Apparently the OT3 of Hibiki/Miku/Chris is actually really popular in Japan due to Chris being the most popular character there and Miku managing to become friends with her before Hibiki did.
Apparently the OT3 of Hibiki/Miku/Chris is actually really popular in Japan due to Chris being the most popular character there and Miku managing to become friends with her before Hibiki did.
I have images of pairings Im itching to posssstttt

But Grue needs to finish at least half the season ffffiiiirrrssstttt!
Switching to the supposedly superior subs starting with 'Sode #2.
SymphoGX #2
We start with Hibiki taking Carol's HURRICANE CANNON head-on. And surviving. Apparently Relic fusion leaves its mark.
Carol seems puzzled that Hibiki's not busting out the Symphogear. Clearly she didn't do research; all Carol's shown is HURRICANE CANNON.
That's an omnious-looking swordish thing in the opening.
Right. Carol apparently has four subordinates Posers, two of which we've seen already. Also, I suspect NERV's gonna be enlisting any Symphogear they can get, given the reappearance of the Fine Trio in Gears.
Yeeep. Everyone has a key to Chris's place.
And down goes the NERV helicopter. Poser Coin's around. Better hurry up and henshin, Chris.
Oh hey, Cloak Girl's hiding behind the pillar. Meanwhile, Commander calls Manager to manage London as the stadium starts exploding.
Chris's new transformation is very ribbony, and her new song is as dakka-y as her previous one. Meanwhile, Coin Poser catches an Ichival arrow in midair. They seem consistently on a completely different level.
Cloak Girl's confirmed the outclassing. She'll probably be meeting up with NERV after this battle.
Is it just me, or am I getting echoes of S1's ending theme in Chris's song?
Back in London, Sword Poser promptly gets a sword dropped on her. Given the narrative, I doubt either of them are dead.
And Bluewing confirms. Why is Maria dragging her away?
Coin Poser ships Chris. Too bad for her that Cloak Girl warns her.
...Is that Coin Poser with a Stand?! I'd probably make more Jojo jokes if I actually watched that show.
Damnit FINE duo. You lack Linker. As much as you want to help, please don't go over there.
...I'm not sure how I failed to notice that Cloak Girl's apparently only wearing underwear, but Chris-sorry, The Amazing Singing Hood has a similar reaction to me.
And Hood Girl's named as Elfnein after identifying Chris. Time for NERV to research alchemy.
Someone's filming Hibiki's mess to sell to TV stations. Unfortunately, there's a Poser round the corner. Welp, he's dead.
Carol really wants to see Gugnir, apparently. Since Hibiki wants to protect, time to endanger others.
Or just attack her. NERV thinks Hibiki's being stupid, Commander is deploying. Hype-Ooor not.
Just because she recognised that you're hurting somehow is not a reason to kill her, Carol.
...Apparently, Carol's destroying the world as an inherited project from her father. I'm not sure how, exactly, that meshes with our flashback last episode.
Poser #3 is apparently gathering memories. And has a teleport. I assume Carol makes it, given she has one too.
Apparently, Carol really doesn't like Hibiki poking her sore spots. She wants to break her.
Damnit America, why are you trying to stop Bluewing and Maria?! Luckily, they forgot about the ninja.
NERV apparently has a code for "Found nearly-nude girl with knowledge of us, probably helpful." No time; Coin Poser's on the attack again.
Maria realised the target was Bluewing, and is getting away from others. Meanwhile, noone knows what the hell's happening with Chris.
The American in the deal Maria took feels greasy.
...The American Goverment's making an implied threat against Hibiki?! If that gets out, I doubt NERV and Japan would like that one bit. Especially given the whole "Blew up chunk of moon" thing that the dots were probably connected to.
Aaand Sword Poser Interrupt. The taxi has been remodelled.
Sword Poser apparently breaks swords. And just summoned Noise. Like they wouldn't appear at some point.
...Why are the Noise exploding into blood?
I really felt for the Commander. Finally gets a chance to go out and fight something that won't disintegrate him if he punches it...and his traitorous bridge crew shuts him down :lol
I really felt for the Commander. Finally gets a chance to go out and fight something that won't disintegrate him if he punches it...and his traitorous bridge crew shuts him down :lol
He´s a commander, a leader. He cant recklessly charge willy-nilly just like that.

Hes of more use being all leadery than punching things..I think. Besides with the Arca-Noise...

One surprise and he´s done and everything goes to shit.
That's an omnious-looking swordish thing in the opening.

Ominous yes. Also kinda hype, though also not really for reasons I'll explain when it gets revealed what that is.

Meanwhile, Coin Poser catches an Ichival arrow in midair. They seem consistently on a completely different level.

GX gets a bit power-levely with the antagonists. For better or for worse, probably depends on your opinion. We get super badassery out of it, though.

...Is that Coin Poser with a Stand?! I'd probably make more Jojo jokes if I actually watched that show.

It's her little sister, actually.

...I'm not sure how I failed to notice that Cloak Girl's apparently only wearing underwear, but Chris-sorry, The Amazing Singing Hood has a similar reaction to me.

It's probably not the weirdest thing about Elfnein right now.

NERV apparently has a code for "Found nearly-nude girl with knowledge of us, probably helpful." No time; Coin Poser's on the attack again.

Given their expertise in supernatural events, they probably have a long list of improbable but possible codes. I personally think 2-5-2 is more "possible friendly with information", though. Maybe there's an age modifier in there somewhere.


That triple singer song last episode? It's called Radiant Force - and that's what the girls did. Burn brightly, like shooting stars in the sky. And now they're burning, falling, and disappearing.....
...Apparently, Carol's destroying the world as an inherited project from her father
Medieval age
people being dumbass
witch hunt
dad get set on fire for magic shit
little girl watch dad get burn
get really angry
figure out how to live longer
dedicated the next few century preparing to nuke every one on the planet

this is why you don't kill people in front of their family in anime, it never end well for you if one of them get the revenge boner
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SymphoGX #3
...Whatever it is, this isn't normal. The only other time a Wielder went nude is when Chris used CAST OFF.
The plan all along was to SEN-I-SOSHITSU the wielders. Bar Hibiki, they've got played like fiddles.
Goddamnit Kirika. Not only do you not have drugs to shoot up on, we just saw how these Alca-Noise are great against Symphogear.
Ig-Alima just started sparking. Sign of not being on drugs?
Yeah, Commander's not happy that A)Kirikia's not on drugs, and B)They didn't let him wreck the non-Noise.
Damnit Shirabe as well. At least she's focusing on getting Chris away.
And yep, the sparks were from not doing drugs. This is why you do drugs, you two.
The Posers have withdrawn. As Commander's pointed out, the differences between Carol and Elfnein seem to be hairstyle and haircolor.
Wasn't it night a moment ago?
Oh hey, flashbacks feat. Ver and SciLady. The hole in the "Gears to counter Gears" logic is that this whole mess was engineered by Fine.
And we're picking up on the Sen-I-Soshitsu; apparently the clothing-storage was the first thing to break in the Symphogear. Fighting these things is going to be an issue, I see. And with Fine getting properly killed last season, they're SOL for fixing them.
Damnit America. Thankfully, Maria's on ball, immediately requesting for NERV to yoink her from the MIB.
Wait. Is this the thing I've heard about?
Yep. It's the infamous random musical number about Beef Stroganoff, of all things.
Please tell me where Beef Stroganoff appears in anime and manga. Other than Symphogear.
Without the regen of relic fusion, Hibiki is doomed to minor injuries while cooking.
And that stunt put Kirika and Shirabe in the hospital. Hibiki's still down from Carol's tantrum.
NERV's further investigated the broken Gears. While the Noble Phantasm shards are intact, the Alcanoise fried the electronics. This has happened before; Serena apparently fried the Gear in the same way back in S2's flashback. Incidentally, they seem to have fixed it from 'literally shattered'.
As NERV is out of their LINKER supplies, it's down to Hibiki to deploy on any fights. I'm sure that'll go well, given how the Posers outclass them.
Blue Poser has woke up Red Poser. I just realised Blue Poser has dolljoint legs.
One dead biker gang decorating a 'mart.
Alca-Noise seem to take normal Noise's carbonisation and apply it to the Symphogears. Scale that to the world, and you get Carol's attempt to Kill Everything.
Elfnein appears to be a homunculus. Carol's running an Einzbern Plan™, isn't she?
And what Elfnein was carting around was fragments of Dainslef. Large relic shards are all well and good, but most of the Symphogears are broke, remember?
...Bluewing is apparently a great artist.
Of course Hibiki and co run straight into the enemy again-wait, Holy Grail?!
How to force the point for a fight: Endanger others. Hibiki, please at least attempt Nanoha-style befreinding. You can befriend and fight at the same time.
...Of all the times to lose her (singing) voice...
Wait, no, she's unable to activate Gugnir. So much for that whole hijack/rate thing.
Ig-Alima just started sparking. Sign of not being on drugs?
And yep, the sparks were from not doing drugs. This is why you do drugs, you two.

Symphogear: Teaching all the wrong lessons

Goddamnit Kirika. Not only do you not have drugs to shoot up on, we just saw how these Alca-Noise are great against Symphogear.

What I love here is that she apparently stole a banner from a shop purely so she could do a Scarf of Asskicking-style entry. She's a dork.

The Posers have withdrawn. As Commander's pointed out, the differences between Carol and Elfnein seem to be hairstyle and haircolor.

Well, when you need disposable workers, and you can only trust yourself, cloning yourself a bunch makes total sense.

Yep. It's the infamous random musical number about Beef Stroganoff, of all things.

I can only assume this is to make up for the fact that the Commander doesn't get a song this season. Which sucks.

Elfnein appears to be a homunculus. Carol's running an Einzbern Plan™, isn't she?

Please. Carol's actually competent.

And what Elfnein was carting around was fragments of Dainslef. Large relic shards are all well and good, but most of the Symphogears are broke, remember?

If only they had someone who could make Gears out of those fragments to replace Tsubasa and Chris' wrecked ones.

...Bluewing is apparently a great artist.

Fun fact: That image was drawn by her voice actor at a convention panel, IIRC.


Wait, no, she's unable to activate Gugnir. So much for that whole hijack/rate thing.

I think the implication is that she's scared of her fists hurting people instead of helping them, and this crisis of faith means that she unsyncs with Gungnir or something. It's unclear and this particular plot thread is not the most clear.

Incidentally, they seem to have fixed it from 'literally shattered'.

I believe that in the original final scene of G, Argetlam was cut in half, but the Bluray release changed it so it was just cracked and broken. Not 100% sure of this though, since Crunchyroll (which should be the Bluray version, right?) has it also cut in half.
Hibiki becoming so reluctant to punch the shit out of the new antagonists got on my nerves really quickly. You'd think she'd have learned over the course of the past two seasons that some people need sense beaten into them.
SymphoGX #4
-Oh hey, flashback to FINE giving Maria her sister's broken Gear.
-NERV is in big trouble. Without Hibiki, they have zero working Gear-User pairs.
-And they're sending the ninja out. Maria, why are you following-wait, you can actually use Gugnir, can't you?
-And one of the friends is bluffing! Of course, that relies on Poser Blue not attacking anyway.
-It works for about thirty seconds. Apparently, Alcanoise dissolving abilities universally look bloody.
-Huh. For once, it's Hibiki crying about how this isn't an anime.
-And there goes her Gear-[MARIA INTERRUPT]
-It's the return of the S2 transformation! Where the hell did the cape go, though?
-Despite some static, Maria tears through the noise, only for the spear to stop at Poser Blue's AT Field.
-Puns. And Maria's transformation just cancelled, with blood from the face. Apparently her synch went down?
-And with no Wielders functional, Blue Poser....leaves? Huh?
-...What's with that outburst, Hibiki? Awfully protective of Gugnir despite Maria saving your life just then.
Right. Hibiki apparently needs to re-get the concept of Befriending into her head.
Hibiki really hit a sore spot on Carol. Running orders are now to obliterate her.
Another tidbit of the plan: They're releasing Ley Lines. I'd assume whatever it is needs a ton of power.
Damnit Hibiki. If you don't want to hurt people, then punch the bloody Noise instead.
The FINE trio are visiting Old Lady's grave. Meanwhile, according to the friends, Hibiki's forgotten why she donned the Gear in the first place.
They went and put Elfnein in proper clothing as she details their enemies: Poser Sword, Poser Coin, Poser Blue and Poser Red. Question is: What's 'Project Ignite'? Other than Dainslef being involved, that is?
Has Hibiki forgotten that she first transformed to save a girl? And are the Alcanoise headed for her?
Poser Red has been deployed. And apparently there's Noise Slugs. Don't recall those.
Miku's threatened. Hibiki still can't sing.
It took Miku being threatened and her pointing out the bloody obvious to get Hibiki to be able to sing again. Finally.
Ah, the screaming transformation. Haven't seen that in a while.
I see the subbers are making a callback to Synchrograzer. "Listen to my song".
Red Poser has hairdrill thrusters. Okay. She's also a Water Clone. Oh dear.
Reinforced Gears? Are they repairing the Gears?