I didn't really think of Skitter as Taylor anymore. She'd grown into her cape name. It fit her, in a way that it hadn't just a few weeks ago. Something to do with the costume, with the way she moved, with how she didn't flinch when a door was thrown open by Trainwreck behind her, because she knew it was him, and there was no need to look around as he carried a tray of components into his own lab.
The spider legs I'd made would also help with the whole 'Skitter' image. She glanced at them as soon as she came into the lab, examining my work with a slightly critical tilt of her head.
I had plans to augment the other capes on the team as well, obviously, the trick was leveraging their parahuman power in such a way that it was easy for me to make things for them. I hadn't had a lot of ideas yet, and I was slightly hampered by not knowing exactly how many of their powers worked. Testing would be required, and I doubted that all of them would trust me enough for that. Perhaps if I just focused on fixing Noelle first, that might earn me some brownie points.
"I'm activating it now. The four legs are mapped to four of the legs on the spider. It should be even easier for you to manipulate than the drone." I told her.
Skitter nodded, and the legs lurched a bit, unfurling themselves from the boxlike shape they took when they were retracted and packed up.
They wobbled as they found purchase on the ground, and moved off the bench the package had been on, but they didn't fall as Skitter commanded them to come to her. She even figured out how to open the simple rings that would bind the legs around her chest and stomach, and she carefully lined them up so she could back into the spider-legs-backpack's embrace.
I was going to need a name for it. Something interesting. Something that encapsulated the design. Nope, couldn't think of anything. A quick Google said that the Latin word for spider was Stilio, so I'd call the backpack thing a Stilio. It was good enough.
"I don't think I ever actually thanked you, for getting the bullies in trouble. So thanks for that." Skitter said.
"It was good for me. It taught me never to trust the PRT. I was always going to have to learn that lesson sooner or later. I lost less work because it was sooner." I told her.
Skitter tilted her head a bit, her mask maintaining the same neutral expression it always held.
"Nevertheless, thank you. Arcadia is a far better school than Winslow."
"Manage to make any friends?" I asked, because it was something to say, and because Skitter wasn't having any problems figuring out the Stilio on her own. She was already held tightly in it, and as I watched all four legs braced carefully on the floor, and Skitter's body rose, supported by the new limbs.
"A few. No real close friends yet, but there are people I can actually talk to there." She said, carefully shifting one limb of the Stilio forward.
"The legs grip the ground in much the same way an insect's legs do, it won't be enough to hold your weight on a wall, but they'll have excellent grip on almost any surface. Make sure you lift the legs, instead of sliding them, I don't want to have to replace the pads too often." I told her.
Skitter nodded, lifted the leg carefully, and put it down, then lifted the next and did the same thing.
"Of course there are climbing spikes that you can use if you do need to climb walls." I said. Those spikes would also be useful weapons, but I trusted that Skitter would be inventive enough to use them that way against the Nine.
"How do I use them?" Skitter asked.
"They're mapped to the other four legs of the spider but I haven't enabled them yet. I wanted you to get the hang of the basics first, and I don't need holes in the walls of my lab. I was thinking once you had a chance to figure the rest out I'd enable the spikes, and send you to the boat graveyard to practice."
Skitter nodded, and took a few more steps.
"How fast can I push them?" She asked.
"No idea. That probably depends on how fast you can think of making the legs move. I imagine it will take a bit of practice."
Although the drone hadn't taken her much. Quite surprising really, just how quickly she was able to learn to control these things.
Skitter nodded, and lowered herself to the ground, then supported herself with her own legs, and two legs behind her while the two legs in front of her reared up and slashed the air a bit. Yep, she was already getting it. I wonder just what her power told her about my devices? Surely she could only sense the bugs brain, and the impulses I had mapped to it's motor neurons?
"On the subject of school, did you hear what happened to Emma?" Skitter asked. There was a note of something in her voice, but I couldn't identify what it was, not after it was distorted around the mask.
I knew a little. I didn't listen to the microphone in Tattletale's throat all the time, but I did have a program recording what it sent me, and that program flagged every mention of my name. Tattletale had talked about me to Skitter during their shopping trip yesterday afternoon. Mentioned this. Another recruit in the 'stop Mayhem killing himself club.' Maybe, maybe Tattletale had a bit of a point. That didn't mean that I wanted every man and his dog getting together in some sort of heartwarming intervention. That would be incredibly annoying and embarrassing.
Tattletale had taken Sveta shopping as well, that was where the two of them were right now, because, for what I understand was the first time in her memory, Sveta now needed clothes. I hadn't gotten around to finishing her completely yet, but she had skin over the majority of her body. It would be well worth whatever inevitable scheme Tattletale hatched not to have to take Sveta shopping myself.
"No. What happened to her?" I said, pulling my mind back to the current conversation. It was annoying, on the one hand the microphone in Tattletale's throat wouldn't be as effective if anyone knew about it, on the other hand, action on information I got from it was almost certainly going to tip Tattletale off, so I couldn't use that information. Ugh.
"She managed to get out of juvenile detention. There was this… plea bargain thing. She turned evidence on the others, and so she only got house arrest." Skitter said. "I wasn't particularly upset about that. I was going to Arcadia, which was all I really wanted, and Emma ruined her own social life for that privilege. I stayed up the night I heard what happened to her, thinking that maybe if I'd insisted, or tried to give a more damning testimony, I might have saved her. I've thought about it a long time, and I've talked about it with Zoe Barns, her mother, and with my dad. In the end, it wasn't my fault. I've come to accept that."
"What do you mean?" I said, idly sketching out a version of the Stilio that had kinetic emitters for flight and long range attacks. It would be quite easy to make and I might upgrade the one I'd made eventually, but for now it was a secondary concern. I needed to finish Noelle's new body as well, and help Trainwreck, and figure out how to get past Noelle's regeneration, and I wanted to upgrade my own body before I got into too much else.
Skitters power lent itself well to augmentations, I could use her as the equivalent of a decent AI, and it saved me from having to buy into the communications tree so I could get long range instant signal transmission. I was even fairly convinced that she would fight the Nine when the time came. Admittedly I had no real proof of this, I just had a hard time imagining her backing down. Still, Mayhem had said that she wanted to 'Shine as a hero,' and he was the one with the social analytic program, even if I had no idea how he designed it or where he got the processing power to run it, my brain shouldn't have had much space left over after it was converted to run combat prediction software.
"Emma wanted powers." Skitter explained. "Even under house arrest she was allowed to use the internet. Eventually she thought she found something. She left the house alone, in the dead of night, stole her dad's credit card, and her mothers jewelry. The anklet went off when she left her home of course, but it took the police a while to respond. I don't know why she thought she would get away with it. The anklet wasn't tampered with. Maybe she thought she'd be able to fix things once she got powers?"
Skitter sighed, somewhere between resignation and sadness.
"It's obvious in retrospect. If someone was selling powers, they wouldn't do so to teenage girls with barely enough money to buy a cheap car. When someone on the internet promises you things if you come alone to a dark and secluded place, that's a warning flag, right there."
I winced. I hadn't head that part, just that Skitter should tell me about Emma, and then I'd looked up the news story, and skimmed it very quickly.
"It went badly?" I said.
"Yeah, it went badly. I don't know specifics, Zoe didn't tell me, but the anklet saved her, at least sort of. Maybe whoever was waiting for her saw it, maybe they didn't. I don't know. Either way the police tracked her down, took her to a hospital. I don't know if they arrested anyone else, Zoe said the police were tight lipped. It was ongoing case, or something like that. They should probably have… I don't know, handcuffed her to the bed or something, but they didn't. She got up to the roof of the hospital somehow, and jumped."
"I… don't really know what to say. You're not supposed to speak ill of the dead, and all that." I said.
"She was stupid." Skitter said, in a soft voice without malice.
"Yeah. She was." I said.
"Are you stupid as well?" Skitter asked.
"You talked with Tattletale?" I said. I think I would have guessed that, even if I hadn't known. It was hard to tell just what I'd be able to figure out if I wasn't listening in on everything Tattletale said about me.
"Yes." She admitted.
I sighed, and made my way over to the desk, on which I was trying to construct a basic kinetic pulse gun. I was having trouble. Guns just weren't a field I'd bought into yet. I could augment humans, I could create modes of transport, I could create a few gadgets designed to be simple and not to draw attention. I even had a very limited command of reality altering energies in the form of my lightsabres, but taking the kinetic pulse weapon out of the human body, or a method of transportation? That was hard. I had to actually figure out how to make the trigger myself, instead of tying it into the flight system or the nervous system.
Guns were at the base of the weapons tree, but I was leery of breaking into it. The best tech was higher in the trees, it might be better to keep climbing, rather than continue to diversify. Three trees was enough. It wasn't like it was impossible to design a trigger on my own, I could make it so the tiny electrical signals flying through the brain of an insect controlled complex autonomous devices, obviously it was a simple matter of being creative enough with what I already knew. It was just taking me a little longer than I thought.
"Tell Tattletale that nothing will ever convince me not to attack the Nine." I said, leaning over my work. "But no. I'm not stupid. She can stop now. The suicide bomb idea is no longer relevant or necessary."
Skitter nodded.
"I'm glad. I know we're not exactly close Adam, but I do consider you a friend. It would be a shame to lose another one."
She was buttering me up. She'd probably seen the diagram, somehow figured out that it involved flight systems. She probably wanted to fly, or something. That had to be it.
Then I remembered the painfully shy, reserved girl at Winslow. The one with the ability to quietly kill her tormentors with spider venom. With a little thought it wouldn't be hard to make that sort of thing difficult to trace, but she'd held back, she hadn't tried to fit in, or fight back.
Emma really had been her friend once. Now I was her friend, and I was planning how to betray her before she betrayed me.
Shine as a hero, huh?
But she'd befriended the villains instead. Mayhem had pretended that he thought she was a villain, because he was an ass that way, and she probably went along with it out of some sort of misplaced loyalty and perhaps a desire to do the same sort of thing I did to the E88.
This was going to be an incredible mess when it all came out. She'd seen faces, learned names. And it would come out, there was no doubt about that. Tattletale probably already knew, although why she was keeping silent was beyond me. Sooner or later, Taylor would feel the need to act like a hero. I don't think it was in her nature to do otherwise.
But maybe, maybe that wasn't a bad thing. We were The Gray. Skitter could be a slightly lighter shade than the rest of us. Maybe, things could be manipulated in such a way that she was the team conscience. Or even just a moderating voice. Heroes didn't betray their friends.
I was going to have to think about this further.