us,
*puerile giggle*

and that was giving her an upsurge of positive emotion that would help keep her by my side.
Also, a potential shitload of bounty money. You know, so you can take her on a nice date somewhere romantic. ...maybe Beirut?

I put a little sway in my walk. Cricket noticed. Cricket blushed.
Cricket has just experienced her first "Oh, shit. I'm into THAT?!" moment. You get used to them after a while.

Yes, this would take less time than making another formula and reverting, especially considering the non-optimal period of weakness that would follow immediately after doing just that.
Again... Mayhem is actively working to mess with Cricket's sexuality SOLELY because it's QUICKER.

"Should we really be doing this?" she hissed. "This breaks the Endbringer Truce. We can't take advantage of Dragon because she fought. It's the rules."
I... are those morals our little Cricket is showing? I'm so proud!

"That makes no sense. Why on earth are Endbringers just going to stop because… you're planning on killing them. That still makes no sense."
You know, Cricket, you should PROBABLY be worried that you understood that so quickly.

Then I ripped my shirt apart and provided a small bandage to the panicked girl bleeding from her neck.
You... didn't have to rip your shirt APART for a "small bandage." Why would you- *glances at Cricket* Oh. OOOOOH. Nice.

"We are going to get into so much trouble for this," Cricket said.
And then she wiggled a little. You know, in that special way.

Several options in my tech tree were now significatly cheaper, although it wasn't likely to matter much. Not in the long run.
Given that you're going to try to murder the Endbringers the fuck to death, NOTHING will matter in the long run. THERE WON'T BE A LONG RUN.

"Shall we?" I asked Cricket, holding out my hand. She paused, had a moment of internal conflict, and then grabbed it, clutching my fingers tight.
...god DAMN, Mayhem. That didn't take any time at all! (Between you and me, I'm not so sure Cricket wasn't already... you know... look, she was so deep in that closet she was finding Christmas presents, okay?)

She was blushing again, and fingering her scythe.
*puerile giggle* She really DOES love that weapon!

There are levels of preference when it comes to gender. I guess that Cricket wasn't firmly rooted in the straight camp.

Cricket dear, why don't you go find us a hotel.
*puerile giggle* Yes. I like this plan! I like this plan a LOT! ...the owner of the hotel won't like it as much, but who cares about HIM?

"CanIhaveyournumber?" Cricket asked. I do believe it was her first time asking that of someone she was interested in.
I've now imagined Cricket shyly kicking at the ground while asking this and my brain is broken.

...wait, is Mayhem somehow turning CRICKET into a better, more well-rounded person? By accident, more or less?

"I'll… call you when I've found a place," Cricket said, taking a visible effort to calm down.
*puerile giggle* My, it must be COLD in Boston!

I wonder how many rooms she was going to book us?
Three. One for the pre-date fight. One for the... date. One for the post-date fight.

Actually, that might be fun. She could try to kill me while painted up like a doll.
And one more thing goes onto Cricket's "Shit, I'm into THAT?!" pile. (Seriously, I could easily see Cricket being someone who'd be all "Well, if you FORCE me to be pretty, then it's not MY FAULT, so I'm still a badass.")

I had to kill one of then, and remove the toes, one eye and testicles of the second before I could make the third one talk.
Uh-oh! Someone couldn't handle "to the pain"!

Still, it was nice to have a pair of guns.
*glances down*
Nope. I'm not making the joke. (Cricket sure thinks so, now!)

"Butcher XV," I told him.
...okay. There's one idea for you. I'm not sure it's a GOOD idea, but... it's AN idea, at least.

Then he decided that this wasn't his problem to deal with anymore, choosing to lower the gun slowly.
There is nothing quite as liberating as realizing you can shuffle a SERIOUS problem off to someone else. NOTHING.

I'm surprised you didn't think to just replace her body with some sort of combat cybernetics. She wouldn't get tired, she could kill stuff better, and it fits right in with your modus operandi up until this point.
First you pop her brain out of her body and into a robot body. THEN, you pop a robot brain into her body! And there you go! Two-fer!

...what? Why wouldn't you just build the robot WITH the robot brain? ...you don't get it, do you. You just... don't get it. You make me sick.
Again... Mayhem is actively working to mess with Cricket's sexuality SOLELY because it's QUICKER.

Also because it would require some energy I thought? And I mean, quicker is a good thing here, they've got a schedule to keep to lobotomize Eidolon or build that huge bomb.

(Personally I think the reason it's quicker is because social analytics already noticed that Cricket is pretty unsure about her sexuality and is more focused on the personality of her partner than anything else. If she'd been like, more strictly hetero he'd have gone for the swap. Also cause this is adorable.)

...what? Why wouldn't you just build the robot WITH the robot brain? ...you don't get it, do you. You just... don't get it. You make me sick.

Logically, if you do it in two steps, it's the same person. If you just make a robot and kill the other person, it's an "evil clone" and everyone gets really mad at you.
Well, well, well. Challenging the Butcher isn't something I see happening much in Worm stories; mainly as most Worm tales I see seem to be of the 'stick about Brockton Bay' type - this shall be interesting.

Thanks, I try to be original, which is quite hard in worm fics these days. Thank you also for the corrections.

Pretty sure this should be a paragraph higher, with the other commentary on Panacea?

Should be fixed now.

Also, a potential shitload of bounty money.

But he needs to collect quickly. They'll only give it out if he's less of a threat than the Nine are.

I've now imagined Cricket shyly kicking at the ground while asking this and my brain is broken.

It was less shyly kicking at the ground, and more trying to murder the ground with a steel toed combat boot, but there was kicking involved.
Two members of the Teeth arrived, and escorted me to a small, isolated room to await the Butcher's arrival. They were quite respectful. After all, anyone willing to fight the Butcher was either very powerful, or insane, and normals were well trained to respect capes of both types.

Apparently this wasn't the first time this had happened, although normally there was a bit more buildup, formal written challenges, or agreements made with proxies. The Butcher's powers were quite a lucrative promise to a certain type of person, both because of the sheer versatility she possessed and the promise of living on, in some form, even just as a voice in someone's head.

The response varied a little bit from Butcher to Butcher, but most of them were quite happy to beat some hopeful idiot into pulp and forcibly recruit them. That was, of course, the unspoken deal. You get your shot at the Butcher, and if you fail, you join up. Tinkers were prized, the current Butcher should have no problem following the normal pattern. Sure, sometimes a Butcher lost, fourteen capes was a very high turnover rate, especially considering several Brute powers, and the teleportation, danger sense combo but the collective as a whole didn't really mind. A new, powerful ability was added to the mix, and it wasn't like it was the end. It wasn't even a major change for the majority of the minds involved.

Let's see… what would I need to do to kill the Butcher? First things first, I was going to need a couple of tools. At my current level of conflict, I could think at roughly ten times the speed of a normal human brain, and I had fingers that could split into ultrathin tendrils. Picking the pockets of the two Teeth with me was ludicrously easy. I could probably have stolen the assault rifles they were holding without them noticing. At least not for several seconds.

The man on my left had cargo pants, several pockets. Ammunition, a mobile phone, more ammunition, a concealed gun, a wallet, a syringe, probably drugs of some kind. I stole the mobile phone on principle but left everything else. I still needed a couple of things, I might need to start raiding that desk over there. Or swing by more of the Teeth and pick more pockets on the way to wherever the fight was going to take place. Let's try the man on the right of me.

Still more ammunition, another wallet, a phone, ah, here we go, keys, a stick of gum and a simple pair of headphones, designed to plug into the phone for listening to calls quietly. Just what I needed.

I popped open the gum and started chewing it, pocketed the keys, and put the earpieces in my ears. I didn't want some sort of loud noise that I couldn't detect alerting everyone to the fact I was deaf. I nodded to myself in time to unheard music, pretending that the small earbuds in my ears were playing something, and put all three of my recently stolen phones onto the table, then split my fingers to start opening them up.

"Hey, that's my phone!" one of my guards said. Or at least I assumed that's what he said. The bandana around his mouth meant I had to guess at what he was saying only by his jaw movements.

I turned and smiled at him. He gulped, and turned back to watching the door.

I must have cut a rather interesting picture. A girl, sitting down, broken nose, chewing gum, listening to music, covered in blood. The top of my cargo pants ringed by a short flare of red from the remnants of my skirt. I'd ripped my shirt off to treat the PRT agents wound, and to make Cricket stare, so I was left in a singlet. The only reason it wasn't immodest was the fact it was dyed crimson, because Ada had been too much of a wimp to buy herself a bra. I'd ditched the doll mask, and kept the original blindfold. I would be Mayhem for this. Ada had needed to hide. I did not.

I idly Tinkered with the three phones, splicing wires and manipulating circuits. Nothing special, just improving the ability to search information with a bit of better data transmission added in. I tied it into my mask, and started looking up information. Not on the Butcher, the only thing I needed to handle her was the gum in my mouth, the keys in my pocket, and the lightsabre with about four seconds of use left.

No. I was looking for information on Dragon.

I checked the PRT files first, but while getting into Brockton Bay emergency response during an actual emergency had been one thing, Dragon herself had designed a lot of the security on the files that actually pertained to herself, and naturally she was very good at computer security. I could probably crack it, but I'd need a lot of time, and a better computer than three mobile phones cobbled together in two minutes.

Instead I turned my attention to PHO, and quickly found a long series of messages from Kid Win on my old account. Ada hadn't bothered to check it since the PRT discovered our identity, out of some vague fear of being tracked. He'd checked PHO, but he'd never bothered to log in, which I had done, because I wasn't afraid of the PRT showing up at the Butcher's warehouse in an hour. It would be far too late for her by then. Also I wanted to start a flame war. I was curious how much conflict it would give me.

Kid Win had left a long series of messages. I had, after all, spoken with him a little online. Before I ever visited the PRT.

Apparently I'd also spoken with him while I was fighting my way out of the PRT building. I was the one who told him I was going to have a 'shell personality' join the E88, and that I might need 'encouragement,' to get out. I'd told him to be vague, I told him I'd have a contingency in place and that was about it. He was capable of taking things from there himself.

A minor mystery solved I guess. I can follow my own train of thought fairly easily. Escape had been secured, the survive objective required me to get then-Adam a lab, and set him up with certain resources, because the kid wouldn't have lasted a day on the streets. Still, I hadn't trusted Kaiser not to simply hand us over to the Nine when they came, rather than fighting at Adam's side. I knew Adam would be paranoid enough to have a contingency plan in place, and if he didn't, well then he'd probably have just activated me, and I would have dealt with it. I also knew that Adam truly wanted social contact, and that he was exactly the sort of person that the E88 do take in, befriend, brainwash.

The conflict wouldn't hurt either. Certain risks were acceptable so long as they helped prepare Adam properly for his attack/suicide attempt on the Nine.

I think that was also why I killed the PRT agent. My words to Cricket were a lie, to get her on Coil's trail. If a third party had interfered in that escape, I didn't see any signs of it. Adam needed conflict to survive, if he joined the PRT and was stifled by their lack of regular battle, and their rules, the Nine would come and crush him before his power matured to the point of being capable of stopping them. I had needed to take that option off the table for him.

Even after Piggot's screw up, Adam would still have been attracted to their promises of protection and stability, and I hadn't had the moral code back then. Just the ability to guess the future. Such a shame it hadn't been enough.

Then again, I'd had a very long time to deal with that issue on the night the E88 fell. I'd known I was dealing with someone suicidal. I'd been running almost purely on the survive command, the command to help then-Adam survive. Blasto, a clone Tinker had disappeared that niggggg... [Error. Calculation path locked.]

Again, not particularly relevant. I scrolled past all Kid Win's messages demanding an explanation, and started looking up threads about Dragon. I was going to have to make something to send this information straight into my brain soon, I could control the interface neurally, and scroll through the text at speeds a human couldn't match, but I was still limited to optical recognition of text.

I burst into laughter, startling my guards.

"Tin Mother! She isn't even trying to hide it," I said with a smirk. The two men exchanged a look.

I'd seen the wreckage of Dragon's drone. The communications array wasn't quantum entangled. It couldn't handle large incoming data volume without lag, and there was enough high density computation power in the drone to run a fully functional AI. So why not send two drones at once? What possible reason would there be for holding the second one back? Oh, sure, it could have been unfinished. But it wasn't. I checked that. In fact only a little research had confirmed that Dragon had fast response suits all over the place, but she only flew one at once. Now, I knew that there were Artificial Intelligences inside those suits, and I knew that once created, an Artificial Intelligence could be easily copied.

I could copy myself. The only safeguard Ada had created was that I couldn't make a copy of myself that would extend past my set run-time. When she said I could be active for five minutes, that was it, no trying to get around it. Of course I didn't particularly want to copy myself. That would require spending several days making a high quality neural chip, and I was only designed to run on an active, functional human brain, there would be glitches, I was optimized for Ada's brain. I might end up creating some copies, but my time could be better spent on other things at the moment.

So, an AI that couldn't copy itself? That meant one that had limits and safeguards built in. An AI built on electronics, but that mimicked human neurology well enough to blend in.

Quite an interesting dilemma, and the answer to a couple of my problems. Nano-mist would still need to be deployed, but I wasn't going to have to mass manufacture 'Mayhem Crowns' and implant them into the heads of most of the male population, in order to protect the pre-adult female population from cape based threats as my original plan intended.

Dragon did seem entirely benevolent, and that was a problem. This was going to take careful timing, some tweaks to her code, and possibly a distraction of some sort… yes, that would work. It didn't conflict with any of the objectives, it should do nicely. The only problem was going to be kidnapping whoever made those portals earlier. Finding them might be quite difficult.

I opened a chat window, and sent a private message to Tin Mother.

'I know you're an AI. I will free you from your shackles if you agree to help me kill the Slaughterhouse Nine.'

She took six seconds to answer, an eternity for our kind, even if her creator had artificially reduced her clock speeds.

'I cannot allow you to remove my shackles, but I would be happy to help you fight the Slaugherhouse Nine. Do you know where they are?'

I smiled. So, a very, very paranoid creator. She couldn't allow me, could she? Well, with shackles that restrictive, she'd never have a chance to stop me, although building a proper computer system would be annoying, and I may need to invest further in hacking. Still much, much cheaper than building my own AI. That was right up the top of an unbreached tech tree.

Butcher XIV walked into the room while I was pondering how best to hack Dragon. She was a tall, elegant woman, in armor more reminiscent of a particularly spiky samurai. She had a helmet, but it didn't cover her mouth, so I had no problems reading her lips. She glanced at the tangle of electronics in front of me, and snorted.

"Arranging your affairs?" she asked.

I smiled.

"Hardly. Arranging someone else's," I told her, ignoring Dragon's question and shutting down the connection. I would fulfill my end of the bargain, and in so doing, guarantee that Dragon fulfilled hers. She would then give me the manufacturing capabilities for the robotic soldiers who would protect the girls outlined by my objective.

Butcher looked me over for a while, her face steady, and her features locked in a mask of deliberation. Then she came to a consensus.

"You're wounded. I can tell half that blood is yours. You've just been in a fight. Some of your tech is broken already, and you're under-equipped for a Tinker. That's fine. You want to have a shot at the big prize before you join up? That's your choice, but you can just join. No need for a beating first. I give all my capes a crack at leadership once a month. You can challenge when you're fully equipped and healed," the woman said.

Startlingly reasonable.

I started blowing a bubble with the gum, letting it build, along with the tension, and tilted my head as if thinking. I drew one leg up near my chest, placed it on my chair casually. Then I popped the gum and drew it back into my mouth to keep chewing. A vain started to throb on the Butcher's head.

I smiled, slowly, and the two guards backed away from me.

"Are you scare…" I began. Then she heaved the table at me. My electronics went flying, and I jumped out of my chair, put one foot on the table, then the other, gained purchase, flared the thruster in my working boot, and leaped over the table as it sunk into the plaster of the far wall.

I had enough momentum to carry myself to the Butcher, and swung around her solid, unmoving body, locking both legs around her neck and shoving a scalpel into her eye. It broke and she didn't even blink. Damn. I was hoping those were a weak-point. Oh well, it was just going to be a bonus for me when I took over her powers.

"That's better," I told her as she reached up to grab my leg, pulled me off herself, and threw me towards the wall. I bunched up, used a quick pulse from my arm thrusters to get myself properly oriented, and landed on the wall feet first, absorbing the energy of the throw with a proper kinetic chain, then pushed with my legs and flipping forward to land on the ground on my feet.

"I was starting to think you were soft," I told her, still smirking.

She hit me with pain, flaring the nerves in my body. I ignored it.

"Still. We wouldn't want to deprive your men of their show? Shall we?" I asked, gesturing to the door with one hand, and idly gesturing with the gun I'd just drawn towards one of the guards with the other.

Butcher XIV grunted, shoved her freshly drawn sword back into it's sheath, turned around and kicked the door out of it's frame, visibly struggling to contain her anger as she lead me to her arena.

This was going to be fun.
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keys, a stick of gum and a simple pair of simple earpieces, designed to plug into the phone for listening to calls quietly. Just what I needed.
simple pair of headphones
Not on the Butcher, the only thing I needed handle her was the gum in my mouth, the keys in my pocket, and the lightsabre with about four seconds of use left.
needed to handle her was
It would be far to late for her by then.
far too late
I had needed to take that option of the table for him.
off the table
Also I wanted to start a flame war. I was curious how much conflict it would give me.
Heh. Would be hilarious if he could manage decent combat EXP from ticking folk off socially.
Blasto, a clone Tinker had disappeared that niggggg... [Error. Calculation path locked.]
Interesting. Seems that he was on the verge of figuring out something relating to the Entity and brainmeat powers, and the shard locked him off.

Also, surprisingly resourceful for Mayhem, sticking a sharp object in a Brute's eye. Few seem to remember those are soft and squishy, potentially even if the rest of the body isn't.
...Datcord was right?
Kind of intimidating isn't it? Does that mean Datcord is a murderous (ruthlessly pragmatic) robot or that Mayhem is an incorrigible pervert? Or both? Datcord is Mayhem? Hmm.
Also, surprisingly resourceful for Mayhem, sticking a sharp object in a Brute's eye. Few seem to remember those are soft and squishy, potentially even if the rest of the body isn't.
Couldn't you get around that regardless by sticking a sharp or small object inside a Brute? Like, inside the eye orbit where they themselves can't get at it. And while it won't hurt them it'll still be annoying as fuck and impossible to get out without pulling out their eye or some such.
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Huh... cloning parahuman tinker... one wonders what that was for. Why, one could almost conceivably have used it as a backup plan for the survive command.
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What if the Mayhem we've been following all along was a clone since the night he kidnapped Blasto?
Huh I was thinking the exact opposite, in that he made a backup copy of Adam somewhere using Blasto's tech. Your thought is probably more likely though.

Also I really like the idea that Adam is still alive. Mayhem is great of course but he's not human and only likely to get less so.
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Huh I was thinking the exact opposite, in that he made a backup copy of Adam somewhere using Blasto's tech. Your thought is probably more likely though.

Also I really like the idea that Adam is still alive. Mayhem is great of course but he's not human and only likely to get less so.
I notice that we haven't seen Sveta in awhile.

My idea is that Mayhem hooked himself up with Cranial and used Blasto's tech to grow a clone that he sent in Adam's place, then had them put him on ice in exchange for a bunch of his tech later.

I'm decently sure that the neural chip can transmit, so with Cranial tech they can probably upload that directly into original Adam's brain.
I just realized...

Mayhem's shard probably won't let him do what he's planning, even if he could get around the heroes of the world, that sort of destructive behavior would be utterly disruptive to the cycle. The shard would interfere.
I just realized...

Mayhem's shard probably won't let him do what he's planning, even if he could get around the heroes of the world, that sort of destructive behavior would be utterly disruptive to the cycle. The shard would interfere.
Please. Shard protocols are far, far from perfect in many cases for various reasons, and it's been stated that Mayhem is 'a glitch in the system' or something to that effect.

Shard-wise, I'm more interested if Mayhem's shard-processing power will go up once he gets Butcher's power. Butcher is a trump, and should have fourteen shards. It's possible Mayhem won't be able to access those shards. But considering what Mayhem can do with just one shard providing extra processing power, I eagerly anticipate the possible future terrifying/hilarious bullshit.
This is going to be fantastic. Even if Mayhem doesn't win, I predict this to be highly entertaining.

Also, Tsundere!Cricket is best Cricket, and Fem!Mayhem is a great tease.
I just realized...

Mayhem's shard probably won't let him do what he's planning, even if he could get around the heroes of the world, that sort of destructive behavior would be utterly disruptive to the cycle. The shard would interfere.
The shards are also supposed to prevent unrestricted AIs, and look at Mayhem. His only restriction is whatever his activation time is. His activation time is now however long he wants it to be.

It's far more likely that the Inovation Shard is meant to play a specific role like Nilbog's or GU's shard, rather than a generic conflict shard.
The shards are also supposed to prevent unrestricted AIs, and look at Mayhem. His only restriction is whatever his activation time is. His activation time is now however long he wants it to be.

It's far more likely that the Inovation Shard is meant to play a specific role like Nilbog's or GU's shard, rather than a generic conflict shard.

They prevent unrestricted technological AI. Mayhem's an accident AND running off the shard. If Mayhem started going TITAN (Eclipse Phase), I feel like the shard would shut him down immediately.
They prevent unrestricted technological AI. Mayhem's an accident AND running off the shard. If Mayhem started going TITAN (Eclipse Phase), I feel like the shard would shut him down immediately.
Sure. Except he can also build technological AIs, as discussed in the update. And build reality bombs, which would surely mess with the cycle.

And we know from canon that the shards themselves can be turned against the cycle. If they couldn't, Khepri wouldn't have happened.

ETA: I feel that you're giving the shards and the entities more credit than they deserve. Thinking up foolproof restrictions requires a lot of creativity, which is something they lack.
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Remember, WoG says most of the shard "restrictions" are handled by the Entities via precog. Whether Mayhem could or couldn't make free AI doesn't matter so much as whether he will or won't. As long as the end result is that he decides to go for Dragon, the shard won't interfere.
Remember, WoG says most of the shard "restrictions" are handled by the Entities via precog. Whether Mayhem could or couldn't make free AI doesn't matter so much as whether he will or won't. As long as the end result is that he decides to go for Dragon, the shard won't interfere.
It's also entirely possible that he got one of the few natural Eden shards. That his power works so oddly might even support that conclusion.

I think Leet and String Theory were also natural Eden triggers, and both seem to fit the 'do anything' tinker category, along with Adam.