Incidentally, are the Custodians aliens or something else? I think this is the first time I've heard them mentioned.

They haven't been mentioned since, and honestly it's a plot thread I hope they pick up on in one of the two upcoming seasons.

Ver, I'm not sure what definition of hero you're using, but you aren't it.

Well, he's saving humanity. If he's the only human left, and he ensures that he survives, then he's saved humanity! It's a matter of scope, not ethics.

Oh hey, the songs are actually listed in the credits. Only one that's actually readable is the one mentioned as Kirika/Shirabe's songs earlier, so I'd assume that's one duet.

Yeah, those two are pretty much one character so they're the first people to get specific duets for them, as opposed to for a group as a whole.

EDIT: Where did you see Shirabe's eyes as being yellow? I don't see them change, just the Fine flashback.
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They haven't been mentioned since, and honestly it's a plot thread I hope they pick up on in one of the two upcoming seasons.

Well, he's saving humanity. If he's the only human left, and he ensures that he survives, then he's saved humanity! It's a matter of scope, not ethics.

Yeah, those two are pretty much one character so they're the first people to get specific duets for them, as opposed to for a group as a whole.

EDIT: Where did you see Shirabe's eyes as being yellow? I don't see them change, just the Fine flashback.
They briefly turn yellow just before the Fine flashback. I'll go find a screenshot.
SymphoGear #12: Fuck you Ver
Wait, are they starting with the ending song again?
Beeping collar on Chris. That is fairly blatantly Not Good.
Kirika's finally spilled the beans on Fine to Shirabe, who doesn't seem to be aware of the dramatic irony here. The battle takes to the air, fuelled by yuribait.
Commander and Manager are heading out, but Maria's spilling the beans on the moon live. To the dislike of the Illuminati.
TLDR: The Moon's a Relic, the damage it's taken has shut down some functionality, if they can give it a kick it should be able to tow back into place itself. Unfortunately, Old Lady's on death's door.
Transformation on live TV, flashing the world, Maria's plan is revealed. She wants to pull what the Academy did for the NERV girls on as wide a scale as she can, to boot up the Moon.
Chris is after the Noise Gunner. She apparently trusted Ver too much; now she's on an explosive leash, and she's the one in S1 mode.
They throw everything they've got at eachother, and both are injured. To the suprise of noone, that's exactly what Ver wants.
Back to Green/Purple and EDGE WORKS OF GODDESS ZABABA. I think Shirabe had the advantage there thanks to greater range.
Green's consequently hyping up on all the LINKER she can and why a Swan Song you moron.
Given how Igalima supposedly cuts souls, I don't think Kirika thought this through. Shirabe agrees.
Kirika's stuck in full HARDMAN mode and has broken Shirabe's Edgemech. Shit.
And Shirabe busts out the AT field. You were saying something about being Fine, Kirika?
....Is Kirika about to commit suicide?!
Shirabe takes the bullet. That's not going to help Kirika's state of mind, but is there really no reason why Fine couldn't bust out the AT Field again?
Back with Maria, her song isn't enough. The Moon remains silent.
Everything's gone according to keikaku for Ver. Except Chris still stands, and she's collarless.
Noise spam again, but Ver prepared for this eventuality. He's laced Anti-LINKER in the air.
CAST OFF. CHANGE: CHRIS YUKINE. While the Gunner's gone flying, Chris is left completely nude with Noise around. Not good for either of them.
[SWORDRAIN INTERRUPT]. Bluewing's less KO'd than it seems.
...When I was talking about reverting to S1 mode, I didn't mean it literally. Seems S1 mode puts less stress on her with the Anti-LINKER.
They used their combination attacks. They knew the attacks well enough to make it look real, but leave them able to fight. Ver's been played.
And with him running away, Chris reverts from nudity. And Bluewing tosses her the Gunner. Mission complete.
Ver plans on sending Maria after them. Given what she was just doing, I see a slight flaw in that plan.
Meanwhile, Kirika's crying over Shirabe's body, while she's apparently meeting with Fine in dreamland.
...If you took the soulstrike for Shirabe, Fine, then why couldn't you AT field before it hit, even if you were keeping quiet?
Hibiki apparently really got to Fine. She's fine with fading away and entrusting the future to them. Upshot: Kirika's fully healed.
With Maria having a breakdown, Ver finally manages to lose any shred of sympathy. "If the Moon doesn't fall, I won't be able to do whatever I want."
This character motivation comes off a lot better when it's not in it for yourself , Ver. Even Gilgamesh gets more sympathy, and you just fired Old Lady into space. Fuck. You. Ver.
And Maria's finally snapped. She agrees: Fuck. You. Ver.
Hibiki, on the other hand, gets in the way. I'm not sure that's entirely wise.
...Hibiki just caught the blade. Despite the logical injuries, there seems to be some lingering effects from Gugnir.
...Why is Hibiki singing Gugnir's Universal Language chant?
And now both Hibiki and Maria are nude on international TV. Whatever Hibiki's doing, it's dematerialised her clothes and Gugnir.
...Did Hibiki just yoink Gugnir directly from Maria?!
And that's our cliffhanger for today. Credits music is opening theme today. Time for the Finale.
Yes, Hibiki did manage to yoink it :)

The thing with Tsubasa is more that "I can use my S2 song because I've gotten good enough at using this relic that the strain has decreased enough that a more powerful song won't kill me, but I've also got enough raw skill that I can choose to use my weaker S1 song if I need to have the Gear put even less strain than usual on me".

Essentially, she counteracts a drug that lowers your Eva Sync Rate by entering Power Saving Mode.
Oh yeah, one thing that isn't mentioned directly in an episode until season 3, but was revealed in supplemental stuff related to season 2 and will make that scene and the next episode make a bit more sense.

When the giant anti-magic laser disintegrated all the fragments of Gungnir that were inside Hibiki's body, she kept the crazy high sync rate that she got from being fused with Gungnir. Despite being pretty damn bullshit, it makes some degree of sense with the fact that experience using a relic can raise your sync rate, as demonstrated here by Tsubasa.
Symphogear G: Final Stanza
Ver has his usual reaction to Hibiki with Gugnir: NOPENOPENOPENOPE.
...Since when could Ver open portals. Regardless, he's also wise enough not to get into a fight with Commander.
Ver's apparently planning on using Frontier as his weapon now the Noise Gunner is gone. Shame there's five Symphogears around to punch his face in.
Commander's opened the path for them to find Ver. Hibiki's off to deal with the S2 Engine.
Unfortunately, Ver's already at the core. And that means ADAM can spawn offshoots to deal with the Symphogears.
Back at the bridge, Maria's still desparing. Time for a ghost peptalk like Bluewing got.
And now everyone watching is humming along to Maria's apple song. Methinks we're about to get a repeat of S1's finale.
...And Old Lady's wheelchair apparently doubles as a mech. She's still alive enough to pull the moon reactivation. Not that she's able to survive for long enough, up in space. Regardless, Maria's regained her resolve.
Nothing NERV is throwing at ADAM is working. Sounds like they need a bit more power.
...Or two more Symphogears. That'll do.
Ver assumes he has the upper hand and fireballs them. I doubt that worked.
Cue a new Gear chant. Ver promptly loses his smile. It's the cracked pendant Maria's been carrying!
Ah, they're taking advantage of the transformation barrier and starting a group song. The second fireball promptly gets S2CA'd.
...Wait a second, is that the Swan Song melody in this song?
Given how Ver assumes six Swansongs won't work, I'm guessing it counts as one too. Ver apparently didn't read up on S1 enough; he's forgetting everyone else watching lent their songs. It's the return of the end-of-season powerup forms!
One shot, and the ADAM is down. Ver's going to be making some hilarious faces shortly. Plus, Commander's here to deal with him.
...Wait a second, that's a special attack cut. Manager can apparently bend bullets to preform the Shadow Weave.
Ver's going "FUCK EVERYTHING" and letting ADAM eat Frontier. Not Good. "Blowing everything up" not good.
Symphogears will deal with it like they dealt with the Moon Chunk. Meanwhile, Commander's arrested Ver, and he's not going to let anything like massive rocks get in his way. Because he's found the perfect punishment for Ver: Treat him normally, not specially.
NERV-HQ blows the bit of rock they were on to escape the ongoing transformation of ADAM. Meanwhile, the Symphogears fight it in space.
...Shirabe literally busts out a giant mecha. ADAM's just absorbing the energy from her and Kirika. Oh dear.
Chris has a solution: Open the Gate of Babylon, shove ADAM in their, and let him safely mess up Gil's stuff.
ADAM punches Chris, the Gunner's thrown to Maria. ADAM tentacles Maria...and it's taking her with it. Maria's fully willing to be that sacrifice.
Hibiki's not willing to make that sacrifice if they can avoid it. Now they're all trapped in the Gate of Babylon.
NERV HQ's parachuting down as they switch to a smaller boat. Meanwhile, on death's door, Old Lady's reactivated the moon, and the Opening's here.
Oh hey, Hibiki's pulling more elaborate Morph Weapon shennanigans now. Presumably due to having a pendant.
New plan: Open a portal for them to get out of the Gate. Maria's free, they just need to avoid letting out ADAM. Who's directly in their path home.
No matter. Combine all the armour parts to form two giant spinning drill-fists. Like the final Excaliblast last season, this is named after the opening.
Oh dear. Gate's still open, everyone's used their energy, the explosion is imminent.
...Okay, how the hell did Miku throw the Gunner that far? Does LiNKER have side-effects like that?
The Moon's back in orbit, but Old Lady's dead, and Maria's cracked Pendant is now completely busted. Hibiki offers Gugnir, but Maria refuses.
Oh hey, the season ending theme makes use of the subtitle.

Oh yeah, one thing that isn't mentioned directly in an episode until season 3, but was revealed in supplemental stuff related to season 2 and will make that scene and the next episode make a bit more sense.

When the giant anti-magic laser disintegrated all the fragments of Gungnir that were inside Hibiki's body, she kept the crazy high sync rate that she got from being fused with Gungnir. Despite being pretty damn bullshit, it makes some degree of sense with the fact that experience using a relic can raise your sync rate, as demonstrated here by Tsubasa.
Ah, so higher synch rates can yoink from lower synch rates?
Makes sense to me. Despite it being purged, her body probably would've kept the adaptations it had made to being fused with Gugnir.

Right. Now to go looking for the appropiate OVAs, like the one that explains what happened in the timeskip.
Miku was able to make that throw, as well as run that quickly on sand, because mundane humans are really fucking OP in this setting. Just look at Genjuro and Ogawa!

There were two unique songs this episode. One of them has its name written in such a way that both "Hajimari no Uta" and "Hajimari no Babel" are valid pronunciations, meaning either "Song of the Beginning" or "Babel of the Beginning". In addition to including the main melody of the Swan Song, whenever a girl sings a line solo, that line has the same melody as their personal Gear activation chant, except that in the second verse Hibiki's line and Maria's line use the chants of Kanade and Serena respectively.

The second group song, "Niji Iro no Flügel" (Rainbow Wings), instead is a remix of season 1's Zwei Wing song, and the CD version even includes Kanade's VA.
To the dislike of the Illuminati.

This is probably the oddest off-hand world-building thing for me since the odd mentions of the Custodians - in that the Illuminati is apparently totally a thing, and that FINE (the organization, if also probably the person) are pretty much in on them.

Shirabe takes the bullet. That's not going to help Kirika's state of mind, but is there really no reason why Fine couldn't bust out the AT Field again?

I've always assumed she didn't quite see it coming - was caught flat-footed, to use D&D terms.

This character motivation comes off a lot better when it's not in it for yourself , Ver. Even Gilgamesh gets more sympathy, and you just fired Old Lady into space. Fuck. You. Ver.

As far as I am concerned, Ver has one actually redeeming quality, and that's a strong sense of the dramatic.

...Why is Hibiki singing Gugnir's Universal Language chant?
And now both Hibiki and Maria are nude on international TV. Whatever Hibiki's doing, it's dematerialised her clothes and Gugnir.
...Did Hibiki just yoink Gugnir directly from Maria?!

Aaaaand the inevitable "regains powers" scene from Hibiki that I think you could guess 'cause you've seen the shuttle sequence from the start of GX? Either way, I think it's worth pointing out that both of them were just naked on international TV. Which gets a little funnier next season.

When the giant anti-magic laser disintegrated all the fragments of Gungnir that were inside Hibiki's body, she kept the crazy high sync rate that she got from being fused with Gungnir. Despite being pretty damn bullshit, it makes some degree of sense with the fact that experience using a relic can raise your sync rate, as demonstrated here by Tsubasa.

The parallels between Hibiki with Gungnir and Shirou with Avalon are very high, no?

...Since when could Ver open portals. Regardless, he's also wise enough not to get into a fight with Commander.

Portals are I think a function of the Frontier here.

Cue a new Gear chant. Ver promptly loses his smile. It's the cracked pendant Maria's been carrying!

Maria's new gear is Airgetlám. The historical basis for it is probably the sword of an Irish king by the name of Nuada - though interestingly Airgetlam (meaning Silver Arm) was an epithet given to HIM, not the sword (his arm got cut off and he had a silver arm made for him or something like that).

...Wait a second, that's a special attack cut. Manager can apparently bend bullets to preform the Shadow Weave.

NInja Tricks (tm).

...Okay, how the hell did Miku throw the Gunner that far? Does LiNKER have side-effects like that?

I think what someone said about NERV personnel all being action movie stars in a Magical Girl show is relevant here. After all, Miku was a kinda-member of the organization back in S1, of course she'd be that badass!

No but that stunt's weird and makes little sense even in the show's context.
I think what someone said about NERV personnel all being action movie stars in a Magical Girl show is relevant here. After all, Miku was a kinda-member of the organization back in S1, of course she'd be that badass!

No but that stunt's weird and makes little sense even in the show's context.
The power of True Love let Miku overcome her limits! :D

It never bothered me all that much when 'normal' humans like Genjuro and the Manager can ignore physics :p
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Oh hey, Hibiki's pulling more elaborate Morph Weapon shennanigans now. Presumably due to having a pendant.

This is actually me explanation for some stuff she gets up to in Season 3 - having a pendant rather than having a fragment means she has a more complete gear.

The power of True Love let Miku overcome her limits! :D

It never bothered me all that much when 'normal' humans like Genjuro and the Manager can ignore physics :p

What bothers me is the animation more than anything else - it just flies perfectly straight, without any real sense of arcing. It doesn't look real.
Incidentally, apology to Lichte.

This was apparently Ver's plan in reverse.:V
... Oh God, was Shin right about me?
Nasu said:
I think the most important thing needed to overcome a tough schedule is "fun." Though, at the start of the production phase I was asked, "What's the story going to be like?" and I said, "I think the story will be something like 'a lot of Servants have started living in Ogawa Apartments, so Shiki will be going around collecting their rent.' It's not a gag story." and then they replied with a straight face, "Kinoko, what the heck are you saying?"
"At first we thought he was joking, but we soon realized Mr. Nasu was serious."
And it's a temporary return to Ackbar's Perfectly Legitimate Subs for...
SymphoGear OVA #1
Oh hey, little Noise.
...Bluewing's gaze looks remarkably dead in this SD-style.
Recap: We're somewhere before the last scene of the end of S1. Hibiki and co are cooped up while the mess regarding the moon is resolved, presumed missing.
...And Hibiki's panicking has degenerated into keyboard mashing.
Meanwhile, Chris is in Angst Mode...only for it to fall completely flat when Hibiki sidles in. Pfft.
She's under the impression Chris is hungry. Said Chris has lost her patience.
...Are we going through this again, but with Bluewing?
Kinda. Bluewing's apparently been taking lessons from Shirabe.
...Why did Bluewing just, er, go blue?
No, Chris. The closest we get to normal is Miku.
Oh hey, Commander's throwing the same kind of party for Chris as he did for Hibiki back in Ep2.
...Does everyone have keys to Chris's new place?
NOISE INTERRUPT. We hitting the end of 1.13 again?
Bluewing: "DO THAT AT YOUR HOUSE." I think Chris got the wrong idea there.
Yep. Back at the end of Ep13.
Apparently, Miku uses "HIBIKI" instead of "ORA".
...And Commander just managed to recontextulise that previous scene as firmly Hibiki/Chris. Thank you for lampshading, Chris.
Oh hey, we're now shortly behind G.
Explanation on Symphogears and their music! The Symphogears provide the backing track, Hibiki automatically sings what comes to mind. Chris's song proceeds to get mercilessly teased to death.
New dorm rooms at New Lydian. Apparently larger than old ones. Not that Miku's stopping Hibiki from inadvertantly forcing them to sleep together.
Huh. They actually do pay the Symphogear-wielders.
Heh. Commander's getting dragged along to haul whatever Chris buys.
...Why is Chris getting Buddhist Altars? Commander has my reaction.
Commander, what did you expect when you accompanied a girl shopping?
...Oh. The altar's in memory of her parents. That's actually rather touching.
Yeah, I had a feeling Bluewing's attempt at musing alone would be interrupted.
...I think Manager's getting a bit too much into this quizshow opportunity.
Pfft. Bluewing answered on automatic.
...And she just got conned into doing the quizshow.
And we finish with Chris talking to the alter/her parents about her upcoming first day at school.
...There was a grand total of zero appearances from G characters here. Why couldn't I have just watched this straight after S1?
...Does everyone have keys to Chris's new place?
...Why is Chris getting Buddhist Altars? Commander has my reaction.
Commander, what did you expect when you accompanied a girl shopping?
...Oh. The altar's in memory of her parents. That's actually rather touching.
Don't forget these details, they make nice Easter Eggs later on.
Bluewing: "DO THAT AT YOUR HOUSE." I think Chris got the wrong idea there.
Same for this line.
...There was a grand total of zero appearances from G characters here. Why couldn't I have just watched this straight after S1?
You could have watched this one right after S1, but it was released as a bluray bonus for S2, and the second S2 OVA does include S2 characters.
...There was a grand total of zero appearances from G characters here. Why couldn't I have just watched this straight after S1?
Honestly, the only reason I never told you that you could is because I only found this thread when you were into Season 2.

Going to tentatively say that there's nothing in the first two OVA for GX that should prevent you from watching it right now, but you should probably wait for a second opinion before doing so. You should absolutely avoid the third and fourth, though.
And now, a word from our current sponsors:

SymphoGear Ova #2
Senki Zesshoushinai Symphogear? What's that supposed to be, Swansword Of The Valkyries?
Oh hey, we're a few days before the concert in G. Hibiki's breaking the news of being on a mission instead of Bluewing's concert.
...I think Miku's about to get the wrong idea.
Yep. Wrong idea. Hibiki completely misses the yuri implications.
And apparently Maria raids catering to bring back food for the rest of FINE.
...Yeah, my reaction's the same as the cook. Maria likes food.
In-character: Maria's prim, proper, and Bluewing defers to her experience. OOC: She's panicking over Bluewing's swordiness and Manager's ninjaness.
...Chalk up Discernment of the Poor on Bluewing's sheet. She saw right through to Maria's core.
Cut to after Ep1. I'm not sure what Bluewing's panicking about, but Manager's called trouble. This is idol-related, not Noise-related, isn't it?
Yep. TV appearance request. Sequel to last OVA's Quiz Show.
Apparently, Bluewing doesn't get a say in future TV appearances.
We're going all over G here, aren't we-wait, those chibiNoise have nurse hats.
Huh. Shirabe can cook. Shougeki no Symphogear when?
...CircleTriangleSquareMart. Where did the X go?
To sum up the next few skits: Discounts, size in different areas, DEEEATH to Yuri.
And now everyone sleeps with Maria. Apparently, she provides enough heat for everyone.
OH HEY, ANGSTTIME. Who's interrupting this time?
...Apparently, Shirabe herself. Go pursue the animators if you don't want pantyshots.
PFFTHAHAHA. Commander sent Chris a gun-fu video. The one TVTropes describes as the source, in fact.
Miku just heard her song. She remembers last OVA's infodump. She is officially dead from embarrasment.
And now, elaborating on the end of G. Japan's taking custody of the remains of FINE. Hibiki's going to Befriend them, and uses Chris as an example.
...Does Hibiki try to show Chris's Nehustan pics to everyone?
...Wait. Is this a preview of GX?
Nope, just an embarrasing letter by Kirika. I assume it's from her Fine period.

And with that, I'll either be doing the nonspoilery GX OVAs, or I'll be starting on GX itself. Sleep first, though.