PFFTHAHAHA. Commander sent Chris a gun-fu video. The one TVTropes describes as the source, in fact.

It's even more hilarious because come GX, she in-fact DOES use a bit of Gun Fu.

Miku just heard her song. She remembers last OVA's infodump. She is officially dead from embarrasment.

The only person who doesn't realize that Hibiki and Miyu are totally a couple is Hibiki.

Alright, let's check the OVAs:
*OVA 1: [CLEAN], though the very end of it tells you what the opening scene of GX will be about. The show itself tells you what's going on in that scene within 60 seconds anyway, so it's not big deal.
*OVA 2: [CLEAN] I think this is set between the opening sequence of GX and the start of the next, though there's no spoilers involved. Just a continuity observation. Though again, the final scene is a minor spoiler for a scene in the first episode (the now traditional first episode concert sequence).

So yeah, 1 and 2 are effectively spoiler free and you can totally watch now.
It's even more hilarious because come GX, she in-fact DOES use a bit of Gun Fu.

The only person who doesn't realize that Hibiki and Miyu are totally a couple is Hibiki.

Alright, let's check the OVAs:
*OVA 1: [CLEAN], though the very end of it tells you what the opening scene of GX will be about. The show itself tells you what's going on in that scene within 60 seconds anyway, so it's not big deal.
*OVA 2: [CLEAN] I think this is set between the opening sequence of GX and the start of the next, though there's no spoilers involved. Just a continuity observation. Though again, the final scene is a minor spoiler for a scene in the first episode (the now traditional first episode concert sequence).

So yeah, 1 and 2 are effectively spoiler free and you can totally watch now.
First GX scene's the Shuttle Rescue, right?
Oh yeah, also, once you start GX and do the usual stuff like modifying the thread title, there's a few pre-existing thread tags that should probably be added. Most notably (and spoiler free), "believe in the power of song" and "determination to fist". The thread that was active while GX was airing had a lot of fun with custom thread tags.

It's funny because I picked this as one of the two screen names that I use across the internet well before I got into either Madoka or Symphogear, so it's a 100% coincidence that will constantly trail me with those kinds of jokes.

I don't mind, and it is funny how close the name is, it's just one of those crazy things that sometimes happens.
Oh yeah, also, once you start GX and do the usual stuff like modifying the thread title, there's a few pre-existing thread tags that should probably be added. Most notably (and spoiler free), "believe in the power of song" and "determination to fist". The thread that was active while GX was airing had a lot of fun with custom thread tags.
So what you're saying is to go wild with the tags as I see fit.:V
So what you're saying is to go wild with the tags as I see fit.:V
Well, you could, but they already went pretty wild with them. Many of its tags are spoilers though, and a few have even appeared on other threads. They also made some tags for it that should be way more common than they are, such as "probably yuri".

In total, GX's thread has 15 tags, 9 of which are arguably spoilers.





The only reason why I don't give you a comprehensive listing of everything Yuri in this show to debunk that claim is that A) I'm too lazy, and B) I'd literally have at minimum dozens of screenshots PER EPISODE.

There is no probably.

There is only Yuri.

...mostly Miku and Hibiki, let's be honest. Shirabe and Kirika get in on the action too, with some minor Hibiki/everyone, Chris/Tsubasa, and Tsubasa/Maria thrown in for seasoning.




The only reason why I don't give you a comprehensive listing of everything Yuri in this show to debunk that claim is that A) I'm too lazy, and B) I'd literally have at minimum dozens of screenshots PER EPISODE.

There is no probably.

There is only Yuri.

...mostly Miku and Hibiki, let's be honest. Shirabe and Kirika get in on the action too, with some minor Hibiki/everyone, Chris/Tsubasa, and Tsubasa/Maria thrown in for seasoning.
I'm not the one who made the thread tag. I think the "probably" is because nobody has technically reached Official Couple status.

I was just saying that more threads, not necessarily Symphogear threads, should have that tag.
GX OVAs Part One
SymphoGX OVA #1
Huh. The special effects in these OVAs are improving.
...Is that Kirika's letter? That they will have given to her last OVA?
Kirika's getting a sinking feeling about this.
...How bad was the food FINE was getting that the pair prefer prison food?!
Pffft. We're actually getting to see that quiz show from the previous OVAs.
...FINE really didn't have any food budget, did they?
...Does everyone take stuff the wrong way here?
Ah, the year in G was Bluewing's last year of school. She's moving onto Job full-time.
Chris does not like being teased. 'Swords don't cry'.
Naturally, Bluewing's bursting out into tears next scene. So is Chris; they seem to have more in common than they think.
Oh hey, setup for the Shuttle Rescue.
And now the OVAs have ending songs.

Oh hey, seems the FINE duo, like Chris, are now at Lydian.
Heh. Maria's assigned Chris to look after them because of her heel turn.
Not only have they got a tour during initiation, they also have the layout from the last time they were here. Chris's been made redundant.
Huh. These shots from the concept art?
Aaand the FINE duo have managed to get the impression that Old Lydian was SUPER TRAINING for Symphogear candidates. I'm pretty sure there was just monitoring, not SUPER TRAINING.
Now we're at London. I smell Idol Trouble again.
Specifically, TV trouble. This is definitely a running gag.
...I don't get this reality show. I think it's entirely fictional.
Maria's apparently joined the MIB. They want her to do charity concerts. I see the setup here.
Maria gets a charity concert started, Bluewing gets out of all the variety shows. Win-win. Neither realises that it's win-win.
...Is this about to increase the number of people with keys to Chris's place?
No, we're just finishing with the shrine to her parents again.

Right. Time to set up for GX.
Symphogear GX: Episode 1
Oh hey, it's the setup for the Shuttle Scene. What I didn't realise when I watched it is that they're retrieving Old Lady's body, among other things.
The English on the approval screen seems slightly off, grammatically.
The Shuttle's on fire and headed for a populated area. The Astronauts assume they're shooting them down...only for Hibiki to reassure them otherwise.
Having now watched the rest of the series, I now understand that the triplet(?) is not normal for the rest of the series.
Abuse of Chris's unlimited missiles should close the distance to the shuttle.
They've started rocketing. Still crashing; just not into a populated area.
ALL THE ROCKETS. We've managed to decelerate the Shuttle from reentry to not-heating-up-speeds.
Not enough to stop the collision, though. They could save the pilots alone...but that would sacrifice Old Lady's body, and the NERVgears aren't willing to let that happen.
They can't avoid crashing into Chris piggybacks onto Hibiki, blows a hole in K2, and has Hibiki punch through over twenty-five meters of rock. K2's been demoted.
Bluewing repurposes her motorbike technique for tree-cutting, while Hibiki punchsteers. They're doing quite a bit of damage to the Himalayas.
Not home free yet; there's a village in the way. So Hibiki hops off, slows it more, and suplexes the Shuttle over a building.
Symphogear can be ridiculous in a good way, sometimes.
K2 looks weird with the chunk taken out of it.
SONG? Has NERV got renamed?
Yep. The UN is now in charge after the shuttle rescue, their job is disaster intervention, and one of the bridge people just tempted fate. I smell Noise-wait, it just vanished?
Who the hell's shooting at Cloak Girl? Is it the Americans again?
I assume it's the poser in front of the Moon? They don't look American.
Back at Lydian again. We're laying Yuri Text for the FINE duo today.
PFFT. Nod to the OVAs there.
And back to the usual shennanigans at Lydian.
Now we're at the end of the last OVA. We have a Bluewing Concert. Time to wait for the inevitable attack.
Ignoring for a moment how they're singing in Japanese at an English event, how the hell did they manage those special effects? This is a live concert.
Fourth wall damage at 15%. Anime girl seemed to like the concert.
And an explanation for why Maria joined the MIB. She's basically taking the entire blame as a undercover MIB agent. I'd assume America doesn't want to admit fault, so she's stuck as an idol.
...Coin-toss. Guess someone didn't realise Bluewing was over in England.
Nope, Maria's noticed someone too. They should really just pre-deploy Symphogears at Bluewing concerts.
Another Poser. Also apparently some kind of vampire. With enough fine control over wind to deflect bullets back to senders.
Ah, Coin-Toss is Poser #1, pursuing Cloak Girl. Shortly to be introduced to the determination to fist.
...And someone in a Witchat watches the entire thing happening. Somehow doubt she's on our side.
Shit. Maria's about to impale herself on Poser 2's sword.
[BLUEWING INTERRUPT]. With them already outed, no need to hide. Meanwhile, Hibiki's on fire rescue duty.
Poser 2 gives her name: Autoscorer.
Falling debry can't stop Hibiki, she just punches through to the moon. Can't remember if Bluewing's flamestaff technique is a new one.
With rescue done, Hibiki spots Witch Girl, who's apparently in the middle of a flashback.
..."Witch" is apparently literal; the flashback seems to be to the father being burnt at the stake.
*wince* As I said back in Episode 3, not the best choice of words there, Hibiki.
And Witch draws a circle in minature AT Fields to fire a windblast at Hibiki. Someone else who needs therapy!
We have a name for Witch Girl: Carol. She's an alchemist who wants to destroy the world. And promptly fires a SUPER WIND CANNON at Hibiki. Who doesn't have the fallback of relic fusion to survive now.
...How bad was the food FINE was getting that the pair prefer prison food?!

Well, bad enough that in the G OVAs Maria was attempting to snatch food from the buffet tables for Shirabe and Kirika, if my memory serves me right - my sources for watching them aren't cooperating at the moment.

...I don't get this reality show. I think it's entirely fictional.

I want to say it's riffing off of Deadliest Catch but I'm not certain.

The Shuttle's on fire and headed for a populated area. The Astronauts assume they're shooting them down...only for Hibiki to reassure them otherwise.
Having now watched the rest of the series, I now understand that the triplet(?) is not normal for the rest of the series.
Abuse of Chris's unlimited missiles should close the distance to the shuttle.
They've started rocketing. Still crashing; just not into a populated area.
ALL THE ROCKETS. We've managed to decelerate the Shuttle from reentry to not-heating-up-speeds.
Not enough to stop the collision, though. They could save the pilots alone...but that would sacrifice Old Lady's body, and the NERVgears aren't willing to let that happen.
They can't avoid crashing into Chris piggybacks onto Hibiki, blows a hole in K2, and has Hibiki punch through over twenty-five meters of rock. K2's been demoted.
Bluewing repurposes her motorbike technique for tree-cutting, while Hibiki punchsteers. They're doing quite a bit of damage to the Himalayas.
Not home free yet; there's a village in the way. So Hibiki hops off, slows it more, and suplexes the Shuttle over a building.
Symphogear can be ridiculous in a good way, sometimes.

This scene I love just because it's just purely what makes Symphogear good - big flashy action sequences set to rocking music. The buildup to when the three girls start singing is so good as well, music swelling into starting off the season with a triple Gear song, ugh I just love it.

Also this season really runs off with the whole "multiple singers" thing. Previously we just had the 2Div trio in the original, Shirabe and Kirika as well as all six Wielders in GX, but this season we have....6? I think about 6 different songs with multiple singers involved. It's great.


I saw that, and my immediate first thought was "homunculus", because seriously nothing organic does that with those noises.

Falling debry can't stop Hibiki, she just punches through to the moon. Can't remember if Bluewing's flamestaff technique is a new one.

It's a new version of an old one.

And Witch draws a circle in minature AT Fields to fire a windblast at Hibiki. Someone else who needs therapy!


The canon explanation is great. Manager taught them how to run on water just so that they could pull off that performance.

True fact, I've been wondering that for a while, and the explanation does not disappoint. I still question how they did the swooping parts, though that could be the crazy-ass martial arts from the Commander or something.


Pfffff. "Hey, let me teach you how to run on water, you can do spectacular performances that way!" "Oh yes this is the best use of such a skill, clearly."

I dearly hope this is given continuity sometime in the future. Chasing after an enemy who jumps a river or similar, and Tsubasa/Maria just run over it.
True fact, I've been wondering that for a while, and the explanation does not disappoint. I still question how they did the swooping parts, though that could be the crazy-ass martial arts from the Commander or something.
Yeah, its one of those things that gets revealed in a really strange place. They said it in a radio show or something, a few days after the episode aired.
I think the flight part is wires. Just pulled it up again to make sure. You can clearly see something snap off their arms after the pass where Maria winks.
They can't avoid crashing into Chris piggybacks onto Hibiki, blows a hole in K2, and has Hibiki punch through over twenty-five meters of rock. K2's been demoted.
Bluewing repurposes her motorbike technique for tree-cutting, while Hibiki punchsteers. They're doing quite a bit of damage to the Himalayas.
Not home free yet; there's a village in the way. So Hibiki hops off, slows it more, and suplexes the Shuttle over a building.
When all you have is a fist...
I loved that opening rescue :D
To quote me bringing it up on SB:
The opening scene of GX has the main characters slowing a space shuttle down from reentry speeds, rendering K2 the third highest mountian in the world, and suplexing said shuttle over a building.
I like it, at least.
I thought you were exaggerating.

You weren't.

How have I not seen this before?